slóves reputation; renown; repute
znanstvenik velikega slóvesa a scientist of high repute
pridobiti si slóves to achieve a reputation
on uživa slóves učenjaka he is a renowned (ali well-known) scholar (ali man of learning), (dvomeče) he has the reputation of being a learned man
uživati velik slóves to be held in high repute
ohraniti svoj slóves to maintain (ali to keep) one's reputation
poznam ga po njegovem slóvesu I know him by repute
Zadetki iskanja
- slóvničen grammatical
to ni slovnično pravilno this is bad grammar, this is not grammatical (ali grammatically correct) - slučáj chance; accident; (srečen) luck; (slep) hazard; contingency; (nesrečen) accident, mishap
čisti, gol slučáj the purest accident, pure chance, mere chance, quite an accident, pure luck
srečen slučáj happy chance, a piece of good luck
slučáj je ravno hotel as good (ali bad) luck would have it - slučájen accidental, fortuitous; chance, random, casual, occasional
slučájna opazka a casual (ali a random) remark
slučájna seznanitev casual acquaintance
slučájno srečanje a chance meeting
slučájen zadetek fluke - slútnja premonition, presentiment, foreboding; anticipation; conjecture; inkling; surmise
zla slútnja misgiving
rahla slútnja inkling, pogovorno hunch
imam zlo slútnjo I have an unhappy foreboding (ali premonition)
imela je zlo slútnj, da... she had an unhappy premonition that... - slúžba service; employment, employ; (mesto) post; job; duty; function; situation
brez slúžbe unemployed, out of work, without employment, ZDA jobless
v slúžbi on duty
ne v slúžbi off duty
v aktivni slúžbi on active service
honorarna slúžba honorary duties
težka, naporna slúžba hard work
lahka slúžba sinecure, (pogovorno) soft job
»mastna« slúžba very well paid service
odgovorna slúžba a responsible post (ali job)
vojaška slúžba military service
slúžba božja religija service, divine service, public worship, mass, (navadna) low service, (slovesna) high mass
javne slúžbe public services pl
telefonska slúžba telephone service
prošnja za slúžbo application
stalna slúžba permanent situation
nastop slúžbe taking up one's post (ali duties)
izguba slúžbe loss of employment
odpust iz slúžbe dismissal (ali removal, dismission, discharge) from one's job (ali post), (začasen) suspension, (pogovorno) the sack
zloraba slúžbe abuse of official authority (ali power)
zanemarjanje slúžbe neglect of one's duties
posredovalnica za slúžbe employment agency, (nekdaj) servants' registry
slúžba s polnim delovnim časom full-time job
slúžba državne varnosti state security service
biti v slúžbi to be on duty (ali in charge)
biti v slúžbi, imeti slúžbo to be in employment, to have a job (ali a post, a situation); to be employed, to be working
on ni za to slúžbo (figurativno) he is a square peg in a round hole, he is a round peg in a square hole
biti usposobljen za slúžbo to be qualified (ali competent) for a job
nastopiti slúžbo to take up one's duties
opravljati slúžbo to perform official duties
iskati slúžbo to look out for a situation, to apply for a post
izgubiti slúžbo to lose one's job (ali post)
biti brez slúžbe to be out of work (ali out of a job)
odpustiti iz slúžbe to dismiss, to discharge, pogovorno to sack, to fire, to kick out
biti odpuščen iz slúžbe to get the sack
mati ji je odpovedala slúžbo Mother gave her notice
slúžbo dobijo (v oglasih) situations vacant
slúžbo iščejo situations wanted
vojaška slúžba je obvezna military service is compulsory
vreči iz slúžbe to throw out of employment
umakniti se iz slúžbe (iti v pokoj) to retire from work (ali one's occupation)
vzeti slúžbo pri kom to start working for someone
vzeti, sprejeti v slúžbo posla to engage a servant
sprejeti koga v slúžbo to take someone into one's service
zamuditi slúžbo to be late for duty - slúžben official; figurativno formal, stiff
po slúžbenih poslih on official business
slúžbeni avto official car
slúžbena dolžnost official duty
slúžbena leta years pl spent in service, years pl of service
slúžbeno potovanje official journey (ali travel, tour)
slúžbena prisega official oath, oath of office
slúžbeno stanovanje official residence
slúžbena zadeva official business
službeno prislov officially - smátrati to consider, to think, to regard, to judge, to believe, to deem, to view, to look upon (as)
smátrati se to regard oneself (za as), to consider oneself, to deem oneself, to believe oneself
smatram ga za poštenjaka I believe him to be an honest man
smatrajo ga za pametnega človeka he is considered a clever man
smátrati kaj za pravilno to deem something right
ne smatram ga za kaj posebnega I would say he's no great shakes
smatra se za zadostno it is deemed sufficient
smatram, da je to moja dolžnost I deem (ali I feel, I hold) it my duty
vedno sem te smatral za svojega najboljšega prijatelja I have always considered you my best friend
smatram ga za zmožnega, da to stori I believe him able to do it (ali capable of doing it) - sméh laughter; laugh
salve sméha fits pl of laughter
prisiljen sméh strained laugh, forced laugh
homerski sméh Homeric laughter
hrupen sméh horselaugh, guffaw
sredi sméha amid laughter
ni mi do sméha I don't feel like laughing
sméh ga bo (že) minil he will laugh on the wrong side of his mouth
bušiti, bruhniti v sméh to burst out laughing
prasniti v sméh to break into a laugh
sméh me je posilil I was overcome by (a fit of) laughter
spraviti koga v sméh to make someone laugh
s sméhom izraziti prezir to laugh one's contempt
s sméhom se zahvaliti to laugh one's thanks
pokati od sméha to split one's sides laughing (ali with laughter), to be convulsed with laughter
skoraj počiti od sméha to laugh fit to burst, to be in stitches
spraviti družbo v sméh to set the company laughing
tuliti od sméha to roar with laughter
umirati, zvijati se od sméha to laugh one's head off
to ni za sméh this is no laughing matter
povzročiti (splošen) sméh to raise a laugh
v sméh me spravljaš you amuse me - smejáti se to laugh
v pest smejáti se to laugh up one's sleeve
od srcá smejáti se to laugh heartily
temu se ni smejáti se it's nothing to laugh at
smejáti se komu v brk to laugh someone in the face, figurativno to dare (ali to defy, to challenge) someone
smejáti se kot nóri to laugh like anything
smejáti se na ves glas to roar with laughter
hrupno smejáti se to laugh like a horse, to guffaw
pridušeno smejáti se to giggle, to snigger
kislo smejáti se to laugh on the other side of one's face
smejal sem se mu I laughed at him
njemu se vsi smejejo he is everybody's laughingstock
zlobno smejáti se to grin balefully, to give a baleful (ali malicious) grin
kdor se zadnji smeje, se najslajše smeje he laughs best who laughs last
čemu se smeješ? what are you laughing at?
smejáti se komu v obraz to laugh someone in the face
posmehljivo smejáti se to sneer
on se lahko smeje he can afford to laugh - smérnica guideline; line; directive
po teh smérnicah along these lines
po splošnih smérnicah along general lines
dati smérnice to issue guidelines, to lay down (ali to set) guidelines - sméti (smem) to be allowed (ali permitted); to dare
če smem vprašati if I may ask
smem reči besedo? may I say a word?
ona ne sme iz hiše she is not allowed to leave the house
ali sme že čestitati? are congratulations in order? - smísel sense; (pomen) meaning, signification; (volja za) mind, turn, taste
v nekem smísel in a certain sense
v pravem smíslu besede in the true sense of the word
v istem smíslu in the same sense
v polnem smíslu besede in the full sense of the word
v prenesenem smíslu in the figurative sense
v ožjem smíslu in a narrow (ali limited) sense
v smíslu (duhu) zakona in (ali according to) the spirit of the law
kakšen smísel ima to? what's the sense of that?
brez smísla void of sense, senseless
to je brez smísla this is senseless
to ni bil smísel mojih besed that was not the meaning of my words
govoril je v istem smíslu he spoke to the same effect
to nima nobenega smísla that's no good
nima smísla hoditi tja it's no use (ali there's no sense) going there
ne imeti smísla (koristi) to be useless, to be of no use, to be to no purpose
on nima smísla za... he has no taste for, he does not care for...
on ima smísla za tehniko he is technically-minded, he has a mechanical bent
za to nimam smísla my tastes do not go that way - smótrn proper, expedient, reasonable, suitable; systematic; practical
smatrati za smótrno to think it proper, to deem it expedient (ali appropriate) - smrdéti to stink; to smell nastily, to smell; to have an offensive smell (ali stench)
on smrdi po viskiju he stinks (ali reeks) of whisky
nekaj smrdi v deželi danski something is rotten in the state of Denmark - smrdljív stinking, malodorous; fetid; smelling, foulsmelling
smrdljívo jajce addled (ali rotten) egg - smŕt death; decease; (vladarja) demise; departure (from life)
smŕt na grmadi death at the stake, the stake
smŕt na morišču death on the scaffold
smŕt od utopitve death by drowning
smŕt od zadušitve death by asphyxiation (ali suffocation, smothering, strangling)
smŕt s strelom v glavo death from a bullet in the head
navidezna smŕt suspended animation
črna smŕt (kuga) Black Death
Smrt s svojo koso Death with his scythe
na smŕt bolan fatally ill, dangerously ill
do smŕti utrujen tired to death, tired out, dead beat; (od dela) done in, worn out, vulgarno buggered, knackered
konjska smŕt (= konjederec) flayer, VB knacker
smŕt na vešalih hanging
kamenjan do smŕti stoned to death
rojen po očetovi smŕti posthumous
junaška smŕt a hero's death
do svoje smŕti to one's dying day
obletnica smŕti anniversary of someone's death
letnica, leto smŕti year of someone's death
preziranje smŕti contempt for death
uradna proglasitev smŕti official declaration of death
boj za življenje ali smŕt life-and-death struggle
smŕt izdajalcu! death to the traitor!
smŕt fašizmu - svobodo narodu! Death to Fascism - Liberty to the People!
biti na pragu smŕti to be (lying) at death's door
to bo moja smŕt this will be the death of me
boriti se s smŕtjo to be at one's last gasp (ali breath), to breathe one's last, to be at death's door, to be on one's deathbed
gre za življenje ali smŕt (za biti ali ne biti) it is a matter (ali case) of life and death
iti v smŕt za... to give one's life for...
drveti v zanesljivo (gotovo) smŕt to rush headlong to certain death
na smŕt se dolgočasiti to be bored to death
do smŕti izkrvaveti to bleed to death
pogledati smŕti v oči to look death in the face
obsoditi na smŕt to sentence (ali to condemn) to death
imeti (storiti) lepo smŕt to die a happy death
umreti junaške smŕti to meet a hero's death
umreti naravne smŕti to die a natural death
umreti nasilne smŕti to die a violent death, (zlasti biti obešen) to die in one's shoes
povzročiti smŕt kake osebe to be the death of someone
uiti smŕti to escape death
umreti lahke smŕti to die an easy death
umreti bedne smŕti to die a dog's death
sam si zadati smŕt to make away with oneself, to take one's own life, to commit suicide
biti obsojen na smŕt (figurativno) to earn the wages of sin - smŕten (of) death, concerning death; (usoden) deadly, fatal; (kazen) capital, mortal, lethal; (smrti podoben) deathlike, deathly
smŕtni boj agony, last throes pl, death agony
smŕtni greh mortal (ali deadly) sin
sedem smŕtnih grehov the seven deadly sins
smŕtna groza horrors pl of death
smŕtno hropenje death rattle
smŕtna kazen capital sentence, death penalty
smŕtne muke pangs pl of death
smŕtna nesreča fatal accident, accidental death
smŕtna nevarnost mortal danger, deadly peril
smŕtno oznanilo notice of death, obituary
smŕtna obsodba capital sentence, condemnation to death, death warrant
smŕtna postelja deathbed
smŕtni primer death, casualty
smŕtna rana mortal wound
smŕtna slutnja premonition (ali presentiment) of death
smŕten strah mortal fear
smŕtni sovražnik deadly enemy
smŕtno sovraštvo deadly hatred
smŕtni udarec death-blow
smŕtna ura hour of death
smŕtni (mrtvaški) zvon death knell
biti v smŕtni nevarnosti to be in mortal danger - smrtonósen lethal; deadly; mortal
smrtonósna rana fatal (ali mortal) wound
smrtonósno prislov mortally; deadly, fatally - smúčarski smúški ski(-); skiing
smúčarska čepica ski cap
smúčarski, smúški čevlji ski boots pl, skiing boots pl
smúčarska jopica ski (ali skiing) jacket
smúčarski, smúški dom, koča ski hut
smúčarske hlače ski pants pl
smúčarski, smúški klub skiing club
smúčarska maža ski wax
smúčarska obleka ski suit
smúčarski, smúški dres ski dress
smúčarska oprema skiing equipment (ali outfit)
smúčarska palica ski stick
smúčarska skakalnica ski jump
smúčarski skoki ski jumping
smúčarski, smúški stadion skiing stadium
smúčarski, smúški šport skiing
smúčarski, smúški tečaj skiing course, skiing lessons pl
smúčarske rokavice ski mitts pl
smúčarski, smúški tek cross-country skiing (ali racing), long-distance skiing
smúčarski, smúški tekač na dolge proge long-distance ski runner
smúčarska tekma skiing contest, ski competition
smúčarska tura skiing trip
smúčarski, smúški učitelj skiing trainer, skiing coach (ali instructor)
smúčarska vetrovka anorak
smúčarska žičnica ski lift, (sedežnica) chair lift ➞ smuški