deprimíran depressed; downcast
biti deprimíran to be in poor (ali low) spirits; to feel sorry for oneself
bil je videti skrajno deprimíran he looked utterly depressed
Zadetki iskanja
- dêrviš dervish
plešoči dêrviš dancing (ali whirling) dervish
tuleči dêrviš howling dervish - désni -a, -o right, right-hand; grboslovje dexter
na désni on the right
na désno to the right
na désni strani on the right-hand side
na désnem bregu Ljubljanice on the right bank of the Ljubljanica
na désno! right turn!
na désno usmerjen rightward
désni bok ladje, na desni strani ladje starboard
désno krilo vojska politika šport right wing
désna stran (konja, voza) off side
biti komu désna roka to be someone's right-hand man
v désnem zgornjem kotu in the top right-hand (ali right-hand top) corner
hoditi, voziti po désni strani, držati se désne to keep to the right
zaviti na désno to turn right, to take a right turn - destilácija distillation
suha destilácija destructive (ali dry) distillation
frakcijska destilácija fractional distillation
destilacíjski distillatory; distilling
destilácijski aparat distiller; still
destilácijska posoda distilling vessel (ali flask) - detájl detail
iti v detájle to go into detail
izdelati detájle to work out the details (of)
ne poznam vseh detájlev zadeve I don't know all the details (ali all the ins and outs) of the affair
ne da bi se spuščali v detájle without going into details, without being too circumstantial - detajlíran detailed
detajlírano poročilo a full (ali a circumstantial) account - determinírati to determine
determinírati datum odprtja razstave to determine (ali to fix) the opening date of the exhibition
determinírati ceno to fix (ali determine) a price
determinírati pomen besede gramatika to define, determine the meaning of a word
determinírati najdene fosile to identify the fossils discovered - dezorientírati to disorientate; to disorient; (mornarja, potnika) to cause to lose his bearings, (potnika tudi) to throw off the track, to put out, to bewilder; figurativno to bewilder, to perplex, to confuse, to puzzle
dezorientírati se to lose one's bearings, to lose one's sense of direction; figurativno to become confused (ali perplexed, bewildered), to be all at sea - dèž rain
močan, hud dèž heavy rain, pelting rain; (ploha) shower, downpour
silen dèž torrential rain
droben dèž drizzle, mizzle
dèž granat, udarcev a rain of shells, of blows
dèž pepela a rain of ashes
množina dèž ja rainfall
dèž gre, pada it rains, it is raining
dèž lije it is pouring with rain (ali pouring down)
dèž lije kot iz škafa it is raining cats and dogs, it is bucketing down
kar naprej gre dèž it keeps raining
na dèž kaže it looks like rain, it's probably going to rain, we're in for rain
dèž se je izlil it has rained itself out
dèž je ponehal it has stopped raining
priti z dèžja pod kap (figurativno) to fall out of the frying pan into the fire, to go from bad to worse
stati v dèžju to stand in the rain
za dèžjem pride sonce after rain comes sunshine (ali comes fair weather)
ustvarjanje umetnega dèžja cloud seeding
govori kot dèž he's chattering (ali he chatters) away nineteen to the dozen - dežêlen (of the) country; provincial; land-
dežêlna cesta highway
dežêlni šolski svet country school-board
dežêlna vlada provincial (ali regional) government
dežêlna uprava administration of a province (ali of a district)
dežêlni zbor provincial assembly; diet
član dežêlnega zbora member of a diet - dežêlski country; rural
dežêlski časopis country newspaper
dežêlsko dekle country girl
dežêlski pismonoša country postman, pl -men, ZDA rural carrier
dežêlsko mesto country (ali provincial) town, ZDA (majhno) tank town
dežêlski plemič (country) squire
dežêlsko plemstvo provincial nobility, (nižje) landed gentry
dežêlsko posestvo landed property, landed estate
dežêlski posestnik landowner, ZDA landholder
dežêlsko prebivalstvo rural population
dežêlski zdravnik country doctor
dežêlski župnik country parson - deževáti to rain
dežuje it rains, it is raining
močno dežuje it is raining very hard
deževáti kot (da bi) iz škafa (lilo) it's raining cats and dogs; it's coming down in bucketfuls; it's teeming with rain
dežuje v curkih it's streaming with rain, it's coming down in torrents
neprestano dežuje it keeps on raining
ves čas je deževalo it kept raining all the time, the weather has been rainy all the time
nehalo je deževáti it has stopped raining
prejkone bo deževalo we're probably in for some rain
udarci so deževali po njem blows rained upon him
prošnje kar dežujejo applications are pouring in
rahlo dežuje it is spitting (ali drizzling)
začenja deževáti it is coming on to rain
časti so deževale nanj honours were showered upon him - diakrítičen diacritical
diakrítični znaki diacritical marks (ali signs), diacritics - diamánt diamond
surov diamánt rough (ali uncut) diamond
steklarjev diamánt glazier's (ali cutting) diamond
vsebujoč diamánte diamantiferous, diamondiferous
okrasiti z diamánti to diamond
brušen diamánt cut diamond - diferénca difference
ne delam diferénce med njimi I don't distinguish (ali I see no difference) between them
diferénco je treba plačati there is still something to pay - díhati to breathe; to respire; to take (ali draw) breath
globoko díhati to draw (ali to fetch) a deep breath
moči zopet díhati to recover one's breath
težkó díhati to breathe hard, to gasp (for breath), to pant, to puff
zrak, ki ga dihamo the air that we breathe - dijáški (študentovski)
dijáški dom hostel (ali hall of residence) for students
dijáškko društvo, klub students' union (ali association, society); students' club
dijáškka četrt students' quarter
dijáški žargon students' slang
dijáškka doba college days, time spent at the university
dijáško življenje student (ali students') life, college (ali university) life - diktát dictation; (ukaz) dictate
pisati po diktátu to write from (ali at) dictation
pisati, delati po diktátu koga to write, to act at someone's dictation - diléma dilemma
v veliki dilémi on the horns of a dilemma
biti v dilémi to be in a dilemma, to be on the horns of a dilemma
biti v dilémi ali... ali... to be in two minds whether... or...
priti v dilémo to be thrown into a dilemma
spraviti koga v dilémo to put someone in(to) a dilemma
postaviti koga v resno dilémo to place someone in a serious dilemma - dìm smoke; fume; reek
maska proti dìmu smokehelmet
oblak (steber) dìma a cloud (a column) of smoke
ta riž diši po dìmu this rice tastes (ali smells) of smoke
soba je bila polna dìma od tobaka the room reeked of tobacco smoke
uničiti listno uš z dìmom to fumigate greenfly
kjer je dìm, je tudi ogenj there is no smoke without fire