trpéti to suffer (od, zaradi from); to endure; to be in pain; (prenašati) to bear, to tolerate; to stand
hudó trpéti to suffer acutely
trpéti velike bolečine to suffer great pain
mnogo trpéti to have a hard time
trpéti pomanjkanje to suffer want, to be in great straits, to be in want
trpim za hudim glavobolom I am suffering from a bad headache
trpéti zaradi treme to suffer from stage fright
nikoli ni trpel lakote he has never experienced hunger
trpéti škodo to suffer damage
motor je močnó trpel the engine suffered severely
trgovina trpi zaradi vojne commerce suffers in war time
ne trpim radovednih ljudi I cannot bear (ali stand) inquisitive people
je ena stvar, ki je ne morem trpeti there is one thing I cannot put up with
zadeva, ki ne trpi odlašanja an affair that brooks no delay
ne morem trpéti take nesramnosti I cannot stand such impudence
trpéti žejo to suffer thirst
ne moreta se trpéti there's no love lost between them
Zadetki iskanja
- tŕst tŕstje reed, reeds pl
piščal iz tŕst, tŕstjea reed pipe
postelja iz tŕst, tŕstjea reedy bed
sladkorni tŕst, tŕstje sugarcane
opirati se na zlomljen tŕst, tŕstje (figurativno) to rely on (ali to lean upon) a broken reed - tŕščica splinter; (wood) chip
razbiti (se) na tŕščice to splinter - trúd trouble, effort; exertion; pains pl; hard work, labour, toil; endeavour
trúda poln painful, troublesome
s trúdom with an effort
brez trúda without trouble, easily, effortlessly
z velikim trúdom with great difficulty
z lahkim trúdom easily
izgubljen trúd a waste of effort
trúd brez haska wasted effort
ves trúd je zaman pogovorno it's all a waste of time, pesniško it is labour lost
ni mi žal trúda I don't mind hard work, I don't shrink from hard work
hvala za vaš trúd I thank you for the trouble you have taken
z malo trúda with a little trouble, by taking a little trouble
po velikem trúdu sem uspel I succeeded after a great deal of trouble
ni vredno trúda it isn't worth while, it is not worth the trouble
veliko trúda si da(ja)ti to take great trouble
dal si je mnogo trúda, da (bi naredil izpit) he was at great pains to (pass the examination)
nobenega trúda se ne bati, se ne ustrašiti to spare no effort, to grudge no pains
povzročil, dal ti bom veliko trúda I'm going to cause you a lot of trouble
prav nobenega trúda si ne vzeti, dajati to take no trouble at all
ne varčevati s trúdom to spare no effort (ali no pains)
naredil sem to, da bi ti prihranil trúd I did it to save you trouble
biti tepen v zahvalo za svoj trúd to get a thrashing for one's pains
tratiti, zapravljati (svoj) trúd (figurativno) to plough the sand
ni si vzel niti trúda, da bi odgovril he didn't even take the trouble to answer - tú here, in this place; on this spot
tú pa tam here and there, (časovno) now and then
tú se ne da nič napraviti there is nothing to be done
drugega se ne da nič napraviti there is no choice left, there is no alternative - turnír tournament; tourney; zgodovina (viteški) tourney, tournament, joust (s pl)
šahovski turnír chess tournament
teniški turnír tennis tournament
sodelovati v turnírju, udeležiti se turnírja to tourney; zgodovina to joust - tušírati
tušírati koga to give someone a shower
tušírati se to take a shower - ubíjati to kill, to murder; to slaughter, to slay; to massacre
ubíjati si glavo (figurativno) to worry oneself sick (z about)
ubíjati se (garati) to drudge, to toil, to work very hard
ubíjati se z delom to work oneself to death; žargon to work one's guts out - ubíti to kill; to slay; (pobiti) to slaughter; (umoriti) to murder; to assassinate; to do away (with)
ubíti se to get killed, (hoté) to commit suicide, to commit self-murder; (razbiti se) to go to pieces, to get smashed up - ubôsti to prick
ubôsti se s šivanko v prst to prick one's finger with a needle - ubraníti to prevent (pred, od from)
ubraníti svojo domovino pred to defend one's country against
nisem se mogel ubraníti smeha I could not help laughing
ni se mogla ubraníti solz she could not restrain her tears - učíti (koga) to teach, to instruct, to give instruction (to), to give lessons (to); to train
učíti se to learn, (študirati) to study, (guliti se) to swot, to cram, to grind, (pogovorno) to bone up on; (vajenec) to serve one's apprenticeship
učíti se na pamet to learn by heart (ali by rote), to commit to memory, to memorize
zopet se učíti to relearn, (pogovorno) to brush up
marljivo se učíti to study hard, to be a diligent student
učíti se brati (branja) to learn to read
on se zelo dobro uči he is quick to learn, he is a quick learner
učíti se za izpit to get up (ali to brush up, pogovorno to bone up on) a subject for an examination
učíti se pisanja to learn how to write
moj brat se uči mizarstva my brother is learning joinery (ali is training to be a joiner) - učlovéčiti to incarnate
učlovéčiti se become incarnate, to become flesh - udebelíti to fatten; to make fat
udebelíti se to grow (ali to get) fat (ali stout, corpulent), to put on weight (ali fat, flesh) - udínjati (koga) to hire, to engage (someone)
udínjati se to hire oneself out, to offer one's servies - udobrovoljíti
udobrovoljíti koga to make someone goodhumoured
udobrovoljíti se to become good-humoured - udomáčití to domesticate; to familiarize; to tame; to acclimatize; to naturalize
udomáčití se to become familiar (ali acclimatized); to make oneself at home - uganíti to guess; to make a guess; to unriddle; to find out; (razrešiti) to solve
ki se lahko ugane guessable
uganíti uganko to solve a riddle
prav (napak) si uganil you have guessed right (wrong) - ugánka riddle; puzzle; enigma; mystery; (težak problem) teaser, brainteaser
njegovo vedenje mi je ugánka hiš behaviour is a riddle (ali is incomprehensible) to me
govoriti, izdražati se v ugánkah to speak in riddles, to riddle, to enigmatize
(za)staviti ugánko to set (ali to propose) a riddle (ali, zlasti z besedno igro: a conundrum)
rešiti ugánko to solve (ali to answer, to guess) a riddle, to riddle, to unravel a puzzle - ugóden advantageous (za to, for), favourable, satisfactory, propitious
ugóden trenutek propitious moment
ugódno prislov to advantage
kar najbolj, kar se da ugódno to the best of advantage
zelo ugóden rewarding
ugódne cene attractive prices