
Zadetki iskanja

  • tendírati to tend (k to)

    vsi naši napori tendirajo k istemu cilju all our efforts are directed to the same goal (ali have the same goal in view)
  • ténis šport tennis; lawn tennis

    ténis na trdih tleh hardcourt tennis
    namizni ténis table tennis
    igralec ténisa tennis player
    izvrsten igralec ténisa first-rate (ali pogovorno crack) tennis player
    igrišče za ténis tennis court
    žoga za ténis tennis ball
    lopar za ténis (tennis) racket, racquet
    sodnik pri ténisu umpire
    igrati ténis to play tennis
    čevlji za ténis tennis shoes pl
  • têpsti to beat; to thrash; to flog

    têpsti se to have a fight (ali pogovorno punch-up)
  • terapévt therapeutist

    terapévtika therapeutics pl (s konstr. v sg ali pl)
  • terjátev demand; claim; request

    neplačane terjátve outstanding (ali unsettled) debts pl
  • termín1 (fixed) day, last day, limit; closing date; (rok) term; (datum) date; ZDA deadline; pravo term, date of trial

    plačilni termín date of payment
    določiti termín to fix a time, to set a date (ali a day)
    držati se termína to observe a fixed date
    terminski terminal
  • terminálen (končen) terminal

    terminálna hitrost terminal speed (ali velocity)
    terminálna morena terminal moraine
    terminálna (končna) postaja terminal station, terminus, terminal
  • termométer thermometer

    Celzijev (Fahrenheitov, Réaumurjev) termométer centigrade (ali Celsius) (Fahrenheit, Réaumur) thermometer
    klinični termométer clinical thermometer
    kombinirani termométer combination thermometer
    beležni termométer recording thermometer
    maksimalni in minimalni termométer maximum and minimum thermometer
    živosrebrni termométer mercury thermometer
    stanje termométra thermometer reading
    termométer kaže 10°C the thermometer reads (ali shows) ten degrees centigrade (10°C)
    termométer kaže 15° pod (nad) ničlo the thermometer shows fifteen degrees below (above) zero
    termométer se dviga (pada) the thermometer is rising (is falling)
  • testamènt testament; (last) will; last will and testament

    dodatek k testamèntu codicil
    ustni testamènt (mornarjev) nuncupative will
    izreči ustni testamènt (zadnjo voljo) to nuncupate, to make one's will orally
    stari (novi) testamènt (biblija) the Old (the New) Testament
    napraviti, zapustiti testamènt to make one's will
    spodbijati testamènt to contest (ali to dispute) a will
    zapustiti komu kaj v testamèntu to leave something to someone in one's will
    umreti brez testamènta to die intestate
    preklicati testamènt to revoke a will
    spomniti se koga v testamèntu to remember (ali to include) someone in one's will
    voliti, zapustiti v testamèntu, s testamèntom to will, to bequeath
    lastnoročni testamènt holograph will
    skupni testamènt joint will
  • téža weight; gravity; ZDA pogovorno heft

    brutto, kosmata téža gross weight
    netto, čista téža net weight
    živa téža live weight
    téža embalaže tare
    mušja téža (boks) flyweight
    specifična téža relative density, specific gravity
    prekomerna téža overweight
    pod téžo (= prelahek) underweight
    lastna téža (nekega telesa) dead weight
    téža dokaznega materiala (figurativno) the weight of evidence
    izguba téže loss of weight
    porast téže increase in weight
    razlika v téži difference in weight
    dati dobro (preslabo) téžo to give good (short) weight
    imeti pravilno téžo to make one's weight (ali the weight)
    izgubiti na téži to lose weight
    pridobiti na téži to put on weight, to gain in weight
    proda(ja)ti po téži to sell by weight
    prodan po téži sold by weight
    peresna téža (boks) featherweight
  • težàk -žka, -o (teža) heavy; (masa) ponderous, weighty; (breme) weighty; figurativno leaden; (naloga) toilsome; (naporen) hard, difficult, arduous, trying, exhausting; (kazen) severe; (napaka) grave; (vino) heady

    težki časi hard times pl
    težko breme heavy burden
    težko delo hard work
    težki delavec manual labourer, heavy worker (ali labourer)
    težka atletika heavy athletics pl
    težka artilerija heavy artillery, heavy guns pl
    težka hoja heavy tread
    težka izbira hard choice
    težka jed indigestible food
    težàk, -žka, -o vojaški invalid severely disabled ex-serviceman
    težàk, -žka, -o boj hard struggle
    težàk, -žka, -o bombnik heavy bomber
    težka industrija heavy industry
    težka kovina heavy metal
    težke izgube heavy losses pl
    težka naloga hard task
    težka napaka gross mistake, blunder
    težka križarka heavy cruiser
    težka svila heavy silk
    težàk, -žka, -o udarec hard blow
    težki nemiri serious rioting
    težka nesreča serious accident
    težka skrb grievous worries, arhaično care
    težka oborožitev heavy armament
    težàk, -žka, -o porod difficult birth
    10 funtov težka ščuka a ten-pound pike
    s težkim srcem with a heavy heart
    težka voda kemija heavy water
    težko je zame (figurativno) it's hard on me
    glava mi je težka my head feels heavy
    on je težàk, -žka, -o (= tehta) 120 funtov he scales 120 pounds
    ona je težka, težko je z njo (figurativno) she is hard to get on with
  • težáva difficulty; hardship; trial; trouble; quandary; embarrassment; crisis; figurativno snag

    v težávi (stiski) in trouble
    denarne težáve embarrassments pl
    biti v denarnih težávah to be in financial difficulties
    delati težáve to raise difficulties, to make trouble
    on skuša delati težáve he tries to make trouble
    žal mi je, da vam delam take težáve (sitnosti) (I am) sorry to give you such trouble
    imeti težáve s policijo to be in trouble with the police
    sam (si) iskati težáve to ask (ali to go looking) for trouble
    težáva je v tem, da... the trouble (ali the snag) is that...
    naleteti na težávo to come up against a difficulty
    na nepričakovano težávo to come up against a snag
    nastopila je neka težáva a difficulty arose
    izogniti se težávi to avoid (ali to evade) difficulty
    biti v (hudih) težávah (figurativno) to be in deep water
    premostiti težáve to get over (ali to overcome) the difficulties
    premagati, prebroditi težávo to surmount a difficulty
    povzročiti komu velike težáve to put someone to much trouble
    prihraniti komu težáve to spare someone trouble
    priti iz težáv to escape from difficulties, (figurativno) to be out of the wood
    smelo se spoprijeti s težávami (figurativno) to take the bull by the horns
    zabresti v težáve to get into trouble
    trpeti zaradi prebavnih težáv to suffer from digestive troubles
  • težíti to weigh heavily on, to be heavy; to press down, to press hard

    težíti k čemu to tend to (ali towards), to veer (ali to trend) towards; to aim at
    težíti za čim to long for something, to crave for something, to strive for something, after something
    to breme mi teži ramena this burden weighs heavily on my shoulders
    ta odgovornost me začenja težíti this responsibility is beginning to get me down (ali to be too much for me)
    ta dolg me teží this debt weighs heavily on me
    to mu teži srcé that rankles in his mind
    njegov zločin mu teži vest his crime weighs heavily (ali lies heavy) on his conscience
    teži jo skrb za bodočnost worry about her future is getting her down
    vsi naši napori težijo k istemu cilju all our efforts are directed to the same goal
    on teží za bogastvom he craves wealth
  • težkó prislov heavily; badly; with difficulty; (komaj) hardly, scarcely

    težkó delati to work hard, to toil, to toil and moil
    težkó verjeti to be sceptical
    on se težkó uči he is a backward student
    težkó dostopen hard of access
    težkó izpolnljiv difficult to carry out
    težkó razumljiv difficult to understand
    težkó verjeten hard to believe
    težkó ranjen badly (ali severely) wounded
    težkó dojemati, razume(va)ti to be slow on the uptake
    težkó bolan dangerously ill
    težkó oborožen heavily armed
    težkó je zame I'm finding things hard
    z njo je težkó (figurativno) she is hard to get on with
    težkó mi je (reči) I find it hard (to say)
    njemu je težkó ugoditi he is hard to please
    težkó mi je pri duši it grieves me
    težkó, da bo prišel he will hardly come, it's unlikely he'll come
    težkó, da jo boš še kdaj videl you're unlikely to see her again
  • tíčati to be; to stick (v in)

    tíčati do ušes, do vratú v dolgovih to be up to one's ears in debt
    kje pa tičiš ves ta čas? where have you been all this time?
    vedno doma tíčati to be a stay-at-home
    on vedno doma tiči he stays indoors; he is a stay-athome, he is a homebody (ali homebird)
    vedno skupaj tíčati (figurativno) to be inseparable
    v tem grmu tiči zajec (figurativno) that's the gist (of the whole matter), that is where the dog is buried, (tu je težava) there's the rub, that's the whole point
    ključ tiči v vratih the key is in the lock
  • tíh still, noiseless, silent; (miren) quiet, tranquil; (utišan) hushed; (nem) silent, mute, dumb; (redkobeseden) (a man) of few words, taciturn

    Tihi ocean the Pacific (Ocean)
    tíha bolečina silent grief
    s tíhim glasom in a low voice, in a subdued tone
    tího družabništvo sleeping (ZDA silent) partnership
    tíhi družabnik sleeping (ZDA silent) partner
    tíha maša religija low mass
    tíha molitev silent prayer
    tíha poroka quiet wedding
    tíha sezona dull (ali dead) season
    tíh sporazum tacit agreement
    tíhe (skrite) rezerve passive reserve, hidden assets pl
    tího upanje secret hope (ali hopes pl)
    prosimo za tího sožalje! we request your silent sympathy!
    tíh kot miš as quiet as a mouse
    na tíhem si misliti to think to oneself
    na tíhem si svoje misliti to keep one's own counsel (o čem about something)
    tíha voda calm (ali smooth) water
    tíha voda globoko dere (bregove podira) still waters run deep
  • tík1 close by; adjoining

    tík k close to; next to
    smo tík pred vojno we are on the eve of war
    on stanuje tík mene he lives next door
    tík pred mojim odhodom just (ali immediately) before my departure
    mesto je tík pred padcem the fall of the town is imminent
    tík ob hiši je vrt there is a garden adjoining the house
  • típati to feel, to touch

    típati za čim to fumble for something
    tipaje iskati pot to feel (ali to grope) one's way
  • típtop (odličen, izvrsten) tiptop; excellent, firstclass, first-rate; pogovorno super; žargon swell

    típtop hotel firstclass hotel
    típtop obleka finest (ali fashionable, pogovorno posh) clothes pl
  • tír track, ZDA trackage; line; rails pl

    železniški tír railway track
    enojni (dvojni) tír single (double) track
    industrijski tír factory (ali private) siding
    stranski tír siding
    vlak je skočil s tíra the train was derailed
    spraviti koga iz tíra (figurativno) to put someone off his stride
    vreči iz tíra to throw someone off the track
    vržen iz tíra (figurativno) thrown out of gear
    vedno hodi po istem tíru (figurativno) he always follows the same track
    skočiti s tíra to run off the rails, to be derailed
    spraviti kaj zopet v pravi tír to put something right again
    prišel je iz tíra (figurativno) he has gone off the rails
    prekoračenje tírov (prehod čez tire) je potnikom prepovedano! passengers must not cross the line!