
Zadetki iskanja

  • zanesljív reliable; trustworthy, trusty; dependable; (resničen, gotov, varen, siguren) true, sure, certain, proof against; (verodostojen) authentic, positive

    to imamo iz zanesljívega vira we have it from a reliable source
    zanesljíva (verodostojna) priča reliable witness
    njegov uspeh ni le verjeten, je zanesljív his success is more than a probability, it is a certainty
    zanesljíva oseba a person to be depended on (ali upon)
  • zanétiti to light; to inflame

    zanétiti ogenj to light (ali to kindle, to start) a fire
    zanétiti revolucijo to start a revolution
  • zánka snare, noose, sling; mesh; loop

    nastaviti komu zánko to lay (ali to set) a snare for someone
    pasti v zánko to fall into a snare
    ujeti (ptice) v zánko to snare
    ujeti se v zánko to be caught in a snare, (figurativno) to put one's head in a noose; to ensnare, to noose
    zadrgniti zánko to noose
  • zanosíti to conceive

    zanosíti s kom to become (ali to be) pregnant by someone
  • zaostájati to lag behind; to fall behind; (s plačilom ipd.) to be in arrears (z with), to be behindhand (z with); not to keep abreast (z with); (v učenju) to be backward; (v kvaliteti) not to be equal, not to be a match for

    oni zaostajajo za našimi vojaki glede hrabrosti they are no match for our soldiers in courage
    moja ura zaostaja pet minut my watch is five minutes slow
    zaostájati za kom (za čim) to lag behind (ali not to keep up with) someone (something)
    on ne zaostaja za nikomer (v) he is second to none (in)
    ne smeš zaostájati za njim v vljudnosti you must not be outdone by him in politeness
  • zaostánek arrears pl

    davčni zaostánek tax arrears pl
    plačilni zaostánek payment in arrears
    v zaostánku z behindhand with
    biti v zaostánku to be in arrears, to be behindhand (z with), to be behind in (ali with)
    sem v zaostánku s svojim delom I am behindhand with my work
    smo v zaostánku z najemnino we are behind with the rent
  • zaostríti to sharpen; to point; to provide with a point (oziroma with a sharp edge); figurativno to aggravate

    zaostríti se to grow sharp (ali pointed, keen); (napetost) to become tense (ali strained); (kriza) to culminate, to come to a head, to come to a critical point
    odnosi med državama se vse bolj zaostrujejo the relations between the two countries are becoming more strained every day
  • zapásti (zastavek, zalog) to be forfeited; (menica) to mature, to become due, to be payable; (poteči) to expire

    sneg je visoko zapadel there has been a heavy snowfall
    zapásti v letargijo to fall into a lethargy (ali a torpor), to become lethargic
    zapásti globi to incur a fine
  • zapísati to write down; to note down; to jot (down); to put down (za for); to register

    zapísati voznika zaradi prehitre vožnje to take down a motorist's name and address for speeding (ali for exceeding the speed limit)
    zapísati si to take a note (of), to take down
    zapišite me za 50.000 tolarjev put me down for 50,000 tolars
    zapisan noted down, registered, jotted down
    biti dobro zapisan pri kom (figurativno) to be well thought of by someone, (pogovorno) to be well in with someone
    on je dobro (slabo) zapisan pri meni (figurativno) he is in my good (bad, black) books
    slabo je zapisan pri svojem šefu he is in a tough spot with his boss
    smrt mu je zapisana v obrazu arhaično he has the seal of death in his face
  • zapísnik minutes pl; protocol; record

    zapísnik o 1. seji skupščine minutes of the 1st session of the assembly
    sejni zapísnik minutes of a meeting
    iz zapísnika 10. seje izvršilnega odbora RSS from the minutes of the 10th session of the executive committee of the RSS
    pisati, voditi zapísnik to take (ali to keep) the minutes
    dati na zapísnik to make a deposition (ali a statement)
    napisati zapísnik to draw up the minutes
    smem smatrati, da je zapísnik odobren? may I take the minutes as read?
    ne določen za zapísnik not minuted, off the record
  • zapíti

    zapíti denar to squander one's money (ali to waste one's substance) on drink
    zapíti se to take to drink; to be addicted to drink
    on zapije vse, kar zasluži he spends all he earns on drink
  • zaplêsti to entangle; figurativno to implicate, to involve (koga v kaj someone in something)

    zaplêsti se to entangle oneself, to be entangled
    zaplêsti se v kaj to get involved (ali mixed up) in something
  • zapór prison; arrest; custody; imprisonment; lockup; detention; confinement; (zgradba) prison, jail

    strogi zapór close arrest
    v zapóru under arrest, in custody, imprisoned
    zapór v samici solitary confinement
    hišni zapór confinement to quarters
    obdržati, držati v zapóru to detain, to hold under arrest
    izpustiti iz zapóra to release
    on je pogojno izpuščen iz zapóra he is out on parole
    obsoditi na 5 let zapóra to sentence to 5 years' imprisonment
    izpustiti iz zapóra proti varščini to release on bail
    odvesti v zapór to take into custody
    vtakniti v zapór to put in (ali to send to) prison; to place under confinement
    strpati v zapór to clap in prison
    vreči v zapór to throw in jail
  • zapóra blockade; block; stop; barrage; bar

    zapóra ceste roadblock
    prometna zapóra traffic jam
    celinska zapóra zgodovina the Continental System
    izmuzniti se skozi zapóro to run (ali to break) a blockade
    ukiniti zapóro to raise a blockade
  • zaporéden successive, consucetive; running; progressive

    zaporédna številka serial (ali running, consecutive, successive) number
  • zaporédoma in succession, successively; consecutively; (eden za drugim) one after another

    tri dni zaporédoma three days running
    več dni zaporédoma for several days running
    deževalo je pet dni zaporédoma it rained five days together (ali pogovorno on the trot)
    trikrat zaporédoma three times successively, three times running, on three successive occasions
    dobil sem trikrat zaporédoma I won three times running
  • zapôslen employed; employed in an occupation, engaged (z in, with); busy

    redno zapôslen on the active list
    biti zapôslen to be in employment, to be employed
    biti zapôslena čim to occupy oneself with (ali in) doing something
    zapôslen sem z zbiranjem gradiva za novo knjigo I am busy (ali engaged) in collecting material for my new book
  • zapréka obstacle, hindrance (komu to someone), impediment; hitch; obstruction; barrier; (nenadna) check; bar, hurdle

    brez zaprék without obstacles, without a hitch
    tek čez zapréke šport hurdles pl; obstacle race
    naleteti na zapréke to meet with obstacles, to run into obstacles
    naleteti na nepričakovano zapréko to run into a snag
    premagati zapréke to overcome obstacles
    on je rekorden tekač čez zapréke he is a record hurdler
    odstraniti zapréke to remove obstacles
    delati komu zapréke to put (ali to throw) obstacles in someone's way
    visoke gore so velika zapréka za promet the high mountains are a great obstacle to communication
    konj je padel pri prvi zapréki the horse fell at the first jump
    biti zapréka za to be an obstacle to
    to je bila zapréka za njegovo napredovanje it was a bar (ali a barrier) to his advancement
    nekje je bila kaka zapréka (figurativno) there was a hitch somewhere
    ni poti brez zaprék no road is without obstacles
  • zapréti (knjigo, vrata ipd.) to shut; to close; to shut in; (s ključem) to lock (up); (z zapahom) to bolt; (ulico) to block, to bar, to obstruct

    zapréti dežnik to fold one's umbrella
    zapréti v ječo to lock up in jail, to take to jail, to imprison, to commit to prison, to take into custody
    zapréti jetnika v njegovo celico to shut a prisoner up in his cell
    zapréti oči to shut one's eyes, (umreti) to close one's eyes, to die, to expire
    zapréti oči pred čim (= ne hoteti videti) to connive at something, to shut one's eyes to something
    zapréti vodovodno pipo to turn the tap off
    zapréti plin to turn the gas off
    zaprl (zamašil) sem mu usta I shut him up
    zapréti steklenico to cork (up) a bottle
    zapréti za promet to close to traffic
    zapréti tovarno (nehati z delom) to shut (ali to close) down a factory, to shut the works down
    zapréti prodajalno, trgovino (pogovorno) to shut up shop
    zapréti vstop v pristanišče to bar (ali to close) the entrance to a port
    zaprli so pot, ki pelje preko njihovega polja they have closed the path that leads across their field
    zapréti vrata pred kom (ne hoteti govoriti z njim) to shut the door on someone
    pred nosom komu zapréti vrata to shut the door in someone's face
    silovito zapréti vrata to bang (ali to slam) the door
    zapréti se (zakleniti se) to shut oneself up
    zapréti se (o vratih) to swing to, to swing shut
    zapréti se vase (figurativno) to shut oneself away, to immure oneself
  • zapŕt (vrata) shut; closed; (v zaporu) imprisoned, confined, arrested, in custody, locked up; medicina constipated

    pri zapŕtih vratih with closed doors
    cesta zapŕta! no thoroughfare!
    cesta zapŕta zaradi popravil! road closed for repairs!
    váse zapŕt selfcontained, taciturn, reserved
    ta kariera mu je bila odtlej zapŕta from then on that career was closed to him
    vrata so zapŕta the door is shut (ali is to)
    vrata so na pol zapŕta the door is ajar