
Zadetki iskanja

  • slàb (moralno) bad, evil

    precéj slàb baddish; (šibak, slaboten) weak, feeble, frail, faint; (zdravje) delicate; poor, infirm, shaken
    slàbi časi hard times pl
    slàb človek a wicked man
    na slàbem glasu of bad repute
    slàb izgovor, slàbo opravičilo a poor (ali thin) excuse
    slàba kakovost inferior quality
    slàba kupčija bad bargain
    slàbi obeti bad outlook, poor prospects pl
    slàba obleka poor dress
    slàba prodaja poor sale
    slàbo pivo weak beer
    slàb, kratek spomin short memory
    slàb pulz slow pulse
    slàb strelec a poor shot
    slàba tolažba poor comfort
    slàba točka (stran) weak point, foible
    slàba volja bad temper
    slàba vidljivost poor visibility
    slàb uspeh poor success
    slàbo znanje smattering, superficial knowledge
    slàbo zdravje poor health
    slàb zrak foul air
    slàbo vreme bad (ali nasty, adverse) weather
    biti slàbe volje to be ill-humoured, to be in a bad temper
    biti na slàbem glasu to have a bad name
    on je na slabšem pri tem he has the worst of it
    v matematiki sem zelo slàb I am very poor at mathematics
    ona ima slàb (šibak) glas she has a feeble voice
    on ima slàb spomin he has a poor memory, pogovorno he has a memory like a sieve
    držati s kom (biti zvest komu) v dobrem in slàbem to stick to someone through thick and thin
    to ni slàba misel that's not a bad idea
    ta banka stoji baje na slàbih nogah (figurativno) that bank is said to be in a weak state
    v tem ne vidim nič slàbega I see no harm (ali nothing wrong) in that
    živeti v slàbih razmerah to live in straitened circumstances
    naj pride dobro ali slàbo arhaično come weal or woe
  • slabó prislov badly, ill, unwell; weakly, poorly

    slabó hranjen undernourished
    slabó mi je I feel sick
    z njim je slabó he is badly off (ali hard up), things go very ill with him
    slabó govorim angleško I can't speak English very well, my English is rather weak
    on je slabó plačan he is underpaid
    posli gredó slabó business is bad
    slabó govoriti o kom to speak ill of someone
    slabó se je izkazal, obnesel he cut a poor (ali sorry) figure
    slabó se je končalo it turned out badly, pogovorno it came unstuck
    slabó se počutim I feel unwell
    slabó mi je postalo ob tem pogledu I felt sick at the sight (of it)
    on slabó sliši he is hard of hearing
    ona slabó vidi she has poor sight
    moj brat se slabó uči my brother is a poor scholar
    slabó se obnášati, se vesti to behave badly
    slabó ravnati s kom to ill-treat someone
  • slabóst weakness, feebleness; frailty; faintness; infirmity, debility; poorness; (v želodcu) nausea; (napaka) failing

    to je njegova slabóst this is his weak point (ali his Achilles' heel)
    slabóst me je obšla I suddenly felt faint
  • slábšati to worsen; to make worse

    slábšati se to worsen; to become (ali to get) worse
    vse bolj se slábšati to grow worse and worse
  • slábši -a, -e worse

    vedno slábši, -a, -e, vse slábši, -a, -e worse and worse
    on je slábši, -a, -e kot njegov brat he is worse than his brother
    danes je njegovo stanje še slabše his condition is even worse today
    to bi bilo še slabše it would be worse still
    vreme ne bi moglo biti slabše the weather is at its worst
    slabše stvari nisi mogel napraviti you couldn't have done a worse thing
    položaj postaja vedno slábši, -a, -e matters are going from bad to worse (ali are becoming worse and worse)
  • sládkor sugar

    sládkor v prahu caster (castor) sugar, powdered sugar, icing sugar
    sládkor v kockah cube sugar, lump sugar
    kristalni sládkor granulated sugar
    sládkor v sipi granulated sugar
    kandisov sládkor (sugar) candy
    grozdni (sadni, trstni) sládkor grape (fruit, cane) sugar
    pesni sládkor beet sugar
    sládkor v čokih loaf sugar
    rafiniran sládkor refined sugar
    le enkrat rafiniran sládkor brown sugar
    surov sládkor raw (ali unrefined) sugar
    prečiščen sládkor (rafinada) white sugar
    kleščice za sládkor sugar tongs pl
    rafinerija sládkorja sugar refinery
    prevleči s sládkorjem to sugar-coat
  • sláma straw

    sláma za streho thatch, thatching
    pokrit s slámo straw-covered
    ležišče iz sláme straw mattress, palliasse
    napolniti, nastlati s slámo to straw
    kup sláme heap of straw
    kopa, stog sláme stack of straw
    pletenje sláme straw-plaiting
    pletilec sláme straw-plaiter
    snop sláme bundle, truss of straw
    prazna sláma (figurativno) trash, rubbish, nonsense, nonsensical talk
    mlatiti prazno slámo to talk nonsense, to talk bunkum (ali hot air)
    staro slámo mlatiti (figurativno) to thresh (over old) straw
    imeti slámo v glavi (figurativno) to be empty-headed, pogovorno to be dead from the neck up
    spati na slámi to sleep on straw
    iskati šivanko v kupu sláme to look for a needle in a haystack
  • slaník zoologija herring

    prekajen slaník red (ali kippered, smoked) herring, bloater
    soljen, rahlo prekajen slaník kipper
    svež slaník fresh (ali green) herring
    mariniran slaník pickled herring
    lov na slaníke herring fishing, herring fishery
    sodček za slaníke herringkeg
    vlak, jata slaníkov school (ali shoal) of herring
    slaníkove ikre hard roe, herring roe
    slaníkovo mlečje soft roe, herring milt
  • sláva glory, fame, illustriousness; (ugled) renown, repute, reputation, popularity

    na vrhuncu sláve at the height of one's glory
    željan sláve eager for glory, ambitious
    želja po slávi thirst for glory, love of fame
    ovenčan s slávo covered with glory
    doseči slávo to achieve (ali to win) fame
    sláva mu! all honour to him! (ali to his memory!)
  • sléd trace; trail; vestige; scent; track, (ladje) wake; (stopinje) footprints, footmarks pl; (zveri) scent; (kolotečina) rut

    na slédi on the track
    brez slédú without a trace
    sveža sléd a hot (ali burning) scent
    stara sléd cold scent
    slédovi starih šeg vestiges pl of ancient customs
    ni niti slédu o kakem dokazu there is not a trace (ali a vestige) of evidence
    biti komu na slédi to be hot on someone's trail
    biti na napačni slédi to be on a false scent
    iti po slédi prednikov to follow in the footsteps of one's ancestors
    iti s slédjo to run a scent
    izgubiti sléd to lose the (ali a) scent, to be off the track, (na lovu) to be at fault
    izbrisati vse slédove to efface all traces
    njegov obraz je kazal (nosil) slédove njegove žalosti his face bore traces of his grief
    priti komu na sléd to get on someone's track
    priti na novo sléd (figurativno) to start a new hare
    zopet odkriti sléd to recover the scent
    speljati na napačno sléd to put off the scent, to put on the wrong track
    zabrisati svojo sléd to cover up one's tracks
    izginiti brez slédu to disappear without leaving any traces
    policija je prišla na sléd the police have picked up the scent, pogovorno the police have smelt a rat
    iti za pravo (napačno) slédjo to be on (ali to follow) the right (the wrong) scent
  • slèj later

    prej ali slèj sooner or later, soon or late; some time or other
  • slép blind; sightless

    na pol slép purblind
    čisto slép stone blind, (as) blind as a bat (ali as a mole, an owl, a beetle), totally blind
    slép kot kura nightblind
    slép na eno oko blind in one eye
    slép za barve colour-blind
    skoraj slép gravel-blind, sand-blind
    slépo črevo blind gut, caecum
    slépa cena cheap price
    slép naboj (strel) blank cartridge (shot)
    slépa pokorščina blind obedience
    slépi potnik (na ladji itd.) stowaway
    slépo okno, slépa vrata dead (brickedup) door, window
    slépo pristajanje aeronavtika instrument landing
    slépa sreča blind luck, mere chance
    slépa vera implicit faith
    slépa ulica cul-de-sac, pl culde-sacs, culs-de-sac
    slépo zaupanje implicit confidence
    zavod za slépe home for the blind
    bil je slép za njene napake he was blind to her faults
    bil je le slépo orodje... he was only a mere tool...
    igrati se slépe miši to play at blind man's buff
    lotiti se česa na slépo srečo (figurativno) to go at something blind, to trust to luck
    tudi slépa kura zrno najde even a blind man may fluke a direct hit
    delati se slépega za to turn a blind eye to (something)
  • slépo prislov

    na slépo blindly, at random
    slépo vdan devoted (to), wedded (to)
    na slépo kupljen (»maček v žaklju«) sight unseen
    na slépo streljati to fire at random, (tudi figurativno) to have a shot in the dark
    na slépo srečo at random, at (ali by) haphazard
  • slíkati to paint; figurativno to depict; (portretirati) to portray; fotografija to take a photograph (ali a snapshot)

    slíkati akvarele to paint in watercolours
    slíkati v olju to paint in oils (ali oil paints)
    slíkati po naravi to paint from nature
    dati se slíkati to sit for one's portrait, to have one's portrait painted, fotografija to have one's photo taken
  • slína saliva; (pljuvalna) spittle; slobber; slaver

    slíne se mi pocedijo ob tem it makes my mouth water; my mouth waters at the thought (ali sight) of it, the thought (ali the sight) of it makes me drool
    izločanje slíne salivation; discharge of saliva
    ki dela slíno medicina salivant
  • slíšati to hear

    dobro slíšati to hear well
    napačno slíšati to hear amiss
    slučajno slíšati to overhear
    slíšati govoriti to hear say
    slišim, da... I understand (ali I am informed) that...
    on ne sliši dobro he is hard of hearing
    moj pes sliši na ime Bob my dog answers to the name of Bob
    vem (povem), kar sem slišal I know it by (I speak from) hearsay
    slišal sem jo peti I heard her sing
    ste že kdaj slišali kaj takega? have you ever heard the like of it?
    o tem noče on nič slíšati he will not hear of it
    slišal sem to od nekoga I have heard some one say so
    to (takó) sem slišal so I (have) heard
    slišal sem to praviti I have heard it said
    slíšati obe strani to hear both sides
    od tedaj o njem ni več (kaj) slíšati he hasn't been heard of since
    ona rada sliši sebe govoriti she likes to hear herself talk
    to se dobro, lepo sliši that sounds well (ali fine, pogovorno nice)
    ne hoteti slíšati to shut one's ears (to), to refuse to listen to
    s svojim radijskim aparatom morem slíšati Pariz I can get Paris on (ali with) my radio
    komaj se je slišalo, kar je rekel what he said was scarcely audible
    bil je tak hrup, da niso mogli slíšati lastnih glasov there was such a noise that they could not hear their own voices
    hujšega gluhca ni od tistega, ki noče slíšati there are none so deaf as those who will not hear
  • slóg style; way of writing; (zgradbe) style (of building); figurativno manner

    jasen (klen, težak, kičast) slóg lucid (lapidary, cumbrous, florid) style
    pesniški, vzvišen slóg poetical style
    jeder slóg pithy (ali vigorous, terse) style
    pisarniški slóg official style
    trgovski slóg commercial style
    gotski (visokogotski, poznogotski) slóg Gothic (decorated, perpendicular) style
    normanski, romanski slóg Norman style, Romanesque
    živeti v velikem, razkošnem slógu to live in great, fine style
  • Slován Slovanka Slav

    Slován, Slovankai the Slavs
    južni (vzhodni, zahodni) Slován, Slovankai South ali Southern (East ali Eastern, West ali Western) Slavs pl
  • slovár dictionary; vocabulary; lexicon

    žepni slovár pocket dictionary
    francosko-angleški French-English dictionary
    vpis v slovár (dictionary) entry
    ta človek je živ slovár (figurativno, vseved) that man is a walking (ali living) dictionary
    poiskati besedo v slovárju to look up a word in a dictionary, to consult a dictionary
    zateči se k slovárju to refer to a dictionary
  • slovénski Slovene; Slovenian

    slovénski jezik Slovene, Slovenian; the Slovene (ali Slovenian) language