
Zadetki iskanja

  • veselíti to give pleasure (ali joy), to afford joy (ali pleasure), to gladden

    to me veseli I am glad of that
    veseli me, da te vidim I am glad to see you
    glasba me ne veseli I get no joy from music
    veselilo me bo, če mi boš kaj pisal I shall be glad to receive your letters
    veselíti se česa to delight in something
    ne veseli se prezgodaj! don't count your chickens before they are hatched!
    veselíti se to be glad of, to be happy (to), to take pleasure (from), to rejoice (at); to be pleased with
    (vnaprej) se veselíti to anticipate a pleasure, to look forward to
    veselim se že, da te bom zopet videl I am looking forward to seeing you again
    zelo me veseli, da vas spoznam (se seznanim z vami) I am very glad to meet you
  • vést1 (novica, sporočilo) piece of news; news pl (s konstr. v sg); arhaično tidings pl; (piece of) information; report, account; advice; (važna) intelligence

    najnovejše vésti the latest news, red-hot news
    imam sijajno vést za vas I have a splendid piece of news for you
    pričakujem od njih nadaljnjih vésti I am awaiting their further news
    prišla je vést, da je sklenjen mir news arrived that peace had been concluded
    lažna vést false (ali fabricated) report, canard
    to je dobra vést this is good news
    domače vésti home news, local news
    kratke vésti news items
    raznašalec vésti (klepetulja) gossip, newsmonger
    povedati mu morate to slabo vést you must break this bad news to him
    slabe vésti se kaj hitro izvejo bad news travels fast
    že dolgo nimam vésti od njega I've had no news from him for a long time
    o njem ni nobenih vésti nothing has been heard of him
    zadnje vésti latest (ali last-minute) news, (v časopisu) stop-press
    če ni vésti, je vse v redu no news is good news
  • vést2 conscience

    brez vésti conscienceless
    čista vést clear (ali good) conscience
    slaba vést guilty (ali bad) conscience
    z mirno vestjo with an easy conscience
    proti moji vésti contrary to my conscience
    kosmata vést elastic conscience
    glas vésti the voice of conscience
    izpraševanje vésti examination of one's conscience
    grizenje vésti twinges pl of conscience, pangs pl of remorse, qualms pl of conscience, scruples pl
    oseba, človek brez vésti conscienceless (ali unscrupulous, unconscionable, unprincipled) person
    za pomirjenje vésti for conscience(') sake
    izprašati si vést to examine one's conscience
    imeti koga na vésti to have someone on one's conscience
    imeti kosmato vést to have an easy-going conscience
    vest ga grize his conscience is bothering him
    ima dva umora na vésti he has two murders on his conscience
    ne maram imeti tega na vésti I don't want to have that on my conscience
    vést me peče I am conscience-stricken; my conscience is tormenting me (ali is giving me no peace), I am stung with remorse
    vést ga je pekla his conscience troubled him, he had qualms of conscience, he was conscience-stricken
    olajšati si vést to get something off one's conscience
    pomiriti si vést to appease (ali to soothe, to salve, to quieten) one's conscience
    z mirno véstjo lahko to storite you may do it with an easy conscience
  • vézan bound; tied; (obvezan) obliged, engaged, bound, medicina dressed

    vézana knjiga bound book
    mehko vézan limp
    v karton vézana knjiga book in boards
    v platno (usnje) vézan bound in cloth (in leather)
    vézan sem na obljubo I am bound by my promise
    z okovi vézan chained, fettered
    z jermenom vézan strapped
    vézan po dolžnosti in duty bound
  • vézati to bind; to fasten; to tie; (z vrvjo) to cord, to rope; (z verigo) to chain; (z okovi, sponami) to handcuff, to fetter; (na paši konja na daljši konopec) to tether

    vézati se to bind oneself
    vézati knjige to bind books
    vézati snope to bind sheaves
    vézati otrobe (figurativno) to talk nonsense
    službena dolžnost me veže I am bound by my office
    vežemo vas z Zagrebom! telefonija we are connecting you with (ali putting you through to) Zagreb!
  • vólja will; will power; volition; (želja) wish, pleasure; (razpoloženje) mood, temper, frame of mind, vein, humour; (namera) intention, mind

    po vólji at will, at pleasure
    proti moji (lastni) vólji against my (own) will
    proti vólji (nerad) with a bad grace, unwillingly
    po moji mili vólji to my heart's desire (ali content), at my own sweet will, arhaično to the top of my bent
    za božjo vóljo! for goodness' sake!, good gracious!, for God's sake!, for heaven's sake!
    slabe vólje moody
    svobodna vólja free will
    iz lastne vólje of one's own volition
    zadnja vólja (oporoka) last will, (will and) testament
    drage vólje most willingly
    železna vólja iron will
    po lastni vólji of one's own will (ali accord)
    ljudje dobre vólje men of good will
    biti na vóljo to be at hand
    biti komu na vóljo to be at someone's disposal
    biti dobre (slabe) vólja to be in a good (bad) temper (ali humour), to be of good cheer (in a bad mood)
    če te je vólja if you care, if you are so minded, if you are willing
    ni me vólja I don't care
    slabe vólje je he is out of humour
    nisem pri vólji za (kaj) I am not in the humour for (sth)
    pri najboljši vólji se ne morem spomniti I can't for the life of me remember
    stori po svoji vólji! do as you like!
    to je moja poslednja vólja (napisana oporoka) this is my last will and testament
    storil sem to proti svoji vólji I did it unwillingly (ali reluctantly)
    spraviti koga v dobro vóljo to put someone in a good humour
    spravil me je v slabo vóljo he made me cross
    on vedno uveljavi svojo vóljo he always has his own way (ali gets what he wants)
    pokvariti komu dobro vóljo to ruffle someone's temper
    on nima nobene (svoje) vólje he has no will of his own
    pri najboljši vólji tega ne moremo napraviti with the best will in the world we just cannot do it
    nekako me je vólja, da bi (šel) I have half a mind to (go)
    on je brez vsake (svoje) vólje (figurativno) he is a mere rubber stamp
    svojo slabo vóljo je stresel name he vented his spleen on me
    kjer je vólja, je (tudi) moč where there's a will there's a way
    zgodi se tvoja vólja religija thy will be done!
  • vólk zoologija wolf, pl wolves

    morski vólk (riba) wolf fish, (star mornar) old sea-dog, (figurativno) old salt, an old weather-beaten tar; medicina (odrgnjena koža) gall, excoriation; (igrača, vrtavka) top
    vólk v ovčji koži wolf in sheep's clothing
    lovec na vólkove wolf hunter
    krdelo vólkov wolf pack
    lačen sem kot vólk I am ravenous
    biti lačen kot vólk to be as hungry as a wolf
    iti na lov na vólkove, loviti vólkove to go wolf hunting
    nasititi vólka in ohraniti kozo (figurativno) to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
    ne more biti vólk sit in koza cela (figurativno) you can't have it both ways
    ali vólk lahko spremeni svojo naravo? can the leopard change his spots?
    z vólkovi je treba tuliti (figurativno) one must do in Rome as the Romans do
  • vróč hot, (kot krop) boiling hot; fervid; tropical; figurativno ardent, passionate; burning

    vróča diskusija animated discussion
    vróči pas torrid zone
    vróč zrak hot air
    vróča voda hot water
    vróče mi je I am hot
    vróče je kot v peklu it's as hot as hell
    tam bo še vróče (figurativno) there will be hot work
    vróče podnebje hot climate
    vróče sonce hot sun
    postajalo mi je vróče I was getting hot
    imeti vróčo kri (figurativno) to be hot-tempered
    napraviti komu tla vróča pod nogami to make it hot (ali warm) for someone, to make the place too hot for someone
  • vročíca medicina fever

    imam vročíco I am in a fever, I am feverish
  • všéč

    biti všéč to please
    to mi je všéč I am pleased with it
    všéč mi je... I like, I relish, I am pleased with, I am partial to, I am fond of, I love; it suits me, it is agreeable to (ali convenient for) me
    kakor ti je všéč as you please, as you like
    to mi ni všéč I don't like it, it displeases me, I am loath to..., I abhor..., I detest
    kako ti je všéč ta barva? how do you like this colour?
  • za for; for the purpose of; in favour of; after; behind; (= za časa) during

    dan za dnem day by day
    eden za drugim one after another, one behind the other
    korak za korakom step by step
    enkrat za vselej once and for all
    za ves svet ne not for (all) the world
    za gorami beyond the mountains
    jaz za svojo osebo as far as I am concerned
    za mojim hrbtom behind my back
    za primer (v primeru) potrebe in case of need
    za glavo večji taller by a head
    za sedaj for the present
    za šalo by way of a joke
    argumenti za in proti the pros and the cons
    razlogi za in proti the reasons for and against
    za menoj! follow me!
    (kar) za menoj, prosim! this way, please!
    starejši za pet let five years older
    jaz, za sebe (zase) as for me
    beseda za besedo word for word
    mož za možem man by man
    zanimanje za... interest in...
    za mladino neprimeren film a film unsuitable (ali not suitable) for young people
    vstopnica za gledališče a theatre ticket
    za vlade (vladanja) kralja Karla II during the reign of Charles II
    za (= po pooblastilu) (acting) for, per pro., latinsko per procurationem (krajšava: p.p.)
    biti za kaj to be in favour of something
    kdo je za (to)? who is in favour?
    sem za to, da mu odpustimo I'm in favour of (ali I'm for) pardoning him
    večina je za nadaljevanje stavke there is a majority in favour of continuing the strike
    to je važno zame (za mene) this is important to me
    nekaj je za tem (figurativno) there's something behind it
    za hišo je vrt there is a garden behind the house
    to je hud udarec za nas it is a hard blow for us
    brali smo eden za drugim we took it in turns to read
    za koga me (pa) imate (smatrate)? who (arhaično whom) do you take me for?
    nimam ga za genija I do not regard him as a genius
    za to ceno lahko dobiš to blago povsod you can get these goods anywhere at that price
    on jé za tri he eats as much as three
    povleči koga za lase to pull someone by the hair
    on porabi preveč za sebe (zase) he spends too much on himself
    smatrati za dobro to think it advisable
    odšel je za vedno he left for good
    voditi koga za roko to lead someone by the hand
    vzel jo je za ženo he has married her, arhaično he has taken her to wife (ali as his wife)
    on zaostaja za časom he is behind the times
    zapri vrata za seboj! shut the door after (ali behind) you!
    zgrešil je za pol metra he missed by half a metre
    zmotil sem se za 10.000 SIT I made a mistake of 10,000 tolars
    sedeti za mizo to sit at the table
    pustiti za seboj to leave behind
  • zabít nailed, riveted, rammed; figurativno (neumen) silly, crass, stupid, thick; slow-witted

    zabít kraj a solitary (ali out-of-the-way) place
    nisem tako zabít (figurativno) I am not such a fool
  • zadovóljen satisfied (z with); pleased (with), contented (with), content (with)

    malo zadovóljen z dissatisfied with
    zelo sem zadovóljen I am highly satisfied
    zadovóljen s svojo usodo contented with one's lot
    nisem zadovóljen z njim I am not satisfied with him
    biti z malim zadovóljen to be thankful for small mercies
    mama ne bo zadovóljna Mother won't be pleased
    upamo, da boste zadovóljni s poslanim blagom we hope the goods sent will give you full satisfaction
  • zadréga embarrassment; difficulty; quandary; perplexity; predicament

    denarne zadrége financial difficulties pl, evfemizem humoristično pecuniary embarrassment
    biti v zadrégi to be in difficulties, to be in a quandary, to be ill at ease, to be at a loss, to be in a fix, to be in embarrassed circumstances
    v lepi zadrégi smo we are in a nice (pretty, sorry) pickle
    sem v veliki zadrégi, kaj naj storim I am completely at a loss what to do
    biti v denarni zadrégi to be short of money
    bili smo v veliki zadrégi, kaj naj odgovorimo we were hard put to it to find an answer, we were completely at a loss (ali we were stumped) for an answer
    moja edina zadréga je, kaj naj izberem my only trouble is which one to choose
    spretno se izvleči iz zadrége (iz stiske) to extricate oneself neatly from a predicament, to find a neat way out of a difficult situation
    pomagati komu iz zadrége to save someone from embarrassment
    spraviti koga v zadrégo to put (ali pogovorno to land) someone in an embarrassing situation, to embarrass someone, to put someone in a predicament (ali in a quandary)
    njega hitro spraviš v zadrégo he is easily embarrassed
    biti v zadrégi za odgovor to be stumped for an answer
  • zagábiti se to disgust, to sicken

    mastna hrana se mi je zagabila rich food sickens me
    ta prizor se mi je zagabil this sight sickened me
    zagabilo se mi je delati vedno eno in isto I am sick of doing the same thing
    življenje se mu je zagabilo he is sick (ali weary) of life
    kruh se nam nikoli ne zagabi bread never turns the stomach
    zagabi se mi it makes me sick
  • zagáta (slepa ulica) blind alley; figurativno quandary

    prometna zagáta traffic jam; (zastoj) deadlock
    biti v zagáti to be in a quandary
    v lepi zagáti smo we are in a nice (ali pretty, sorry) pickle
    sem v zagáti (v škripcih) (figurativno) I am on the horns of a dilemma, I am in an awkward situation
    spraviti koga v zagáto (težavo, zadrego) to drive someone into a corner, to corner someone
  • zahvalíti se to thank (komu za kaj someone for something); to give thanks (to someone); to render thanks (for something); to return thanks (for something); (odklonilno) to refuse, to decline

    najlepše se zahvaljujem! (ironično) thank you for nothing!
    vnaprej zahvalíti se to thank beforehand
    zahvaljujoč se vam vnaprej... thanking you in anticipation (ali beforehand, in advance)
    zahvaljujem se vam za... I am much obliged to you for..., many thanks to you for...
    zahvalíti se se morate gospodu X., ne meni you must give your thanks to Mr. X., not to me
    njej se moram zahvalíti se, da... I owe it to her that...
    vam se moramo zahvalíti se, da je sedaj najhujše za nami thanks to you we are through the worst of it now
    zahvalíti se za službo (figurativno dati ostavko) to send in one's papers
  • zamúda lateness; delay; coming behind one's time

    imeti zamúdo to be behind time
    imeli smo pet minut zamúde we were five minutes late
    vlak je imel precéj zamúde the train was very late (ali was well behind time)
    ladja ima veliko zamúdo the boat is long overdue
    vlak ima zamúdo the train is late (ali behind time, not up to time)
    vlak ima 10 minut zamúde the train is 10 minutes overdue
    to je povzročilo našo zamúdo that is what delayed us (ali threw us late)
    biti v zamúdi za plačilo davkov to be in arrears (ali behind) with one's taxes
    sem v zamúdi s svojo korespondenco I am behindhand (ali in arrears) with my correspondence
  • zanímati to interest (koga someone), to be of interest (to someone), to be interesting (to someone)

    to me ne zanima I am not interested in it, it has no interest for me, this is of no interest to me
    zanimalo te bo zvedeti, da... if will be interesting for you to know that...
    zanímati se za... to be interested in, to take an interest in, to have an interest in, to interest oneself in
    zelo se zanimam za glasbo I take a great interest in music
    njega zanima vse (zanima se za vse), kar vidi he takes an interest in everything he sees
  • zaostánek arrears pl

    davčni zaostánek tax arrears pl
    plačilni zaostánek payment in arrears
    v zaostánku z behindhand with
    biti v zaostánku to be in arrears, to be behindhand (z with), to be behind in (ali with)
    sem v zaostánku s svojim delom I am behindhand with my work
    smo v zaostánku z najemnino we are behind with the rent