drág dear; (necenén) expensive; dear; costly
drág kamen a precious stone
drága večerja an expensive dinner
dráge volje willingly, readily; with a good grace
knjiga je drága the book is expensive (ali dear)
moj drági! my dear!
drági moj prijatelj! my dear friend!
vino je tu zelo drágo wine is very dear here
drágo mi je I am glad (ali pleased)
napravite, kot Vam je drágo do as you like, do just as you please
če ti je življenje drágo if you value your life
karkoli ti je drágo anything you like
to mi je predrago this is too expensive for me
to je eden najdražjih hotelov v Parizu it is one of the most expensive hotels in paris
vrnil sem mu milo za drágo I paid him in his own coin, I gave him tit for tat; I got even with him
to je tisto, kar mi je najdražje na svetu that is what I hold dearest on earth
drágó prodajati to sell dear
to te bo drágó stalo it will cost you dear
drágó je to plačal he paid dear for it
to mi bo drágo plačal I'll take it out of him, I'll make him pay dearly (ali dear) for it
Zadetki iskanja
- drúg(i) -a, -o second; other, another
drúgi dan v mesecu the second
drúgi (naslednji) dan next day
drúgi najboljši second best
2. november 2nd November (beri: the second of November), November 2nd (beri: November the second)
drúgi razred second class
Karl II Charles II (beri: Charles the Second)
nihče drúg (kot on) nobody else (but he, pogovorno him)
vsak drúgi one in two
vsak drúgi dan every second (ali other) day
eden za drúgim one by one, one after the other, one after another
drúga dva the other two, the two others
na drúgi strani (figurativno) on the other hand
drúgi pot (drugič enkrat) some other time
drúgi po velikosti second biggest, second largest
eden drúgega one another, each other, mutually
eden in drugi both (of them)
bratranec (sestrična) v 2. kolenu second cousin
drugi (ostali) the other
kabina 2. razreda second-class cabin
nihče drúg kot no (ali none) other than, nobody else but
eno z drúgim one with the other
nič drúgega nothing else
biti drúgi, zavzeti drúgo mesto to take second place
to je nekaj čisto drúgega that is an entirely different matter, it makes all the difference, žargon that's another kettle of fish; this is quite another thing
imeti informacije iz drúge (posredne) roke to have second-hand information
za sedaj se ne da napraviti nič drúgega for the present nothing else can be done
biti drúgega mnenja to differ in opinion, to dissent
to pero je slabo, vzemi drúgo! this is a poor pen, take another!
vzeto eno z drúgim (= poprek) taken both together
napila sta si eden drúgemu they drank each other's health
pomagala sta si eden drúgemu they helped each other
igrati drúgo violino to play second fiddle
on je drúgi Cezar he is another (ali a second) Caesar
eden ali drúgi od nas bo to gotovo naredil one or other of us is sure to do it
postati drúgega mnenja to change one's mind
potovati v 2. razredu to travel second-class
stanovati v 2. nadstropju to live on the second floor (ZDA third floor)
med drúgim (= zlasti pa), ne moreš mu zaupati for one thing, he is not to be trusted
nad vsem drúgim želim... above all else (ali pogovorno more than anything else) I want...
ne delaj drúgim tega, česar ne maraš, da bi to oni delali tebi never do to others what you would not have them do to you
spoznal sem, da niso nič drúgega kot tatovi I realised they were nothing but a bunch of crooks - drúštven belonging to a society (ali association); of a society; society
drúštvna blagajna society funds, club funds pl
drúštvni lokal club house; premises pl of a (oziroma the) society
drúštvna pravila club rules, rules of a club (ali society)
drúštvni statut deed (ali articles pl) of an association - dúh spirit, mind; soul; (um, razum) intellect, sense; (jezika, naroda) genius; (prikazen) ghost, spectre, phantom, apparition, shade, pogovorno spook; (pokojni) ghost, wraith
zli dúh evil genius, fiend, demon, devil; (škrat) (hob)goblin
dober dúh good genius (ali spirit); (genij) genius, master spirit
sveti dúh religija Holy Spirit
dúhu (prikazni) podoben ghostly; (vonj) smell, scent, odour; (zakona) spirit
brez dúha scentless, odourless
nemiren dúh restless mind
odsoten z dúhom absent-minded, abstracted
prisotnost dúha presence of mind
dúh časa spirit of the time
klicanje dúhov (spiritizem) spirit rapping
zli dúh (hudobec) the evil spirit, the evil one
odbijajoč dúh (vonj) offensive smell
ni ne dúha ne sluha o njem he disappeared without trace, nothing more has been heard of him
v dúhu bomo z vami we shall be with you in spirit
on je velik dúh (figurativno) he is a man of great genius
vino ima dúh po sodu the wine tastes of the cask
on ima slab dúh iz ust his breath smells
to olje ima neprijeten dúh this oil has an unpleasant smell
imeti dúh po čem to be redolent or something
to ima dúh po česnu it smells of garlic
klicati dúhá to summon a spirit, to raise a ghost
kloniti z dúhom to despair, to lose heart (ali courage), to be despondent
izganjati dúhá to lay a gost; (iz obsedenca) to exorcize
dúh se mu je omračil he became (mentally) deranged
omračitev dúha mental derangement
poglobiti se v dúh francoskega jezika to absorb the spirit of the French language
dúhovi so bili razburjeni (figurativno) feelings were running high - êden one
êden od njih one of them
êden za drugim one by one, one after another, (v gosjem redu) in Indian file
êden od obeh either
niti êden not a single (one)
še êden one more, another, an additional
po êden one by one, singly, one at a time
êden drugega each other, one another, mutually
êden poleg (zraven) drugega side by side
êden za drugim (izmenoma) one after another, by turns, in succession, successively - edíkt edict; proclamation
izdati edíkt to issue an edict - ekscépcija (izjema) exception
ekscépcija pravilu an exception to the rule
ekscépcija potrjuje pravilo the exception proves the rule
z eno samo ekscépcijo with only one exception - ekskúrzija excursion; trip; jaunt; (peš) ramble, hike
ekskúrzija na deželo outing; (z nahrbtnikom, taborniška) hike, hiking
iti na ekskúrzijo to make an excursion, to go on an excursion, to go for an outing - eksperimént experiment
eksperiménti o odpornosti materialov test (ali trial) of the resistance of materials
delati eksperiménte to experiment (o on)
poskusiti, narediti eksperimént to conduct an experiment, to test - eksplozíja explosion, (granate) detonation, explosion, (kotla) blowup, blowout; figurativno (jeze, veselja) outburst, outbreak
eksplozíja besnosti an outburst (ali a blaze) of passion - ekspozé statement; account
napraviti ekspozé o položaju to draw up a statement, to give an account of the situation - ékstra
1. prislov extra, separately, apart; as a supplement
vino se plača ékstra wine is not included, there is an extra charge for wine, wine is extra
2. pridevnik superfine, extra-special, first-rate; pogovorno tip-top
ékstra (»prima«) slanina prime bacon - ekstrémen extreme; farthest; farthermost; last
ekstremno (prislov) extremely
ekstrémna levica politika the extreme left
ekstrémna mnenja, nazori extreme opinions
ekstrémen primer an extreme case
na ekstrémni meji at the extreme limit
privzeti ekstrémne mere, ukrepe to take extreme, drastic measures
zateči se k ekstrémnim ukrepom to resort to extreme measures
biti prisiljen privzeti ekstrémne mere to be forced to take drastic measures - embárgo embargo
naložiti, izreči embárgo na, za to lay an embargo on, to embargo - emfátičen bombastic, pompous, magniloquent, grandiloquent; gramatika (izraz, pomen) emphatic
emfátičenno, energično zanikanje an emphatic denial - enáčba equation
enáčba z 2 neznankama equation with two unknowns
kvadratna enáčba quadratic equation
rešiti enáčbo to solve (ali to resolve) an equation
linearna enáčba linear equation
kubična enáčba cubic equation
enáčba z več neznankami simultaneous equation, equation with several unknowns - enák equal, even, (vrednost) equivalent, (isti) same, identical; (podoben) like, alike, similar; (enoličen) uniform; equable
dve enáki števili two equal numbers
enáka razdalja equidistance
enáka temperatura an even temperature
biti enák to equal, to be the equal of, to be equal, to be on a par with
ni mu enákega he has no equal, there is no one to match him, he is without an equal, he is unrivalled
ni ti enák he is not your equal
to ni bil enák boj it was not an equal fight
boj med enakima nasprotnikoma equal fight
boriti se ob enákih pogojih to fight on equal terms
naleteti, najti sebi enákega to meet one's match
imeti enáke deleže to have equal shares
vsi državljani so enáki pred zakonom all citizens are equal before the law
skušati biti enák to emulate, to vie with
sta kar enáka (= imata iste napake) they are tarred with the same brush!
plačati (vrniti) enáko z enákim (figurativno) to give someone tit for tat, to pay someone back in his own coin
enako se z enákim druži birds of a feather flock together - éskimski Eskimo
éskimski pes an Eskimo dog, husky
éskimski jezik Eskimo, the Eskimo language - etúda glasba étude, study
Chopinova etúda one of Chopin's studies, a Chopin étude, an étude by Chopin - fantástičen fantastic; fanciful; imaginative; eccentric, wild; incredible; extraordinary; extravagant; (čudaški) queer
fantástično (prislov) fantastically
plačati fantástično ceno za kaj to pay an outrageous price (ali a fancy price) for something
na izletu je bilo fantástično it was a fantastic trip