vrískati to shout; (v gorah) to yodel
vrískati od veselja to shout for (ali with) joy; to exult (ob, nad at, over)
vriskajoč shouting (with joy), jubilant
Zadetki iskanja
- vrníti to return; to give back; to render (back); (uslugo) to reciprocate
vrníti dobljeni udarec to return a blow
vrníti dobro za zlo to return (ali to render) good for evil; (izdatek, strošek) to reimburse, to refund
vrníti milo za drago to give tit for tat
stroški mu bodo vrnjeni he will be reimbursed for his expenses
vrníti se to return, to come back, (peš) to walk back, to go back; to recur
vrníti se na delo to go back to work
vrníti se jež (na konju) to ride back
ladja se je vrnila the ship sailed back
vrníti se po isti poti to retrace one's steps
vrníti se v normalno stanje to return to normal (ali normality, normalcy) - vróč hot, (kot krop) boiling hot; fervid; tropical; figurativno ardent, passionate; burning
vróča diskusija animated discussion
vróči pas torrid zone
vróč zrak hot air
vróča voda hot water
vróče mi je I am hot
vróče je kot v peklu it's as hot as hell
tam bo še vróče (figurativno) there will be hot work
vróče podnebje hot climate
vróče sonce hot sun
postajalo mi je vróče I was getting hot
imeti vróčo kri (figurativno) to be hot-tempered
napraviti komu tla vróča pod nogami to make it hot (ali warm) for someone, to make the place too hot for someone - vročína heat; medicina fever
dušeča vročína oppressive heat
huda, žgoča vročína broiling, parching, scorching heat
tropska vročína tropical (ali torrid) heat
doba hude, pasje vročíne dog days pl
občutljiv za vročíno sensitive to heat
odporen proti vročíni heat-resistant, heat proof, thermostable
merilec vročíne fizika pyrometer
imeti hudo, visoko vročíno medicina to run a high temperature - vŕsta row (hiš of houses); line; rank; vojska file; turn; series; kind, sort; set; type; genus, species; variety; quality
dolga vŕsta long row
v vŕsti in a row, in a line
v vŕstah in rows
sprednja (zadnja) vŕsta front (back) line
v sprednjih vŕstah in the front ranks
v nepretrgani vŕsti in straight succession
po vŕsti in turn, by turns; in rows; (po eden) one at a time, successively
naslovna vŕsta headline
vŕsta sedežev row of seats
vŕsta topolov row of poplars
kdo je na vŕsti? whose turn is it?
jaz sem na vŕsti it is my turn
počakati moraš, da prideš na vŕsto! you must await (ali pogovorno wait) your turn!
prideš kmalu na vŕsto your turn will soon come
ne (se) držati vŕste pri čakanju (preskočiti vŕsto) to jump a queue
čakati v vŕsti (za kaj) to queue (for something)
sedeti v prvi vŕsti to sit in the front row
brati med vŕstami to read between the lines
brali smo po vŕsti (eden za drugim) we took it in turns to read
korakati v vŕsti to march in file
razredčiti vŕste to thin out the rows
postaviti v vŕsto to put (ali to set) in a row; to rank, to file, to draw up
postaviti se v vŕsto (štartno črto pred tekom) to toe the line
imeli smo vŕsto deževnih dni we (have) had a succession of rainy days
imamo tri vŕste vina we have three sorts of wine - vrtálen
vrtálni stroj automatic boring (ali drilling) machine - vrtéti to turn (round), to spin round; to rotate, to revolve; to twirl, to whirl; (vrtavko) to spin
vrtéti kolo to turn a wheel
vrtéti (snemati) film to make a film
vrtéti kolesa šport to turn somersaults (ali bočno: cartwheels)
vrtéti palce (prste) to twiddle one's thumbs (fingers)
vrtéti se to turn
kolo se vrti the wheel turns
vrtéti se v krogu to whirl
vrti se mi v glavi my head reels, my head swims, I feel dizzy, I feel giddy
vse se mi vrti my head reels (ali whirls), my brain reels - vŕtnica botanika rose
divja vŕtnica wild brier (ali briar) - vrtoglávica vrtoglávost dizziness, giddiness; medicina vertigo pl vertigoes; vertiginousness
dobiti vrtoglávico to get (ali to have) a dizzy spell (od from, with)
imeti vrtoglávico to feel dizzy
povzročiti vrtoglávico to make someone giddy, to bring on a dizzy spell - vrzél gap; (znanstveno) lacuna; (luknja, odprtina) hole, opening; (predor) breach; (prekinitev) break; (razpoka) chasm; (izpustitev) omission; (prazno mesto) blank; void; vacancy
poln vrzéli full of gaps, (nepopoln) incomplete, defective
zapolniti vrzél to fill up a gap (ali a vacancy), to supply a want
vrzél (luknja) v zakonu pravo loophole in the law - vsákdanji everyday; quotidian; ordinary; daily; common; trivial; of everyday occurrence
v vsákdanjem življenju in everyday life
vsákdanja obleka ordinary (ali everyday, informal) dress (ali clothes); undress - vsè all; everything; all included; without exception
vsè, kar... all that...
vsè ali nič all or nothing, (figurativno) neck or nothing
vsè to all this
vsè zaman all in vain, all to no purpose
vsè do zadnjega to the last
vsè skupaj all together
vsè v vsem all in all
vsè več in več more and more
vsè manj in manj less and less
nad vsè above all, first of all
ona mu je vsè she is all to him
njemu vsè prav pride nothing comes amiss to him
vsè je izgubljeno all is lost
vsè mi je povedal he told me everything
vsè sem tvegal I have risked my all
vsè se mi zdi, da ti ni zanj I half suspect you don't care for him
jaz bi vsè prej kot (šel) I would rather have anything than (go)
vsè je dobro, kar se konča dobro all's well that ends well
vsè, kar se sveti, ni zlato all that glitters is not gold
storil bom vsè, kar želiš I shall do whatever you desire - vseêno all the same; all one; still; nevertheless; for all that
meni je vseêno it's all the same to me, it makes no difference to me, I don't care, (žargon) I don't give a damn (ali a darn)
vseêno je, če... it comes to the same thing, if...
če vam je vseêno, da hodite 10 minut if you don't mind walking ten minutes
vseêno mi je it is all one to me
to je čisto vseêno it is all one and the same thing
vseêno je it comes to the same thing, it is six of one and half a dozen of the other, (ni važno) it is of no consequence - vsíliti vsiljeváti
vsíliti, vsiljeváti komu kaj to force (ali to impose) something on someone, to thrust (ali to ram) something down someone's throat
vsilil nam je svojo družbo he thrust himself upon us
ne maramo vam vsíliti, vsiljeváti blaga we will not force the goods on (ali upon) you
vojna nam je bila vsiljena the war has been forced on (ali upon) us
vsíliti, vsiljeváti se komu to impose oneself upon (ali on) someone, to intrude, to force oneself on someone, to barge in; to interlope
vsilila se mi je misel the idea suggested itself to me - vstája insurrection; rebellion, (manjša) revolt; rising, uprising
kmečka vstája peasant rising
zadušiti vstájo to quell (ali to crush, to stamp out) a rebellion
zanetiti vstájo to raise a rebellion
zasejati seme vstáje to sow the seeds of revolt (proti against) - všéč
biti všéč to please
to mi je všéč I am pleased with it
všéč mi je... I like, I relish, I am pleased with, I am partial to, I am fond of, I love; it suits me, it is agreeable to (ali convenient for) me
kakor ti je všéč as you please, as you like
to mi ni všéč I don't like it, it displeases me, I am loath to..., I abhor..., I detest
kako ti je všéč ta barva? how do you like this colour? - vštríc abreast; side by side; next to each other; alongside (njega him)
vštríc (v korak) s časom abreast of (ali with) the times - vtís impression; impress; sensation; effect; tiskarstvo stamp, imprint; mark
trajen (globok) vtís lasting (deep) impression
(ne)ugoden vtís (un)favourable impression
biti pod vtísom, da... to be under the impression that...
imam vtís, da... it is my impression that...
imel je vtís, kot da... he had the impression that...
dajati vtís to give an (oziroma the) impression
dobiti, imeti dober vtís o čem to be favourably impressed by something
napraviti vtís na koga to impress someone, to leave an impression on someone
novica, vest je napravila zelo velik vtís the news created a sensation (ali a stir)
predstava je napravila name globok vtís the performance made (ali produced) a profound impression on me
name je napravilo vtís... I was impressed by...
storiti kaj, da bi napravili vtís to do something for effect
zapustiti neizbrisen vtís to leave one's mark (on) - vzajémen mutual; reciprocal; reciprocative
vzajémna naklonjenost mutual affection
vzajémno podporno društvo mutual aid association, mutual benefit society
vzajémna pomoč mutual insurance company
vzajémno zavarovanje reciprocal (ali mutual) insurance - vzdíhniti vzdihováti to sigh (out)
vzdíhniti, vzdihováti po minulih časih to sigh for past times; (ali pogovorno for the good old days)
globoko vzdíhniti, vzdihováti to heave (ali to fetch) a deep sigh
vzdihovaje preživljati svoje nedelje arhaično to sigh away one's Sundays