
Zadetki iskanja

  • nagón instinct; urge; (unconscious) impulse; impetus, inclination, propensity

    po nagónu (nagonsko) by (ali on) instinct, instinctively
    samohranitveni nagón instinct of self-preservation
    spolni nagón sexual desire (ali instinct, urge, libido)
    ustvarjalni nagón creative urge
  • nakljúčje chance; accident; (slučaj) hazard, coincidence

    golo nakljúčje a mere chance; a mere accident; quite an accident; žargon toss-up
    čudovito, nenavadno nakljúčje a strange (ali marvellous) coincidence
    po nakljúčju by chance, by accident
    po srečnem nakljúčju (pogovorno) by a fluke
    srečno nakljúčje a lucky chance, a happy coincidence, a stroke of luck
  • nakúpiti nakupováti to make a purchase; to buy up, to buy in; to purchase, to acquire by purchase (successively)

    nakupovati po trgovinah to do the shopping
    iti nakupit to go shopping
  • nálog order; commission; charge; instruction; errand; writ

    po nálogu by order
    po vašem nálogu in accordance with your order (ali your instructions)
    plačilni nálog order to pay
    sodni nálog court order
    zaporni nálog writ of attachment
    imam nálog I am charged
    dati nálog to give a commission (za kaj for something)
    izvršiti nálog to execute an order
  • namíg hint; tip; wink; cue

    razumeti namíg to take the hint
    ravnati se po namígu to take up the cue
  • napráviti to do; (izdelati) to make; to render; to manage; to work out; to bring about; (urediti) to organize, to manage; (izvršiti) to accomplish, to execute; (proizvesti) to produce, to manufacture, to fabricate; (povzročiti) to effect, to bring about, to create

    tu se ni dalo nič napráviti there was nothing to be done
    napráviti izpit to pass an examination
    napráviti uslugo to do (someone) a favour, to render (someone) a service
    napráviti po svoje to suit oneself
    napráviti koga pametnejšega to make someone wiser
    uspeh ga je napravil nestrpnega success made him impatient
    starost je iz njega napravila sitneža old age had made him peevish
    napráviti potovanje to make a journey
    napráviti načrt to make a plan
    napráviti ogenj to make a fire
    napráviti napako to make a mistake
    kako napravite, da odprete to ključavnico? how do you manage to open this lock?
    napráviti se (obleči se) to dress
    napráviti se bolnega to pretend to be ill
  • naráva nature

    po narávi by nature, according to nature, naturally
    proti narávi against (ali contrary to) nature, unnatural
    ljubitelj naráve lover of nature
    muha(vost) naráve (spaček) a freak of nature
    opazovanje naráve (opis) naráve observation (description) of nature
    otrok naráve a child of nature
    plačilo v narávi (v naturalijah) payment in kind
    varstvo naráve preservation of natural beauties
    urad za varstvo naráve Nature Conservancy
    plačati v narávi to pay in kind
    to mu je postala druga naráva (figurativno) it has become second nature with him
    (na)risati po narávi to draw (ali to sketch) from life
    slikan (portretiran) po narávi portrayed to the life
    to je proti moji narávi it is contrary to my nature
    prerasti, preiti v narávo to grow into habit
    naráva dela nature of activity
  • naravnáti to adjust; to regulate; to put (ali to set) right, to set in order

    naravnáti uro po radiu, po kolodvorski uri to set (ali to regulate) a watch (oziroma a clock) by the radio, by the station clock
  • narávnost1 straight; directly

    narávnost kvišku straight up
    narávnost naprej straight on, straight forward
    narávnost (brez strahu) povedati svoje mnenje (figurativno) to give it (someone) straight from the shoulder
    narávnost povedati to tell (someone) straight out
    pojdite narávnost! go straight on!
    narávnost vprašati koga to ask someone point-blank
    povejmo narávnost (bolj odkrito)! let us put it in plain language!
    povej mi narávnost, kaj misliš! tell me straight what you think!
    povedal sem mu narávnost v obraz I told him straight out
    narávnost po nosu me je udaril he hit me square on the nose
  • narék narekovánje dictation

    pisati po narék, narekovánjeu to write from dictation
  • naróbe wrong; wrongly; in a wrong manner; the wrong side out (ali up); turned upside down; topsyturvy; inverted; head over heels

    vse je naróbe all is wrong, all is in confusion, there is a great confusion everywhere
    nekaj je naróbe there is something amiss
    vse gre naróbe all goes wrong
    vse je naróbe v hiši everything is upside down in the house
    kaj je naróbe s teboj? what is wrong with you?
    naróbe se lotiti česa (figurativno) to put the cart before the horse
    to je naróbe svet it is the world turned upside down
    naróbe si je nadel klobuk he has put his hat on the wrong way
    narediti vse naróbe to do everything the wrong way round
    šli smo po isti poti kot vi, toda naróbe (v obratni smeri) we took the same road as you, but the other way round
    pri meni (v mojem primeru) je stvar naróbe (obratna) in my case the boot is on the other foot; with me it's the other way round
    nima Ivan Marije na vrvici, ravno naróbe je John doesn't dominate Mary, the boot is on the other foot (ali the reverse is the case)
  • naročílo order; command; errand; (čezmorsko) indent

    ponovno naročílo repeat order
    poskusno naročílo trial order
    narejen po naročílu made to order
    dotok naročíl a flow of orders
    poplava naročíl a spate of orders
    po naročílu to order, on order
    imeti v naročílu to have on order
    izvršiti naročílo ekonomija to complete an order
    preklicati naročílo to countermand an order
  • nasvèt piece of advice; (splošno) advice; counsel; (ideja) suggestion

    po nasvètu advised by
    na njen nasvèt on her advice, at her suggestion
    dal mi je dober nasvèt he has given me some good advice
    poslušaj moj nasvèt! take my advice!, be advised by me!
    prišel sem k tebi po nasvèt I have come to you for advice
    vprašati koga za nasvèt to ask someone's advice, to consult someone
    ravnati se po nasvètu to follow someone's advice, to take someone's advice, to take advice from someone
  • natečáj competition (za for); competitive examination; (za izvedbo kakega dela) tender; soliciting for tenders

    z natečájem, po natečáju by tender, by competition
    razpis natečája call for (competitive) tenders
    z natečájem razpisano mesto a post open to competition
    biti izbran po natečáju to be chosen by competition
    razpisati natečáj to put up for competition
    natečáj je razpisan tenders pl are invited
    udeležiti se natečája to enter a competition
  • natrosíti to strew; to scatter

    natrosíti papir po vrtu to litter the garden with wastepaper
  • natúra nature

    v natúri (naturalijah) in kind
    po natúri by nature, naturally
    proti natúri against nature, contrary to nature, unnaturally
  • naváda habit; habitude, wont; (šega) custom; use, usage, practice

    iz naváde by habit
    po svoji stari navádi according to one's usual practice
    po njegovi navádi according to his habit (ali wont)
    naváda je... it is customary...
    ukoreninjena naváda deep-rooted (ali inveterate) habit
    šege in naváde manners and customs
    moč naváde the force of habit
    življenjske naváde habits of life
    po navádi in the usual way, usually, as a rule, as usual
    naváda je železna srajca habit (ali custom, use) is second nature
    kakor je bila moja naváda as my custom was
    delati kaj iz naváde to do something from force of habit
    imeti navádo to be in the habit (of), (samo v preteklem času) to use
    imel je navádo priti k meni vsak dan he used to come to me every day
    navzeti se slabih navád to pick up bad habits
    opustiti navádo to give up (ali to drop) a habit
    postati naváda to grow into a habit
    to prehaja v navádo it is growing into a habit
    vdajati se navádi to give way to a habit
    to je stvar naváde it is a matter of habit
    ki je suženj naváde habit-ridden
  • navédba statement, declaration; (citat) quotation

    po vaši navédbi according to your statement
    pošljite nam nekaj vzorcev z navédbo cene in plačilnih pogojev send us some samples stating price and terms
  • navodílo instruction; directive; direction; guideline, guidance

    po navodílu delati to act upon instruction
    navodílo za uporabo directions pl for use
    po navodílih according to directions (ali instructions)
    vam v navodílo for your guidance
    dobesedno se držati navodíl to follow the instructions to the letter
    obvezno navodílo binding directive
  • navzgór upwards, up

    po hribu navzgór up the hill
    gibanje navzgór upward movement
    po ulici navzgór up the street
    pluti po reki navzgór to sail up the river