
Zadetki iskanja

  • snég snow

    brez snéga snowless
    kosmič snéga snowflake
    snég iz jajc whipped eggs pl
    snég iz stepene smetane whipped cream
    večni snég everlasting (ali perpetual) snow
    meja večnega snéga snow line
    kot snég bel snow-white, white as snow
    kot snég beli lasje snowy hair
    slep od (bleščečega se) snega snowblind
    krplje za snég snowshoes pl
    zametèn od snéga snowbound
    zatrpan s snégom snowed up, snowbound
    pokrit s snégom covered with snow, snowclad, snowcapped
    odrezan zaradi snéga snowbound
    biti zasut s snégom to be snowed in (ali up), to be under snow
    s snégom bogata zima a snowy winter
    toliko mi je za to kot za lanski snég, to mi je lanski snég I couldn't care less (about it)
    snég pada it snows (ozir. it is snowing)
    snég me je zametel I was snowed in
    vlak je obtičal v snégu the train was snowed under
  • snémanje taking down, reaching down; (s kljuke) unhooking; fotografija taking photographs (ali snapshots, pogovorno snaps), film shooting, filming

    začne se snémanje filma shooting has begun, they have started to shoot (the film)
    snémanje filma je v teku they are (now) shooting (the film)
    snémanje s križa religija the Deposition (ali Descent) from the Cross
  • snôpič part; number; fascicle; fascicule

    prvi snôpič first number (ali part)
    izhajajoč v snôpičih coming out (ali published) in parts (ali in instalments)
  • sociálen social

    sociálni demokrat social democrat
    sociálna demokracija social democracy
    sociálni delavec (social) welfare worker
    sociálna bremena social (security) expenditure, social costs pl
    sociálno ogrožen otrok a socially handicapped child
    sociálno okolje social environment
    sociálne ustanove social institutions pl
    sociálna zakonodaja social legislation
    sociálna varnost social security
    sociálna politika social policy
    sociálni problem social problem
    sociálne razmere social conditions pl
    sociálne dajatve social charges pl (ali contributions pl)
    sociálna reforma social reform
    sociálno skrbstvo social welfare, welfare work
    sociálno zavarovanje social (VB national) insurance
    prispevek za sociálno zavarovanje social (VB national) insurance contribution
    zakon o sociálnem zavarovanju VB National Insurance Act, ZDA Social Security Act
    sociálna struktura social composition
  • sód1 -a cask; barrel; tub; container; (velik) tun; (kad) butt

    svež iz sóda on draught, drawn from the wood
    vinski sód wine cask, wine barrel
    razsušen sód leaky barrel
    spravljen v sódu barrelled
    doga sóda stave
    obroč na sódu hoop
    dno sóda bottom of a cask
    nabiti obroče na sód to hoop a cask (ali a barrel)
    vino iz sóda wine from the wood
    naliti v sód(e) to barrel up
    dišati po sódu to taste of the cask
    namočiti sód to season a cask
    spraviti v sód to cask, to barrel
    nastaviti sód to spile a cask
    to izbije sódu dno! (figurativno) that's the limit!, that tops everything!, it's the last straw!
  • sódba sentence, judg(e)ment; (porotnikov) verdict; condemnation; (razsodba) arbitrament, arbitration; (mnenje) judgment, opinion, estimation, thinking

    poslednja sódba religija Judgment Day, Doomsday, the Last Judgment
    božja sódba judgment of God, zgodovina ordeal
    napačna sódba error of judgment, wrong verdict
    oprostilna sódba porotnikov verdict of not guilty
    smrtna sódba death sentence, (listina) death warrant
    po moji sódbi in my opinion (ali judgment)
    sódba v korist tožnika verdict for the plaintiff
    izvršitev sódbe execution of a sentence
    pravnomočna sódba final judgment
    izvršiti sódbo to carry out (ali to execute) a sentence
    izreči sódbo to give (ali to pass, to deliver, to pronounce) sentence (nad on)
    razveljaviti sódbo to quash a sentence
    spodbijati sódbo to impugn a judgment
    spremeniti sódbo to commute a sentence
    sprejeti sódbo to submit to a sentence
    napraviti, ustvariti si sódbo to form an opinion (ali judgment)
    vzdržati se vsake sódbe o neki zadevi to abstain from giving any opinion on a matter
  • sóden legal; court, judicial, judiciary, judicatory

    sódni dan religija Judgment Day, Doomsday, the Last Judgment; day of retribution, day of reckoning
    sódni dvor court (of justice)
    sódni nalog warrant, writ
    sódni odlok judicial decision (ali ruling, decree)
    sódna medicina forensic medicine
    sódni okraj judicial district (ali circuit)
    sódna obravnava trial, hearing
    sódne počitnice court vacation
    sódni poziv (s pretnjo kazni) subpoena
    sódna pristojnost competence, jurisdiction, legal capacity
    sódna razveza zakona judicial separation
    sódni postopek legal proceedings pl, judicial procedure
    sódna dvorana court, court room
    sódni (justični) umor judicial murder
    sódni stroški legal costs pl, trial costs pl
    sódni uradnik magistrate
    sódna zmota judicial error
    napraviti, podvzeti sódne korake to take legal steps, to seek legal redress
  • sodíti (na sodišču) to judge, to give (ali to pass) judgment; to administer justice, to hear a case; to sit in court, to try, to sit in judgment upon; (meniti, misliti) to think, to deem, to be of the opinion, to consider, to estimate; (kritizirati) to criticize

    slabo, krivo sodíti to misjudge, to have a wrong opinion of, to be mistaken, to get it wrong
    sodim, da... I believe (ali think, reckon) that...
    sodeč po njegovih besedah judging by his words
    sodíti koga po sebi (arhaično) to measure another's foot by one's own last
    ne sodi drugih po sebi don't judge other people by yourself
  • soglásno prislov with one voice, by common consent, unanimously; without a dissentient voice, without a single dissentient

    soglásno sprejeto carried (ali voted) by acclamation (ali unanimously)
  • soláta botanika salad; (zelena, ločika) lettuce

    glava soláte head of lettuce
    krompirjeva (paradižnikova) soláta potato (tomato) salad
    glavnata soláta cabbage lettuce
    zelena soláta garden (ali cultivated) lettuce
    ruska soláta Russian salad
    kumarična soláta cucumber salad
    sadna soláta fruit salad
    jastog v soláti lobster salad
    fino olivno olje za soláto salad oil
    skleda za soláto salad bowl
    pripraviti, začiniti soláto to dress (ali to season) the salad
    soláta gre v seme the lettuce is running to seed
  • sólza tear

    v sólzah in tears
    grenka sólza bitter tear
    sólze kesanja tears pl of remorse
    sólze veselja tears of joy
    krokodilove sólze crocodile tears pl
    do sólz ganjen moved to tears
    do sólz until the tears run
    grenke sólze salt tears pl
    biti ves v sólzah to be in tears
    hitro je ganjen do sólz he is easily moved to tears
    biti na robu sólz (figurativno) to be on the brink of tears
    to niso mačkine sólze (figurativno) this is not to be sneezed at
    sólze je imela v očeh tears stood in her eyes
    jokati sólze veselja to weep tears of joy
    planiti v sólze to burst into tears
    pretakati sólze to shed tears
    potočiti sólzo to shed a tear
    točiti krokodilove sólze to shed crocodile tears
    točiti bridke sólze to shed (ali to weep) bitter tears
    topiti se v sólzah to melt into tears
    do sólz se smejati to laugh till the tears come, to laugh till one cries (ali till the tears come into one's eyes)
    sólze mi pridejo, stopijo v oči tears come into my eyes
    smehljati se skozi sólze to smile through one's tears
    ni se mogla vzdržati sólz she could not restrain her tears
    sólze so ji zalile oči her eyes brimmed with tears, she burst into tears
    sólze so ji privrele v oči tears welled up in her eyes
  • sónce sun; sunshine

    na sóncu in the sun
    brez sónca sunless
    pod sóncem under the sun, in the world
    ožgan od sónca sunburnt, suntanned
    posušen na sóncu sun-dried
    polnočno sónce (na severu) the midnight sun
    višinsko sónce alpine sun, (umetno) sunlamp; sun rays pl
    čaščenje sónca sun worship
    mit sónca solar myth
    vzhod sónca sunrise, sunup
    zahod sónca sunset, sundown
    kult sónca sun cult
    na sóncu posušeno meso sun-dried meat
    zaslepljen od sónca sun-blind
    sónce sije the sun shines (ali is shining)
    sónce vzhaja (zahaja) na vzhodu (na zahodu) the sun rises (sets) in the east (in the west)
    sónce žge it is boiling (ali scorching) hot
    greti se na sóncu, sprehajati se po sóncu to take the sun
    sedeti na sóncu to sit in the sun
    ležati na sóncu (sončiti se) to sunbathe, to bask in the sun
    sónce je vzšlo (zašlo) the sun is up (is down)
    imeti svoj prostor na sóncu to have one's place in the sun
    meriti višino sónca nad obzorjem pomorstvo to shoot the sun, to take a sun sight
    pod sóncem ni nič novega there is nothing new under the sun
    vsta(ja)ti s sóncem (= zgodaj) to rise with the sun
    za dežjem pride sónce sunshine follows rain, after the storm comes the calm
  • sónda medicina sound, probe; stylet; pomorstvo (grezilo, svinčnica) sounding line, sound, plummet, lead

    preiskovati s sóndo to sound, to take soundings pl
    vreči sóndo pomorstvo to heave (ali to cast) the lead
  • sonét sonnet

    pesnik sonétov sonneteer
    pesniti sonéte to write (ali to compose) sonnets, arhaično to sonnetize, to sonnet
    opevati koga v sonétu(-ih) to celebrate someone in sonnets
  • sopíhati to pant, to gasp; to puff (and blow)

    sopíhati kot lokomotiva to puff like a shunting engine (ali like a grampus); to breathe hard; to wheeze
  • soród kin; relation

    smo v soródu we are kin, we are relations (ali related)
    v soródu s kom related to, relations of
    ona (on) ni v soródu z menoj she (he) is no relation of mine
  • soródstvo relationship; relations pl; kin; relatives pl

    smo v soródstvu (pogovorno) we are kin, vre are related (ali relations)
    biti v soródstvu z to be related to
    v daljnem soródstvu distantly connected
  • soséden -a, -o neighbouring; adjoining; next-door; adjacent; cotiguous

    stanovati v sosédni hiši to live in the next house
    dve sosédni hiši two adjacent (ali adjoining) houses
    v sosédni vasi in the neighbouring village
  • sovjétski soviet, Soviet

    sovjétska republika soviet republic
    sovjétski sistem sovietism
    sovjétska zvezda soviet star
    Sovjetska Zveza the Soviet Union, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the U.S.S.R.)
    sovjétski vojak Soviet soldier, Red Army man (ali soldier)
  • sovráštvo hatred (do, proti of, against, towards); enmity; pesniško, literatura hate

    vreden sovráštva hateful
    biti v sovráštvu z to be at daggers drawn with
    čutiti sovráštvo do koga to hate someone
    poln sovráštva filled with hatred
    gojiti sovráštvo do koga to bear malice towards someone, to entertain hatred for someone
    netiti sovráštvo do koga to be fuel to someone's hatred
    živé v (medsebojnem) sovráštvu they live on bad terms, they are at daggers drawn
    nakopati si sovráštvo to incur someone's hatred, to draw upon oneself someone's hatred
    iz sovráštva do because of (ali out of) (one's) hatred for (ali of)