
Zadetki iskanja

  • ôsel ass; (sivec) donkey; he-ass, jackass, jack; VB žargon moke, narečno cuddy; ZDA burro; figurativno (bedak) ass, jackass; duffer, dunce, ZDA mutt

    ôsle komu pokazati (figurativno) to put one's fingers to one's nose at someone, to thumb one's nose at someone, to make a long nose at someone
    ne bodi tak ôsel! don't be an ass!
    ôsel gre samo enkrat na led even a fool learns by bitter experience
    priti s konja na ôsla (figurativno) to come down in the world
  • osír wasp's nest

    dregniti v osír (figurativno) to stir up a hornet's nest
  • osiromášen impoverished; become poor (ali indigent, needy, stricken with poverty oziroma pauperism), arhaično brought upon the parish

    popolnoma osiromášen (as) poor as a church mouse
  • osíšče wasp's nest

    dregniti v osíšče to stir up a hornet's nest
  • ósji

    ósje gnezdo a wasp's nest
    dregniti v ósje gnezdo to stir up a wasp's nest, (figurativno) to stir up a hornet's nest
  • oskŕba supply; provision; nursing; (s hrano) board; (vzdrževanje) maintenance, care for, (z živili) purveyance

    oskŕba z elektriko, energijo power supply
    oskŕba z vodo water supply
    oskŕba s toplo vodo hotwater supply
    polna oskŕba board and lodging, full board, maintenance, (v hotelu) full board
    plača in vsa oskŕba pay (ali wages pl) and all found
    oskŕba z živili food supply
    otrok je v dobri oskŕbi the child is well looked after
    biti v zdravniški oskŕbi to be under medical treatment (ali pogovorno under the doctor)
    dati otroka v oskŕbo to entrust a child to someone's care
    imeti polno oskŕbo to be provided with board and lodging
  • oskrbéti to provide (z with); to procure; to supply (z with); to furnish (z with)

    oskrbéti se z to provide oneself with, to take (ali to lay in) a supply of
    oskrbeli smo mu potrebne listine we got him the necessary documents
    oskrbel sem jih z vsem I fitted (ali pogovorno kitted) them out with everything
  • oskrbníca

    hišna oskrbníca housekeeper
    oskrbníca planinske koče (woman) keeper of a mountain refuge (ali mountain hut)
  • oskrbník administrator, manager; custodian; steward

    oskrbník premoženja trustee
    oskrbník planinske koče keeper of a mountain refuge (ali mountain hut)
    hišni oskrbník (hišnik) housekeeper, caretaker, ZDA janitor
  • oskrunítev ➞ oskrumba

    oskrunítev mrliča desecration of a dead body (pokopališča of a cemetery)
  • oskrúniti to violate; to dishonour; (grob) to desecrate; (svetišče) to profane; to pollute

    oskrúniti žensko to rape (ali to ravish) a woman
  • oskúbsti (perutnino) to pluck, to deplume

    oskúbsti koga za denar to fleece someone of his money
    pošteno koga oskúbsti (figurativno) to fleece someone well and truly; (preveč zaračunati) to overcharge (someone)
    oskúbsti perje, dlako to strip of feathers, hair; zastarelo, pesniško to displume
    oskúbsti odjemalca (figurativno) to fleece a customer
  • oslepáriti to swindle (koga someone)

    oslepáriti koga za kaj to cheat someone out of something
    osleparil me je za 50 funtov he swindled (ali cheated) me out of fifty pounds, žargon he ripped me off for fifty quid
    biti osleparjen to be swindled, (žargon) to be sold a pup
    osleparili so ga za 5 funtov (žargon) he was stung for a fiver
  • osnóva (baza) base, basis; groundwork; (temelj) foundation; (začetki) elements pl, rudiments pl; (pri tkanju) warp

    brez osnóve baseless, groundless, without foundation
    obtožbe so brez osnóve the charges are baseless
    postaviti na trdno osnóvo to place on a firm basis; jezikoslovje stem
    ajevska, ijevska osnóva a-stem, i-stem
    nadomestna osnóva suppletive stem
    nedoločniška, sedanjiška osnóva infinitive stem, present stem
  • osnútek draft, outline; first design; (rough) sketch; project

    zakonski osnútek bill
    idejni osnútek rough idea, sketch (of a literary plot)
    osnútek resolucije a draft resolution
    osnútek volilnega zakona a draft electoral law
    narediti osnútek to drain
    predložiti osnútek to submit a draft
    predložiti zakonski osnútek to bring in a bill
    osnútek zakona o... draft of a bill regarding...
  • osprédje foreground, forefront; fore; front

    biti v osprédju politične dejavnosti to be prominently active in politics, to be in the forefront of political activity
    on je rad v osprédju (figurativno) he is fond of the limelight
    v osprédje se postaviti (siliti, riniti) to put oneself forward
    stopiti v osprédje to come to the fore (ali to the front), to stand out
    ne siliti v osprédje (figurativno) to take a back seat, to stay (ali keep) in the background, to keep a low profile
  • ostánek rest; (blaga) remnant; remainder; remain (s pl); leftover; residue

    ostánki (jedi) leavings pl; matematika remainder, difference
    ostánek dolgá remainder of a debt
    ostánki militarizma remnants pl of militarism
    ostánki (odpadki) oddments pl
  • ostáti (bivati) to stay, to remain

    ostáti zunaj to stay out; (vztrajati) to persist in, to stick to, to abide by, to keep to; (preostati) to be left over
    ostáti doma to stay at home
    ostáti v postelji to stay in bed, to keep to one's bed
    ostáti pri predmetu to keep to the point
    ostáti miren, hladnokrven to keep cool; to keep one's temper
    ostani, kjer si! keep still!, stay where you are!
    ostalo bo toplo it wilI stay warm
    ostáti zdrav to remain healthy
    to ostane med nama (figurativno) this is a word in your ear, I tell you this in strict confidence, this is quite between ourselves, this is strickly confidental
    vse ostane pri starem no change will be made, everything will be as before
    kje smo ostali zadnji teden? (v šoli) where did we leave off last week?
    ostanem pri svojem mnenju I stick to my opinion
    ostane pri tem! we will leave it at that!
    nič drugega mi ne (pre)ostane... I have no choice but..., there's nothing for it but..., I have no alternative, it's a case of Hobson's choice
    nič drugega (nam) ne ostane, kot da... there is nothing for it, but to...
    ostanite pri telefonu! hold the line, please!
  • óster (orodje) sharp, cutting, edged, keen; (koničast) pointed, peaked; (strog) strict, rigid, austere, severe; (bolečina) acute, intense, smart, severe, keen; (glas) sharp, biting, piercing, rigorous, severe; (jezik) sharp; (beseda) poignant, acrimonious; (pogled) penetrating; (poteze v obrazu) cleancut; (zrak) bracing; (kazen) severe; (veter) biting, keen; (popran) hot, piquant, peppery; (vonj ali okus) acrid

    óstra konkurenca keen competition
    óstri kót an acute angle
    óster kis strong vinegar
    óster kot meč sharp as a sword
    óster mraz sharp frost
    óster naboj ball cartridge
    óstri ukrepi stern (ali rigorous) measures pl
    ona ima zelo óster jezik she has a very sharp tongue
    óster ovinek (zavoj) a sharp curve
  • ostríti (nož, svinčnik) to sharpen; (koso) to whet; (rezilo) to sharpen, to make sharp (ali keen)

    ostríti na brusu to grind
    ostríti britev to grind (ali to set) a razor; (konico) to point