nepomémben insignificant; unimportant; trivial
on je čisto nepomémben človek he ss a mere cipher
nepomémbna izguba a trivial loss
Zadetki iskanja
- neprávi wrong, not right, improper, undue; (podtaknjen) supposititious; (nepristen) not genuine, spurious, counterfeit, apocryphal, sham; ZDA bogus; (umeten) artificial
ob neprávem času (uri) at the wrong time
neprávi biser (diamant) imitation pearl (diamond)
neprávi odgovor a wrong answer
nepráva stran blaga wrong side of material
neprávi ulomek improper fraction
neprávi mož (človek) na neprávem mestu (položaju) (figurativno) a square peg in a round hole - nepregléden badly arranged, muddled; involved, hard to follow; difficult to scan; complex; unclear
nepregléden ovinek a blind corner - neprespán
neprespána noč a sleepless night - nepretŕgoma prislov uninterruptedly; without interruption
nepretŕgoma skozi več dni for several days running
delati 8 ur nepretŕgoma to work eight hours at a stretch - neprílika (neprijetnost, težava) difficulty, trouble, distress, vexation, disagreeableness, predicament; (škripci) scrape, mess, pickle, dilemma, straits pl
biti v hudi nepríliki to be in an awkward predicament
izvleči se iz neprílike to go scot-free, to escape from a predicamert
delati komu neprílike (figurativno) to put a spoke in someone's wheel
spraviti v nepríliko koga to put someone in an awkward situation, žargon to land someone in the cart
biti v nepríliki to be abashed, to be embarrassed, to be disconcerted - nepriméren2 neprimerljív incomparable
neprimérno prislov incomparably
neprimérno bolje se počutim pogovorno I'm heaps better
on je neprimérno najboljši človek he is the best man by far, pogovorno by a long chalk - neréd disorder; derangement, untidiness, confusion; disturbance, tumult, riot; disarrangement; litter; (zmešnjava) chaos, jumble, mess, mishmash, shambles
v nerédu out of order, disordered, in a mess, out of gear, topsy-turvy
v velikem nerédu in a state of great confusion
biti v nerédu to be in a muddle
priti v neréd to fall into disorder
spraviti v neréd to derange, to throw into confusion, to mess up
poulični nerédi riots pl, disturbances pl
povzročitelj nereda, -ov troublemaker
poročajo o nerédih na jugu disturbances are reported in the South
biti v popolnem nerédu to be at sixes and sevens
kakšen neréd je v tvoji sobi! what a mess your room is in!, your room's a real shambles!
; ne morem živeti v takem nerédu I can't live in a pigsty like this
pustiti svoje knjige v nerédu to leave one's books in a jumble (ali in a muddle)
ob svoji smrti je pustil vse svoje zadeve v nerédu at his death he left all his affairs in a mess (ali in a muddle)
zasejati neréd v vrste to throw the ranks into confusion
njegovo poslovanje je v največjem nerédu his business is in a (rare) muddle (ali a terrible state) - neróden clumsy, awkward; uncouth; pogovorno ham-handed, ham-fisted
neróden položaj an awkward situation
kako sem neród! how clumsy of me!
neródno mi je I feel uneasy (ali awkward)
zame je to malo neródno I find this a little embarrassing
neródna stvar pri tem je, da... the nuisance of it is that...
on je zelo neróden (nespreten z rokami) (žargon) his fingers are all thumbs - neródnost awkwardness; pogovorno ham-handedness, ham-fistedness
napraviti neródnost (figurativno) to drop a brick - nesklépčen
biti nesklépčen to lack a quorum; not to constitute a quorum - nespéčen sleepless; medicina insomniac
nespéčen bolnik medicina insomniac
nespéčna noč a sleepless night - nesposóben incapable; unfit; unable, inept; unqualified, incompetent, inefficient
nesposóbna oseba (žargon) washout
nesposóben za kaj (za delo) (nasploh) incapable of something (of working), (zaradi bolezni) unfit for something (for work)
on je nesposóben za službo (figurativno) he is a misfit, he is a square peg in a round hole
bil je nesposóben za igranje he was unfit to play (za delo for work) - nesrámen shameless, impudent; impertinent, saucy, cheeky, insolent; brassy, forward, brazen-faced, brazen, barefaced
kar se da nesrámen as bold as brass
nesrámna laž a barefaced lie
nesrámno se vesti, nastopiti to brazen it out - nesréča misfortune, bad luck, ill-fortune; calamity, adversity, reverse; (nezgoda) accident, disaster, misadventure, mischief
na nesréčo, k nesréči unfortunately, unluckily, by an unhappy accident
po nesréči by accident, accidentally
smrt po nesréči death by misadventure
smrtna nesréča accidental death, fatal accident
na mojo nesréčo unfortunately for me
prometna nesréča traffic accident
v sreči ali v nesréči in weal and woe
on je prava nesréča za svojo družino he is the bane of his family's life
nesréča je hotela, da je izgubil stavo as ill luck would have it, he lost his bet
pripetila se mu je nesréča he has had a misfortune
da bi bila nesréča še večja... to make matters worse..., to cap it all...
to ti bo prineslo nesréčo that will bring you bad luck
pripetila se nam je prometna nesréča we (have) met with an accident
sam riniti v nesréčo to make a rod for one's own back
nesréča me povsod zasleduje I'm always dogged by ill luck
nesréča redko sama pride misfortunes rarely come singly
nesréča nikoli sama ne pride misfortunes never come singly, troubles never come singly, it never rains but it pours
vsaka nesréča je za koga sreča it's an ill wind that blows nobody good
nobena nesréča ne traja večno every cloud has a silver lining
ne kličimo nesréče! (figurativno) touch wood! - nesréčen (duševno) unhappy, grievous, wretched; (slučajno) unlucky, unfortunate, luckless; (nenaklonjen) fatal, sinister, ill-fated, ill-starred, inauspicious
nesréčen slučaj unfortunate accident
nesréčen v igri, srečen v ljubezni unlucky in cards, lucky in love
to je bilo nesréčno leto it was an ill-starred year
imeti nesréčno roko (figurativno) to be a butterfingers, to be constantly breaking things - nésti to carry; to bear; (o krogli) to reach
nésti jajca to lay eggs
top nese... the gun has a range of...
daleč nésti (o orožju) to have a long range
nesi to pismo na pošto! take this letter to the post office!
to dobro nese (se izplača) this pays, this is lucrative - netákten tactless
netáktna opazka a remark in bad taste - neúmen stupid; foolish, silly; thick-headed, dull; ZDA pogovorno dumb; (nesmiseln) nonsensical
neúmen (nor) na kaj mad (ali crazy) about something
neúmen kot noč as dumb as an ox, as thick as a plank
kako neúmno! how stupid!
preneumno! too bad!
nisi (tako) neúm! you are no fool!
nisem tako neúmen I am not such a fool
nisem tako neúmen, da bi to verjel I am not so stupid (ali dumb) as to believe it
kako si neúmen! how stupid you are!
to je bilo zelo neúmo od mene it was very stupid of me
neúmen je kot noč (pogovorno) he is dead from the neck up
ni tako neúm, kot je videti he is not as stupid as he looks
to je (že) preneumno that is too silly for words
ona ni tako neúma! she knows better!, pogovorno she's not so dumb! - neuporábljan neuporábljen unused, disused; unemployed; unapplied; not resorted to; not made use of, not utilized; not turned to account
neuporábljan, neuporábljeno letališče a disused airfield