
Zadetki iskanja

  • nikálen negative

    nikál odgovor answer in the negative; refusal; veto, pl vetoes
    nikálno prislov in the negative
    nikálno odgovoriti to answer in the negative, to give a negative answer
  • níkdo nobody; no one

    nikomur nisem nič rekel I didn't say anything to anyone, I didn't tell anyone a thing
    nikogar nisem videl I didn't see anybody, I saw nobody
    níkdo od nas ni tega videl none (ali not one) of us saw it
    nikogar ni, ki tega ne bi vedel there is no one, who doesn't know that, that's general knowledge
  • nit thread

    nit za šivanje sewing thread
    prašna nit botanika stamen
    žarilna nit filament
    življenjska nit the thread of life
    živa nit (trihina, zoologija) threadworm, nematode
    nit pri stroku (fižola ipd.) string
    izgubiti nit svojih argumentov, misli to lose the thread of one's arguments, ideas
    suhe niti ni bilo na meni I had not a dry thread (ali stitch of clothing) on me, I was wet to the skin
    odstraniti niti (iz stroka) to string
    vdeti nit v šivanko to thread a needle
    njegovo življenje je viselo na niti his life hung by a thread
  • níti not even

    níti... níti neither... nor
    ne morem níti kupiti... I can't even buy...
    níti odgovoril nisem I didn't even answer
    níti telefoniral mi nisi, ko si bil v mestu! you never even gave me a ring (ali rang me up) when you were in town!
    níti on níti njegova sestra neither he nor his sister
  • níz1 string; series; train

    níz biserov a string of pearls (ali of beads)
    níz čebule a string of onions
    níz sob a suite of rooms
    níz napak (nesreč) a series of mistakes (of misfortunes)
    níz težav a train of difficulties
  • nízek low, not high; not tall; (cena) moderate, reasonable, cheap; (glas) deep, low-pitched

    nízkega rodu of low birth (ali parentage)
    nízka cena a bargain price
    nízki čevlji shoes pl
    barometer je nízek the glass is low
    življenje nižjih slojev the life of the lower classes
  • nizkôtnost baseness, vileness, meanness; low-mindedness

    kakšna nizkôtnost! what a mean thing to do!
    skrajna nizkôtnost supreme baseness
  • njegóv his, (pri neživih stvareh) its

    njegóv klobuk (njegóva knjiga) his hat (his book)
    neki njegóv prijatelj a friend of his
    ta njegóva knjiga this book of his
    njegóv pravi bratranec his own cousin
    tu ni nič njegóvega there is nothing of his here
  • njén her; (zaimek; pridevek samo v predikativni rabi) hers

    njéna knjiga her book
    ta njéna knjiga this book of hers
    neka njéna prijateljica a (girl) friend of hers
    tu ni nič njénega there is nothing of hers here
  • njíhov their; (zaimek; pridevek samo v predikativni rabi) theirs

    njíhov prijatelj their friend
    neki njíhov prijatelj a friend of theirs
    oni njíhov avto that car of theirs
    krivda je njíhova the fault is theirs
  • nobén -a, -o no

    na nobén, -a, -o način in no way (ali manner, fashion, arhaično wise)
    prav nobén, -a, -o none whatever, none whatsoever
    nobén, -a, -oega dvoma ni there is no doubt whatever
  • nóč night; night-time, nightfall; (tema) darkness, dark

    do nóči till dark
    pozno v nóč far into the night, till late at night
    pred nóčjo before nightfall
    vsako nóč every night, nightly
    nóč za nóčjo night after night
    sredi trde nóči in the dead of the night, at dead of night
    preko nóči, čez nóč overnight
    pod nóč in the dusk
    vso, celo nóč all night (long)
    neke nóči one (certain) night
    preteklo nóč last night
    cele nóči for whole nights
    neke temne nóči on a dark night
    lahko nóč! good night!
    trajajoč vso nóč nightlong, all-night
    nóč na dan (24 ur brez prekinitve) around the clock
    mesečna nóč moonlit (ali moonlight) night
    kresna nóč Midsummer Night
    božična, sveta nóč religija Christmas Eve
    novoletna nóč New Year's Eve
    velika nóč religija Easter
    poročna nóč wedding night, nuptial night
    šentjernejska nóč zgodovina the Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve
    polarna nóč the polar night
    viharna nóč a dirty night
    nóč brez spanja a sleepless night, a restless night
    1001 noč Arabian Nights' Entertainments pl, the Arabian Nights pl
    nóč se dela it is getting dark; it is growing dark
    biti različen kot nóč pa dan to be as different as chalk and cheese
    prebiti dobro (slabo) nóč to have (ali to pass) a good (a bad) night
    nóč in dan mislim na to I keep thinking of it night and day
    vso nóč sem spal I slept the whole night (through)
    prebil sem nóč brez spanja I had (ali passed) a sleepless night, I did not sleep a wink all night
    vso nóč nisem niti za hip zatisnil očesa I could not get a wink of sleep all night
    prekrokati nóč to make a night of it
    prebdeti, prečuti nóč to sit up all night
    on bdí dolgo v nóč he sits up late, he keeps late hours
    delati nóč in dan to work night and day
    ostati čez nóč (prenočiti) to stay the night
    nóč ga je vzela he slipped away under cover of night
  • nôčen nightly; night(-); nocturnal

    nôčni bombni napad vojska aeronavtika night air raid
    nôčni bombnik aeronavtika night bomber
    nôčni čas night time
    v nôčnem času at night
    nôčna čepica nightcap
    nôčni čuvaj night watchman
    nôčno delo night work, pogovorno nights
    nôčni klub (lokal, bar) nightclub, ZDA night spot, žargon honkytonk
    nôčni lovec vojska aeronavtika night fighter (airplane)
    nôčno pristajanje aeronavtika night landing
    nôčni napad vojska night attack, night raid
    nôčni obhod vojska nightly round
    nôčni mir the peace of the night
    nôčna izmena, nôčni posad night shift
    nôčna mizica bedside table, night table
    nôčna omarica nightstand
    nôčna posoda chamber pot, pogovorno po, (za podkladanje) bedpan, arhaično night vase
    nôčni polet aeronavtika night flight
    nôčni zračni promet night air traffic
    nôčna letalska poštna služba night airmail service
    nôčna priatojbina night rate
    nôčna ptica (ki dolgo bedi, dela) night owl, (ki ponočuje) night bird
    nôčna predstava night performance
    nôčni obisk a nightly (ali nocturnal) visit
    nôčna služba night duty, pogovorno nights
    nôčna straža night watch, vigil
    nôčna (kurja) slepota night blindness, nyctalopia
    nôčna srajca (ženska) nightdress, nightgown, pogovorno nightie, ZDA night robe, (moška) nightshirt
    nôčna svetilka night-light, nightlamp
    nôčna tarifa night tariff, night rates
    nôčna vaja vojska night exercise
    nôčni vlak night train
    nôčna ura night hour
    pozne nôčne ure small hours pl
    nôčni vzlet aeronavtika night takeoff
    nôčni vratar night porter
    nôčni zrak night air
    nôčno zavetišče night shelter
    nôčno življenje night life
  • nôga foot, pl feet; (krak) leg; (klavnih živali) hoof, pl -s, hooves, (za jed) trotter; (čaše) stem, foot; (mize, stola) leg

    prednja nôga foreleg
    zadnja nôga hind leg
    od glave do nôg from head to foot, from top to toe
    prekrižanih nôg cross-legged
    zaspale nôge (mravljinci v nogah) pins and needles
    lahkih nôg light-footed, light-foot
    umivanje nôg footwashing
    ki ima nôge na O bandy-legged, bandy, bowlegged
    nôge na X knock-knees
    ki ima nôga na X knock-kneed
    že biti na nôgah to be on one's feet
    ves dan sem že na nôgah I have been on the go (ali run off my feet) all day
    biti z eno nôgo v grobu to have one foot (ali one's feet) in the grave, to be on one's last legs
    biti šibak v nôgah to be unsteady (ali groggy) on one's feet (ali pogovorno on one's pins)
    on je slab v nôgah (slab hodec, pešec) he is a poor walker
    pomagati komu na nôge to help someone up on his feet
    sam si pomagati na nôge (figurativno) to lift oneself up by one's own bootstraps
    obdržati se na nôgah to keep one's legs
    metati komu polena pod nôge to put a spoke in someone's wheel, to thwart someone
    nôge me bolijo my legs hurt, I have a pain in my legs
    on ima umetno nôgo he has an artificial leg
    podstaviti komu nôgo to trip someone (up)
    postaviti koga na nôge to set someone on his feet
    spraviti, postaviti koga zopet na nôge to put someone back on his feet
    postaviti se na lastne nôge (figurativno) to stand on one's own two feet
    postaviti se spet na nôge to recover one's footing
    prestopati se z nôge na nôgo to shift one's weight from one foot to the other
    pretegniti si nôge, iztegniti nôge to stretch one's legs
    skočiti na nôge to spring (ali to start, to leap) to one's feet
    skakati po eni nôgi to hop
    stati na šibkih nôgah (figurativno) to stand on a weak foundation
    stopiti komu na nôgo to tread upon someone's foot
    teptati z nôgami to trample (ali to tread) underfoot
    udariti z nôgo ob tla to tap (ali to stamp) one's foot
    vidim sledove njegovih nôg v snegu I can see his footprints in the snow
    vstati z levo nôgo (figurativno) to get out of bed on the wrong side
    nôge so me začele boleti I became footsore
    nôga mi je zaspala my leg (ali foot) has gone to sleep
    izviniti si nôgo to sprain one's ankle
    braniti se z rokami in nôgami proti čemu to fight against something tooth and nail
    pasti komu k nôgam to fall at someone's feet
    živeti na veliki nôgi (razkošno) to live in grand style
    stati na lastnih nôgah to stand on one's own feet, to be on one's own, to be independent
  • nogavíca (kratka) sock, (dolga) stocking

    dolge nogavíce long stockings, hose pl
    par nogavíc a pair of stockings
    zelo kratka nogavíca (do gležnjev) ankle sock, bobby sock, pl -sox, -s
    tenke, prozorne ženske nogavíce sheer stockings, pl
    nogavíce z ojačanimi prsti in peto stockings pl with reinforced heels and toes
    brezšivne nogavíce seamless stockings pl
    bombažne nogavíce cotton stockings pl
    moška nogavíca sock, half hose
    ženske nogavíce ladies' (ali women's) stockings pl
    elastične nogavíce elastic stockings pl
    nogavíca -dokolenka knee-length, mid-length
    nogavíce iz umetne svile rayon stockings pl
    najlonske nogavíce nylons pl
    svilene nogavíce silk stockings pl
    volnene nogavíce woollen (ZDA woolen) stockings pl
    v nogavícah (= sezut) in one's stockings, in one's stockinged feet
    obut (le) v nogavíce stockinged
    nogavíce brez stopala hosetops pl
    nogavíce za krčne žile elastic stockings pl
    tovarna nogavíc hosiery mill
    trgovina z nogavícami hosier's
    obleči (sleči) nogavíce to put on (to take off) one's stockings
    obleči komu nogavíce to help someone on with his (ali her) stockings
    nogavíca se natrga the stocking ladders, there is a ladder in the stocking
    pas za nogavíce suspender belt
    podveza za nogavíco garter; suspender
  • nogomèt football

    igrati nogomèt to play football; association foothall, pogovorno soccer
    mali nogomèt seven-a-side
  • nomád nomad

    biti nomád, živeti kot nomád to live the life of a nomad (ali a nomadic life)
  • nomádski nomad, nomadic

    nomádsko življenje nomad(ic) (ali wandering) life
    nomádsko pleme tribe of nomads, nomadic (ali wandering) tribe
    živeti nomádsko življenje to live the life of a nomad (ali a nomadic life)
  • nôr (bolezen) mad, insane, deranged; (neumen) foolish, crazy, silly, out of one's mind, crackbrained; (ves iz sebe) wild, frantic, raving, delirious; (absurden) absurd, nonsensical, unreasonable, unwise, preposterous; (vratolomen) reckless, foolhardy

    biti nôr (žargon) to be nuts (ali VB bonkers)
    ne bodi nôr! don't be silly!
    nôra leta years of indiscretion
    kot nôr like mad
    biti nôr na to be mad about (ali on), to be crazy about, to be nuts on, to be dead nuts on, to be infatuated with
    nôr na glasbo mad on music
    je ves nôr na ženske he is girl crazy (ali woman crazy)
    vse ženske so nôre nanj all the women are wild about him
    biti popolnoma, čisto nôr to be raving mad, to be (as) mad as a March hare (ali as a hatter)
  • norčevánje scoffing (iz at); making fun (iz of)

    izpostavljati se norčevánju to make oneself a laughingstock