obrêsti2 (obredem) to tour; to visit
obrêsti bolnišnice to visit hospitals
obrêsti trgovine to go on a shopping trip, to tour the shops
obrêsti Francijo to tour France
obrêsti vso deželo to travel all over the country
Zadetki iskanja
- obrestováti to pay interest
obrestováti se to bear (ali to yield) interest
obrestováti se po 5% to bear an interest of five per cent
obrestováti se (figurativno) to bring (ali to yield) a return - obrís outline; contour; sketch
v obrísu in outline
v grobih obrísih on rough lines
napraviti obrís to outline
narisati obríse to contour (česa something)
poznati kaj v obrísih to have a sketchy knowledge of something - obríti to shave
obríti se to shave (oneself), to have a shave (ali to get shaved)
dal sem se obríti I had a shave (at the barber's) - obrníti to turn upside down, to turn inside out; to invert; (okoli osi) to wheel (round), (ladjo) to veer, to bring about
obrníti glavo to turn one's head
obrníti v stran to swerve
obrnil mu je hrbet he turned his back on him
obrníti list figurativno to turn the record over, to change the subject
obrnite (list), prosimo! let's change the subject, please!
obrníti se to turn round
obrníti se k, proti to turn towards
obrníti se na levo to turn (to the) left
obrníti se na koga to apply to someone, to address someone, to appeal to someone, to turn to someone, to call upon someone
obrníti se za informacije pri, na to inquire at
zadeva se je obrnila na boljše the matter has taken a turn for the better
dovolite, da se obrnem na vas v zelo važni zadevi allow me to consult (ali approach) you on a very important matter
obrníti se zelo na slabše to take a drastic turn for the worse
moram se obrníti na direktorja I must refer to the manager - obróč hoop; (kolut) ring; (na sodu) hoop; (kolesni) band, (platišče) rim
poganjati obróč to drive (ali to trundle) a hoop
nabiti obróč na sod to hoop a cask
namestiti obróč (platišče) to rim - obrodíti to bear fruit
bogato obrodíti to crop heavily
letina, žetev je dobro obrodila letos the crop has been plentiful this year, the harvest has turned out well this year
to drevo dobro (slabo) obrodi this tree is a good (a poor) fruiter - obrók ration; instalment
dnevni obrók daily ration
obróki sladkorja rations pl of sugar
železni obrók hrane iron ration(s)
imamo tri obróke (jedi) na dan we have three meals a day
omejiti obróke (hrane) to ration
deliti obróke to serve out rations, to ration out
imeti živila na obróke to be rationed for food
(od)plačevanje na obróke hire purchase, ZDA instalment plan
plačljivo v mesečnih obrókih payable by monthlyinstalments
plačevati v obrókih to pay by instalments - obŕt trade; craft
domača obŕt cottage industry
mala obŕt small trade
tesarska obŕt carpenter's trade, carpentry
umetna obŕt applied (ali practical) art, arts and crafts pl
opravljati obŕt to ply a trade, to carry on a trade, to engage in (ali to practise) a handicraft
on opravlja mizarsko obŕt he is a joiner by trade - obscén (kretnja) obscene, indecent; (govorjenje) lewd, loose, dirty, filthy; (pesem itd.) ribald, bawdy, smutty
obscéna šala a dirty (ali blue, smutty) joke (ali story)
obscéno govorenje smut - obsédanje siege; investment, (z morja) blockade
opustiti obsédanje to raise a siege
vzdržati obsédanje to hold out, to withstand a siege
začeti obsédanje to lay siege to - obséden
obséden od obsessed by (ali with)
obséden od fiksne ideje possessed by a fixed idea (ali monomania)
obséden od hudiča, zlega duha possessed by the devil, by the evil spirit
obsédeno stanje state of siege - obség extent; size; dimension; comprehension; volume; bulk; range; (kroga) circumference, compass
do nekega obséga to some extent, to a certain extent
v velikem obségu to a great (ali large) extent
obség prsi, pasú in bokov pri ženski vital statistics pl
delati v polnem obségu to work to capacity - obsôdba sentence; condemnation; verdict; judgment
pogojna obsôdba pravo suspended sentence
smrtna obsôdba sentence of death, death sentence
nalog za izvršitev smrtne obsôdbe death warrant
izvršitev smrtne obsôdbe carrying out (ali execution) of a death sentence
izreči obsôdbo to pronounce sentence (on), to pass sentence (on)
podpisati smrtno obsôdbo to sign a death sentence
obsôdba v odsotnosti judgment by default - obsodíti to sentence (na smrt to death); to condemn (na smrt to death); to find guilty (of), to give judgment against
obsodíti na globo to fine
vnaprej obsodíti to prejudge, to foredoom
obsodíti na plačilo stroškov to award costs against someone
obsodíti na težko delo to sentence to hard labour
obsodíti na 5 let ječe to sentence to five years' imprisonment
pogojno obsodíti to put on probation
obsodíti pogojno na eno leto to bind over for a year - obsúti to shower (ali to heap, to load, to lavish) on; to heap with
obsúti koga s častmi to heap honours on someone
obsúti z naročili to overwhelm with instructions (ali commands)
obsúti otroka z darili (poljubi) to shower gifts (kisses) upon a child
obsuli so ga s strelicami they fired a hail of arrows at him, they rained arrows on him
obsul ga je roj nosačev he was besieged (ali surrounded) by a swarm of porters
obsúti z vprašanji to overwhelm someone with questions - obtíčati to stick; to get stuck; to remain sticking, to stick fast
obtíčati v blatu to get stuck in the mud
obtíčati sredi poti to get stuck halfway (ali midway)
obtíčati v džungli to be stranded in the jungle
nekaj mi je obtičalo v grlu something is stuck in my throat
obtíčati sredi svojega govora to come to a halt (ali pogovorno to dry up, to get bogged down) in the middle of one's speech - obtóžba accusation; inculpation; charge (proti against); pravo indictment; impeachment; arraignment; information against; (na sodišču) prosecution
utemeljiti obtóžbo to substantiate a charge
vložiti obtóžbo proti to proceed against
umakniti obtóžbo to withdraw a charge
zavrniti obtóžbo to reject a charge - obubóžan impoverished; made poor (ali needy, indigent), stricken with poverty
popolnoma obubóžan poor as a church mouse - obupávati to (continue to) despair
ne obupávati to make the best of a bad bargain