maščevánje vengeance, revenge, zastarelo avengement
kot (za) maščevánje za as vengeance for
krvno maščevánje blood feud
to bo moje maščevánje that will be my revenge
hlepeti po maščevánju to thirst for revenge
izpostaviti se maščevánju kake osebe to lay oneself open to someone's vengeance
skušati si najti (se maščevati) nad kom to seek vengeance upon someone
tak pokol vpije po maščevánju such slaughter cries (ali calls) to heaven for vengeance
Zadetki iskanja
- méd -ú honey
gozdni, divji méd, -ú wild honey
turški méd, -ú Turkish delight
méd, -ú v satovju honey in the comb
tekoč méd, -ú liquid honey, pure honey
trcan méd, -ú strained honey
sladek kot méd, -ú sweet as honey, honey-sweet
méd, -ú in mleko milk and honey
iti, prodajati se za méd, -ú (figurativno) to sell like hot cakes
to gre za méd, -ú (figurativno) it's going like hot cakes
nabirati méd, -ú to gather honey
dežela, kjer se cedita méd, -ú in mleko a land flowing with milk and honey - mêhek soft; (meso) tender; (sadje) mellow
zelo mêhek as soft as velvet (ali down, butter)
mêhko kuhano jajce soft-boiled egg; (nežen, blag) mild, gentle, soft-hearted, tender-hearted; delicate, lenient; (omehčan) mollified
napraviti mêhko, postati mêhek to soften; to tender - méra measure; (velikost) size; (obsežnost) extent, dimension
normalna méra standard; gauge; (stopnja) degree; (merjenje) measurement; (razmerje) rate, scale, index; (zmernost) moderation, temperance; (verz) metre, measure; glasba bar, time; (ukrep) measure, step
mére in uteži measures and weights pl
dobra (slaba) méra full (short) measure
dolžinska méra linear (ali long) measure
ploščinska méra square (ali superficial) measure
prostorninska méra cubic measure
votla méra measure of capacity
največja skupna méra matematika greatest common measure
obrestna méra rate of interest
zvrhana méra heaped up (ali strike, struck-) measure
do neke mére to a certain degree, in some measure; to a certain extent, to some extent
v obilni méri amply, richly
v veliki méri to a high degree, to a great (ali large) extent; largely, higly
prek mére beyond measure, beyond all bounds
v neki méri in a measure
čez vse mére exceedingly, excessively, immoderately, out of all measure
v isti méri kot... in the same measure as...
v enaki méri alike
napravljen po méri made to measure
obleka po méri bespoke suit, ZDA custom suit
po méri narejena oblačila clothes pl made to measure, ZDA custom clothes pl
enota mére unit of measure
krojač, ki dela po méri bespoke tailor
dati dobro méro to give good measure
držati se mére to be moderate, to observe due moderation
napraviti vse potrebne mére (ukrepe) to take all the necessary steps
podvzeti (lotiti se) primerne mére (ukrepe) to take appropriate action
podvzeti temeljite, dalekosežne mére to take sweeping measures
podvzeti vse potrebne previdnostne mére to take all due precautions
on ne pozna mére he knows no bounds
to presega vse mére that goes beyond all bounds
prekoračiti méro (figurativno) to overstep the mark, to go too far
napraviti méro polno (figurativno) to fill the cup to the brim
do kolikšne mére mu moremo zaupati? how far can he be trusted?
vzeti komu méro za kaj to take someone's measurements for something
vzeli so mi méro za plašč (za obleko) I have been measured for a coat (for a suit) - merodájen authoritative; decisive; competent
merodájni krogi authoritative (ali influential) circles pl
on zame ni merodájen I do not regard him as an authority
v teh stvareh nisem merodájen tam no competent judge of these affairs
to bo zame merodájno this will be decisive for me - míl (značaj) gentle, sweet; (podnebje) soft, mild, balmy, bland, temperate, genial; (ljubek) graceful; (obziren) benign, benignant, mild, indulgent, lenient; (zima) mild, gentle; (barva, zvok) mellow
pod mílim nebom in the open air
míla kazen a mild (ali lenient) punishment
míla klima mild climate
míl značaj mild temper
mílo povedano, rečeno to put it mildly, to say the least of it
zima je bila míla the winter was mild
drži se kot míla jera he is cutting a sorry figure
mílo soditi to judge leniently
sreča mi ni míla fortune does not favour me
vrniti mílo za drago to return tit for tat, to give as good as one got, to get one's own back, arhaično to give a Roland for an Oliver
vrnil sem mu mílo za drago I paid him back in his own coin; I served him with the same sauce - misijonár missionary, missioner
biti misijonár to work as a missionary, to do missionary work - mísliti to think (na of, o about); to believe; (premišljevati) to cogitate (o upon) to reflect (o upon), to meditate
logično mísliti to reason (o about, on); (natančno, skrbno pretehtati) to deliberate; (meniti, domnevati) to mean, to suppose; ZDA to guess, to reckon; (biti mnenja) to be of the opinion; (predstavljati si) to imagine, to fancy, to conceive, to envisage, to realize; (upoštevati) to consider, to contemplate; (nameravati) to intend, ZDA to figure
mislim da I think so, I suppose so, I should think so
mislim da ne I don't think so
mislim, da imate prav I dare say you are right
ne morem si mísliti, da... I cannot imagine that...
na to ni mísliti it's not to be thought of; that is out of the question
to mi da mísliti this sets me thinking, this gives me food for thought, this makes me ponder
kaj misliš o tem? what is your opinion about it?, what's your idea?
povem, kar mislim I speak my mind
mislim si svoje I have my own idea (ali ideas)
mislili bomo na to we shall think of it, we shall not forget it
na kaj (na koga) misliš? what (whom) are you thinking of?
ni mísliti, da... it is not to be supposed that...
ona dobro misli (hoče, namerava) she means well, her intentions are good
ne misli več na to! don't give it another thought!, forget about it!
oni dobro mislijo o tebi they think well of you, they have a good opinion of you
nemogoče si je mísliti, da... it is unthinkable that...
kaj misliš storiti? what do you intend to do?
kaj pa misliš! what are you thinking of?
misli name! remember me!
to sem si mislil I thought so, I thought as much
tega si ne bi mislil od tebe I wouldn't have expected that from you, I am surprised at you
mísliti pri sebi to think to oneself
to si lahko mislim I can well imagine (that)
on misli le nase he only thinks of himself (ali pogovorno number one)
človek bi mislil, da... anyone (ali one) would think that...
mislim, da ne bo prišel I do not think he will come
jaz mislim drugače I don't agree, I beg to differ
kdo pa mislite, da sem jaz? who (ali arhaično whom) do you take me for?
mislite si, kar hočete! you may think what you like!
kdo bi si bil to mislil! who would have thought it!
o njem mislijo, da je bogat he is thought (ali supposed) to be rich
takó se splošno misli that is the current opinion
mislim, da je stara 30 let I imagine (ali I guess) she is (ali must be) thirty
mísliti s svojo glavo to do some indepenedent thinking
še v sanjah ne mislim nothing is further from my mind
javnost misli the public feeling is...
ne mislim nič hudega I mean no harm
menda ne misliš, da... you don't suppose that...?
ne bi si bil mislil, da so tako pošteni I would not have credited them with so much honesty
tega ne misliš zares (resno)? you don't mean it?, surely you can't be serious?
mislimo vse najbolje o tvojem prijatelju we hold your friend in the highest esteem
ona misli le na svojo zabavo she thinks of nothing but her own pleasure
takó jaz ne mislim that's not my way of thinking
glasno mísliti to think aloud, to think out loud - míš zoologija mouse, pl mice
poljska míš field mouse
gorska míš (egiptovski skakač) jerboa
vodna míš shrew mouse
slepe míši (igra) blind man's buff
ne ptič ne míš neither fish, flesh nor fowl
moker sem kot míš (figurativno) I am soaking wet
bil je moker kot míš he was soaked to the skin
reven kot cerkvena míš as poor as a church mouse
igrati se slepe míši to play blind man's buff
loviti míši to catch mice, (maček) to mouse
prežati kot mačka na míš to watch like a cat watching a mouse
videti bele míši (imeti delirium tremens) (žargon) to see pink elephants
kadar mačke ni doma, míši plešejo when the cat's away the mice will play
tresla se gora, rodila se míš (figurativno) the mountain has laboured, the mountain has brought forth a mouse - míška little mouse
tiho kot míška as quiet as a mouse; stock-still - mláskanje clicking the tongue; smacking the lips; munching
z mláskanjem je užival vino he smacked his lips as he savoured the wine - móč force; tehnika, figurativno power; strength; potency; (krepkost) vigour; (učinkovitost) efficacy; (energija) energy; (velika, nadnaravna) might; (duhovna, duševna) faculty
na vso móč, z vsemi móčmi with all one's might
po svojih najboljših móčeh to the best of one's ability
mišična móč muscular power
čarovna móč magic power
delovna móč working power, worker
delovne móči (delavci) workforce, labour (s konstr. v sg), hands pl, workmen pl
gonilna móč motive power
kupna móč buying (ali purchasing) power
konjska móč horsepower (krajšava: HP)
prebojna móč penetrating power
učna móč qualified teacher
duhovna, duševna móč strength of mind
moška móč vigour, virility
telesna móč physical strength
obrambna móč total defence potential
udarna móč striking (ali hitting) power, striking force, vojska fighting efficiency
ustvarjalna móč creative power
móč usode power of fate
móč volje willpower; strength of mind, faculty of volition
dejanska móč actual power, real power
zakonska móč legal force
móč eksplozije explosive force, violence of an explosion
brez móči powerless, forceless, ineffectual; impotent; (šibak) weak, feeble, (izčrpan) finished, effete
kipeč od móči vigorous
poln móči powerful, vigorous, full of energy
v polni mladostni móči in the full vigour of youth
preizkus móči trial of strength, ZDA pogovorno showdown
drobljenje móči scattering (ali dissipation) of forces
izguba móči loss of strength
po svojih móčeh as one is able
z združenimi móčmi shoulder to shoulder
s poslednjimi móčmi with the remains of one's strength
biti na kraju svojih móči to be worn out, to be exhausted, to reach the end of one's tether
biti v móči (o zakonu) to be in force
to ni v moji móči that's beyond my power
storim vse, kar je v moji móči I do my (very) best, I do my utmost
kakšno móč ima motor? what is the power of the motor? (ali engine)?
ni v moji móči, da bi ti pomagal it is not in my power to help you
ta odlok ima zakonsko móč this decree has the force of law, this decree is binding
nisem imel toliko móči, da bi to naredil I was unable to arrange it
priti zopet k móči to recover (ali to regain) one's strength
móč toka ga je odnesla the rush (ali the sweep) of the current carried him away
to presega moje móči that's too much for me
razviti vso svojo móč to exert all one's strength (ali one's full strength)
teči na vso móč to run at full speed
na vso móč je vlekel he was pulling for all he was worth
zapiskati na vso móč to whistle one's hardest
v slogi je móč unity makes strength - mogóč possible; likely; (izvedljiv) feasible, achievable, practicable
vse mogóče every possible (case), all possible (cases), all the possibilities
vse mogóči ljudje people of every sort and kind
ni mogóče! no!, is it possible!; you don't say!
kar največ mogóče as much as possible, to the utmost
če je mogóče if possible
vse, kar nam je mogóče everything possible, everything within our power
kolikor mi bo le mogóče to the best of my power
storil bom vse, kar mi bo mogóče I'll do my best (ali my utmost)
napraviti vse mogóče to do all in one's power, to do (ali to try) one's best, to try every possible means, to leave no stone unturned, to strain every nerve, to exert oneself to one's utmost
ni nam bilo mogóče it was beyond us
brž ko mogóče as soon as possible
vzpon na goro je mogóč le z ene strani the ascent of the mountain is possible (ali practicable) on one side only - mogóče prislov perhaps
kolikor mogóče as much (ali as far) as possible
kako je to mogóče? how can that possibly be?
ti ne bi bilo mogóče priti jutri? couldn't you manage to come tomorrow?
mogóče je bolan he may be ill
nemogóče! no!, is it possible?; you don't say!
z njo ni mogóče živeti there's no living with her - móker wet; damp; (oči) watery; (zemlja, tla) sodden, spongy; moist (od with)
čisto móker od dežja soaked through with rain
bil je móker kot miš he had not a dry stitch on
bil je do kože móker he was wet to the skin
móker za ušesi (figurativno, neizkušen) wet behind the ears
móker za ožeti wringing wet
móker kot miš as wet as a drowned rat, soaking wet - molčáti to be (ali to keep) silent, to keep silence; to say nothing, to remain silent, to hold one's tongue
molči! keep silent!, keep your mouth shut!, hold your tongue!, pogovorno shut up!
molčite o tej stvari! not a word about this (to anyone)!, mum's the word!
molčáti kot grob to be silent as the grave, to be as silent as death, to be as close (ali dumb) as an oyster, pogovorno to clam up
so stvari, o katerih je bolje molčáti there are topics which are best avoided...
a da molčimo o... not to mention...
kdor molči, soglaša silence gives consent
o dobrih novicah ne smemo molčáti good news must not be kept back
govoriti je srebro, molčáti je zlato the less said, the better
molčáti o čem to keep quiet about something - móž man, pl men
velik (visok) móž a tall man, (figurativno) a great man; (soprog) husband
kot en móž (enoglasno) as one man
móž proti móžu (bližinski) hand-tohand
borba móža proti móžu hand-to-hand struggle
slamnati móž (figura, statist) man of straw, dummy
divji móž wild man of the woods
povodni móž water sprite
do zadnjega móža (= vsi) to the last man, (all) to a man
padli so (v boju) do zadnjega móža they perished to a man
pravi móž na pravem mestu the right man in the right job (ali place)
vsi možje brez izjeme every man jack
priti, naleteti na pravega móža to come to the right man
biti le pol móža (figurativno) to be only a half man
izkazati se za móža to play the man, (ne se ustrašiti) to stand up to it like a man
dvigniti se kot en móž to rise like one man
pokaži, da si móž! show yourself a man!, show us what you're made of!
govorita kot móž móžu! let us have a man-to-man talk!
biti móž beseda to keep one's word, to be a man of one's word
on je móž beseda he is a man of his word
ladja se je potopila z vsemi móžmí na krovu the ship went down (ali sank) with all hands
móž jo tepe, kadar je pijan her husband (ali man) beats her when he is drunk - móžen possible; feasible
móžno prislov possibly
kolikor (je) le móžno as much as possible
vse móžno napraviti to leave nothing undone - mrávlja zoologija ant
bela mrávlja (termit) white ant, termite
krilata mrávlja winged ant
biti priden, marljiv kot mrávlja to be as busy as a bee, to work like a beaver - mŕšav thin, lean, meagre; lank; skinny; slender; scrawny
mŕšav kot trska (as) thin as a rake
mŕšavega obraza thin-faced
mŕšav dobiček meagre (ali poor) profits pl