
Zadetki iskanja

  • pejoratíven pejorative

    pejoratívna beseda a pejorative
  • péka baking; (vsad) batch

    opravljati péko doma to be a home baker, to do one's baking at home
  • peklénski hellish; infernal; diabolic, diabolical; fiendish; devilish

    peklénski hrup pandemonium
    peklénske muke the torments of hell
    peklénski ogenj hell fire
    peklénski stroj infernal machine
    peklénski trušč a hell of a noise
  • peljáti to lead, to conduct; to guide; to drive, to convey, to cart

    peljite ga v mojo sobo! show him into my room!
    peljite me na postajo! drive me to the station!
    peljáti koga na sprehod to take someone out for a ride
    vse poti peljejo v Rim all roads lead to Rome
    ta cesta pelje v mesto this road leads to town
    peljáti se (z vozilom) to go, (z avtom) to drive, (s kolesom) to ride, (s sanmi) to ride
    peljáti se z vlakom to go by train (ali rail)
    peljáti se z avtom to drive, to motor, to go motoring
    peljáti se z avtobusom to go by bus, to go for a bus ride
    peljáti se na sprehod to go for a drive, to take a drive
    peljali se bomo z vlakom we shall take the train
    pelji se z avtobusom! take the bus!
    peljáti se čez reko to cross the river
    peljite ga noter, prosim! show him in, please
  • pénzija (pokojnina) (retiring) pension, retiring allowance; vojska retired pay, retiring pension; (pokoj) retirement, superannuation

    general v pénziji retired general
    družinska pénzija widow's pension
    invalidska pénzija invalid pension
    starostna pénzija (pokojnina) old-age pension
    dosmrtna pénzija life annuity
    izplačati pénzijo to pension
    upravičen do pénzije entitled to a pension, pensionable
  • pepél ash; ashes pl; cinders pl

    pepél cigare cigar ash, the ash of a cigar
    žareč, živ pepél embers pl
    otresti pepél s cigarete to flick (ali to flip) the ash from one's cigarette
    posuti, potresti s pepélom to strew (ali to sprinkle) with ashes
    spremeniti, sežgati v pepél to reduce to ashes
    tleti pod pepélom to smoulder
  • peréč burning, (nujen) urgent

    peréče (politično) vprašanje a burning (political) question
    peréč problem urgent problem
  • perésce feather; small feather; plumule

    lahek kot perésce as light as a feather
  • perésen feathery

    perésna teža featherweight
    boksar perésne kategorije featherweight
    perése oblike feathery, feather-shaped
    perésa vojna literary war
    peréso lahek light as a feather
  • periferíja periphery

    mestna periferíja outskirts pl of a town
  • pérje (ptičje) plumage; feathers pl; plumes pl; feathering

    tuje pérje borrowed plumage, borrowed feathers pl
    (o)krasiti, obrobiti s pérjem to feather
    (o)krasiti se s tujim pérjem (figurativno) to deck oneself out (ali to adorn oneself with) borrowed plumes
    lepo pérje naredi lepega ptiča (figurativno) fine feathers make fine birds
    ptiči istega pérja skupaj leté (tudi figurativno) birds of a feather flock together
  • peró (pisalno) pen, nib; (ptičje) feather, (za okras) pume; (vzmet) spring

    lahek kot peró light as a feather, feather-light
    nalivno peró, nalivnik fountainpen
    gosje (pisalno) peró quill(-pen)
    jekleno peró steel nib
    nalivnik z zlatim peresom a gold-nibbed fountainpen
    risalno peró drawing-pen
    poteza s peresom a stroke of the pen
    rebro ptičjega peresa shaft, rib of a feather
    s peresi okrašen klobuk a hat trimmed with feathers (ali plumes), a plumed hat
    izpuliti peró to pluck a feather (iz peruti from the wing)
    živeti od svojega peresa (figurativno) to live by one's pen
  • perút perutníca wing

    pristriči komu perút, perutnícai (figurativno) to clip someone's wlngs
    udarjati s perút, perutnícami to flap (ali to beat) one's wings
    opeči si perút, perutnícai to singe one's feathers
    piščančeva perút, perutníca (jed) the wing of a chicken
    razpetina perút, perutnícai wingspread
    udarec s perút, perutnícajo wing-beat
  • pès dog; (v otroškem jeziku) bowwow; figurativno (psovka) scoundrel, rascal, cur, dog

    mlad pès pup, puppy
    pès čuvaj house-dog, watchdog
    pès na verigi arhaično bandog
    pès jazbečar terrier
    lovski pès hound
    trop, povezka lovskih psov a pack of hounds, dog couple
    pès mešanec mongrel; ZDA žargon mutt
    mesarski pès, doga mastiff
    morski pès shark
    ovčarski pès shepherd dog
    pès prepeličar spaniel
    pès ptičar pointer
    stekel pès mad dog
    ljubitelj psov dog lover, arhaično cynophile
    oddelek za pse dog box
    konopec, vrvica za psa lead, leash, slip
    reja psov breeding of dogs
    sledilni pès bloodhound
    lačen kot pès as hungry as a wolf
    utrujen kot pès dogtired
    biti na psu (figurativno) to be on one's beam-ends
    naščuvati psa na koga to set the dog on someone
    priti na psa to go to the dogs, to go down in the world, (žargon) to go to pot
    vem, kam pès taco moli (figurativno) I know which way the wind blows
    razumeti se kot pès in mačka to agree like cat and dog
    živita (gledata se) kot pès in mačka they live (ali lead) a cat-and-dog life
    pès, ki laja, ne grize his bark is worse than his bite
    psom vstop prepovedan! no dogs admitted
    pozor, hud pès! beware of the dog!
    vidim, kam pès taco moli pri tebi I get your drift, I see what you're getting at
  • pések sand

    fin pések fine sand
    kup péska a heap of sand
    plast péska a layer of sand
    zaboj za pések sandbox
    grad iz péska (na plaži) sandcastle
    trosilec péska (pri lokomotivi) sander
    zrno péska grain of sand
    vreča péska sandbag
    živ pések quicksand, shifting sands pl, (sipina) syrtis
    zgrajen na pésku built on sand
    graditi na pésku (figurativno) to build on sand, to plough the sands, to rely on a broken reed
    to je samo pések v oči (figurativno) that's pure eyewash
    nasuti komu pések v oči (figurativno) to throw dust in someone's eyes, to hoodwink someone, to bamboozle someone
    posuti s péskom to sand, to strew with sand
    zasuti s péskom, zakopati v to sand
  • pesimíst pessimist

    zakrknjen pesimíst a confirmed pessimist
  • pésniški poetical; poetic

    pésniška dela poetical works pl
    pésniška duša a poetic mind
    pésniški jezik poetical language
    pésniško nadarjen poetically inclined
    pésniška oblika poetic form
    pésniška svoboda poetic licence
    pésniška umetnost the art of poetry, the poetic art, poetics pl (s konstr. v sg)
    pésniško prikazati, proslavljati to poeticize, to poetize
  • pést fist

    polna pést a handful, a fistful
    stisnjena pést clenched (ali closed) fist
    na lastno pést (figurativno) on one's own account, on one's own
    udarec s pestjo punch, žargon fourpenny one
    pravica, pravo pésti club law, fist law
    boriti, tepsti se s péstjó to brawl, to have a punch-up (ali fistfight)
    groziti s péstjó to shake one's fist at someone
    imeti koga v pésti (figurativno) to have someone in the hollow of one's hand
    udariti po mizi s péstjó to bring one's fist down heavily on the table
    v pést se smejati to laugh inwardly, to laugh up one's sleeve
    dobil sem ga v pést (figurativno) I have got him into my clutches
    iti (naprej) na lastno pést to go (ahead) on one's own
    bíti, udariti s péstjó to punch, to strike with one's fist, to fist
    udariti koga s péstjo to give someone a punch
    borba, pretep s péstmi punch-up, fistfight, humoristično bout of fisticuffs
    stisniti pésti to clench one's fists
  • péstovati

    péstovati otroka to nurse a baby; (na kolenih) to dandle
  • peščíca small fist

    peščíca ljudi a handful of people
    peščíca tujcev a bunch of foreigners, nepridipravov of layabouts