
Zadetki iskanja

  • stánje state; condition; (položaj) situation; (okoliščine) circumstances pl

    stánje pripravljenosti alert
    izredno stánje (state of) emergency
    kritično stánje crisis, juncture, turning point
    stánje stvari state of affairs
    dejansko stánje the true (ali actual) state (of affairs)
    duševno stánje frame of mind
    številčno stánje vojske manpower
    zdravstveno stánje state of health
    cesta (hiša) je v dobrem (slabem) stánju the road (the house) is in good (in bad) repair
    držati, vzdrževati v dobrem stánju to keep in (good) repair
    postaviti v prejšnje stánje to restore
    v žalostnem stánju in a sorry (ali sad) plight
  • stanovánje apartments pl, ZDA apartment, lodgings pl

    etažno stanovánje flat; quarters pl pogovorno digs pl, arhaično diggings pl; residence, dwelling, domicile
    hrana in stanovánje board and lodging, bed and board
    opremljeno stanovánje furnished apartments pl
    enosobno stanovánje bed-sitting-room, bed-sitter, bed-sit
    stanovánje v hiši brez dvigala ZDA walk-up apartment
    prosto stanovánje in hrana all found
    službeno stanovánje official residence
    pomanjkanje stanovánj housing shortage, scarcity of lodgings
    najem stanovánja lease
    ara za stanovánje deposit, earnest (money)
    izselitev iz stanovánja removal
    sprememba stanovánja change of residence, removal
    zamenjava stanovánja exchange of dwellings
    najemnina za stanovánje rent, rental
    dati odpoved stanovánja komu to give someone notice to quit
    imeti prosto stanovánje to live rent free (v in), to have unpaid accommodation
    iskati stanovánje to go in search of lodgings, to be house-hunting
    izprazniti svoje 4 sobno stanovánje to vacate one's four-room flat
    odda(ja)ti stanovánja to let apartments (ali lodgings)
    vreči iz stanovánja to eject, (zakonsko) to evict
    vseliti se v stanovánje to occupy one's apartment (ali rooms, accommodation), to move in
    zaarati stanovánje to give earnest money (ali a deposit) as part of the rent
    z gostijo proslaviti nastanitev v novem stanovánju to have a housewarming
  • stanovánjski residential; housing; concerned with flats (oziroma tenants, lodgers)

    stanovánjski blok block of flats
    stanovánjska četrt residential quarter (ali district, area), ZDA residential section (ali district)
    stanovánjska gradnja housing construction
    stanovánjska hiša, zgradba dwelling house, apartment house, residential premises pl, (najemninska) block of flats
    stanovánjska kriza, stiska housing shortage
    stanovánjska najemnina residential rent
    stanovánjska pravica tenant's rights pl
    stanovánjski problem housing problem
    stanovánjske razmere housing conditions pl
    stanovánjska soseska residential neighbourhood
    stanovánjski urad housing office, housing administration, office authorized to assign lodgings (oziroma flats)
    stanovánjski voz caravan, ZDA trailer
    parkirni prostor za stanovánjske vozove VB caravan site, ZDA trailer park
    načrt stanovánjske izgradnje housing development scheme
  • stanováti to live, to dwell, to reside; ZDA to room

    stanováti kot najemnik to lodge; (prehodno) to stay, pogovorno to stop, arhaično to sojourn
    stanováti pri to be living (ali staying, vojska quartered) at
    stanujem na Cankarjevi cesti I live on Cankar Street
    stanujejo v Mariborski c., št. 5 they are living at Nr. (= number) 5, Maribor Road
    stanujejo skupaj they are roommates, VB flatmates
    stanujejo v 2. nadstropju na ulico (na dvorišču) they are living in a front (back) flat on the second floor
    stanuje bogu za hrbtom (figurativno) he lives at the back of beyond
  • stár old; aged; advanced in years; (starodaven) ancient; (postaran) elderly; (staromoden) old-fashioned, (zastarel) antiquated, rusty; (beseda) archaic, obsolescent, obsolete; (obrabljen) used, worn, (ponošen) wornout, threadbare; (fraza) hackneyed, trite, timeworn; exploded; (že rabljen) secondhand (pohištvo furniture); (kruh, pivo, novica, šala) stale

    stári vek ancient times, antiquity
    stár dovtip, vic old joke
    stáro železo scrap iron, scrap
    stár grešnik inveterate sinner
    stár (izkušen) mornar (figurativno) old salt
    stár (odslužen) vojak veteran
    stári Rimljani the ancient Romans pl
    stára obleka worn-out (ali cast-off) clothes pl
    na stára leta in one's old age
    v stárih časih in ancient (ali in former) times
    stári oče, stára mati grandfather, grandmother
    stáro in mlado young and old
    stára šara junk, lumber
    stár kot zemlja as old as the hills
    srednje stár middle-aged
    stár kot Matuzalem as old as Methuselah
    po stárem (načinu) in the old way
    dobri stári časi the good old times pl
    stára devica an old maid
    diplomat stáre šole a diplomat of the old school
    zgodba stára kot svet a story as old as the hills
    stári jeziki ancient languages pl, classics pl (s konstr. v sg)
    stára zgodovina ancient history
    stára številka (časopisa) back number
    iz stárih časov from days of yore
    stára navada železna srajca habit is second nature
    koliko ste stári? how old are you?, what age are you?, what is your age?
    on je 15 let stár he is fifteen (years of age)
    toliko je stár kot jaz he is my age, pogovorno he's the same age as me
    stár sem več kot 30 let I am over thirty
    on še ni (je blizu) 40 let stár he is on the right (ali on the sunny) side of forty
    je že preko 40 let (star) he is on the wrong (ali on the shady) side of forty
    ona še ni 20 let stára she is not yet out of her teens
    to te dela stárega that makes you look old, pogovorno it puts years on you
    on je kaki dve leti starejši od mene he is some two years my senior
    on je (že) čez 70 let (star) he is seventy odd
    ne bo delal stárih kosti he won't make old bones
    stár postajati to grow old
    vse gre po stárem everything's going on in the same old way
    vse ostane pri stárem everything stays as it was (ali as before)
    (zdravstveno) še nisem »stari« I am not my old self yet
    kje so dobri stári časi? where are the good old days?
  • staréjši older; elder; senior (Sr.)

    moj staréjši brat my elder brother
    on je 3 leta staréjši od mene he is three years my senior (ali older than me)
    ona je staréjša kot moj brat she is older than my brother
  • státve (weaving) loom

    mehanične státve automatic (ali power) loom
  • stáva (za denar itd.) bet; (stavljen denar) bet, wager, stake; tiskarstvo (stavek) composition

    kot za stávo (tekmovanje) briskly, energetically, speedily
    visoka stáva heavy bet
    dobiti stávo to win a bet
    sprejeti stávo to take a bet
    izgubiti stávo to lose one's bet (ali stake)
    skleniti stávo to wager
    stáve so prepovedane v klubu betting is forbidden at the club
    delati kot za stávo to work full out
    lokal za športne stáve betting shop
    kdor sklepa stáve punter, gambler, wagerer
  • stávba building; edifice; structure

    stávbe na koleh lake dwellings pl, lake village
    postaviti stávbo to erect (ali to construct) a building
    obdati s stávbami to surround (ali to enclose) with buildings
    vrhnja stávba figurativno superstructure
  • stávek gramatika sentence; clause

    glavni stávek principal (ali main) clause
    podrejeni stávek subordinate clause
    zloženi stávek compound sentence
    vprašalni (oziralni, namerni, dopustni, posledični, pogojni) stávek interrogative (relative, final, concessive, consecutive, conditional) clause
    analizirati stávek to parse a sentence
    prosti (sestavljeni) stávek simple (compound) sentence
    priredni glavni stávek coordinate main clause
  • stáviti1 (napraviti stavo) to bet, to lay a bet, to wager; to stake; to take bets on

    stáviti (denar) na to put money on, to bet (ali arhaično to stake) on
    stáviti funt to bet a pound
    stáviti na kocko to bet on (a throw of) the dice
    stáviti svoje premoženje na eno karto to stake one's fortune on the turn of a card
    stavim z vami 100 : 1 I bet you 100 to 1
    stavim en funt z vami I bet you a pound
    stavim z vami, da... I lay you a wager that..., pogovorno I bet you (that)...
    stáviti s kom, da... to bet someone (that)...
    stavim, da tega ne veš I bet you don't know this
    stáviti na konja to back a horse
    vse stáviti na kaj to put one's shirt on something
    stavim ne vem kaj I'll bet good money
    glavo stavim I'll bet my life (ali my boots, my bottom dollar)
    stáviti vse na eno karto to have (ali to put) all one's eggs in one basket
    stavim! I'll wager!
  • stáviti2 (postaviti) to put (up), to set, to place

    stáviti vprašanje to ask (ali to put) a question
    stáviti svoje upanje v koga to place one's hope in someone
    stáviti koze otroku medicina to vaccinate a child
  • stáž probationary period; course (ali period) of instruction

    na stážu on probation
    biti na stážu to be on probation
    opravljati stáž to go through a period of probation (ali of a course of instruction), to do a probationary period
    stáž mladega zdravnika ZDA internship
  • stečájen insolvent, bankrupt

    stečájna masa bankrupt's estate, insolvent estate
    stečájna uprava bankruptcy commissioners pl, receivership
    upravitelj stečájne mase official (ali public) receiver
  • stékati se to flow together

    stékati se v to flow into, to run (ali to fall) into
  • stékel veterina rabid, mad

    stékel pes a rabid (ali mad) dog
  • stêklo glass

    pod stêklom under glass
    brušeno stêklo cut glass, flint glass
    mlečno stêklo frost glass, translucent glass, (brušeno) frosted glass
    motno stêklo frosted (ali ground) glass, dim glass
    ognjevarno stêklo pyrex
    marijino stêklo mineralogija specular stone
    nezdrobljivo stêklo shatterproof glass
    svinčeno stêklo lead glass
    kristalno stêklo flint glass
    barvasto stêklo stained (ali coloured) glass
    drobec stêkla glass splinter, fragment
    stêklo za izložbe plate glass
    vlaknasto stêklo fibreglass
    stêklo za okna (šipa) windowpane
    povečevalno stêklo magnifying glass, magnifier
    češko stêklo Bohemian glass
    belo stêklo white glass
    žično stêklo wire glass
    varnostno stêklo safety glass
    optično stêklo optical glass
    zrcalno stêklo plate glass
    stêklo za steklenice bottle glass
    brusač stêkla glass-grinder, glasscutter
    brušenje stêkla glass grinder, glass cutter
    brusiti stêklo to grind glass
    barvanje stêkla, slikanje na stêklo painting on glass, glass painting, staining
    slikar na stêklo painter on glass, glass painter, glass stainer
    pihač stêkla glassblower
    neprozorno stêklo opaque glass
    stêkl, ki varuje pred drobci granat ipd. bulletproof glass
    nož za stêklo glazier's (cutting) diamond
    si iz stêkla? (humoristično) is your father a glazier?, you'd make a better door than a window
  • sténa wall

    gorska sténa rock wall
    ločilna sténa partition (wall)
    tik ob sténi close by the wall
    španska sténa folding screen
    sténe hiše outer walls pl
    obesiti na sténo to hang up on the wall
    pritisniti koga ob sténo (zid) to pin someone down
    slikati vraga na sténo (figurativno) to paint the devil blacker than he is
    sténe imajo ušesa (figurativno) walls have ears
    med štirimi sténami (= strogo zaupno) within four walls
    moje besede so bob ob sténo (figurativno) my words are like water off a duck's back
    prav tako bi lahko govoril (gluhi) sténi you might as well talk (ali try talking) to a stone (ali to a cat)
    govoriš gluhi sténi you are talking to a stone wall
  • stík contact; connection, connexion; touch; relation; juncture

    brez stíka z out of touch with
    kratek stík (elektrika) short circuit
    prijateljski (trgovski, tesni) stíki friendly (commercial, close) relations pl
    biti v tesnem stíku z to be in close touch with
    biti v stalnem stíku z to keep in touch with
    izgubiti stík z to lose touch with
    navezati poslovne stíke z to establish business contacts with
    priti v stík z to come into contact with, to get in touch with
    navezati stík to establish a connection, to make contact
    imeti stíke z to be in contact with
    stopiti v stíke z to enter into relations with, to enter into connection with
    pretrgati stík to break contact, to cut a connection
    pospeševati stíke to promote (ali to foster) relations
    spraviti koga v stík z to put someone in touch with (ali in contact with)
    vzdrževati prijateljske stíke z to entertain (ali to maintain) friendly relations with
    ne biti več v stíku z to be out of touch with
    kdaj si stopil v stík z njim? when did you contact him?, when did you get in touch with him?
  • stíska distress; need; pinch, scrape; straits pl; emergency; figurativno hot water

    v stíski za denar pogovorno strapped for cash, short of the ready, broke, stony-broke
    denarna stíska straitened circumstances pl
    v hudi stíski with one's back to the wall
    v stíski in an emergency, in a scrape
    biti v stíski to be in need, to be in a tough spot
    ona je v hudi stíski she is in great distress
    je v hudi stíski za denar he is hard pressed for money
    v stíski smo s časom we are pressed for time
    izvleči se iz stíske to get out of a scrape
    spraviti koga v stísko to put someone in a tight spot
    v hudi stíski so (pogovorno) they are hard up (ali in a tight spot); they are in hot water
    čutiti stísko to feel the pinch
    priti v stísko to get into a scrape
    pomagati prijatelju iz stíske (figurativno) to help a lame dog over a stile
    v stíski spoznaš prijatelja a friend in need is a friend indeed