oglódati to gnaw; to pick (a bone); to finish gnawing (ali picking); to cause damage by gnawing
miš je oglodala desko a mouse has been nibbling at the board
Zadetki iskanja
- ognjevít fiery; ardent, passionate; spirited; (konj) mettlesome
ognjevít konj a horse of mettle, a spirited horse - ogoljufáti
ogoljufáti koga to deceive someone
ogoljufáti koga za kaj to cheat (ali to trick) someone (out) of something
ogoljufáti za kaj to defraud of something
ogoljufali so ga za vse premoženje he was cheated of all he possessed
njega je lahko ogoljufáti he's easy meat (ali pogovorno a mug, sucker) - ogréti to warm; to make warm; to heat
ogréti se to warm oneself; to get hot
ogréti se za kaj (figurativno) to warm to something, to take a fancy to something, to take a warm interest in something
ogréti se za svoje delo (za kak predmet) to warm to one's work (to a subject)
takoj se ogréti za kaj to take to something like a duck to water - ogŕniti to put on
ogŕniti haljo to don an overall
ogŕniti šal (plašč) to put on a shawl (an overcoat)
ogŕniti se to wrap oneself up
ogrnjen wrapped up - ogróžanje threatening; threat; menace
ogróžanje miru a threat to peace - ohlápen lax; (obleka) loose
ohlápna morala, nravnost lax morals pl
ohlápna vrv a slack (ali loose) rope - oklesáti to hew
oklesáti kamen to dress a stone - ôkno window
izložbeno ôkno shopwindow, display window
ôkno na krila casement window
strešno ôkno dormer window; garret window
ôkno na palubi skylight
poslikano ôkno stained-glass window
vzdižno (angleško, na smuk) ôkno sash window
slepo ôkno blind window
ôkno gleda na ulico the window looks out on (to) the street
s tega ôkna je lep razgled there is a fine view from this window, this window commands a fine view
gledati skoz ôkno to look out of the window
odpreti (zapreti) ôkno to open (to shut, to close) the window
zadajšnje ôkno v avtu rear window - okó eye; (na krompirju) eye; (mastno) drop of grease; botanika eye (of a bud)
kurje okó (figurativno) corn
operater kurjih očes chiropodist
stekleno okó a glass eye
magično okó magic-eye tuning
mačje okó (figurativno) (rear) reflector
z golim očesom with the naked eye
s prostim očesom with unaided eye
okó postave je budno the eye of the law is ever vigilant
imeti okó za lepoto (za kaj lepega) to have an eye for the beautiful
kakor daleč seže okó as far as the eye can reach, within eyeshot, within range of sight
dljè kot seže okó farther (ali further) than the eye can see
z očesom ne treniti not to bat an eyelid
niti z očesom ni trenil he did not even wince
on ne vidi več na levo okó he lost the sight of his left eye
vidim stvari z istim očesom kot ti (figurativno) I see eye to eye with you
pazi na okó! mind your eye!
zamižati na eno okó to wink an eye (ob at), (figurativno) to connive (at), to shut one's eyes to
zatisnil je eno okó ob mojem kajenju he turned a blind eye to my smoking
ne zatisniti očesa (figurativno) not to sleep a wink
nocoj nisem zatisnil očesa I did not get a wink of sleep last night
okó za okó, zob za zob an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - okóli round, around; (približno) about, near, some
okóli vogala (čisto blizu) round the corner
okóli 100 (nekaj več) a hundred odd
okóli 10 let je tega ten years or so ago
okóli petih about five o'clock
okóli hiše round the house
vse okóli all round
tu nekje okóli around here
pričakuj me okóli treh! expect me at 3 o'clock, or thereabouts!
število znaša (je) okóli 3.000 the figure is in the region of 3,000
hoditi okóli to walk about
pogovor se je sukal okóli politike the conversation centred on politics
pogledal sem okóli sebe I looked round about me - okováti (s sponami) to fetter, to chain, to shackle; to manacle; pesniško to enchain; (ojačiti) to strengthen (ali to stud, to shoe) with metal (parts)
okováti čevlje to nail boots (shoes)
okováti konja to shoe a horse - okrájen
okrájni glavar chief officer of a district; prefect
okrájno sodišče district court; VB county court - okrivíti
okrivíti koga česa to accuse someone of something, to charge someone with something, to impute something to someone; to lay something at someone's door; to lay a charge against someone, to impeach someone, to indict someone for something; to blame something on someone; to place the blame on someone - okróg round, round about, around; (približno) about, near, in the neighbourhood of; some
vse okróg all around, on every side
okróg 1.000 (nekaj več) a thousand odd
okróg hiše round the house
okróg petih about five o'clock - okrógel round; circular; rotund; spherical; globular; cylindrical
okróglo število a round number
okrógla vsota a lump sum
pogovor za okróglo mizo round-table discussion - okupíran (fully) occupied
biti okupíran (zavzet) s čim to be engrossed (by a problem; in an activity)
okupíran od sovražnika enemy-occupied, enemy-held - okús taste; flavour; savour
po mojem okúsu to my taste
prijeten okús a pleasing taste
slasten okús relish, flavour
brez okúsa tasteless, insipid, flat, unsavoury, figurativno without taste
človek dobrega okúsa a man of taste
to je stvar okúsa it is a matter of taste
vsak po svojem okúsu everyone to his fancy
okúsi so različni there is no accounting for tastes, tastes differ
imeti okús po to taste of
imeti sladek okús to taste sweet
to vino ima okús po sodu this wine tastes of the cask (ali has a tang of the cask)
pustiti slab okús v ustih (tudi figurativno) to leave a bad taste in the mouth
ta film kvari okús občinstva that film corrupts public taste - olájšanje alleviation, mitigation; relaxation; relief; palliation; facilitation; ease
to je olájšanje zame it's a great relief for me, pogovorno it's a load off my mind
bilo je olájšanje videti... it was a relief to see...
zdravilo mi je prineslo olájšanje the medicine has given me relief - olepševálen
olepševálno sredstvo cosmetic
olepševálno društvo society for the care and improvement of a district or tourist area