zakónski2 matrimonial, conjugal; married
zakónski par married (ali wedded) couple
zakónski stan married state, wedlock, conjugality
zakónsko življenje married (ali wedded) life
zakónski jarem (figurativno) yoke of marriage
zakónski zadržki impediments pl (ali obstacles pl) to marriage
zakónske dolžnosti conjugal duties pl
Zadetki iskanja
- zakováti to rivet; to weld by hammer
zakovan welded by hammering (ali by forging); riveted - zakríviti to bend, to curve, to crook; (figurativno, biti kriv česa) to be guilty, to render oneself culpable, to be the cause of something
zakríviti zločin to commit (ali to perpetrate) a crime
kdo je to zakrivil? whose fault is it? - zakúp lease; rent; pravo tenancy
v zakúpu on lease, rented, tenanted
dosmrten zakúp tenancy for life
(vedno možen) odpovedljiv zakúp tenancy at will
povraten zakúp leaseback
dati v zakúp to let out on lease, to put out to lease, to lease
(daje se) v zakúp (oglas) to let
imeti v zakúpu to hold on (ali by) lease, to tenant
vzeti v zakúp to take on lease, to rent - zaléči to do; to be effective
protesti niso nič zalegli it was vain to protest
zaléči se (miši) to breed (ali to multiply) in great numbers
to nič ne zaleže that will not do, that is of no avail, pogovorno that's no use - zalèt run; rush; spring
zalèt za skok run before a leap (or a jump); (na smuško skakalnico) inrun (ali approach)
vzeti zalèt to take a run, to take a spring
skok z zalètom flying jump, flying leap
skok v daljino (v višino) z zalètom long (high) running jump - zaletéti se (vzeti zalet) to take a run
zaletéti se v to run into, to butt into, to bump into (ali against, on); (trčiti) to collide
zaletéti se se v drevo v temi to bump into a tree in the dark
zaletéti se z glavo v kaj to hit one's head against (ali upon) something, (figurativno) to act rashly, to overreach oneself
zaletéti se naravnost v to run slap into
z vso silo zaletéti se v zid to run full tilt into a wall
zaletelo se mi je it went down (ali I swallowed) the wrong way - zalíti zalívati to water (rastline plants); to add water to; to pour water on; (namakati zemljo) to irrigate
zalíti, zalívati kupčijo (figurativno) to wet a bargain
zalíti, zalívati zob medicina to fill (ali to stop) a tooth
zalít watered, (namakan) irrigated
zalíta kupčija wet bargain
zalítih lic chubby-cheeked - zaljúbljen in love (v with), (knjižno) enamoured (v of)
noro zaljúbljen v doting on
biti zaljúbljen to be in love (v with), (knjižno) to be enamoured (v of)
biti noro zaljúbljen v koga to dote on someone, (pogovorno) to be crazy (ali nuts) about someone, to have a crush on someone
biti zaljúbljen v to be sweet on (someone)
biti do ušes zaljúbljen v to be over head and heels in love with, pogovorno to be dead stuck on
bil je slepo zaljúbljen v njo he was madly in love with her, he was completely infatuated with her
nesrečno zaljúbljen lovelorn - zalóga stock; store
v, na zalógi in stock, in store
ne (več) na zalógi out of stock
vsa zalóga the whole stock; (rezerva za silo) stockpile
zalóga živil provisions pl
zalóge za zimo stores pl for the winter
delati si zalóge to stockpile
držati v zalógi (v rezervi) to hold (ali to keep) in store
imeti v zalógi to have in stock, to stock
napraviti si zalógo česa to lay in (ali to take in) a stock (of)
obnoviti svojo zalógo to renew one's stock
moje zalóge gredo h kraju my stores are getting low - zalopútniti
zalopútniti vrata to bang (ali to slam) the door, to bang to, to shut the door with a bang
zaloputnil mi je vrata pred nosom he slammed the door in my face - zalotíti to catch, to seize, to take (by surprise), to overtake
zalotíti pri dejanju to catch in the act, (žargon) to nab
zalotíti koga pri tatvini to catch someone stealing
tatu so zalotili pri dejanju the thief was caught (ali apprehended) in the act (ali was caught redhanded) - zamakníti to ravish; to put in an ecstasy, to enrapture
zamakníti (se) to be enraptured (ali ravished), to be in raptures, pogovorno to be on cloud nine - zamašíti (steklenico) to cork (up), to stopper, to stopple; to stop up; (sod) to bung up; to plug up; (luknjo) to cram, to stuff, to clog; (prebavo) to constipate, to render costive; (promet) to jam, to block; to choke up, to occlude; (odprtino, cev) to obturate
zamašíti se to get (ali to become) blocked (ali choked)
zamašíti vrzel to stop up a gap
zamašíti luknjo to stop (ali to fill up) a gap
zamašíti komu usta to stop someone's mouth; to silence someone, to muzzle someone - zaménjati to exchange; trgovina to barter (za for), to truck, to swap (ali to swop); (koga s kom drugim) to mistake for; to confound
zaménjati stražo to relieve a guard (ali sentinel); (nadomeščati v službi) to be deputy, to deputize (for), to be proxy, to substitute, to be substitute for, to replace, to represent, to act on (ZDA in) behalf (of), to be acting for; (nadomestovati zdravnika, duhovnika) to act as a locum (ali formalno locum tenens) for
zamenjal me je z mojim bratom he mistook me for my brother
zamenjal sem staro obleko za živila I exchanged my old clothes for provisions
zamenjala sva klobuke we have exchanged our hats
papirnati denar je zamenjal kovanega paper money has replaced specie
ne zamenjujte naše tvrdke z drugimi, ki imajo isto ime! don't confuse our firm with others of the same name!
zaménjati konja za kravo to swap a horse for a cow - zamériti to resent, to take amiss, to take offence (at); to be in a huff (at something); to huff
zamériti komu to bear someone a grudge, to hold (ali to have) a grudge against someone
ne zamériti komu to bear no grudge against someone
zamerim to I resent it
zameril je, da so se norčevali iz njega he resented them making fun of him
zameril mi je mojo opazko he resented my remark
ne zamerite mi tega! don't take it amiss!, don't hold it against me!
nihče nam ne more tega zamériti no one can blame us for it
zamériti se komu to lose someone's favour, to incur someone's displeasure
zameril se mi je he lost (ali forfeited) my esteem - zamočvíriti to render boggy (ali marshy)
zamočvíriti se to become boggy (ali marshy) - zamúda lateness; delay; coming behind one's time
imeti zamúdo to be behind time
imeli smo pet minut zamúde we were five minutes late
vlak je imel precéj zamúde the train was very late (ali was well behind time)
ladja ima veliko zamúdo the boat is long overdue
vlak ima zamúdo the train is late (ali behind time, not up to time)
vlak ima 10 minut zamúde the train is 10 minutes overdue
to je povzročilo našo zamúdo that is what delayed us (ali threw us late)
biti v zamúdi za plačilo davkov to be in arrears (ali behind) with one's taxes
sem v zamúdi s svojo korespondenco I am behindhand (ali in arrears) with my correspondence - zamudíti to be late (for); to miss; to come late; to be behind time
zamudíti šolo to be late for school
zamudíti vlak to miss the train
zamudíti priložnost, priliko to miss (ali to lose, to neglect, to omit, to let slip) an opportunity
zamudil sem 1. dejanje I missed the first act
pohiti, sicer boš zamudil vlak! hurry up or you'll miss the train!
zamudila boš vlak you are going to miss the train
zamudíti se to make too long a stay, to stay too long - zanášati to carry away
zanášati se na koga to rely on (ali upon) someone, to trust someone; to place one's trust in, to have confidence in
na mojo uro se ni zanášati there is no relying upon my watch
popolnoma se zanašam nanj I have every confidence in him
zanášati se na srečo to trust to luck
zanaša ga (opoteka se) he is staggering