
Zadetki iskanja

  • usóda fate, destiny, fortune; lot; fatality; doom; zastarelo weird

    boginje usóde Destinies pl, Fates pl, the Weird (ali Fatal) Sisters pl
    moja usóda (pogovorno) my lot
    vera v usódo fatalism
    usóda mi je šla na roko (figurativno) fate played into my hands
    boriti se proti usódi to fight against destiny
    dati si vedeževati svojo usódo to have one's fortune told
    deliti s kom usódo to cast (ali to throw) in one's lot with someone
    deliti s kom isto usódo to share the same fate with someone
    usóda ga preganja fate pursues him
    usóda me povsod zasleduje fate pursues me everywhere
    odločiti o usódi koga to decide (ali to fix) someone's fate
    izzivati, skušati usódo to tempt providence
    izzivati svojo usódo to tempt one's fate
    sprijazniti se s svojo usódo to reconcile oneself to one's fate (ali to one's lot), to become reconciled with one's fate (ali one's lot)
    vdati se v svojo usódo to resign oneself to one's fate, zastarelo (škotsko) to dree one's weird
    zapečatiti usódo koga to seal someone's fate
    njegova usóda je zapečatena his fate is sealed
    zlobna usóda cruel (ali baleful) fate
  • uspéti to succeed (v in); to be successful; to prove successful, to meet with success; to gain one's ends; to manage, to achieve, to contrive

    ne uspéti to fail
    uspéti v življenju to make one's way in the world
    uspelo mi je priti tja I contrived to get there
    načrt ni uspel the plan did not succeed
    pri svojem zadnjem izpitu ni uspel he failed in his last examination
    ni nam uspelo, da bi jih videli we did not succeed in seeing them
    pri svojem poskusu nisem uspel I was not successful in my attempt
    njegova gledališka igra ni uspela his play failed (ali pogovorno was a flop, flopped)
  • usposóbljenost qualification; capacity; ability; efficiency

    spričevalo o usposóbljenosti certificate of qualification (ali of efficiency)
  • ústa mouth

    od úst do úst from mouth to mouth
    skozi úst medicina per os, by the oral route
    z odprtimi ústi with open mouth
    polna ústa a mouthful
    sama ústa so ga (figurativno) he is a boaster (ali a braggart)
    nima kaj v ústa dati he hasn't a crust of bread to eat
    (slab) duh ima iz úst his breath smells
    ni odprl úst (figurativno) he didn't open his mouth, he didn't speak a word
    komu od úst odtrgovati (hrano) to stint someone
    otrokom odtrguje mleko od úst he is stingy with his children's milk, he keeps his children short of milk
    pritrgovati si od úst to stint oneself
    njegovo ime je šlo od úst do úst his name was freely bandied about
    položiti komu besede v ústa to put (ali to place) words into someone's mouth
    besedo ste mi vzeli iz úst you have taken the words out of my mouth
    zamašiti, zapreti komu ústa to shut (ali to stop) someone's mouth, to silence someone
    živeti iz rok v ústa (figurativno) to live from hand to mouth
  • ustanovítev ustanavljanje foundation; establishment; creation, setting up

    ustanovítev, ustanavljanje skladov establishment (ali setting up) of funds
  • ustavítev stop, stoppage, stopping; cessation; suspension; arrest

    brez ustavítve without a stop
    ustavítev krvnega obtoka stoppage of the circulation of the blood
    ustavítev trgovine cessation of trade
    ustavítev (cestnega) prometa traffic holdup, traffic jam
    potovanje, vožnja brez ustavítve nonstop run
    ustavítev ognja vojska ceasefire
    ustavítev sovražnosti suspension of hostilities
    ustavítev plačil stoppage (ali suspension) of payments
    delati brez ustavítve to work without a stop (ali without stopping)
  • ustáviti to stop, to put a stop to; to bring to a standstill, to stay; to arrest, to cease; to bring to a halt; to suspend; to check; to hold up

    ustáviti se to stop, to halt; to come to a standstill (ali hold-up)
    ustáviti delo to stop (ali to suspend, to cease) work, to strike; (pogovorno) to knock off work
    ustáviti kri to staunch blood
    ustáviti krvavitev rane to stop a wound
    ustáviti plačo to withold someone's salary, to stop someone's pay
    ustáviti plačila to stop payments
    ustáviti (štopati) avto to stop a car
    ustáviti sovražnosti to suspend hostilities
    ustavil me je na ulici he stopped me in the street
    ustavili so mu pokojnino his pension (ali allowance) has been stopped
    ustáviti napredovanje sovražnika to halt an enemy advance
    ustavili so ga sredi njegovega govora he was interrupted right in the middle of his speech
    ustáviti vlak, stroj to stop a train, a machine
    zdravnik je ustavil krvavenje the doctor staunched the flow of blood
    ves promet je bil ustavljen all traffic was stopped, (začasno was suspended)
    biti ustavljen (ne moči naprej) to be at a stop
    nenadoma se ustáviti to stop short, to stop dead
    popolnoma se ustáviti to come to a full (ali dead) stop
    on se ne bo pred ničemer ustavil he'll stop at nothing
    ura se mi je ustavila my watch has stopped
    se ta vlak ustavi v Kranju? does this train stop at Kranj?
    za nekaj dni se bom ustavil v Parizu I am going to stay a few days in paris
  • ústnica lip; botanika lip, labium, pl labia

    debela ústnica thick lip
    ki ima debele ústnice thick-lipped
    zgornja (spodnja) ústnica the upper (the lower) lip
    zajčja ústnica harelip
    ruž za ústnice lipstick
    oblizniti, oblizovati si ústnice to smack (ali to lick) one's lips
    gristi si ústnico, ugrizniti se v ústnico to bite one's lip, to gnaw one's lip(s)
    imeti nabrekle, debele, otekle ústnice to have blubber lips
    sramna ústnica labium, pl labia
  • ustrahovánje intimidation; terrorization; terrorism

    z ustrahovánjem prisiliti koga k molku to browbeat (ali to overawe) someone into silence
  • ustrášiti to frighten; to scare, pogovorno to scare the pants off someone; to intimidate; to alarm

    na smrt ustrášiti to frighten to death
    ustrášiti se to be frightened (ali appalled, scared)
  • ustréči to comply (with); to meet; to satisfy; to humour (komu someone)

    ustréči prošnji, želji, zahtevi to comply with a request
    ustregel sem njegovim željam I complied with his wishes
    ustréči okusom koga to satisfy someone's tastes
    ustréči svoji radovednosti to satisfy one's curiosity
    njemu je težko ustréči he is hard to please (ali satisfy)
  • ušésa ears pl

    do ušésa up to the ears
    preko ušésa over (head and) ears
    do ušés zaljubljen head over heels in love
    šumenje v ušésih buzzing in the ears, medicina tinnitus
    ušésa me bolijo I have (the) earache
    naleteti na gluha ušésa to find (to fall on) deaf ears
    moja svarila so naletela na gluha ušésa my warnings fell on deaf ears
    preko ušés je zadolžen he is up to his eyes (ali ears) in debt
    napeti, napenjati ušésa to prick up (ali to strain) one's ears
    naviti komu ušésa to warm someone's ears
    povleči koga za ušésa to pull (ali to tug) someone's ears
    poslušati na vsa ušésa (figurativno) to be all ears
    prišlo mi je na ušésa it came to my hearing
    pridigati gluhim ušésom to fall on deaf ears
    konj striže z ušési the horse twitches his ears
    vleči na ušésa to prick up one's ears
    zamašiti, mašiti si ušésa to stop (up) one's ears
    zardeti do ušés to blush to the roots of one's hair; to blush to one's ears
    v ušésih mi zveni, šumí my ears are ringing (ali are burning)
    stene imajo ušésa (figurativno) the walls have ears, arhaično little pitchers have long ears
  • uštéti se to miscalculate; to miscount; to reckon wrong; to be out in (ali with) one's reckoning; pogovorno to get (ali to take) the wrong sow by the ear, to back the wrong horse

    močnó se je uštel he is well out in (ali with) his reckoning; he brought his eggs (ali his hogs) to a bad (ali the wrong) market
  • utápljati to drown

    utápljati se to go down, to drown, to be (ali to get) drowned; to sink
    človek, ki se utaplja, se (tudi) bilke oprijemlje a drowning man will catch at a straw
  • utéha consolation; comfort

    slaba utéha poor (ali sorry) consolation; cold comfort
    najti utého v... to derive comfort from...
  • utemeljèn founded; grounded

    moja bojazen je utemeljèna my fears are well grounded (ali rest on good grounds)
    dobro utemeljèn ugovor a sound objection
  • utešíti to console, to comfort; to appease

    utešíti si lakoto to appease (ali to satisfy) one's hunger
  • utíšati to silence (koga someone)

    utíšati koga s kričanjem, vpitjem to shout someone down
    utíšati glas vesti to silence the voice of conscience
    utíšati sovražnikove baterije to silence the enemy's batteries
    z največjim trudom smo jih utišali we had enormous trouble in silencing them (ali in putting them to silence)
  • utoníti to be drowned; to sink; to go down

    utoníti v pozabo to slip (ali to fall, to sink) into oblivion
    sonce utone the sun goes down (ali sinks below the horizon)
  • utréti ➞ utirati

    utréti si pot skozi... to push (ali to shove) one's way through...