
Zadetki iskanja

  • tirálica warrant for the arrest (ali apprehension) of someone; figurativno hue and cry

    izdati tirálico za kom to take out (ali to issue) a warrant against someone, arhaično to make hue and cry after someone
    tirálica je izdana za njim a warrant has been issued for his arrest
  • tírnica rail

    skočiti s tirnic to jump (ali to run off, to leave) the rails (ali the metals), to be derailed
  • tísk print, printing; press; typography; impression; pogovorno type

    v tísku in print, in the press, passing through the press
    pripravljen, zrel, gotov za tísk in type; correct; ready to go to press
    tísk in založba (DZS) printers and publishers (DZS)
    debel tísk boldface, bold (ali heavy, thick) type
    jasen (majhen, velik) tísk clear (small, large) type
    nejasen, zabrisan tísk slur
    klečeplazen tísk the reptile press
    razprti tísk space type
    poševni tísk italics pl
    gotski tísk (črke) black letters pl, Gothic, Fraktur
    dnevni tísk daily prints pl, daily press
    senzacijski tísk (časopisje) the tabloids, the gutter press
    svoboda tíska freedom of the press
    knjiga je v tísku the book is being printed (ali is with the printers)
    dati v tísk to put in print, to bring out, to publish
    hitro dati knjigo v tísk to rush a book into print
    iti v tísk to go to press
    zavezati jezik tísku (figurativno) to throttle (ali to hamstring, zastarelo to jugulate) the press
  • tískati to print

    knjiga se tíska the book is being printed (ali is at the printer's)
    tískan printed
    tískan formular printed form
    tískane črke printed characters pl
  • tišína silence; (globoka) stillness, pesniško still; hush; (mir) quiet, quietness; calm

    tišína! silence!, stop that noise!, stop talking!
    popolna, mrtvaška, grobna tišína dead silence, dead calm
    v globoki nočni tišíni in the dead of the night
    v nočni tišíni in the still (ali in the hush) of night
    globoka tišína a deep silence, a breathless silence
  • tkanína woven (ali textile) fabric; textile, cloth; material; (fina) tissue

    tkaníne pl textile goods pl
    groba tkanína rough cloth
    prozorna tkanína sheer (ali diaphanous) fabric
    trpežna tkanína hardwearing (ali serviceable) cloth
  • tkánje weaving; texture

    napaka v tkánju flaw (ali fault) in weaving
  • tlà (sobna) floor; (zemlja) soil, ground

    na tleh on the floor
    na trdnih tleh on firm ground
    gola tlà (deske) bare boards pl
    na francoskih tleh on French soil
    rodna tlà native soil
    rodovitna tlà rich soil, (črnica) mould
    nerodovitna tlà barren ground, barren (ali jejune) soil
    peščena tlà sandy soil
    parketna tlà parquet floor
    tlà mu gorijo pod nogami (figurativno) the place is getting too hot for him
    ta tlà so jim prevroča (figurativno) this place is too warm (ali hot) for them
    napraviti komu tlà vroča pod nogami (figurativno) to make it hot for someone (ali too hot for someone)
    izgubiti tlà pod nogami to lose one's foothold (ali footing), (v vodi) to be swept off one's feet, to go out of (ali beyond) one's depth
    spodnesti, spodrezati komu tlà pod nogami to cut the ground from under someone's feet
    vreči na tlà to knock to the ground
    vreči koga na tlà to knock someone down, to floor
  • tláka zgodovina socage, soccage; statute labour; compulsory labour (ali service); figurativno drudgery

    delati tláko zgodovina to do soc(c)age-service; to do compulsory (ali enforced) labour; figurativno to toil, to slave, to drudge
  • to this; that; it

    to je (krajšava: t.j.) that is, namely, (krajšava: i.e.)
    o tem about this
    v tem (medtem) (in the) meanwhile
    skozi to through this, on account of this, by it
    razen tega besides, moreover, as well
    kako to? how so?
    (pa) kaj za to? what of that?
    to je vse that's all
    to je možno that may be
    to so oni they are the ones, pogovorno that's them
    ne to ne ono (= nekaj vmesnega, srednjega) neither one thing nor the other, betwixt and between
    pri vsem tem, kljub vsemu temu for all that
    tega je 10 let ten years ago
    jaz sem za to I am for it, I agree to it
    ni mi do tega I don't care for it
    samó še to bi (se) manjkalo! that would be all we need!, (pogovorno) that would put the tin lid on it!
    pustimo to, kakor je! (pogovorno) let it go at that!
    to mi boš plačal! you'll pay for this!, you'll smart for this!
    koga misliš s tem? whom have you (ali pogovorno who've you got) in mind?
    si to mislil, si to hotel reči? is that what you meant?
    to se pravi that is to say
    iz tega sledi... hence it follows...
    vsi vedó to every one knows that
    poleg vsega tega, (on) še pije apart from all that, he drinks, too
  • tobák tobacco; pogovorno (travica) weed; (njuhanec) snuff

    grobo rezan tobák shag
    žvečilni tobák chewing tobacco, žargon baccy
    lahek tobák mild tobacco
    tobák za kajenje (za pipo, za žvečenje) smoking (pipe, chewing) tobacco
    tobák za njuhanje snuff
    davek na tobák tobacco tax, duty on tobacco
    duh, vonj po tobáku the smell (ali slabšalno the reek) of tobacco
    gojitev tobáka cultivation of tobacco
    pridelovalec tobáka tobacco grower
    mehur, mošnja za tobák tobacco pouch
    prodajalna tobáka tobacconist's
    poraba tobáka tobacco consumption
    gojiti, pridelovati tobák to grow tobacco
    kaditi (žvečiti) tobák to smoke (to chew) tobacco
    to je hud tobák (figurativno) that's too strong
    tovarna tobáka tobacco factory
  • tóča hail, (zrno) hailstone; (sodra) sleet

    tóča pada it is hailing (oziroma it hails)
    nevihta s tóčo hailstorm
    škoda po tóči damage done by hail
    zavarovanje proti tóči insurance against (damage by) hail
    udarci so padali kot tóča the blows fell (ali came) fast and thick
    po tóči zvoniti (figurativno) to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted
    po tóči zvoniti je prepozno (nima smisla) there's no use crying over spilt milk, it's no use trying to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted
  • tóčen precise, accurate, correct, punctual; exact

    tóčen čas the correct (ali the right) time
    tóčen kot ura as regular as clockwork
    moj brat je tóčen plačnik my brother pays up promptly (ali is very prompt in his payments)
    tóčen spomin exact memory
    tóčno prislov precisely, punctually, exactly, in due time, in (ali on, to) time, at the right time
    na sekundo tóčen to the second, on the dot
    tóčen ob osmih at 8 o'clock sharp, on the stroke of eight
    koncert se je začel tóčen ob 9. uri the concert began at 9 o'clock sharp
  • tóčka point; (poročila) item, point, (dnevnega reda) point; (kraj) spot, place; (mesto v knjigi) passage, item; (postavka) point, item; (živilskih kart ipd.) point, coupon

    tóčka za tóčko point by point, item by item, in detail
    do neke (določene) tóčke to a certain extent
    njegova močna (šibka) tóčka his strong (weak) point
    bistvene tóčke pravo the merits pl of a case
    boleča tóčka (one's) sore point
    izhodiščna tóčka starting point, point of departure
    mrtva tóčka dead centre, (figurativno) deadlock, standstill
    sporna tóčka point at issue
    stična tóčka point of contact
    kritična, mrtva tóčka (zastoj) deadlock
    zmaga po tóčkah winning on points
    dotakniti se boleče tóčke to touch a sore spot
    doseči tóčko šport to make (ali to score) a point
    izgubiti po tóčkah to lose on points
    premagati po tóčkah koga to outpoint someone
    priti na mrtvo tóčko (figurativno) to reach deadlock, to come to a standstill
    spraviti z mrtve tóčke to release from a deadlock
  • tóčnost punctuality; accuracy; exactness; preciseness, precision; correctness; exactitude; accurateness

    tóčnost zadetka accuracy of aim (ali of fire)
  • tók1 current; (vodni) stream, current; drift; (dogodkov) swim

    električni tók electric current
    istosmerni tók direct (ali continuous) current
    izmenični tók alternating current
    poraba (električnega) tóka consumption of electricity
    Zalivski tók Gulf Stream
    sredi, v sredini tóka in midstream
    močan tók (elektrika) power current
    slab, šibak tók (elektrika) low-tension current
    inducirani tók induced current
    močan vodni tók powerful current
    jakost tóka current intensity, strength
    proizvodnja tóka generation of current
    potreba po tóku demand for electricity
    plavati s tókom figurativno (proti tóku) to swim with (against) the stream (ali tide)
    prepustiti se tóku (razmer) to resign oneself (ali to be resigned) to the course of events, to let things drift
    tók jih žene they are carried along by the current, they drift
  • tolážba consolation, comfort; solace

    slaba tolážba poor (ali small) consolation, little or no consolation, cold comfort
    to je slaba tolážba that is scant (ali poor) consolation
    iskati tolážbo v pijači to seek solace in drink
    našla je tolážbo v veri she found solace in religion
    črpati tolážbo v to take comfort from
    skušati najti tolážbo v... to try to find comfort in...
    potreben tolážbe in need of consolation
  • tolažíti to comfort, to console, to solace; to cheer up

    tolažíti se to console oneself (z with), to be comforted (ali consoled), to cheer up
    (po)tolaži se! cheer up!, don't let things get you down!
  • tólči to beat; (kamenje) to break

    tólči (lomiti) angleščino (figurativno) to speak broken English, to mangle the Queen's (ali King's) English
    tólči se po prsih to beat one's breast
  • tómbolski tombola(-), bingo(-)

    zadetek tombola (ali bingo) prize, (največji) jackpot