
Zadetki iskanja

  • tón glasba tone; sound; note; voice; manner of speaking; (barvni) tint, shade of colour

    obseg tonov diapason
    višina tóna glasba pitch
    s posmehljivim tónom (glasom) jeeringly
    z jeznim tónom (glasom) in an angry tone
    dati tón glasba to give the note
    dajati tón za (figurativno) to set the tone of, to set the style
    prepovedujem si ta tón (od vas)! I won't have you talk to me in that tone of voice!
    spremeniti tón to change one's tone (ali one's tune)
    znižati (zvišati) svoj tón to drop (to raise) one's voice
  • tonážen (of) tonnage

    tonážni list the bill (ali the certificate) of tonnage
    tonážna pristojbina tonnage
  • toníti to sink; to founder; to go to the bottom; (sonce) to go down, to set

    toníti v pozabo (v večnost) to fall (ali to sink) into oblivion (into eternity)
  • tòp vojska cannon, gun, piece of ordnance; (havbica) howitzer

    brzostrelni tòp quick-firing gun
    daljnostrelni tòp long-range gun
    tòpovi pl cannon, artillery, ordnance
    oblegovalni tòp siege gun
    poljski tòp field gun
    protiletalski tòp antiaircraft gun, (pogovorno) ack-ack gun
    protitankovski tòp antitank gun
    tòp, ki se opoldne sam sproži s pomočjo leče cannon-clock
    domet krogle iz tòpa range of a gun
    v dostrelu tòpa within gunshot
    odporen proti strelu iz tòpa cannon-proof
    hrana za tòpove (figurativno) cannon fodder, (arhaično) food for powder
    grmenje tòpov cannonade, roar of cannon, thunder of the guns
    strel iz tòpa gunshot
    obstreljevanje s tòpovi gunfire
    obstreljevati s tòpom to shell, to cannonade, to bombard
    namestiti tòp to post (ali to station) a gun
    ustreliti iz tòpa to fire, to discharge a gun, (s topovi celega boka ladje) to fire a broadside
    streljati, ustreliti s tòpovi komu v pozdrav to fire a salute in someone's honour
  • tópel warm; (mlačen) lukewarm, tepid; figurativno (prisrčen, srčen) hearty

    tópel vrelec, izvir thermal (ali hot) springs pl
    tópla zahvala warm thanks pl
    tópel sprejem, tópla dobrodošlica a warm welcome
    tóplo mi je I am warm
    postati, postajati tópel to get, to grow warm
  • topíti to melt; (mast) to render (fat); to liquefy; to dissolve; to fuse, to found

    topíti led to melt (ali to thaw) ice
    topíti se to melt, to liquefy, to dissolve
    sneg se topi the snow melts (oziroma is melting)
    topíti se kot sneg na soncu to melt like snow in the sun
    topíti se v solzah to melt into tears
    topljeno maslo melted butter
    ta hruška se topi v ustih this pear melts in the mouth
    sladkor se topi v vodi sugar melts in water
    topíti svinec to melt lead
  • torpéden torpedo(-)

    torpédna cev torpedo tube
    torpédni čoln torpedo boat
    lovec na torpéde čolne torpedo-boat destroyer
    torpédno letalo vojska torpedo bomber (ali plane)
  • totálen total; complete

    totálna izguba total (ali clear) loss
    totálna razprodaja clearance sale
    totálna vojna total war (ali warfare)
  • továrna factory, works pl; manufactory; mill; plant

    továrna avtomobilov car factory
    továrna čevljev tootwear factory
    továrna celuloze pulp mill
    továrna jekla steelworks pl
    kemična továrna chemical works pl
    továrna kož (stritarna) tanyard
    továrna olja oil factory
    továrna mila soapworks pl
    továrna papirja paper mill
    továrna konserv tinned (ali canned) goods factory
    sladkorna továrna sugar mill
    tekstilna továrna textile mill (ali factory)
    továrna svile silk mill
    továrna plina gas works pl
    továrna vrvi rope works pl
    továrna vžigalic match factory
  • továrniški

    továrniško blago manufactured goods pl (ali articles pl); machine-made goods pl
    továrniška cena factory price, price ex works
    továrniški delavec factory worker (ali labourer), factory hand
    továrniško delo work in a factory, factory work
    továrniški izdelek manufactured article
    továrniško izdelan manufactured, factory-made
    továrniški direktor plant manager, managing director
    továrniško nov brand-new
    továrniško pakiranje original packing
    továrniška napaka factory defect, flaw
    továrniški dimnik factory chimney
    továrniško mesto manufacturing town
    továrniški oddelek manufacturing department
    továrniško poslopje premises pl of a factory, factory building
    továrniški odpadki refuse, (papir) waste
    továrniški stroški costs of production
    továrniška številka serial number
    továrniška znamka trademark
  • tožílec accuser; plaintiff; pravo prosecutor

    javni tožílec ZDA district (ali circuit) attorney
    javni (državni) tožílec public prosecutor
    vojaški tožílec military prosecutor
    državni tožílec attorney general, pl attorneys general, attorney generals
  • tráčen

    tráčno blago small wares pl, ribbons pl; haberdashery
    tráčna antena band (ali ribbon) aerial, ZDA tape antenna
    tráčno jeklo strip steel, band steel
    tráčna zavora avtomobilizem band brake
    tráčna žaga band-saw, ribbon-saw
    tráčno železo band (ali strip. hoop)-iron
  • tráčnica (železniška) rail

    skočiti s tračnic to run off (ali to leave) the rails, to be derailed, to derail
  • tragédija gledališče tragedy; (tragičen dogodek) tragedy, drama

    tragédija bi bila še večja, če... it would have been (ali would be) much more tragic
  • trágičen tragic, tragical; calamitous

    trágično prislov tragically
    trágičen dogodek a tragic event
    trágična ironija tragic irony
    trágičen konec dreadful (ali shocking) end
    trágična narava (čud) tragic nature, tragedy
    ne jemlji tega tako trágično don't make such a tragedy of it
    teh stvari ni treba trágično jemati these matters must not be taken too seriously, we must not make a mountain out of a molehill
  • trájati to last, to continue; to take time; to be; to go on

    to mi traja predolgo I can wait no longer
    to ne more dolgo trájati that cannot last (ali go on for, continue for) long
    to traja že nekaj let this has been going on for a few years
    to bo dolgo trajalo it will take along time
    to mi bo dolgo trajalo this will last me for a long time
    to bo trajalo vsaj do jutri it will last out the night
    prelepo, da bi trajalo too good to last
    dokler bo trajalo lepo vreme, ostanemo na deželi as long as the fine weather continues we shall remain in the country
    kratko, malo časa trájati to be of short duration
    vihar je trajal vso noč the storm lasted all night long
    potovanje bo trajalo 5 dni the journey will last 5 days
    ta igra nam traja predolgo we find this play too long
    trájati dalj (časa) kot (kaj) to outlast (something)
    naše življenje traja le kratek čas our life is but a short span
  • trájno prislov permanently, lastingly, continuously, continually

    za trájno for a long duration
    dolgotrajno of long duration (ali standing)
  • trátiti to dissipate; to squander; to waste; to trifle away, to fritter away; to lavish

    trátiti čas to waste time
    ne trati besed z njim! don't waste words (ali your breath) on him!
    trátiti svoje premoženje to squander one's fortune
    trátiti denar za nekoristne stvari to fritter away one's money on useless things
    trátiti (zapravljati) denar to lavish money
    trátiti svoj čas z neumnostmi, bedastočami to waste (ali to fritter away) one's time, to moon about
  • tráva botanika grass; herb. herbage

    zdravilne tráve medicinal herbs pl, simples pl
    tlačiti trávo (figurativno, živeti) to live
    slišati trávo rasti (figurativno, biti zelo pameten) to hear the grass grow (to be highly intelligent), arhaično to see through (ali far into) a millstone
  • tŕd hard; flinty, adamantine; solid; rigid, stiff; (odporen) resistant, resistent; (krut) hardhearted; (nepopustljiv) unyielding, inflexible, unbending

    tŕd boj fierce fight
    tŕdi časi hard times pl
    tŕdo delo hard work
    tŕde besede harsh words pl
    tŕda glava thick (ali stupid, dense) head
    tŕd les hardwood, firm wood
    tŕd (neusmiljen) kot kamen as hard as the nether millstone
    tŕd oreh (figurativno) a hard nut to crack
    tŕde poteze (v obrazu) stern features pl
    tŕd prepečenec, dvopek hard tack
    tŕdega srca hard of heart
    tŕd (hud) udarec a hard blow
    tŕda usoda hard lot, cruel fate
    tŕda voda hard water
    tŕdo življenje hard life
    biti tŕd od strahu to be scared stiff
    za denar je trda (figurativno) money is tight
    zanj je potrebna tŕd roka he needs a firm hand
    trda mi prede za denar (figurativno) I am short of money
    trda mu prede (figurativno) it will go hard with him
    postati tŕd to harden, to grow hard