
Zadetki iskanja

  • prelevíti se to slough (off); to shed (ali to cast off) one's skin; figurativno to change, to be converted (ali transmuted) (v into)
  • preostáti to be left over, to be left; to remain

    nič drugega ne preostane, razen... there is no other alternative but...
    ne preostane nam nič drugega, kot da gremo there is nothing left for us but to go
    ni mi preostalo nič drugega kot... no alternative was left for me but..., I had no alternative but...
  • presahníti to dry up; to run dry; to be exhausted (ali drained)
  • pretegníti se to injure oneself by lifting a heavy load; (od dela) to be overworked, to overwork
  • prevládati prevladováti to prevail (over), to predominate (over); to be prevalent; to preponderate; to get the upper hand; to have the ascendency over
  • prezadolžíti se to contract (ali to incur) heavy debts, to be saddled (ali encumbered) with debts, to become deeply involved (ali embarrassed)
  • prezébati to suffer from the cold, to be cold, to shiver with cold
  • prežáti to lurk; to lie in wait (na for); to be on the lookout (na for)

    prežáti na koga to waylay someone
  • pričakováti pričákati to expect, to await, to look out for; to look forward to; to anticipate; (biti pripravljen za) to be prepared (for); (prežati na) to watch for; (zanašati se na) to rely upon, to build upon

    pričakujoč skorajšnjega odgovora anticipating an early reply
    to je bilo pričakováti, pričákati that was to be expected
    ni pričakováti, pričákati, da bi... it is not to be expected that...
    od vas pričakujem... I look to you for...
    tega nisem pričakoval od vas I am surprised at you
    sem več pričakoval od njega he falls short of my expectations, (...od tega it falls...)
    pričakujemo ga nocoj we expect him tonight
    končno smo ga pričakali finally he arrived
    kaj drugega si mogel pričakovati od takega človeka? what else could you expect from such a man?
    nobene spremembe ni pričakováti, pričákati no change (ali alteration) can be expected
    pričakujem takojšnje plačilo I expect immediate payment
    kdaj vas lahko pričakujemo? by what time may we expect you?
    Anglija pričakuje, da bo vsakdo storil svojo dolžnost England expects every man to do his duty
  • príjati to please; to suit, to be agreeable; to be to one's taste

    prija mi it pleases me, I am pleased
    vino mi prija wine agrees with me
    predlog mi ni (preveč) prijal I did not (overmuch) relish the proposal
    meso mi ne prija, kadar sem bolan meat has no relish when I am ill
    misel, da bi ostal tu, mi ne prija I do not relish the idea of staying here
    to mi ne prija it is not to my liking
    ti prija priti jutri? does it suit you to come tomorrow?
    njemu vse prija nothing comes amiss to him
  • primŕzniti to freeze, to be frozen (na to, on)
  • pripádati to belong (to); to appertain (to); (kaki stranki) to be a member of

    ona pripada splošno znani družini she belongs to a well-known family
  • prisostvováti to assist (at, in); to be present (at); to attend (čemu something)

    nisem mogel prisostvováti zborovanju I could not be present at (ali not attend) the meeting
  • procvítati to flower, to flourish; figurativno to prosper; to thrive; pogovorno to be on the up-and-up
  • propádati to decay, to fall into decay; to fall in ruins; (hiša) to dilapidate, to crumble, to get out of repair; figurativno to wane, to be on the wane; (razpasti) to disintegrate, to go to ruin; (ljudje) to degenerate

    popolnoma propádati to go to rack and ruin, pogovorno to go to the dogs
  • propásti to decay, to disintegrate, to fall in ruins, to go to rack and ruin; (trgovec) to go bankrupt; (ne uspeti) to fall through, to prove a failure, to fail, to prove abortive, to miscarry; (pri volitvah) to be unsuccessful, to be rejected

    propásti s svojo prošnjo to meet with a refusal
    predlog je propadel the motion was rejected
    načrt je propadel the project fell through (ali came to naught)
    stvar je propadla the thing has fallen through
    sedaj smo propadli now we are sunk
  • prosjáčiti to go begging, to be a beggar, to live by begging

    prosjáčiti koga to importune someone, to badger someone, (za kaj for something); (moledovati) to pester, to cadge, to importune (someone)
  • prosperírati to prosper; (oseba) to be successful (ali fortunate); (posli itd.) to do well, to flourish; (narod itd.) to thrive
  • protíviti se to object (kajenju to smoking); to be opposed (čemu to something); (biti v nasprotju) to conflict, to be in conflict with
  • prváčiti to be champion; to be preeminent (ali outstanding); to beat all the rest