zapustíti zapúščati to leave; (v oporoki) to will, to bequeath; (pustiti na cedilu) to abandon, to forsake, to desert
zapustíti, zapúščati neizbrisen vtis to leave one's mark (na upon, on)
sluh in vid sta ga zapustila he lost both sight and hearing
zapustila mi je ves svoj denar she bequeathed all her money to me
svoj denar je zapustil neki bolnišnici he left his money to a hospital
delavci so zapustili delo (the) workmen have struck work, (ali are on strike)
zapustíti, zapúščati ljubimca (ljubico) to jilt (ali to reject, to throw over, pogovorno to drop, to ditch) one's lover (one's girl, one's sweetheart)
stražar ne sme zapustíti, zapúščati svojega mesta a sentinel must not desert his post
moči ga zapuščajo he is sinking, his health is failing
moči so ga zapustile his strength failed him
zapustíti, zapúščati se (figurativno) to neglect oneself, to grow careless and slovenly
Zadetki iskanja
- zardéti to blush (ob at); to flush, to become redfaced; to colour
zardéti kot kuhan rak (figurativno) to turn brick red (ali crimson, scarlet)
zardéti do ušes to blush to one's ears, to flush to the roots of one's hair - zarés truly; really; indeed; in fact; actually; in truth
zarés? indeed?, really?
zarés mi je žal I am truly sorry
to je (pa) zarés preveč! really, that's too much, that's really too much!
ali zarés verjameš to zgodbo? do you really (ali actually) believe that story?
zarés je bilo vroče (ZDA pogovorno) it sure was hot
človek bi zarés ponorel! it's enough to drive you crazy! - zaróta conspiracy; plot
preprečiti zaróto to frustrate (ali to foil, to baffle) a plot
zasnovati zaróto to hatch (ali to brew) a plot
zaróta zoper varnost države high treason
kovati zaróto to devise a plot - zasáčiti to catch; to seize; to take
tata so zasačili pri dejanju the thief was caught red-handed (ali was caught in the very act)
zasačil sem ga na laži I caught him out in a lie
zasáčiti koga pri tatvini to catch someone stealing
zasačil sem ga, ko je kradel cigarete iz moje pisalne mize I caught (ali I found) him stealing cigarettes out of my desk
večkrat smo jih zasačili na laži we have caught them lying (ali caught them out in a lie) more than once - zaséda ambush; vojska ambuscade; (preža) wait
biti v zasédi to ambush, to lie in ambush (ali in wait)
čakati v zasédi to lie in wait
napasti iz zaséde to waylay, to attack from an ambush, to ambuscade, to ambush
pasti v zasédo to fall into an ambush, to be waylaid
pripraviti zasédo to lay (ali to make) an ambush
postaviti zasédo to lay an ambush, to lie in wait (komu for someone), (prežati) to waylay
postavljač zaséd waylayer - zasénčiti to shade, to screen from light; to outshine (tudi figurativno); to overshadow (tudi figurativno); to obscure (something)
zasénčiti avtomobilske luči to dip headlights
zasénčiti koga to throw someone into (ali to put someone in) the shade, to steal the limelight from someone - zasésti to occupy
zasésti položaj vojska to occupy (ali to take) a position
zasésti prestol to ascend the throne, to come to the throne - zasídrati to anchor, to moor, to cast (ali to drop) anchor
zasidral je ladjo v zalivu he anchored his ship in the bay
zasídrati se to anchor, to come to anchor
zasidran at anchor
biti zasidran to lie (ali to ride) at anchor
njegova vera je trdno zasidrana his faith is firmly grounded - zasílen provisional, temporary; jury; emergency(-)
zasílni izhod emergency door (ali exit)
zasílno jadro jury sail
zasílni jambor jury mast
zasílno krmilo jury rudder
zasílni most provisional (ali temporary) bridge
zasílna postelja makeshift bed
zasílni pristanek (letala) forced landing
zasílno zaklonišče emergency shelter
zasílna zavora (v vlaku) communication cord
zasílna odeja emergency blanket - zaskrbéti
zaskrbéti koga to make someone anxious (ali concerned, apprehensive), to trouble someone; (postati zaskrbljen) to be worried (ali alarmed), upset (ob at, about), to become anxious (ali concerned) (ob about), to worry
mater je zelo zaskrbelo Mother was very anxious (ali most upset) - zasmíliti se
zasmilil se mi je I felt sorry for him, I had (ali I took) pity on him - zasmolíti
zasmolíti čoln to pitch a boat, to caulk a boat, to smear (ali to coat) with pitch
zasmoljen pitched, coated (ali smeared) with pitch, caulked - zasnováti to plan, to project, to scheme, to design; to conceive; to contrive; to frame; to devise
zasnováti načrt to devise a plan
zasnováti spletko to hatch (ali to concoct) a plot - zastáva1 (prapor) flag, (zlasti vojska) colours pl; standard; banner
zastáva na pol droga flag at half-mast
bela (parlamentarska) zastáva flag of truce
bela zastáva white flag
piratska zastáva skull and crossbones, Jolly Roger, (pirate's) black flag
kraljevska zastáva (prapor) royal standard
državna zastáva Velike Britanije Union Jack
zastáva britanske vojne mornarice White Ensign
zastáva angleške trgovske mornarice Red Ensign
zastáva ZDA Stars and Stripes
zastáva trgovske mornarice merchant flag
pozdrav zastávi trooping of the colour
z razvitimi zastávami with flying colours
pred odhodom ladje dvignjena modra zastáva Blue Peter
mesto je v zastávah the town is decorated (ali hung) with flags (ali with bunting)
okrasiti z zastávami to flag
izobesiti zastávo to hoist the flag (ali the colours)
izobesiti belo zastávo (figurativno, vdati se) to hang out the white flag
dvigniti zastávo svobode (figurativno) to raise the standard of liberty
pluti pod napačno zastávo (figurativno) to sail under false colours
razviti zastávo to unfurl the banner
priseči zastávi to swear allegiance to the flag
spustiti zastávo (= priznati poraz) to lower (ali to strike) the flag (ali one's colours)
spuščati in dvigati zastávo v pozdrav to dip the flag - zastrupíti to poison; to envenom; figurativno to embitter
zastrupíti koga to remove someone by poisoning (ali by poison)
zastrupíti se to poison oneself, (prostovoljno) to take poison; to be poisoned - zaščíta protection (pred from); shelter, sheltering; screening; safeguard; guarding against
brez zaščíte unprotected
pod zaščíto koga under the aegis of
pod zaščíto noči under shelter (ali under cover) of night
protiletalska zaščíta antiaircraft protection
zdravstvena zaščíta health service, medical service, ZDA medicare
dati, nuditi zaščíto to give protection
iskati zaščíto to seek protection
vzeti koga v zaščíto to take someone under one's protection (pogovorno under one's wing) - zaščíten protective; shielding
zaščítna barva zoologija protective colouring
zaščítna carina protective tariff
zaščítni bog tutelary god
zaščítna čelada safety helmet, protective helmet, crash helmet
zaščítni pokrov avtomobilizem bonnet, ZDA hood, aeronavtika cockpit cover
zaščítno cepljenje protective inoculation
sistem zaščítne carine protectionism
zagovornik zaščítne carine protectionist
zaščítna mera, ukrep protective (ali preventive) measure
zaščítna ograja guard rail, parapet
zaščítna plast protective layer
zaščítna prevleka protective coating
zaščítno spremstvo safe-conduct, escort, (na morju) convoy, aeronavtika air cover
zaščítno sredstvo (proti) preservative, preventive, preventative (against)
zaščítna streha protective roof, shed, shelter, penthouse
zaščítna straža escort, safeguard
zaščítni zid, stena safety wall
tovarniški zaščítni znak trademark
zaščítna obleka protective clothes pl
zaščítna očala (a pair of) protective (ali safety) goggles - zaškŕtati
zaškŕtati z zobmi to grind (ali to grit, to gnash) one's teeth - zatísniti to close, to shut
zatísniti oči pred (nekim) dejstvom to close (ali to shut) one's eyes to a fact
vso noč nisem zatisnil očesa I did not sleep a wink all night
niti za hip ni zatisnil očesa vso noč he could not get a wink of sleep all night
zatísniti eno oko nad čem to overlook something