
Zadetki iskanja

  • sožálen condolatory; of condolence; of sympathy

    sožálno pismo letter of sympathy (ali of condolence)
  • sožálje condolence (komu za kaj with someone in ali on something)

    izreči, izraziti sožálje to condole, to convey condolences, to present one's condolences, to offer one's sympathy (komu to someone), to express one's condolence (with someone in something)
    izraziti iskreno sožálje ob... to express one's sincere sympathy on the occasion of...
    moje iskreno sožálje my deepest (ali heartfelt) sympathy
  • spádati to belong (to)

    to ne spada semkaj that is out of place here, that is beside the point, that is irrelevant
    to ne spada k našemu predmetu this is alien to our subject, this has nothing to do with our subject
    ta beseda ne spada semkaj this word is improperly used in this context (ali does not belong here)
    to ne spada nikamor! that's neither here nor there!
    to ne spada v mojo stroko this is not within my province (ali is not in my line)
    on spada med naše najboljše odjemalce he is one of our best customers
  • spametováti to make wiser; to bring someone to his senses; to make someone see sense; to teach someone a lesson

    to me je spametovalo that was a (real) lesson for me
    spametováti se to grow wiser, to cut one's wisdom teeth (ali eyeteeth), to profit by an unpleasant experience, to come to one's senses
    nikoli se ne bo spametoval he will never grow wiser
    moram ga spametováti I must bring him to his senses, I must make him see reason
  • spánje sleep; (mirno) slumber

    v spánju in one's sleep
    kratko spánje brief sleep, nap, snooze, pogovorno forty winks
    nemirno spánje restless sleep, broken (ali troubled) sleep
    moteno, prekinjeno spánje broken sleep
    rahlo (trdno, globoko, zdravo) spánje light (sound) sleep
    globoko spánje deep sleep
    prvo, osvežujoče spánje (pred polnočjo) beauty sleep
    peturno spánje five hours' sleep
    večno spánje the last sleep, the sleep that knows no waking
    zimsko spánje winter sleep, hibernation
    pomanjkanje spánja lack (ali want) of sleep
    noč brez spánja sleepless night
    spánje pravičnega the sleep of the just
    govoriti v spánju to talk in one's sleep
    hoditi v spánju to walk in one's sleep, to sleepwalk
    imeti rahlo spánje to be a light sleeper
    imeti trdno, dobro, zdravo spánje to be a good, a sound sleeper
    hliniti spánje to pretend to be asleep
    pasti v globoko spánje to fall into a profound sleep
    pogrezniti se v mirno spánje to fall into a peaceful slumber
    planiti iz spánja to start out of one's sleep, to wake up with a start
    prebiti noč brez spánja to have a sleepless (ali a wakeful) night
    spati v globokem spánju to be fast asleep, (pogovorno) to sleep like a log
    spati svoje poslednje spánje to sleep one's last sleep
  • spáti to sleep, to be asleep, to lie asleep; pogovorno to kip; to lie dormant

    spáti oblečen to sleep with one's clothes on
    spáti po obedu to have (ali to take) a nap, to have one's forty winks
    dobro (slabo) spáti to sleep well (badly, poorly)
    spáti doma (zunaj) to sleep in (out)
    spáti pod milim nebom, na prostem to sleep in the open air
    spáti polnih 12 (ali 24) ur to sleep the clock round
    spáti zimsko spanje to hibernate
    spáti spanje pravičnega to sleep the sleep of the just
    trdno spáti to be fast (ali sound) asleep, to sleep very soundly
    spáti nepretrgano do 7. ure zjutraj to sleep right through (ali without a break) until seven in the morning
    predolgo spáti (= »zaspati«) to oversleep
    spáti kot ubit, kot polh to sleep like a log (ali like a top, like a dormouse)
    iti spat to go to bed, to lie down to sleep, (otroški govor) to go to bye-byes; to retire
    to mi ne da spáti it keeps me awake at night
    nisem mogel spáti I hardly slept a wink
    hoditi zgodaj spat to retire early
    ne spáti (biti buden, figurativno) to be watchful (ali vigilant), to be on the alert
    bom toliko bolje spal zaradi tega I will sleep the sounder for it
    zadeva spi (figurativno) the matter (ali affair) has been pigeon-holed
    vso noč nisem spal I did not sleep a wink last night
    kakor si boš postlal, tako boš spal as you make your bed, so you must lie
  • speciálen special; particular

    speciálen primer a special case
    speciálno prislov specially
    speciálno področje particular sphere (ali field)
    speciálno jeklo special steel
    speciálna trgovina shop specializing in one type of merchandise, ZDA speciality store
  • spektrálen spectral

    spektrálna analiza spectral (ali spectrum) analysis
    spektrálne barve colours pl of the spectrum
  • speljáti (proč) to lead away, to draw off

    dati se speljáti (figurativno) to swallow the bait
    ne se dati speljáti (ne iti v past) not to let oneself be taken in (ali cheated), pogovorno to be up to someone's little game
    speljáti koga na led to take someone in, to lead someone up the garden path
  • spís composition, essay; (akt) document, deed, written document, official paper, official statement

    sramotilen spís libel
    nagrajeni spís prize essay
    polemičen spís polemical treatise (ali pamphlet)
    pravdni spís files pl, minutes pl
    sodni spís court records pl
  • spísek list

    spísek stroškov list of charges
    volilni spísek electoral register
    črtati iz spíska to strike off the list
    napraviti spísek to make (ali to draw up) a list
  • spláčati se to pay; to be worth the money

    splača se it pays
    splača se vedeti it is worth knowing
    kmetu se splača, da... it pays a farmer to...
    komaj se splača (kupiti) it is hardly worth while (buying)
    ne splača se it doesn't pay, it is not worth while (ali worth the trouble)
    zločin se ne splača crime doesn't pay
  • spláv2 medicina (induced) abortion, miscarriage

    legalen, ilegalen spláv legal, illegal abortion
    povzročiti, narediti spláv to induce (ali to procure) a miscarriage (ali an abortion)
  • splávarski

    splávarski drog rafter's pole (ali boathook)
  • spodkopáti to sap (tudi figurativno)

    moja moč je spodkopana my strength is sapped (ali worn-out)
    spodkopáti temelje države to undermine the foundations of the State
  • spódnji lower; inferior; nether

    spódnje mesto lower town
    Spodnji dom (VB) House of Commons
    spódnja čeljust bottom jaw
    spódnja ustnica lower (ali bottom) lip
    spódnji mlinski kamen biblija nether millstone
  • spodóbiti se to befit; to behove; to be becoming

    kot se spodobi as it should be, (francosko) comme il faut
    ne spodobi se vam govoriti o tem you ought not (ali should not) talk about that
    tako govorjenje se mlademu fantu ne spodobi a young chap shouldn't talk like that
    to se ne spodobi za tako mladega moža that's not becoming for so young a man
    spodobi se, da pokažeš kaj hvaležnosti it behoves you to show some gratitude
  • spogledováti se (koketirati) to flirt, to play the coquette, to coquet; to flirt

    spogledováti se nad to take offence at, to be scandalized by
    ljudje so se spogledovali nad njenim vedenjem people took offence at (ali were scandalized by) her behaviour
  • spòl sex; gramatika gender

    lepi spòl the fair sex
    nežni spòl the gentle (ali softer, weaker) sex
    moški spòl the male sex, the stronger, the sterner sex, gramatika masculine gender
    ženski spòl the female sex, gramatika feminine gender
  • spomeník monument; memorial

    nagrobni spomeník tombstone
    zaščita starih spomeníkov preservation of ancient monuments
    varstvo spomeníkov care and preservation of monuments (ali works of art)
    odkriti spomeník to unveil a monument
    postaviti spomeník to erect (ali to raise) a monument
    spomeník postavljen v spomin... a monument erected (ali raised) to the memory of...