radováti se to rejoice (ob at, in, over), to delight, to be glad (of); to take delight (in)
močnó radováti se to exult, to triumph (in, over); (škodoželjno) to gloat (over, upon)
vnaprej radováti se to look forward to
radujem se od srca it gives me joy, it does my heart good, it warms (ali it rejoices) the cockles of my heart
Zadetki iskanja
- ranljív vulnerable; apt (ali liable) to be wounded (ali hurt, injured)
- razbežáti se to run hither and thither, (množica) to disperse; to flee away, (čete) to disband, to run (ali to fly) in all directions; to be dispelled, to scatter
- razboléti se (zboleti) to fall (ali to become) ill, to catch an illness, to be taken ill; (rana) to cause pain, to give pain, to begin to smart
- razjókati se to burst into tears, to weep bitterly, to melt in tears; to be dissolved in tears
- razmáhniti se to be in full swing
- razpoložljív disposable, at disposal; available; free to be used
razpoložljív denar disposable funds pl, ready cash
razpoložljívo blago available goods pl
imamo malo razpoložljívega časa I have little spare time
razpoložljíva gotovina loose cash - razsípati razsipávati to dissipate, to waste, to lavish, to squander; to be wasteful (ali lavish, prodigal) (z with)
on razsipava z denarjem he is prodigal with his money, he squanders his money right and left - razstavljív that can be taken to pieces
- razvédeti se to be learned; to come to light; to leak out; to become known
skrivnost se je razvedela the secret leaked out
včeraj se je razvedelo it was learned yesterday
stvar se je razvedela (news of) the matter got (ali leaked) out - reklamíran (that has been) claimed back; asked to be restituted
- rentírati se to pay, to be profitable, to profit; to bring (ali to yield) a return; to yield profit; to be worth while
to se ne rentira that doesn't pay
ravno se še rentírati se (pokriti stroške) to break even - revoltírati (se) to revolt (proti against), to be in revolt
revoltírati (se) in preiti k sovražniku to revolt to the enemy
tvoje slabe manire me revoltirajo your bad manners revolt me
moja vest revoltira ob tej ideji my conscience revolts at this idea - rezidírati to reside; (službeno) to be in residence
rezidírati v tujini to reside abroad - rímati se to rhyme, to be in rhyme
rímati se za oko (za uho) to give a visual (an acoustic) rhyme - rjavéti to rust; to be corroded by rust; to grow rusty; to become (ali to get) brown
ki ne rjavi rustless - rodíti to bear; to give birth (sina to a son); to be delivered of a child; to bring forth; figurativno to generate, to bear fruit
prezgodaj rodíti (splaviti) to miscarry
rodíti se to be born
rodil se mu je sin he had a son born to him
nisem se včeraj rodil (figurativno, nisem tako neumen) I was not born yesterday
to drevo slabó rodi this tree is a poor fruiter - samévati to live a solitary (ali retired) life; to live by oneself; to live in retirement; to live single, to live in strict seclusion, to be alone; (hiša) to stand alone
- sanjáriti to be lost in reverie; to indulge in daydreaming (ali in musing)
- sedéti to sit, to be sitting, to be seated; (ptice) to perch; (na jajcih) to hatch
sedéti s spodvitimi nogami to sit cross-legged
sedéti ob kom to sit beside someone, to sit by someone's side
sedéti pri mizi to sit at table
dobro sedi na konju he has a good seat
sedéti slikarju to sit for a painter
vedno sedi pri knjigah he is always bent over his books
vedno doma sedi he is a stayat-home, he leads a sedentary life
sedéti in lenariti to sit idle
sedéti v zaporu to be in prison, to be imprisoned, to be confined, to undergo one's term of punishment, to serve one's sentence; pogovorno to do time; žargon to do bird
sedéti na trnih, kot na šivankah to be on tenterhooks
sedéti na ušesih (figurativno) to be deaf to, not to listen to, to be inattentive