odnêsti to carry (ali to take, to bear) off (ali away)
reka je odnesla most the river swept away the bridge
poceni jo odnêsti (figurativno) to come off with a small loss
celo kožo odnêsti to save one's bacon, to emerge safe and sound, to escape with life and limb
peté odnêsti to escape
Zadetki iskanja
- odnòs relation; term
napeti odnòsi strained relations pl
biti v dobrih odnòsih z to be on good terms with, to be on a good footing with
prekiniti odnòse to sever relations
biti v dobrih odnòsih z dvema nasprotnima si strankama (figurativno) to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
mednarodni odnòsi international relations pl
mezdni odnòsi wage labour relationships - odpád(ek) offal; waste; refuse; (po pikniku, v gozdu itd.) litter; (kuhinjski) garbage; (smeti) rubbish; (obrezki) parings pl, shavings pl, cuttings pl; (izvržek) trash
odpadki pl waste, (kovine) scrap, (mesa) tankage, (pri struženju) turnings pl
izkoriščanje odpadkov elimination of waste
ne meči odpadkov! dump no rubbish (ali refuse, ZDA garbage)!
odlaganje odpadkov (tukaj) prepovedano no rubbish may be dumped here!, this is not a rubbish dump! - odpeljáti to lead (ali to bring, to conduct, to take) away; to walk (ali to march) off (koga someone); (tovor) to cart off (ali away), to carry away; (s silo, ugrabiti) to abduct, to kidnap (koga someone)
odpeljáti se to ride (ali to drive) off (ali away); to depart in a carriage - odpísan written off
odpísan dolg a debt that has been written off - odpísati (odgovor) to answer (ali to reply) in writing
odpísati dolg to write off a debt - odpláčati to pay off (v obrokih by instalments); to pay back, to square accounts
odpláčati dolg to settle (ali to discharge, to clear) a debt
odpláčati hipoteko to redeem a mortgage
odplačan paid off; settled; squared - odplavíti to wash away; to wash off
val ga je odplavil s krova a wave swept him off the deck
reka je odplavila most the river washed (ali swept) the bridge away - odpočítek rest; recreation; repose (od from); relaxation
privoščiti si uro odpočítka to allow oneself an hour's rest
potreben sem odpočítka I need a rest - odposláti odpošíljati to send off (ali away); to dispatch, to despatch
odposláti, odpošíljati pismo to forward (to send) a letter; to consign; (z ladjo) to ship - odpóved notice; warning; denunciation, denouncement (pakta of a pact, of a treaty)
enomesečna odpóved a month's warning (ali notice)
dobiti odpóved to get (ali to receive) notice to quit
dati odpóved službe, stanovanja to give notice to quit
dati odpóved delodajalcu to give one's employer notice
dati odpóved delojemalcu to give an employee notice - odpovédati (stanovanje, službo) to give notice, ZDA to notice; to denounce (pogodbo a treaty); (naročilo, naročeno) to countermand (an order); (glas) to fail; (motor) to break down, to stall
odpovédati naročilo to cancel an order
odpovédati stanovanje to give notice to quit
odpovédati predstavo, tekmo to call off a performance, a contest
odpovédati časopis to discontinue a newspaper
glas mu je odpovedal his voice failed
nogé so mi odpovedale my legs refused to obey me
odpovedal je (službo) gospodarju he gave his landlord notice that he was going to leave
mati je odpovedala gospodinjski pomočnici my mother has given her servant notice
odpovedal sem podnajemniku I have given my lodger notice to quit
živci so mu odpovedali his nerves snapped
puška je odpovedala the rifle misfired (ali failed to go off)
(zasilna) zavora je odpovedala the (emergency) brake failed
kuharica nam je odpovedala the cook has given us notice
odpovédati delodajalcu to give one's employer notice
odpovédati delojemalcu to give an employee notice
če vse drugo odpove in the last resort
odpovédati se to renounce (čemu something); to resign, to divest oneself (čemu of something); (veri) to abjure, to abandon
odpovédati se prestolu to abdicate the throne, to resign the crown
odpovédati se članstvu to resign from membership
odpovedal se je zahtevam do prestola he renounced his pretensions to the throne - odpráviti (odposlati) to send off (ali away), to dispatch, to expedite, to forward; to dismiss; (ukiniti) to abolish, to annul, to suppress, to do away (kaj with something)
odpráviti sužnost to abolish slavery
odpráviti nedostatek to make good a deficiency
odpráviti otroka (splaviti) to procure an abortion
odpráviti koga (odbiti mu prošnjo) to send someone away with a refusal (ali pogovorno with a flea in his ear); to get rid of a bothersome petitioner
odpráviti se to set out (v for)
odpráviti se domov to make for home
odpráviti se na pot to set out on one's journey
ni se dal odpráviti I could not get rid of him
odpráviti koga z lepimi besedami to put someone off with fair words - odpréti to open; (odkleniti) to unlock
s silo odpréti to force open
znova odpréti to reopen
odpréti buteljko to uncork a bottle
odpréti dežnik to open (ali to put up) an umbrella
odpréti konto to open an account
odpréti komu neomejen kredit to set unlimited funds at someone's disposal
s silo odpréti ključavnico to pick a lock
odpréti oči to open one's eyes
odpréti komu oči to open someone's eyes, to disillusion someone, to undeceive someone, to disabuse someone
oči so se mi odprle it dawned upon me
odpréti ples to open the ball, to lead off the dance
odpréti za promet to open to traffic
odpréti razstavo to open an exhibition
odpréti sejo to open a meeting
odprli so novo šolo a new school has been opened
odpréti paket to unpack a parcel
odpréti srcé to open (ali to unlock) one's heart
odpréti usta to open one's mouth, figurativno to speak up
ne odpréti ust not to open one's lips
odpréti vrata to open the door, (po zvonjenju pri vratih) to answer the door (ali the bell)
odpréti tvor to open an abscess
na stežaj odpréti vrata to open the door wide, to set the door wide open
vrata se niso hotela odpréti the door would not open
odpréti se to open, (naglo) to fly open; (padalo) to open
stara rana se je odprla the old sore (has) reopened - odpŕt open, opened; uncovered; patent; (javen) public; figurativno (iskren) frank, sincere, candid; outspoken
odpŕto mesto vojska undefended town, open city
odpŕto morje open sea, (vidno od obale) offing, pesniško main
odpŕt račun open account
odpŕto vprašanje open (undecided, debatable) question, moot point
pri na stežaj odpŕtem oknu with the window thrown open
pustiti vprašanje odpŕto to leave a question in suspense - odrêči (odkloniti) to refuse, to decline
odrêči se čemu to renounce something, to resign something, to give something up; to waive, abjure; to relinquish
odrêči se častem to decline honours
odrêči se (neki) pravici to resign a right
odrêči se dopustu to give up one's holiday
odrêči se prestolu to abdicate; to renounce the throne
odrekel se je nameri, da bi to storil he renounced the idea of doing it
odrêči se pravicam do česa to quitclaim something
on se ničemur ne odreče he denies himself nothing
odrêči se upanju, misli to relinquish a hope, an idea - odredíti to decree, to order, to ordain, to prescribe; (odločiti) to decide, to determine
vnaprej odredíti to foreordain, to predetermine
odredíti čas, termin to stipulate a time - odréti to skin; to flay
odréti (iz kože dati) to flay (the hide) off
odréti kunca to skin a rabbit
odréti žival to flay (ali to strip the skin off) an animal
odréti koga (figurativno) to overcharge someone, to charge exorbitant prices, pogovorno to bleed someone white, žargon to rip someone off - odrézati to cut off (ali away), to chop off (ali away), (skrajšati) to dock
odrézati komu roko, nogo to amputate someone's arm, leg
odrézati se (hitro odgovoriti) to answer promptly
dobro (bolje) se odrézati to do well (better)
slabo se odrézati to do badly, to come off a loser
najslabše se odrézati to get the worst (of it) - odslovíti (iz službe) dismissal; discharge; (častnika iz službe) to cashier (an officer)
odslovíti gospodinjsko pomočnico to give notice to a servant, to part with a servant; (odgnati, znebiti se) to turn away