aerolít aerolite, aerolith, meteoric stone
aeromehánika aeromechanics pl (s konstr. v sg)
aerométer aerometer
aerometríja aerometry
aeronávt aeronaut
aeronávtičen aeronautical, aeronautic
aeronávtika aeronautics pl (s konstr. v sg); science of aerial navigation
aeroplán aircraft (sg in pl); VB aeroplane; ZDA airplane; plane; flying machine
vkrcati se v aeroplán to board an aircraft, ZDA to emplane
aeroplán mora vsak čas priti the plane is due any moment now
aeropórt (večje letališče) airport
aerostát aerostat; air balloon; balloon
aerostátičen aerostatic(al)
aerostátika aerostatics
aeroterapíja aerotherapeutics pl (s konstr. v sg)
aerotranspórt air transport
afékcija affection; (emotional) impression; medicina affection, disease, disorder
živčne afékcije nervous disorders
afékt affection; emotion; excitement; passion; heat, flush
v aféktu in the heat of passion
afektácija affectation; airs pl; foppery
afektíran affected; pretended, studied, mincing; feigned
afektíranost affectation; airs pl; show, pretence; affectedness