
Zadetki iskanja

  • plézati to climb; to scale up; to clamber up; to scramble up; (o rastlini) to climb, to creep

    plézati na drog, po vrvi (z rokami in nogami) to swarm up a pole, a rope
    plézati na drevo to climb up a tree
    plézati po lestvi to climb a ladder
    plézati triglavsko steno to scale the Triglav wall
  • plín gas

    izpušni plín exhaust gas, burnt gas
    eksplozivni plín explosive gas
    gorilni plín combustible gas, fuel gas, heating gas
    pogonski plín power gas
    bojni plín chemical weapon, poison gas
    solzivi plín tear gas
    močvirski plín marsh gas
    pokalni plín explosive gas
    premogovniški, jamski plín blackdamp
    smejalni plín laughing gas
    svetilni plín lighting gas, illuminating gas
    strupeni plín poison gas
    jamski eksplozivni plín firedamp
    razredčen plín rarefied (ali rarified) gas
    neprepusten za plín gastight
    s polnim plínom at full throttle
    rezervoar za plín gasholder, gasometer, gas tank
    motor na plín gas engine, gas motor
    pedal, vzvod za plín avtomobilizem accelerator, ZDA gas pedal, aeronavtika throttle lever
    izbruh plína gas explosion
    uhajanje plína gas leak
    napeljava plína gas fittings pl
    oskrba s plínom, dovod plína gas supply
    pridobivanje plína gas production
    neprepusten za plín gas-proof, gastight
    zaščita pred strupenim plínom precautions against poison gas, gas-warfare defences, chemical-warfare defences
    metalec plína vojska poison-gas mortar
    zastrupljen s plínom gassed
    zastrupitev s plínom gas poisoning
    vonj, duh po plínu smell of gas
    vojna, vojskovanje s plínom gas warfare, chemical war (ali warfare)
    dati plín to step on the gas, to put one's foot down, to open the throttle
    odvzeti plín to cut off the gas
    spremeniti v plín to gasify
    razvijati plín to evolve gas
    prižgati plín to light (ali to turn on) the gas
    kuhati na plínu to cook by gas
    napasti s plínom to gas
    ugasiti plín to turn the gas off, (priviti, da manj gori) to turn the gas down
  • plúti to navigate; to sail; to voyage

    plúti ob obali to coast; to hug the coast
    plúti po morju to sail the sea, pesniško to plough the sea
    brod redno plove po reki the ferryboat plies the river
  • pobégel runaway

    (z doma) pobégli parček runaway couple
    poroka pobéglega parčka runaway marriage
    pobégel konj runaway horse
    pobégel vojak (dezerter) runaway soldier
    pobégli voznik (po nesreči) hit-and-run driver
    nesreča, ki jo zakrivi pobégli voznik hit-andrun accident
  • pobóčje slope; side of a hill; incline

    vzpenjati se po pobóčju to climb up a slope
  • pobóžati to caress; (žival) to stroke; (potrepljati) to pat

    pobóžati mačko po hrbtu to stroke a cat's back
  • podedováti to inherit (od, po of, from, through)

    podedováti posestvo to come into (ali to inherit) an estate
    ni podedoval on, temveč njegova sestra it is not he, but his sister who has come into the money
    podedoval je veliko premoženje po daljnem sorodniku he has been left a large fortune by a distant relation, he has come into a large fortune left him by a distant relation
    podedovan inherited
  • podíti to chase; to hurry; (goniti, loviti) to hunt

    stran podíti to drive away
    podíti se (igrati se, loviti se) to sport
    otroci so se podili po cesti the children were tearing about the road
  • podóba picture; image; (na kovancu) effigy; (ilustracija) illustration; (portret) portrait, likeness

    senčna podóba silhouette
    novec z Napoleonovo podóbo coin bearing the head of Napoleon
    v človeški podóbi in man's likeness
    po vsej podóbi (videzu) to all appearances
    sovražnik v podóbi prijatelja an enemy in the guise of a friend
    podóba je bila, da bo dež it looked like rain
  • podpís signature; signing

    podpís žig stamp bearing a signature
    lastnoročni podpís autograph
    podpís po u listine after the signing of the deed
    zavojica pri podpísu flourish
    dati, predložiti v podpís to present (ali to submit) for signature
    dati podpís in pečat to deliver under one's hand and seal
    ponarediti podpís to forge a signature
    umakniti, preklicati svoj podpís to withdraw one's signature
  • pogláditi to stroke; (pobožati) to caress

    pogláditi si lase to stroke (ali to smooth) one's hair, (s ščetko) to give one's hair a brush
    pogláditi mačko po hrbtu to stroke a cat's back
  • pogódba contract, agreement; convention; (zlasti državna politika), treaty, pact, compact; covenant; (listina) deed, bonds pl; indenture; trgovina bargain, contract

    po pogódbi, v smislu pogódbe according to contract, as agreed upon
    nasproten pogódbi contrary to the contract
    družbena pogódba social contract
    kolektivna pogódba collective agreement
    mezdna pogódba pay deal, wage agreement
    mirovna pogódba peace treaty, peace pact
    najemna, zakupna pogódba lease
    tajna pogódba secret treaty
    ženitna pogódba marriage settlement, marriage articles pl
    kršitev pogódbe breach of contract
    trgovinska pogódba commercial treaty
    pogódba o zavezništvu treaty of alliance
    zakonska pogódba matrimonial contract
    biti vezan s pogódbo to be bound by contract
    (pre)kršiti pogódbo to break a contract
    podaljšati pogódbo to prolong an agreement
    podpisati pogódbo to sign a contract, to witness a contract
    skleniti pogódbo to make a contract, to conclude a treaty, to make an agreement
    razdreti, stornirati pogódbo to rescind a contract
    goljufija razveljavi pogódbo fraud vitiates the contract
  • pogòj condition; term; stipulation; clause; understanding; pravo proviso

    pod pogòjem on condition, under the proviso
    s pogòjem, da... on condition that..., provided that...
    pod istim pogòjem on the same condition
    pod kakšnimi pogòji? on what conditions (ali terms)?
    pod sedanjimi pogòji under present conditions
    pod nobenim pogòjem not on any terms, on no account
    delovni pogòji working conditions
    plačilni pogòji terms pl of payment
    prodajni pogòji terms pl of sale
    življenjski pogòji living conditions pl
    predaja brez pogòjev vojska unconditional surrender
    diktirati svoje pogòje to dictate one's terms
    izpolniti pogòje to fulfil (the) conditions
    radi bi spoznali vaše pogòje we should like to know your conditions
    (po)staviti kot pogòj za... to stipulate as a condition for...
    staviti kot pogòj to make it a condition
    kot pogòj staviti, da... to stipulate that...
    predati se brez pogòjev vojska to surrender unconditionally
    sprejeti pogòje to accept the conditions
    sporočite nam, prosimo, svoje pogòje! let us know your terms, please!
    vztrajati pri (svojih) pogòjih to abide by (one's) conditions
    postaviti pogòj, da... to make it a proviso that...
  • pohajkováti to stroll (about); to take a stroll; to saunter; to loiter; to loaf; to gad about; to lounge

    pohajkováti po ulicah to stroll (ali to loaf, pogovorno to mooch) around the streets, to wander aimlessly about the streets
  • pohlèp greed, greediness; avidity; covetousness; craving; cupidity; eager desire; hankering

    pohlèp po denarju craving (ali greed) for money
  • poklíc calling, vocation; occupation; profession; (obrt, rokodelstvo) trade

    akademski poklíci the learned professions
    rokodelski poklíci pl manual trades pl
    kaj je njegov poklíc (po poklícu)? what is his profession?
    po poklícu je učitelj he is a teacher by profession
    avtomehanik je po poklícu he is a motor mechanic by trade
    kakšen poklíc si bo izbral? what profession will he choose?
    redni (postranski) poklíc full-time, regular (secondary) occupation
    izbrati poklíc to choose a vocation
    ne čutim poklíca za študij prava I have no vocation for legal studies, I feel no urge to take up the law
    lotiti se poklíca to enter a profession, to take up (ali to go in for) a profession
    opravljati svoj poklíc to attend to one's business
    zgrešiti svoj poklíc to mistake one's vocation
  • poklícati to call

    telefonično poklícati koga to call someone up, to ring someone up
    poklícati po imenu to call someone by his name
    poklícati na odgovor to call to account
    poklícati za pričo to call to witness
    poklícati k sebi (službeno) to summon, (prijateljsko) to invite, to ask someone to drop in
    poklícati si preteklost v spomin to recall the past
    mnogo je poklicanih, a malo izvoljenih many are called, but few are chosen
  • poležáti (v postelji, počivati) to lie in; to have a liedown

    ob nedeljah rad poleži he likes to lie in on Sundays
    po kosilu navadno malo poleži he usually has a short lie-down after lunch; to crease (ali crumple) something by lying on it; (veter žito) to beat down, to lodge
  • pólž zoologija snail; (brez hišice) slug

    kot pólž, pólžu podoben snaillike
    po pólževo at a snail's pace
    počasen kot pólž snail-paced
    poln pólžev infested with slugs (ali snails)
    gojišče pólžev place where snails are bred, snailery
    hoditi kot pólž, po pólževo to walk at snail's pace
  • pólžev snail's, snail(-)

    po pólževo at a snail's pace
    ki gre v pólževem tempu snail-paced
    pólževa hišica snail shell
    pólževo premikanje snail's pace (ali humoristično snail's gallop)