to this; that; it
to je (krajšava: t.j.) that is, namely, (krajšava: i.e.)
o tem about this
v tem (medtem) (in the) meanwhile
skozi to through this, on account of this, by it
razen tega besides, moreover, as well
kako to? how so?
(pa) kaj za to? what of that?
to je vse that's all
to je možno that may be
to so oni they are the ones, pogovorno that's them
ne to ne ono (= nekaj vmesnega, srednjega) neither one thing nor the other, betwixt and between
pri vsem tem, kljub vsemu temu for all that
tega je 10 let ten years ago
jaz sem za to I am for it, I agree to it
ni mi do tega I don't care for it
samó še to bi (se) manjkalo! that would be all we need!, (pogovorno) that would put the tin lid on it!
pustimo to, kakor je! (pogovorno) let it go at that!
to mi boš plačal! you'll pay for this!, you'll smart for this!
koga misliš s tem? whom have you (ali pogovorno who've you got) in mind?
si to mislil, si to hotel reči? is that what you meant?
to se pravi that is to say
iz tega sledi... hence it follows...
vsi vedó to every one knows that
poleg vsega tega, (on) še pije apart from all that, he drinks, too
Zadetki iskanja
- tóbogan (sani) toboggan; (drča) chute, toboggan slide; (v zabaviščnem parku) roller coaster, switchback, slide, chute
vozač na tóboganu (sankač) tobogganist, tobogganer
vožnja s tóboganom tobogganing
voziti se na tóboganu (na sankah) to toboggan - tóčen precise, accurate, correct, punctual; exact
tóčen čas the correct (ali the right) time
tóčen kot ura as regular as clockwork
moj brat je tóčen plačnik my brother pays up promptly (ali is very prompt in his payments)
tóčen spomin exact memory
tóčno prislov precisely, punctually, exactly, in due time, in (ali on, to) time, at the right time
na sekundo tóčen to the second, on the dot
tóčen ob osmih at 8 o'clock sharp, on the stroke of eight
koncert se je začel tóčen ob 9. uri the concert began at 9 o'clock sharp - tóčka point; (poročila) item, point, (dnevnega reda) point; (kraj) spot, place; (mesto v knjigi) passage, item; (postavka) point, item; (živilskih kart ipd.) point, coupon
tóčka za tóčko point by point, item by item, in detail
do neke (določene) tóčke to a certain extent
njegova močna (šibka) tóčka his strong (weak) point
bistvene tóčke pravo the merits pl of a case
boleča tóčka (one's) sore point
izhodiščna tóčka starting point, point of departure
mrtva tóčka dead centre, (figurativno) deadlock, standstill
sporna tóčka point at issue
stična tóčka point of contact
kritična, mrtva tóčka (zastoj) deadlock
zmaga po tóčkah winning on points
dotakniti se boleče tóčke to touch a sore spot
doseči tóčko šport to make (ali to score) a point
izgubiti po tóčkah to lose on points
premagati po tóčkah koga to outpoint someone
priti na mrtvo tóčko (figurativno) to reach deadlock, to come to a standstill
spraviti z mrtve tóčke to release from a deadlock - tók1 current; (vodni) stream, current; drift; (dogodkov) swim
električni tók electric current
istosmerni tók direct (ali continuous) current
izmenični tók alternating current
poraba (električnega) tóka consumption of electricity
Zalivski tók Gulf Stream
sredi, v sredini tóka in midstream
močan tók (elektrika) power current
slab, šibak tók (elektrika) low-tension current
inducirani tók induced current
močan vodni tók powerful current
jakost tóka current intensity, strength
proizvodnja tóka generation of current
potreba po tóku demand for electricity
plavati s tókom figurativno (proti tóku) to swim with (against) the stream (ali tide)
prepustiti se tóku (razmer) to resign oneself (ali to be resigned) to the course of events, to let things drift
tók jih žene they are carried along by the current, they drift - tolažíti to comfort, to console, to solace; to cheer up
tolažíti se to console oneself (z with), to be comforted (ali consoled), to cheer up
(po)tolaži se! cheer up!, don't let things get you down! - tólči to beat; (kamenje) to break
tólči (lomiti) angleščino (figurativno) to speak broken English, to mangle the Queen's (ali King's) English
tólči se po prsih to beat one's breast - toleránten (strpen) tolerant; (odporen, medicina) tolerant (proti drogam of drugs)
izkazati se tolerántnega do... to show tolerance for - tólpa band, gang
član tólpe member of a gang, gangster
oborožena tólpa an armed band
tatinska tólpa gang of robbers
združiti se v zločinsko tólpo pogovorno to gang up - tòp vojska cannon, gun, piece of ordnance; (havbica) howitzer
brzostrelni tòp quick-firing gun
daljnostrelni tòp long-range gun
tòpovi pl cannon, artillery, ordnance
oblegovalni tòp siege gun
poljski tòp field gun
protiletalski tòp antiaircraft gun, (pogovorno) ack-ack gun
protitankovski tòp antitank gun
tòp, ki se opoldne sam sproži s pomočjo leče cannon-clock
domet krogle iz tòpa range of a gun
v dostrelu tòpa within gunshot
odporen proti strelu iz tòpa cannon-proof
hrana za tòpove (figurativno) cannon fodder, (arhaično) food for powder
grmenje tòpov cannonade, roar of cannon, thunder of the guns
strel iz tòpa gunshot
obstreljevanje s tòpovi gunfire
obstreljevati s tòpom to shell, to cannonade, to bombard
namestiti tòp to post (ali to station) a gun
ustreliti iz tòpa to fire, to discharge a gun, (s topovi celega boka ladje) to fire a broadside
streljati, ustreliti s tòpovi komu v pozdrav to fire a salute in someone's honour - topíti to melt; (mast) to render (fat); to liquefy; to dissolve; to fuse, to found
topíti led to melt (ali to thaw) ice
topíti se to melt, to liquefy, to dissolve
sneg se topi the snow melts (oziroma is melting)
topíti se kot sneg na soncu to melt like snow in the sun
topíti se v solzah to melt into tears
topljeno maslo melted butter
ta hruška se topi v ustih this pear melts in the mouth
sladkor se topi v vodi sugar melts in water
topíti svinec to melt lead - tožáriti (v šoli) žargon to sneak, to snitch
tožáriti se to go to law (s kom with someone); to carry on a lawsuit - trámvaj tramway, tramcar, tram; ZDA streetcar, trolley car, trolley
peljati se s trámvajem to go by tram, to take a tram ride, to tram (it) - tŕdno prislov firmly, fast; firm
tŕdno se držati česa to keep a firm hold of something
tŕdno sem prepričan (odločen) I am firmly (ali fully) convinced (resolved)
tŕdno priviti (vijak) to tighten (a screw)
tŕdno spati to be fast asleep, to sleep like a log
tŕdno verovati v kaj to be a firm believer in something - tréba
tréba je it is necessary
kot tréba as it should be, properly, suitably
napravi to kot tréba! do it properly!
ni tréba! no need!
kaj ti tréba več? what more do you want?
če bi bilo tréba (= v potrebi) if need be
ne izostani dljè kot tréba! don't stay away longer than you need!
ni mi tréba tvojega denarja I don't need your money
tréba mi je I need, I want
to je tréba storiti this must be done
tréba je samo reči in... you have only to say the word and...
še marsikaj bo tréba napraviti there is still much to be done
ni se ti tréba bati you needn't fear (za for)
tréba bi ga bilo kaznovati he ought to be punished
ni se tréba čuditi, da... it is not to be wondered at that...
ni ti tréba skrbeti you need not trouble
tréba je delati, če hočeš uspeti you must work if you want to succeed
če je tréba, bom to jutri naredil I'll do it tomorrow, if it is necessary (ali if need be)
tréba bo še tri tedne, da končamo to delo it will take us three weeks to finish this job
pol ure nam je bilo tréba hoditi do postaje it took us half an hour to walk to the station - trepetlíka botanika trembling poplar, trembling tree
tresti se kot trepetlíka (figurativno) to be (all) in a shiver - trésti to shake; to agitate, (močnó) to toss; to jog, to joggle
trésti se to shake, to tremble, to shiver; to vibrate; to quiver (od with); (voz) to jolt
roke se mu tresejo his hands shake
mraz me trese I shiver with cold
dvorana se trese od... the hall shakes with...
hiša se je tresla od eksplozij the house shook with the explosions
trésti se od besa to quiver with rage
trésti se od mrzlice to shake with fever
trésti se kot šiba na vodi to tremble like a leaf
vsi se tresejo pred njim every one trembles before him (ali is scared of him)
trésti se od mraza to shiver (ali to shudder) with cold
hlače so se mi tresle (figurativno) I had my heart in my mouth, I shook in my shoes
tresel se je od smeha his sides shook with laughter, he shook with laughter
trésti se po vsem telesu to tremble in every limb, to tremble all over, to be all of a shake
tresti se od strahu to tremble (ali to shake) with fear - tréti (tarem) to crush; to bruise; to smash; to grind (v prah to powder)
tréti orehe to crack nuts
davki nas tarejo we are oppressed with taxes
na cestah se tare ljudi the roads are teeming with people
na ulici se je trlo ljudi people thronged the street - tŕgati (puliti) to pluck, to pull; (nabirati) to gather, (sadje, cvetlice) to pick; (strgati, raztrgati) to tear, to rend, to lacerate
tŕgati na kose, koščke to tear to pieces, to bits
trga me v ušesu I have an earache
tŕgati se za... to fight for, to scramble for...
ljudje se trgajo za to blago there is a great demand for these goods
tŕgati se za meso to scramble for meat
tŕgati se za prostor, za sedež to scramble for a place
ljudje se trgajo za njegovo knjigo his book is selling like hot cakes - tricíkel tricycle
voznik tricíkla tricyclist
voziti (se) s tricíklom to tricycle
dobavni, dostavni tricíkel delivery tricycle, goods tricycle