naklónjen inclined; kind, favourable, favourably disposed, benevolent, friendly
biti naklónjen komu to be in favour of someone, well disposed to someone
streha je strmo naklonjena the roof slopes sharply
nisem temu naklónjen (nisem za to) I am not in favour of it
Zadetki iskanja
- nalezljív infectious, contagious, catching, transmissible
nalezljíve bolezni infectious diseases pl
biti nalezljív to be catching
to je nalezljívo (figurativno) that's catching
njen smeh je zelo nalezljív her laughter is very infectious - naméstnik substitute; pravo deputy; (zastopnik) proxy; lieutenant; pogovorno sub
kraljevi naméstnik regent
biti naméstnik za (zastopati) koga to stand proxy for someone, to deputize for someone - nápak wrong, wrongly, bad, badly; amiss
ni nápak! not bad!
nápak delati to do something wrong
nápak priti (biti nezaželen) to come amiss
nápak razumeti to misunderstand, to mistake
nápak uganiti, ugibati to guess wrong
ne bi bilo nápak zate (ne bi ti škodovalo) it would not be a bad thing for you
nekaj je nápak z njim there's something amiss with him
nápak stópiti (spotakniti se) to trip (čez, nad over) - napótje impediment; obstacle
biti v napótje to be in someone's way
delati napótje to get (ali to be) in the way
ni mi v napótje it is not in my way - napródaj on sale; to be sold
biti napródaj to be up for sale
dati napródaj to put up for sale
ponuditi napródaj to offer for sale - narázen asunder; apart; separately
močnó, daleč narázen wide apart
iti narázen to part; to sever; to split up; (poti) to branch off, to diverge
biti narázen to be apart
dati narázen to separate; to take to pieces; to take apart; to disassemble
pasti narázen to fall to pieces - naročén1 ordered; on order; made to order; commissioned
biti naročén (o blagu) to be on order
biti naročén na časopis to take a paper
prihajaš kot naročén! well met!; well-timed! - nasésti (ladja) to run aground; to strand, to get stranded
pustiti ladjo, da nasede to beach the ship; figurativno (biti opeharjen) to be taken in, to be imposed upon
on hitro nasede (figurativno) he is easily imposed upon
nisem mu nasedel (figurativno) I was up to his tricks
čoln je nasedel na plitvino the boat was stranded on a shoal - nasíčen kemija saturated; sated, satiated; (sit, nabasan) gorged (with), satiated
biti nasíčen (sit) česa to be sated with something
s soljo nasíčena voda water saturated with salt
nasíčena spojina (raztopina) saturate compound (solution) - nasílen violent, forcible; tyrannic(al), despotic, tyrannous; outrageous; oppressive; arbitrary
nasílne mere (ukrepi) violent measures
nasílne metode strong-arm methods pl
nasílna smrt violent death
nasílen vstop forcible entry
umreti nasílne smrti to die by violence
biti nasílen s kom to tyrannize someone - naspróten contrary, opposite, arhaično contrariant, zastarelo contrarious; (nenaklonjen) opposed, unwilling, hostile, adverse to, disinclined to; (obraten) converse
nasprótni dokaz counterevidence
nasprótna izjava counterdeclaration
nasprótna sila counterforce; opposed force
nasprótna stran ulice the opposite side of the street
nasprótna stranka the opposite party
nasprótna terjatev counterdemand, counterclaim
naspróten veter a contrary wind, an adverse wind
biti čisto naspróten od to be opposite to
igrati na nasprótni strani šport to play for the opposing (ali opposite) side
storil si prav nasprótno od tistega, kar bi bil moral storiti you have done the exact opposite of what you ought to have done - nasprótje contrast, contrary, opposite; opposition, contrariety; antonym
biti nasprótje to be in contradiction (with)
v nasprótju z... unlike..., in opposition to, in contrast to; in contradistinction to
biti v kričečem (ostrem) nasprótju z to be in striking contrast to
v nasprótju z vami sem jaz optimist unlike you I am an optimist
v nasprótju z našimi pričakovanji contrary to our expectations - natáknjen figurativno (slabe volje) ill-tempered, in a bad temper; fretful, cross, sulky; waspish; snappy, ZDA snippy
biti natáknjen to be in a (bad) temper, to be in a huff - natečáj competition (za for); competitive examination; (za izvedbo kakega dela) tender; soliciting for tenders
z natečájem, po natečáju by tender, by competition
razpis natečája call for (competitive) tenders
z natečájem razpisano mesto a post open to competition
biti izbran po natečáju to be chosen by competition
razpisati natečáj to put up for competition
natečáj je razpisan tenders pl are invited
udeležiti se natečája to enter a competition - natezálnica rack
dati, napeti koga na natezálnico to put someone on the rack
biti na natezálnici (figurativno, na žerjavici) to be on the rack, to be on tenterhooks - navájen accustomed (na to); used (to), wont, familiar (with)
biti navájen to be wont (to), to be in the habit (of), to be used (ali inured) to
nisem navájen takega ravnanja I am not used to such treatment - navál (gneča) throng, press; crowd; (v trgovine, božični) (Christmas) rush; (napad) attack, assault; (jeze, strasti) fit
biti kos naválu to cope with the rush
navál na banko run on a bank
navál na blago rush on an article
zavzeti v naválu (jurišu) to take by storm
navál odjemalcev crowd of customers - navdúšen enthusiastic
biti navdúšen nad to be enraptured with
ves navdúšen sem za glasbo I'm a great music lover
niso navdúšeni za to they're not keen on that - navéza šport rope; roped party
biti v navézi to be roped up