zanêsti to carry away
avto je zaneslo v stran the car went into a skid, the car skidded
zanêsti koga (figurativno, očarati, navdušiti) to carry someone away
zanêsti se na koga to rely upon someone, to depend on someone
nanj se lahko zaneseš he is as good as his word
nanj se ne moreš zanêsti he is not to be trusted
se nanjo lahko zanesem? is she dependable?
se lahko zanesemo na njegovo besedo? can we rely on his word?
upam, da se lahko zanesem na to I hope I can rely upon it
na to se lahko zaneseš! you may depend upon it!, depend upon it!
zanêsti se na srečo to trust to luck
Zadetki iskanja
- zaničevánje disdain; scorn; contempt; disregard
z zaničevánjem se izraziti to scoff (at)
zaničevánja vreden contemptible, despicable - zaníhati to set in oscillating motion, to oscillate, to cause to vibrate
zaníhati (se) to begin to vibrate, to begin to oscillate - zanímati to interest (koga someone), to be of interest (to someone), to be interesting (to someone)
to me ne zanima I am not interested in it, it has no interest for me, this is of no interest to me
zanimalo te bo zvedeti, da... if will be interesting for you to know that...
zanímati se za... to be interested in, to take an interest in, to have an interest in, to interest oneself in
zelo se zanimam za glasbo I take a great interest in music
njega zanima vse (zanima se za vse), kar vidi he takes an interest in everything he sees - zánka snare, noose, sling; mesh; loop
nastaviti komu zánko to lay (ali to set) a snare for someone
pasti v zánko to fall into a snare
ujeti (ptice) v zánko to snare
ujeti se v zánko to be caught in a snare, (figurativno) to put one's head in a noose; to ensnare, to noose
zadrgniti zánko to noose - zaostríti to sharpen; to point; to provide with a point (oziroma with a sharp edge); figurativno to aggravate
zaostríti se to grow sharp (ali pointed, keen); (napetost) to become tense (ali strained); (kriza) to culminate, to come to a head, to come to a critical point
odnosi med državama se vse bolj zaostrujejo the relations between the two countries are becoming more strained every day - zapáliti to set fire to, to set on fire; to light, to kindle, to ignite, to fire
zapáliti hišo to set a house on fire
zapáliti se to catch fire, to take fire; to begin to burn - zapeljáti (voz) to drive, (z vozom) to carry; figurativno to seduce; (prevarati) to mislead (v into), to lead astray; (zvabiti) to entice, to allure; (preslepiti) to ensnare
zapeljáti deklè to seduce a girl, to get a girl into trouble
zapeljal sem se z avtom k prijatelju I ran my car over to my friend's
ki se da (lahko) zapeljáti seducible, temptable - zapeljevánje seduction; temptation; enticement; allurement; subornation; ensnaring; (podkupovanje) bribing, bribery
zapeljevánje mladine the leading of youth astray
zapeljevánje h krivi prisegi subornation of perjury
upreti se zapeljevánju to resist temptation
podleči zapeljevánju to yield to temptation - zapíčiti to thrust (v into); to push in; to drive in
zapíčiti se (obtičati) to get stuck, to stick fast - zapírati to close, to shut; to lock up; (v zapor) to imprison, to arrest; to incarcerate; to commit to prison, to take into custody
zapírati se to shut, to close
se ta vrata zapirajo s ključem? does this door lock?
trgovina se zapira ob šestih the shop closes at six
zapiramo! (v parku, muzeju ipd.) we're closing!, it's closing time!, all out! - zapíti
zapíti denar to squander one's money (ali to waste one's substance) on drink
zapíti se to take to drink; to be addicted to drink
on zapije vse, kar zasluži he spends all he earns on drink - zaplêsti to entangle; figurativno to implicate, to involve (koga v kaj someone in something)
zaplêsti se to entangle oneself, to be entangled
zaplêsti se v kaj to get involved (ali mixed up) in something - zaplodíti (otroke) to beget, to procreate; figurativno to engender, to breed
zaplodíti se to multiply; to propagate - zapodíti to chase away
zapodíti v beg to put to flight
zapodíti se za kom to rush after someone - zapóra blockade; block; stop; barrage; bar
zapóra ceste roadblock
prometna zapóra traffic jam
celinska zapóra zgodovina the Continental System
izmuzniti se skozi zapóro to run (ali to break) a blockade
ukiniti zapóro to raise a blockade - zaposlíti to occupy, to employ, to give employment
zaposlíti se to employ oneself, to occupy oneself (z, v with, in)
zaposlíti večje število ljudi, kot je potrebno (za zmanjšanje nezaposlenosti) to overman, to featherbed - zaprašíti to cover with dust
zaprašíti se to be covered with dust - zaprávljati to be prodigal (ali lavish) with; ➞ zapraviti
zaprávljati čas in denar to waste one's time and money
kdor lahkomiselno zapravlja, se od premoženja že poslavlja (arhaično) wilful waste makes woeful want - zapréti (knjigo, vrata ipd.) to shut; to close; to shut in; (s ključem) to lock (up); (z zapahom) to bolt; (ulico) to block, to bar, to obstruct
zapréti dežnik to fold one's umbrella
zapréti v ječo to lock up in jail, to take to jail, to imprison, to commit to prison, to take into custody
zapréti jetnika v njegovo celico to shut a prisoner up in his cell
zapréti oči to shut one's eyes, (umreti) to close one's eyes, to die, to expire
zapréti oči pred čim (= ne hoteti videti) to connive at something, to shut one's eyes to something
zapréti vodovodno pipo to turn the tap off
zapréti plin to turn the gas off
zaprl (zamašil) sem mu usta I shut him up
zapréti steklenico to cork (up) a bottle
zapréti za promet to close to traffic
zapréti tovarno (nehati z delom) to shut (ali to close) down a factory, to shut the works down
zapréti prodajalno, trgovino (pogovorno) to shut up shop
zapréti vstop v pristanišče to bar (ali to close) the entrance to a port
zaprli so pot, ki pelje preko njihovega polja they have closed the path that leads across their field
zapréti vrata pred kom (ne hoteti govoriti z njim) to shut the door on someone
pred nosom komu zapréti vrata to shut the door in someone's face
silovito zapréti vrata to bang (ali to slam) the door
zapréti se (zakleniti se) to shut oneself up
zapréti se (o vratih) to swing to, to swing shut
zapréti se vase (figurativno) to shut oneself away, to immure oneself