
Zadetki iskanja

  • občútek feeling; sensation

    občútek bolečine feeling of pain
    boleč občútek mraza a painful feeling of cold
    občútek toplote sensation of warmth
    stalen občútek permanent (ali constant) feeling
    bil je splošen občútek, da bo vojne kmalu konec there was a general feeling that the war would end very soon
    z mešanimi občútki with mixed feelings
  • občutljív touchy; sensitive (za mraz to cold); tender; arhaično sensible

    občutljíva koža, noga tender skin, foot
    občutljívo mesto tender spot
    občutljíva tehtnica sensitive scales pl
    občutljív je za svoj ugled he is touchy about his reputation
    dotaknil sem se ga na občutljívem mestu I touched him on a sore (ali tender) spot
    biti preveč občutljív to be too impressionable, too softhearted
  • obdávčiti to tax; to lay taxes (na on), to impose taxes; to impose duty on; to excise; to assess; to levy

    težko obdávčiti to impose a heavy tax (ali tax burden)
    previsoko obdávčiti to overtax
  • obdolžèn charged; accused; inculpated; arraigned

    obdolžèn umora charged with murder
    biti obdolžèn česa to be charged (with a crime)
  • obedovátí to lunch; to dine; to take one's lunch; to have (ali to eat) one's dinner; (zunaj doma) to dine out

    obedovátí meso, pečenko to dine on meat, on roast
    dobro (slabo) smo obedovali we have had a good (a bad) dinner
  • obésiti to hang (up); (človeka) to hang, to gibbet

    obésiti na steno to hang up on the wall
    obésiti se to hang oneself
    morilca so obesili the murderer was hanged
    obésiti na kavelj to hang (up) on a hook
    obésiti svetilko na strop to suspend a lamp from the ceiling
    za pete koga obésiti to hang someone by his heels
    obésiti medicino na klin (figurativno) to give up (ali žargon to pack in) medicine
    obésiti službo na klin (figurativno) to throw up one's job
    naj me obesijo, če... I'll be hanged if...
    za to bo obešen he'll swing for that
    obésiti komu kaj na vrat (naložiti mu, obremeniti ga) to burden, to saddle someone with something
    obésiti komu umor (figurativno) to pin the murder on someone
    prej se dam obésiti (figurativno) I'll be hanged first!
  • obetajóč promising

    mnogo obetajóč mladenič a youth of great promise
  • obétati to promise; to give (ali to pledge, arhaično to pass, to plight) one's word; (dajati nade) to give hope, to show promise, to bid fair, to raise expectations, to hold out hopes

    on napravi več kot obeta he is better than his word
    ne obetam si mnogo od njega I do not expect much of (ali from) him
    on mnogo obeta he is a promising youngster, he's doing well
    dobro se obeta it augurs well
    obétati lep razvoj to shape well
  • običáj (osebni) habit, habitude, wont; (splošen) use, usage, custom

    po mojem običáju according to my wont
    dvorski običáj etiquette
    trgovski običáj (uzanca) usance
    splošno privzet običáj common practice
    star običáj an old (ancient) usage
    ukoreninjen običáj inveterate habit
    običáji in navade habit and custom, arhaično use and wont
    to mu je postal običáj it became a habit with him, this has grown habitual with him, it grew upon him
    prekiniti z običájem to break a habit
    priti iz običája to fall out of use (ali into disuse)
    običáj nastane, vznikne custom springs up (ali arises)
    drugi časi, drugi običáji other times, other manners
    običájen habitual; customary; usual; wonted; common
    nekaj običájnega a common (ali a usual) thing
    to ni več običájno that's no longer the way
    to pri nas ni običájno this is not the custom here
    to je postalo običájno pri nas it has become the usual thing with us
  • obigráti

    obigráti koga to win all of someone's money (by gambling)
    obigral me je he fleeced me, he left me without a penny, I lost all my money playing with him
  • obísk visit; call; (prisotnost) attendance; (oseba) visitor, company

    dan obiskov visiting day
    ure obiskov visiting hours pl, at home
    zelo kratek obísk a flying visit
    državni obísk state visit
    nastopni obísk first visit
    vljudnostni obísk duty call
    službeni obísk formal call
    poslovilni obísk farewell visit
    prijateljski obísk informal call; goodwill visit
    obísk bolnikov visit to (ali visiting of) patients
    letni poprečni obísk average annual attendance
    biti na obísku to be on a visit
    biti pri kom na obísku to be calling on someone
    delati obíske (o zdravniku) to make (ali to do, to go) one's rounds (z avtom by car)
    sem le na obísku tu I am only a visitor here
    sestra je na obísku pri teti my sister is on a visit to her aunt('s)
    imeti obísk to have visitors
    imamo vedno mnogo obískov we always have a lot of visitors
    danes sem imel mnogo obískov today I have had many calls (ali many callers)
    napraviti kratek obísk to pay a call, to drop in, (pri kom) to pay someone a flying visit
    vrniti obísk komu to return someone's visit (ali someone's call)
    priti na obísk to pay a visit (h komu to someone), to call (up)on someone, to come to see someone
  • obiskán

    dobro obiskán sestanek a well attended meeting
  • obiskováti to visit, to call on, to pay visits, to pay calls

    obiskováti gledališče to be a (frequent) theatregoer
    obiskováti šolo to attend school
    moj sin obiskuje univerzo my son is at the university
    zdravnik obiskuje bolnike the doctor is out on his rounds (ali is visiting his patients)
    malo obiskovan kraj an outof-the-way place
    zelo obiskovan kraj a very popular resort
  • obíti1 (obidem) to go round; to make the rounds of; (izogniti se) to avoid, to elude, to evade

    obíti zakon to get round the law
    obíti pravilo to circumvent a rule
    obíti mesto to bypass a town
    obíti straže to make a tour of inspection, to make (ali to do, to go) the rounds of sentries
    obíti sovražnika to outflank the enemy
    obšla meje slabost, omedlevica I suddenly felt faint
    obšli smo vso Evropo we travelled Europe from end to end
  • obíti2 (obijem)

    obíti z deskami, z lesom to line (ali to provide) with boards (ali boarding), to panel, to wainscot
    obíti z žeblji to stud with nails, to cover (ali to provide, to decorate) with studs, with iron
    s hrastovim lesom obita soba an oak-panelled room, a room wainscoted in oak
  • objokovánje mourning, lamenting, sorrowing (for)

    objokovánje umrlega weeping for a dead person
  • oblák cloud

    brez obláka, oblákov cloudless, serene
    nizko ležeči obláki aeronavtika low cloud level
    gradovi v oblákih (figurativno) castles in Spain
    tvorba oblákov cloud formation
    utrganje oblákov a cloudburst
    zidanje gradov v obláke (figurativno) building castles in the air, wishful thinking
    dvigati se visoko pod obláke to rise high into the sky
    kriki so se dvignili do oblákov the shouts made the welkin ring
    leteti nad obláki aeronavtika žargon to fly over the top
    (po)let nad obláki over-the-top flight
    obláki se kopičijo the clouds are baking up
    iz oblákov pasti (figurativno) to drop from the clouds
    oblák se je utrgal there was a violent downpour
    zidati gradove v obláke to build castles in the air
    živeti v oblákih (figurativno) to be (ali to have one's head) in the clouds
  • obléči to put on; to pull on; (hitro) to slip on; to clothe; to don

    obléči se to dress (oneself), to put on clothes; to clothe oneself
    otroke spodobno obléči to clothe the children decently
    obleci se! get dressed!
    obléči se kot mornar to dress up as a sailor
  • obléganje siege; arhaično beleaguerment

    odločno nadaljevati z obléganjem to push ahead with a siege
    prenehati z obléganjem, opustiti obléganje to raise a siege
  • obléka clothes pl, clothing; garment, garb; (ženska, otroška) dress; frock; (kostim) costume; attire

    (kompletna) moška obléka suit (of clothes)
    civilna obléka civilian clothes, mufti
    detektiv v civilni obléki plain-clothes detective
    delovna obléka overalls pl
    duhovniška obléka clerical dress
    konfekcijska obléka ready-made suit (oziroma dress), ready-to-wear suit (ali clothing)
    obléka po meri suit made to order, bespoke (ali custom-made) suit
    kopalna obléka swimming (ali bathing) costume, swimsuit
    poletna (zimska) obléka summer (winter) garment
    večerna obléka evening clothes (oziroma dress)
    svečana obléka Sunday best, (črna) evening dress
    promenadna obléka walking dress
    ponošena obléka rags pl
    rabljena obléka secondhand clothes pl
    uradna obléka uniform, livery
    obléka iz tiskanine printed frock
    potapljaška obléka diving suit
    jahalna obléka riding habit (costume)
    elegantna, okusna obléka smart dress
    oguljena obléka threadbare dress
    neokusna, nemarna obléka dowdy dress
    staromodna obléka oldfashioned dress
    službena obléka (sodnika, odvetnika, učenca) gown
    odvržena obléka cast-off clothes pl
    omara za obléke wardrobe
    obešalnik za obléko coathanger, clothes hanger
    obléka in hrana food and clothing
    vsakodnena, navadna obléka lounge suit
    letalska zaščitna obléka G suit
    dal sem si delati obléko I ordered a suit, I had a suit made
    ponositi obléko to wear out one's clothes
    prerasti obléko to outgrow one's clothes
    obleči nedeljsko obléko to put on one's Sunday best
    razparati obléko to unstitch a garment
    vzeti komu mero za obléko to take someone's measurements, to measure someone for clothes
    obléka še ne naredi človeka don't judge a man by his clothes
    obléka dela človeka clothes make the man, fine feathers make fine birds, the dress proclaims the man