
Zadetki iskanja

  • presenéčen surprised; astonished; taken by surprise

    skrajno presenéčen utterly astounded, pogovorno flabbergasted
    zelo presenéčen full of surprise, amazed
    bolj presenéčen kot prestrašen more surprised than frightened
    bil sem presenéčen, da me ne pozna I was surprised he didn't recognise me
  • pretépati pretêpsti to beat (ali to thrash) thoroughly (ali all over), to beat someone black and blue; to maul; pogovorno to whop; to hide; to tan someone's hide; to give someone a good hiding

    pretépati, pretêpsti s palico to belabour with a stick
    pretépati, pretêpsti do mrtvega to thrash someone within an inch of his life
    te bom pretepel, da boš črn I'll beat you black and blue
  • pretílec threatener; menacer

    učenci so kmalu spoznali, da je učitelj samo pretílec, ki ne kaznuje the pupils soon discovered that the teacher's bark was worse than his bite
  • pretvéza pretext; feint; pretence, ZDA pretense

    pod pretvézo under the pretext (of), under the pretence (of), under the guise (of)
    pod pretvézo da pomaga, je v resnici metal polena pod noge while pretending to help he was really hindering
    pretvézo je vedno lahkó najti (figurativno) it is easy to find a stick to beat a dog
    z lažnimi pretvézami under false pretences
  • prevájati to translate; to make a version; to render into another language; to interpret

    prevájati Cankarja v angleščino to translate Cankar into English
    prevájati iz nemščine v fancoščino to translate from German into French
    dobesedno prevájati to translate word for word
    ta knjiga se da lepo prevájati this book translates well; elektrika to conduct
    kovine dobro prevajajo električni tok metals are good conductors of electricity
  • prevíden cautious, careful, prudent, circumspect; guarded, heedful, wary

    biti prevíden to be careful (ali cautious), to take care, to use precaution
    bodi prevíden! beware (pred žeparji of pickpockets)!
    bodi prevíden, da se ne urežeš mind you don't cut yourself
    prevídna trditev guarded statement
  • prezapóslen overworked

    prezapóslen je, da bi utegnil pomagati he is too busy to find time to help
  • pričakováti pričákati to expect, to await, to look out for; to look forward to; to anticipate; (biti pripravljen za) to be prepared (for); (prežati na) to watch for; (zanašati se na) to rely upon, to build upon

    pričakujoč skorajšnjega odgovora anticipating an early reply
    to je bilo pričakováti, pričákati that was to be expected
    ni pričakováti, pričákati, da bi... it is not to be expected that...
    od vas pričakujem... I look to you for...
    tega nisem pričakoval od vas I am surprised at you
    sem več pričakoval od njega he falls short of my expectations, (...od tega it falls...)
    pričakujemo ga nocoj we expect him tonight
    končno smo ga pričakali finally he arrived
    kaj drugega si mogel pričakovati od takega človeka? what else could you expect from such a man?
    nobene spremembe ni pričakováti, pričákati no change (ali alteration) can be expected
    pričakujem takojšnje plačilo I expect immediate payment
    kdaj vas lahko pričakujemo? by what time may we expect you?
    Anglija pričakuje, da bo vsakdo storil svojo dolžnost England expects every man to do his duty
  • pričéti pričénjati to begin; to commence; to start

    pričéti, pričénjati se to begin
    narobe pričéti, pričénjati to make a bad start
    pričéti, pričénjati peti to start singing, to burst into song
    pričéti, pričénjati pogajanja to enter into negotiations
    pričéti, pričénjati pri sebi to begin at home
    pričéti, pričénjati neko stvar to start on a thing
    da (najprej) pričnemo... to begin with... ➞ začeti
  • pridŕžek reservation; proviso

    s pridŕžkom gledé... with reservations regarding...
    z nekaterimi pridŕžki with certain reservations
    strinjati se brez pridŕžka to agree without reservation
    s pridŕžkom sprejeti to take with a grain of salt
    s pridŕžkom, da... with the proviso that...
  • príjati to please; to suit, to be agreeable; to be to one's taste

    prija mi it pleases me, I am pleased
    vino mi prija wine agrees with me
    predlog mi ni (preveč) prijal I did not (overmuch) relish the proposal
    meso mi ne prija, kadar sem bolan meat has no relish when I am ill
    misel, da bi ostal tu, mi ne prija I do not relish the idea of staying here
    to mi ne prija it is not to my liking
    ti prija priti jutri? does it suit you to come tomorrow?
    njemu vse prija nothing comes amiss to him
  • prikljúčiti to join (k to), to incorporate (v into); to attach; to annex, to connect (k to, with)

    prikljúčiti se komu to join someone, to attach oneself to someone
    (radio) prikljúčiti na anteno to attach (a radio) to an aerial
    prikljúčiti se predlogu to second a proposal
    dovolite, da se priključim vaši družbi allow me to join your party
  • prilizovánje flattery, adulation, fawning; blandishment, coaxing

    s prilizovánjem koga pripraviti, da nekaj naredi to coax someone into doing something
  • primér example; instance; case; illustration; (vzorec) model, pattern

    kot na primér... such as...
    za primér, kot primér as an example, as an illustration; by way of example
    na primér for instance, for example, e.g.
    v tem priméru in that case, in this instance
    v vsakem priméru in any case, at any rate
    v priméru, da... in case...
    za vsak primér at all events
    v najslabšem priméru at the worst, if the worst comes to the worst
    v skrajnem priméru at a stretch, (največ, maksimalno) at the outside
    brez priméra matchless, unparalleled, unprecedented
    jaz, na primér... I, for one,...
    po priméru... following the example of, in imitation of
    v najboljšem priméru at the best
    v devetih primérih od desetih nine times out of ten
    precedenčen primér precedent
    slab primér a poor example
    svarilen, strašilen primér a deterrent example, an awful warning
    kričeč primér a blatant case (ali example)
    šolski primér a copybook case, a test case
    tipičen, šolski primér test case
    smrtni priméri fatal cases pl
    moramo biti pripravljeni za vsak primér we must be ready for any contingency
    krutost, ki nima (ji ni) priméra an act of unexampled (ali unprecedented) cruelty
    dati primér to set an example
    dajati dober primér komu to set a good example to someone
    vzemi brata za primér! follow your brother's example, model yourself on your brother
    kaznovati koga za primér (zgled) to make an example of someone
    postaviti kot primér to set an example
    navesti kot primér to exemplify, to instance, to cite as an example
    naj vam navedem le nekaj primérov let me cite a few instances only
    slediti priméru kake osebe to follow someone's example
    služiti za primér to exemplify, to serve as an example
    primere nudi... examples are afforded by...
    ti priméri naj zadoščajo these instances may suffice
  • primérjati to compare; (z izvirnikom) to check, to collate (with)

    primérjati kaj z to compare something with, to liken something to
    ne da se primérjati z it cannot be compared with
    primerjal sem natančno prepis z izvirnikom I have closely checked the original with the copy
    brata se ne dasta (ne moreta) primérjati med seboj the two brothers are not to be compared with each other
    dati se primérjati z to bear comparison with
  • primórati to compel, to force; to obligate; to constrain

    primoral sem ga, da je govoril I made him talk
  • pripetíti se to happen; to chance; to occur (komu to someone), to come to pass, to come about; to befall (komu someone)

    naj se pripeti, kar hoče whatever may befall
    slučajno se je pripetilo, da... it happened that...
    to se je pripetilo sinoči it happened last night
    često se pripeti... it often happens (that)...
    isti dogodek seje pripetil pretekli teden the same incident occurred last week
  • pripovedováti to relate; to tell

    pripovedoval je svojo verzijo he related his version
    pripoveduje (govori) se the story goes, it is rumoured, rumour has it
    pripovedujem (to), kar sem slišal I report (ali I repeat) this from hearsay
    komu to pripoveduješ? (= kot da tega ne vem!) you're telling me!
    to pripoveduj svoji stari materi! (ironično) tell that to the marines!
  • pripráviti priprávljati to prepare, to make (ali to get) ready, to keep (ali to have) ready; to arrange; (hrano) to cook, to dress, to season

    pripráviti, priprávljati koga do česa to induce someone to do something, to prevail upon someone
    pripravite vozovnice! have your tickets ready, please!
    pripravili so me ob ves moj denar pogovorno they did me out of all my money
    pripravil sem ga do tega, da se je pomiril I got him to be quiet
    pripráviti, priprávljati se to make oneself ready, to get ready, to prepare (za for)
    pripráviti, priprávljati se do tega, da kaj storimo to bring oneself to do something
    pripráviti, priprávljati se za izpit to prepare for an examination
    pripravlja se nova izdaja te knjige a new edition of this book is in preparation
    nisem se mogel pripráviti, priprávljati do tega, da bi šel na operacijo I could not decide whether to have the operation, I could not make up my mind to undergo the operation
    nekaj se pripravlja (figurativno) something is afoot
  • priprávljen ready; prepared

    na vse priprávljen (figurativno) equal to any emergency
    priprávljen za odhod na morje, za izplutje ready for sea
    priprávljen na smrt ready for death
    večerja je priprávljena dinner is ready
    on je hitro priprávljen za hudobijo he is always ready for mischief
    ti si kar hitro priprávljen za kritiziranje drugih you are too ready to criticize others
    priprávljen sem, da grem (za odhod) I am ready to go
    on ima hitro priprávljen izgovor he is ready with excuses
    priprávljeni, pozor, zdaj! šport ready, steady, go!