féj medmet faugh!, pooh!, arhaično fie!; disgustiug!, shame on you!, for shame!
féj, taki ljudje! what disgusting people!, žargon what a shower!, what an absolute shower!
féj, kako smrdi! pooh, what a stench!
to je vreme, féj what (absolutely) foul weather!
féj te bodi! you ought to be ashamed of yourself; aren't you ashamed!; why, it's (absolutely) disgraceful!
Zadetki iskanja
- fíksen fixed
fíksne cene fixed (ali set) prices
fíksen dohodek fixed (ali steady) income
fíksna ideja fixed idea; obsession; monomania
to je njegova fíksna ideja it's an obsession with him - formulírati to formulate; to dress up; to set forth, to express (in a formula); to form; to define
formulírati pismo to draw up a letter
formulírati odgovor to frame an answer
ni formuliral svojega mnenja o vprašanju he did not express (ali state) his opinion on the question
zopet, znova formulírati to restate - fragmént fragment; chip; morsel; (pesmi) snatch, catch
pela je fragménte neke stare pesmi she sang snatches of an old song - frekventírati to frequent; to resort to
frekventíran frequented
malo frekventíraan kraj an out-of-the-way place
to je bil nekoč močnó frekventíraan kraj this place was once a popular resort - gésta gesture
lepa gésta a handsome gesture
prijateljska gésta a gesture of friendship
delati géste to gesture, to gesticulate
napraviti jezno gésto to make an angry gesture - gíbčen (telo) supple, lithe, nimble, limber; flexible; mobile, lithesome, lively; figurativno brisk; (duh) elastic, buoyant
gíbčen kot jegulja as lithe as an eel - gíps (mavec, sadra) mineralogija gypsum; plaster (of paris)
dati roko v gíps medicina to set an arm in plaster (of paris)
dati ud v gíps medicina to set a limb in plaster - gláva head; (redko) poll; humoristično (zlasti plešava) pate; (lobanja, mrtvaška) skull; žargon bonce; (naslov) title, heading, ZDA caption; (vodja) chief, leader; ekonomija principal, ZDA boss; (vrhnji del) top; (pamet, razum) brains pl, wit (s pl), intelligence, understanding, judgment, sense; (bister človek) man of talent, pogovorno brainy fellow; (oseba) person; (kovanca) obverse, face, pogovorno heads
brez gláve headless, acephalous, figurativno reckless, hare-brained, confused, out of one's wits, silly
gláva ob glávi closely packed
na glavo, za glávo (figurativno) each; per head; per capita
iz gláve (na pamet) (znati) (to know) by heart
gláva ali napis? (pri metanju kovanca v zrak) heads or tails?
od gláve do nog from top to toe
od nog do gláve from head to foot
glávo pokonci! keep smiling!, vojska chin up!
z glávo navzdol with downcast head
na glávo postavljen (narobe) topsy-turvy
brez gláve in repa without rhyme or reason
delo z glávo brain work
delavec z glávo white-collar worker
beljenje gláve (figurativno) cudgelling (ali racking) one's brain, cogitation, rumination
kimanje z glávo nodding, nod
lasje na glávi hair (of the head)
poraba na glávo consumption per capita
gláva postelje head of the bed
rana na glávi wound in the head
skok na glávo header
stoja na glávi šport headstand, aeronavtika landing on the nose
strel v glávo shot in the head
tele z dvema glávama a twoheaded calf
umivanje gláve shampooing
več kot 100 gláv živine more than a hundred head of cattle
zmajevanje z glávo shaking of one's head
belíti si glávo to beat one's brains out, to cudgel (ali to rack) one's brains (z over)
biti čez glávo zadolžen to be up to one's ears (ali one's eyes, the neck) in debt
za glávo je večji od očeta he is taller than his father by a head
za glávo je večji od mene he stands a head taller than I
oče je gláva družine the father is the head of the family
ne biti pravi v glávi (figurativno) to be crazy, to be out of one's mind, to be off one's head (ali pogovorno off one's rocker)
on je bistra gláva he is a bright chap
trde gláve je he is thickheaded, pogovorno he is thick (between the ears)
puhle, prazne gláve je he is empty-headed, he is brainless
delati po svoji glávi to have one's own way
gláve delati (solata, zelje) to head, to heart
ne vem, kje se me gláva drži I do not know which way to turn, I am quite perplexed
gláva me boli I have a headache, my head aches, I feel headachy
gláva me je od tega bolela that gave me a headache
čez glávo imam dela I am swamped with work
kje vendar sem imel glávo? what on earth was I thinking of?
nimam gláve za matematiko I have no head for mathematics
tega imam že čez glávo dovolj I am sick (ali žargon I've had a bellyful) of it
to nima ne gláve ne repa I can't make head or tail of this
kar pripovedujete, nima ne gláve ne repa I cannot make head or tail of what you say
za glávo mu gre for him it is a matter of life and death
po glávi mi gre (roji, hodi) neka misel an idea keeps (on) running through my mind
to vino gre v glávo this wine is heady, this wine goes to my head
on ima glávo na pravem mestu he has his head well screwed on
stvar mi ne gre v glávo it's beyond me, I cannot understand it
iti, stopiti v glávo to go to one's head
ne ve, kje se ga gláva drži he doesn't know whether he's coming or going
to mi ne gre iz gláve I can't get it out of my head
ni čisto pravi v glávi he is not quite right in the head, žargon he has a screw loose
uspeh mu je šel (stopil) v glávo, mu je zmešal glávo success has turned his head
nekaj mu gre po glávi (figurativno) he is turning something over in his mind
samo letala mu gredo, rojijo po glávi (figurativno) he thinks, talks and breathes aeroplanes
ta misel mi ne gre iz gláve this idea keeps running through my head
izgubiti glávo to lose one's head (ali one's wits ali one's presence of mind)
ne izgubiti gláve to keep one's head
izbiti si kaj iz gláve to dismiss something from one's mind
iz gláve izračunati vsoto to work out a sum in one's head
izbiti komu kaj iz gláve to argue someone out of something
s svojo glávo jamčiš za to you will answer with your life for this
ne morem mu tega izbiti iz gláve I cannot drive it out of his head
napraviti po svoji glávi to do as one likes
obdržati v glávi to remember
tu ne najdem ne gláve ne repa I can't make head or tail of it
glávo odsekati (obglaviti) komu to behead someone
pognati si kroglo v glávo to blow one's brains out
v glávo mi pade it occurs to me, an idea comes to mind
kaj ti vendar pade v glávo? the very idea!
nisem na glávo padel I am no fool
nikdar mi ni v glávo padlo it never entered (into) my mind
pogledati koga od gláve do nog to eye someone up and down, to look someone over from head to foot
nositi glávo v vreči (figurativno) to carry one's life in one's hands
oditi s povešeno glávo to go off with downcast head (ali fig with one's tail between one's legs)
pognati se z glávo naprej v vodo to throw oneself headfirst into the water
prikimati z glávo to nod assent
postaviti vse na glávo to turn everything topsy-turvy, to turn everything upside down
postaviti vse mesto na glávo (figurativno) to paint the town red
z glávo je plačal svoje izdajstvo he paid for his treason with his life
riniti z glávo v zid (figurativno) to run one's head against a brick wall
riniti z glávo v nevarnost to rush headlong (ali to plunge) into danger
ne rini z glávo v zid! don't batter your head against a brick wall!
riskirati glávo to risk one's neck
povesiti glávo to hang one's head
razpisati nagrado na glávo kake osebe to set a price on someone's head
glávo stavim, da to ni res I'd stake my life it is not true
skloniti svojo glávo pod jarem to bow one's head under the yoke
ubijati si glávo z, nad to rack one's brains over
vbiti si kaj v glávo to take something into one's head
prati komu glávo (figurativno) to give someone a dressing-down
v glávi se mi vrti I am (ali I feel) dizzy, I feel giddy, my head is reeling (ali spinning)
računati iz gláve to do mental arithmetic
zmajati z glávo to shake one's head
več glav, več vé two heads are better than one
za glávo zmagati (na dirki) to win by a head
čez glávo komu zrasti to outgrow (one's respect for) someone
zmešati komu glávo to turn someone's head
ne moreš z glávo skozi zid you can't butt your way through a brick wall
kolikor gláv, toliko misli two heads are better than one - glédati to look (at, on); to see; (opazovati) to watch, to observe, to eye, to view, to regard; figurativno to consider; (paziti na) to attend to, to look after, to see that something is done; to look to it that...; (prizadevati si) to endeavour, to try, to make efforts
glej! look!, see!, look here!, arhaično lo; lo and behold!, (začudeno) well, well!, well I never!, just imagine!
glej, glej! well, well!, arhaično lo and behold!
glej no!, glej si no glej! well, well, well!; žargon well get a load of that!
toda glej! but just imagine!, but lo and behold!
glej, da prideš pravočasno! see that you come in time!
dobro glej! look sharp!
jaz samo gledam I am all eyes
debelo glédati to open one's eyes wide, to be all eyes
debelo glédati od značudenja to stare with surprise
grdo, jezno, temno glédati to scowl, to frown
glédati komu v obraz to look someone in the face
glédati okoli to look around
glédati skozi okno to look out of the window
pozorno glédati to look intently
škilavo glédati to squint
glédati s strahom v prihodnost to look forward with dread to the future
glédati za kom to look (ali to gaze) after someone
postrani glédati to look askance (koga at someone)
pogumno glédati nevarnosti v obraz to face danger bravely, to look danger in the face
on ne gleda na stroške he takes no account of the expense, with him expense is no object
zaljubljeno glédati koga to make (ali to cast) sheep's eyes at someone
kam gleda to okno? where does this window face?
zelo glédati na svojo obleko (figurativno) to be very particular about one's dress
zelo gleda na svoje interese he keeps an eye on his interests
zviška glédati na koga to look down on someone
glédati se to look at one another (at each other)
glédati se (v zrcalu) to look at oneself
glédati se postrani to look askance at one another (at each other)
grdó se gledata they are at daggers drawn - gojíti to cultivate; (cvetlice, zelenjavo, brado itd.) to grow; (živali) to breed; (čustvo, figurativno) to entertain, to nurse, to foster, to cherish, to harbour
gojíti gosi to keep geese
gojíti pse konje to breed dogs, horses
gojíti solato to grow lettuce
gojíti misel to entertain an idea
gojíti zle naklepe to harbour ill designs
gojíti prijateljstvo s kom to cultivate someone's friendship
gojíti upanje to cherish a hope
gojíti željo to foster a desire
ali gojiš kako vrsto športa? do you go in for any kind of sport? - gòst guest; invited person
gòstje pl guests, social (ali dinner-) party; (gostilniški) customer, (stalen) patron, habitué, regular (customer) of an inn (ali of a public house)
časten gòst guest of honour
dobrodóšel gòst welcome guest
nedobrodóšel gòst a guest welcome as a cold in the head
nepovabljen gòst uninvited guest, intruder, gatecrasher
igralec gòst actor making a guest appearance at another theatre
plačujoči gòst paying guest (krajšava: P.G.)
soba za gòste spare room, guest room
knjiga gòstov visitors' book
večerja z gòsti dinner party
imeti gòste to give (ali pogovorno to throw) a party
imamo gòste pri večerji we have company to dinner
imeti često gòste to entertain a great deal
nepričakovan gòst mora jesti, kar pač je an unexpected guest must take potluck - gostílna inn; public house, pogovorno pub; tavern; restaurant, eating house; ZDA saloon
imeti gostílno to run an inn - govoríti to speak (o of, about, z to, with); to tell; (pogovarjati se) to talk (z with, to, o about, of, over); to converse; (kramljati) to chat
glasno govoríti to talk loud, to speak in a loud voice
tiho govoríti to speak softly (ali in a soft voice)
govoríti angleški to speak English
slabo govoríti angleški to speak poor (ali broken) English
slabo govoríti o kom to speak ill of someone
kar naprej govoríti to keep (on) talking
odkrito, brez ovinkov govoríti to speak freely
govoríti o tem in onem, o raznem to talk nineteen to the dozen
uglajeno govoríti to be well-spoken
govoríti stenam (figurativno) to talk (ali to be talking) to a brick wall
govoríti o politiki to talk politics
tekoče govoríti to speak fluently
govoríti o čem drugem to change the subject
govoríti resnico to speak the truth, to tell the truth
govoríti brez priprave to speak extempore
govoríti v veter (figurativno) to waste one's breath
govoríti v imenu koga to be the spokesman of, to be the mouthpiece of
govoríti v korist koga to speak on (ali ZDA in) someone's behalf
govoríti polomljeno angleščino to speak broken English, to murder the English language
govoríti neumnosti to talk nonsense
šepetaje govoríti to speak in an undertone, to speak in a whisper
govoríti skozi nos to speak with a nasal twang
govoríti laži to tell lies (ali untruths)
govoríti sam s seboj to soliloquize
govoríti med štirimi očmi s kom to talk with someone in private
govoríti na pamet to speak from memory, to say something by heart (ali by rote)
obširno govoríti o to speak at length about (ali on), to descant, to expatiate on (ali upon)
otročje govoríti to drivel
govoríti kot papiga to parrot
govoríti preučeno za koga to speak above someone's head
govoríti tja v tri dni pogovorno to waffle, žargon to rabbit on
tu se govori angleški (napis) English spoken here
ko (ker) ravno govorimo o... since we are on the subject, since we happen to be talking about...
da niti ne govorimo o... to say nothing of...
ne govorimo več o tem!, nehajmo govoríti o tem! let us change (ali drop) the subject!
mi ne »govorimo« (smo sprti ipd.) we are not on speaking terms
o tem ni vredno govoríti it isn't worth speaking of
ona ne govorita več med seboj (sta sprta) they are no longer on speaking terms
govori! speak up!, speak out, out with it!
on ne more (ne zna) nehati govoríti he can never stop talking, he could talk the hind leg off a donkey
(on) govori, kot da bi ga navil he has the gift of the gab, he talks nineteen to the dozen
on malo govori he is a man of few words, (je boječ) he is tongue-tied
z njim se da govoríti he is someone you can talk to
z njim se ne da govoríti (figurativno) he will not listen to reason
po vsem mestu se govori o njih they are the talk of the town
govorilo se je o njegovi demisiji there have been rumours of his resignation
vse mesto govori o tem it is the talk of the town
govori se, da je zelo bogata she is said to be very rich
o njem se mnogo govori he is much talked about
to dejstvo govori zanj this fact tells in his favour
dejstva govoré sama the facts speak for themselves
to govori za in proti that cuts both ways
dejanja govore glasneje kot besede actions speak louder than words
vse govori za to, da... there is every reason to believe that...
to govori proti that tells against it
ne govorite z nikomer o tem! not a word to anyone about this!, keep this to yourself!
začeti govoríti o nekem predmetu to broach a subject
bi lahko govoril z Vami? could I have a word with you?
bi lahko govoril z g. X? could I see Mr. X
govorimo odkrito! let's speak frankly, let's lay (ali put) our cards on the table
kjer se veliko govori, se malo naredi least said, soonest mended
govoríti je srebro, molčati pa zlato the less said, the better
prav tako bi lahko govoril stenam figurativno I might as well speak to a brick wall
ti to meni govoriš! (= kot da jaz tega ne vem) you're telling me! - gòzd wood, (večji) forest
bukov gòzd beech forest (ali wood)
jelov (smrekov) gòzd fir (pine) wood
hrastov oak forest
topolov gòzd poplar forest (ali wood)
cedrov gòzd cedar forest (ali wood)
gòzd jamborov (figurativno) a trest of masts
neprehoden gòzd, gòzd brez poti an impenetrable forest
reven z gòzdovi poor in forests, poorly forested
iglasti gòzd coniferous trees
poraščen z gòzdom, -ovi wooded, afforested, timbered
zaščiten mlad gòzd young forest plantation
gost gòzd dense forest
sekati gòzd to fell trees, to deforest
krčiti, redčiti gòzd to clear land
zopet (za)saditi gòzd (pogozditi) to re-afforest
pragozd virgin forest, primeval forest
od samih dreves ne vidiš gozda you can't see the wood for the trees - hávsniti to snatch (po at)
pes je havsnil kost the dog snatched the bone
hávsniti po ponudbi (figurativno) to snatch up an offer - hinávec hypocrite; dissembler; dissimulator
ni takega hinávca kot je on he is an unparallelled (ali unrivalled) hypocrite - híp moment; instant
v hípu in a moment, in a trice, in no time, in less than no time, in no time, (kot bi trenil) before you could say knife (ali Jack Robinson); in the twinkling of an eye
niti za híp not for a single second
v hípu je bilo vse končano everything was over in a flash
vsak híp at any moment
prav ta híp at this very moment
v hípu bom pripravljen I'll be ready in a minute (ali in a jiffy ali in a trice ali in a twinkling)
imate híp časa zame? can you give me a minute?
počakajte híp! wait a moment!, wait an instant, wait half a minute, hold on a second! - hitróst (vlaka itd.) speed; velocity; (knjižno) celerity; (tekača) swiftness, fleetness; (naglost) hastiness; (hitrica) hurry, haste; (okretnost) agility, adroitness, briskness, nimbleness; rapidity; promptness
z vso hitróstjo, v polni hitrósti at full speed
največja hitróst top speed
največja dovoljena hitróst speed limit
ekonomska (komercialna) hitróst economic (commercial) speed
(enakomerno) pospešena hitróst (steadily) increasing velocity
poprečna hitróst average speed
začetna hitróst (izstrelka) initial (ali muzzle) velocity
strelna hitróst (orožja) rate of firing
omejitev hitrósti speed limit
iti z vso hitróstjo to go (at) full speed (ali top speed), (tekač, avto) pogovorno to go all out
on vozi z noro hitróstjo he drives at a reckless (ali breakneck) speed
vlak je vozil s hitróstjo 60 km na uro the train was doing 60 km per (ali an) hour
čas teče z vrtoglavo hitróstjo time flies like lightning
povečati hitróst (avtu, ladji) to increase speed - hlastáti hlástniti to grab (po čem something), to fish (for), to bite; to try to catch; to snap (po at); to snatch (at)
hlastáti, hlástniti po ponudbi to snatch at an offer