
Zadetki iskanja

  • informácija (a piece of) information

    informácije pl information; pravo investigation, inquiry
    napačna informácija, napačne informácije misinformation
    okence za informácije information desk, "enquiries"
    dajati informácije to give information
    dati napačne informácije to feed someone with false information
    nimamo informácij o we have no information as to
    nimam nobenih informácij, ali je odšel ali ne I have no information as to whether or not he has left
    po mojih informácijah according to my information
    za nadaljnje informácije se obrniti na for further information apply to (tajnika the secretary)
    dobiti koristno informácijo to acquire useful information
    dodatne informácije additional information
    uskladiščenje informácij information storage
  • instalírati to install; (elektriko, plin itd.) to put in, to lay on; (stroj) to put up, to set up; (tovarno) to equip; (hišo) to fit out, to furnish

    instalírati radijski aparat to install a radio (ali wireless, wireless set)
    instalírati se to install oneself, to establish oneself, to settle (oneself) in
    instaliral se je v kot kupeja he settled himself in a corner of the compartment
    instalírati se v hotelu za kratko bivanje to put up at a hotel for a short stay
    instalírati se kot odvetnik to set up as a lawyer
    instalirali so se na deželi they went to live in the country
    špecerist se je instaliral na uličnem vogalu a grocer has opened a shop (ali has set up shop) at te corner of the street
  • ísti the same

    prav ísti the very same, the selfsame
    na ísti način in the same way, arhaično in like manner
    v ístem trenutku at the same moment
    íste vrednosti at par
    vedno ísta pesem it is always the same old story
    sva íste starosti we are the same age
    ísti, ki... the same one who (ali that)...
    včeraj ob prav ísti uri yesterday at this selfsame hour
    na ísti ravni z on a level with, flush with
    konec koncev pride to na ísto that comes (down) to the same thing in the end
    vedno ísti opravijo vse delo it's always the same ones who do all the work
    napraviti ísto to do the same, to do likewise
    to je popolnoma ísto it's as long as it's broad, it is six of one and half-a-dozen of another
    delati dve stvari v ístem času to do two things at once
    to je ena in ísta stvar that is one and the same thing
    odpotoval sem še ísti dan I left that very (same) day
    stanujejo v ísti hiši kot mi they live in the same house as we do
    vsi tečejo v ísto smer they are all running in the same direction
    ísto, prosim! (v kavarni) same again, please!
  • izbírčen finical, finicky; fastidious; particular (v in, on, about); pogovorno choosey, choosy; (v jedi) squeamish; hard to please; discriminating; dainty (in one's choice); overnice

    zelo je izbírčen glede hrane he is very particular about his food, he is very particular (as to) what he eats
    izbírčna je glede obleke she is particular about her dress
    reveži ne smejo biti izbírčni beggars can't be choosers
    biti izbírčen v spoprijateljevanju to choose one's friends carefully
  • izdájati ➞ izdati

    moči me izdajajo (figurativno) my strength is failing (ali letting me down), (zaradi bolezni) I am getting weaker, I am near exhaustion (ali breakdown)
    oči ga izdajajo, da je lopov arhaično his eyes argue him to be a knave
    izdájati se za to pose as (umetnika an artist); to pretend to be
    izdaja se za zdravnika he purports to be a doctor
  • izdáti (koga) to betray, žargon to sell someone, to split on someone; (sokrivce) žargon to shop, to grass on; (pustiti na cedilu) to leave in the lurch, to desert, to forsake; (denar) to spend, to expend, to disburse, to defray; (knjigo itd.) to edit, to publish, to issue, to bring out; (delnice, bankovce) to issue; (proglas) to promulgate, to issue (a proclamation ali manifesto); (nalog) to decree, to ordain, to give orders; (zakon) to enact, to decree; (skrivnost) to let out, to disclose, to divulge, to reveal

    izdáti diplomo to grant (ali to award) a diploma
    izdáti proglas to issue a proclamation
    izdáti ukaz to give an order
    izdáti predpise to enact rules, to pass regulations
    izdáti priporočila to issue recommendations
    izdáti zakon to pass a law
    zopet izdáti knjigo to republish (ali to reprint) a book
    izdáti se to betray oneself, to give oneself away, to let the cat out of the bag
    izdal se je, ko mi je rekel nekaj, česar ni hotel reči he gave himself away by blurting out something he had not intended to tell me
    izdáti se za to pretend (ali to claim) to be, to pose as, to pass oneself off as (zdravnika a doctor)
  • izenáčiti to equal, to equalize; to equate; to make equal; to level (z to, with); to place on the same level; to match; (pri nogometu itd.) to equalize; to draw level; (tenis) to reach deuce

    izenáčiti rekord to equal a record
    izenáčiti razlike to abolish distinctions
    izenáčiti se to become equal; to equate
    izenáčiti se z drugimi to put oneself on the same level as others
    izenáčiti račune to square (ali to balance) accounts
  • izgovárjati to pronounce; to articulate; to utter; to speak out

    izgovárjati se to give one's excuses, to excuse oneself, to plead; to offer a pretext; (opravičevati se) to apologize, to exculpate oneself
    izgovárjati se s čim to give something as an excuse
    izgovárjati se z boleznijo to plead sickness
    izgovárjati se na koga to make someone a stalking-horse; (izmikati se) to equivocate, to prevaricate, to tergiversate
    izgovarjanje (izmikanje) equivocation
  • izhód exit; way out; egress; outlet; egression; opening; figurativno (možnost) resort

    izhód v sili emergency exit
    kot zadnji izhód (figurativno) in the last resort
    izhód na morje outlet (ali egress) to the sea
    ni drugega izhóda (figurativno) there is no other way (ali no choice)
    napraviti izhód za dim to provide a vent (ali a vent-hole) for the smoke
    videti izhód (figurativno možnost) to see a way out
    ne vidim nobenega izhóda (figurativno) I am at my wit's end
    to je položaj brez izhóda it is a deadlock (ali stalemate), pogovorno we're in a cleft stick, we're up a gum tree
    sprejmem to le kot zadnji izhód I accept it only as a last resort
  • izíti to come out; (knjiga) to be published (ali issued ali brought out); to appear

    pravkar izšlo just out, just come out, just published, fresh from the presses
    kje je izšla knjiga? where was the book published?, where did the book come out?
    izíti kot zmagovalec to emerge as victor, to come off victorious
    knjiga je pravkar izšla the book is just out
    izíti se to turn out
    dobro (slabo) se izíti to turn out well (badly)
    zadeva se bo v redu izšla it will come out all right in the end
    izíti se drugače to prove otherwise
  • izumŕl dead; deserted

    izumŕla ulica a deserted street
    mesto je bilo kot izumŕlo the town was like a desert, the town was as silent as the grave
  • izvolíti to elect; (z glasovanjem) to vote; to return

    izvolíti z dvigom rok to elect by a show of hands
    izvolíti s tajnim glasovanjem to elect by secret ballot
    bil je izvoljen z veliko večino he was voted in by a big majority
    izvolilo ga je njegovo prejšnje volilno okrožje he was returned by his former constituency
    bil je izvoljen za župana he was elected mayor
    bil je izvoljen za predsedujočega he was voted into the chair, he was elected to the chair, he was elected chairman
    izvolite sesti! sit down, please!
    izvolite zapreti okno! be so kind as to shut the window!
    niti pogledati ni izvolil! he did not even so much as look at it!
    izvolite! (tu imate!, vzemite!) here you are!
    izvolite (iti naprej)! after you!
  • jágnje lamb

    božje jágnje religija the Lamb of God
    žrtveno sacrificial lamb
    pečeno jágnje roast lamb
    krotek kot jágnje lamblike, meek (ali gentle, patient) as a lamb
  • jájce egg; anatomija testicle

    mehko kuhano jájce sofboiled (ali gently boiled) egg
    trdo kuhano jájce hard-boiled egg
    gnilo jájce rotten (ali addled) egg
    ocvrto jájce fried egg
    sveže jájce fresh egg, newlaid egg
    surovo jájce raw egg
    skrknjeno jájce poached egg
    staro jájce stale egg
    umešana jájca scrambled eggs
    nadevano jájce stuffed boiled egg
    jájci na toastu žargon Adam and Eve on a raft
    jájce v prahu powdered egg
    iskati dlako v jájcu (figurativno) to split hairs
    hoditi kot po jájcih (zelo oprezno) to tread warily
    leči jájca to lay eggs
    slična sta si kot jájce jájcu they are as like as two peas
    podoben ti je kot jájce jájcu he is the dead spit and image or you
    izleči se iz jájca to be hatched; to hatch
    obmetavati koga z gnilimi jájci to throw rotten eggs at someone, to pelt someone with rotten eggs
  • jásen (veder) unclouded, serene, unobscured, fair, sunny; (očiten) evident, obvious, manifest; (viden) clear, conspicuous; (svetel) luminous, bright, shining, light; (razumljiv) intelligible, easily understood; (nedvomen) indubitable, unmistakable, not to be mistaken, leaving no doubt; (nedvoumen) unequivocal, unambiguous; (izrečen) explicit; (točen) precise, exact; (barva) light, light-coloured; (slog, stil) clear, lucid; (samoumeven) self-evident

    jásno in jedrnato izraziti to express tersely and neatly
    jásen kot beli dan self-evident, as clear as daylight (ali arhaično as noonday), as clear as crystal, as plain as a pikestaff, as plain as the nose on your face, as plain as the palm of your hand
    nebo je jásno the sky is clear
    to je jásno that's clear, that's flat
    kot strela z jásnega out of the blue
    strela z jásnega a bolt from the blue
    ni mi čisto jásno it is not quite clear to me
    nisem si na jásnem o tem I am not (quite) clear about it
    sem jásen? do I make myself clear?, have I made myself plain on that point?
    jásno govoriti to speak clearly
    jásno se izraziti to make it clear
    jásno se odražati na obzorju to show clear on the horizon
    priti na jásno (figurativno) to clear up, to settle (o čem something)
    postalo nam je jásno it dawned on us
    to je popolnoma jásno (figurativno) it's perfectly obvious
  • jáviti to let someone know, to make known, (s pismom) to write (ali to send word); to communicate; to give notice; (obvestiti) to inform, to notify, to advise, to apprise, to announce, to report; arhaično to give out (ali forth)

    jáviti komu kaj to notify someone of something
    jáviti se (pojaviti se) to appear, (prijaviti se) (osebno) to report, to present oneself, (s pismom) to send word of oneself, to give some sign of life
    jáviti se (za razpisano mesto) to apply for, to offer oneself for
    jáviti se k izpitu to enter for an examination
    že mesec dni se mi ni javil I have not heard from him for a month, it's a month since I last heard from him
    kot je že bilo javljeno as already announced (ali reported)
    javite mi, prosim... please let me know..., please send me word...
    javila se je pri nas she has called on us, she has called round to see us
    tujci se morajo jáviti policiji foreigners must report to the Police
  • jáz I; (rabljen kot samostalnik) ego, self

    jáz na primer... I for one
    jáz sam myself
    to sem jáz it is I, pogovorno it's me
    on in jáz sva velika prijatelja he and I are close friends
    ti to veš tako dobro kot jáz you know this as well as I do
    on tega ne verjame in jáz tudi ne he does not believe it and neither do I (ali nor do I)
    jáz, ki sem to videl... as one who saw it, I...
    kult jáza egoism
    drugi jáz second self
    preveč misli na svoj jáz he thinks too much of self
    on je moj drugi jáz he is my other self
  • jegúlja zoologija eel

    osti za lov na jegúlje eel spear
    vrša za jegúlje eel basket, buck
    lov na jegúlje eel fishing
    gladek kot jegúlja (as) slippery as an eel
    je prava jegúlja he is as slippery as an eel
  • jêklo steel

    jêklu podoben steel-like, steel(y)
    trd kot jêklo as hard as steel
    besemersko jêklo Bessemer steel
    cementirano jêklo cement st.
    kaljeno jêklo hardened st.
    kromirano jêklo chrome st.
    lito jêklo cast st.
    Martinovo jêklo Martin steel, open-hearth steel
    plemenito jêklo high-quality steel, special alloy steel
    legirano jêklo alloy st.
    mehko jêklo low (ali mild, soft) steel
    nerjavno jêklo stainless (ali rustless) steel
    rapidno jêklo high-speed steel
    trdo high (ali hard) steel
    volframovo jêklo tungsten steel
    kaliti jêklo to temper steel
    mehko jêklo mild steel
  • jemáti to take

    jemáti na pósodo to borrow
    jemljem Vam čas I'm taking up your time
    jemáti kaj za čisto (sveto) resnico to take something as (ali for) gospel truth
    jemáti posojila to raise loans
    jemáti na up, na kredit to take on credit
    jemáti v poštev to take into consideration, to consider, to take into account, to allow for
    jemáti za zlo (zameriti) to take amiss, to take the wrong way
    ne jemljite mi tega za zlo! don't take that amiss!, don't take offence!
    jemáti slovo to take leave
    on vedno jemlje stvari preresno he takes everything much too seriously