
Zadetki iskanja

  • imobilizírati to immobilize; to bring to a dead stop; to fix; (zlomljen ud) to immobilize, to lay up

    imobiliziran sem zaradi tega izpaha (izvina) I am laid up with this sprain; pravo (premičnine) to convert into real estate, (kapital) to immobilize, to lock up, to tie up
    imobilizírati se to come to a stop; to come to a standstill
  • imponíranje making a great and good impression; filling with admiration, filling with awe
  • inkasírati to collect, to take (ali to make) a collection

    inkáso collection
  • inserírati to advertise (za for); to insert (v in); to put an advertisement in a paper
  • izbríti to reshave; to shave a second time (in the reverse direction)
  • izbrítje reshaving; shaving a second time
  • izbrúsiti to grind to a smooth finish; to grind sharp, to hone; (izgladiti) to smooth out (ali down ali away); figurativno to file away
  • izgíniti to disappear; to vanish; to be lost to sight; to pass out of sight; (biti pogrešan) to be missing; (potegniti) to make off (secretly); (zaradi dolgov) to abscond; (ponoči se izseliti, ne da bi plačali stanarino) to make a moonlight flit

    izgíniti kot kafra to vanish into the blue
    izgini! be off with you!, off with you!, žargon get lost!
    izgini mi izpred oči! be off and don't let me set eyes on you again!, get out of my sight!
    moja knjiga je izginila my book has disappeared
    ladja je izginila na obzorju the boat disappeared over the horizon
    izgíniti s politične scene to disappear from the political scene
  • izgorína traces remaining after a fire
  • izgradíti to build, to construct; to erect, to rear; to complete (ali to finish) a building (project); to finish building; (figurativno) to build, to form

    ljudje so z lastnim delom izgradili porušeno domovino by their own efforts the people rebuilt their ruined land
  • izgrádnja construction, building; erection (ali raising) of a building; (razvoj) development

    v izgrádnji in process of construction
  • izgubíti to lose; to be a loser, to come off a loser, to meet with a loss, to incur (ali to experience) a loss; (s smrtjo) to suffer a bereavement (ali the loss of a dear one), to be bereaved, to lose someone; (založiti kam) to mislay

    izgubíti se to be lost, to become lost, to lose one's way, to go astray
    izgubi se! be off with you!, begone!, get along with you!, žargon get lost!
    izgubíti se v gozdu to be lost in the woods
    izgubíti bitko to lose a battle
    izgubíti glavo to lose one's head, to become confused
    izgubíti v igri to lose at gambling
    izgubíti naklonjenost kake osebe to lose someone's good grace (ali someone's favour), to incur displeasure
    nismo nič izgubili! (figurativno) not much of a loss!
    izgubíti nedolžnost to lose one's innocence (ali chastity)
    nimam česa izgubíti I have nothing at stake, I stand to lose nothing
    izgubil sem X SIT pri tem poslu I am X tolars out of pocket by this transaction
    izgubíti očeta to lose (ali to suffer the loss of) one's father
    izgubíti svoje pravice to lose (ali to forfeit) one's rights
    izgubíti svoj čas in trud to waste one's time and trouble (ali pains)
    izgubíti čut sramežljivosti, sramú to lose one's sense of shame, to be dead to shame
    izgubíti potrpljenje to lose (one's) patience, to lose one's temper
    izgubíti pot to lose one's way. to go astray
    izgubíti pravdo to lose a lawsuit, to be debated in a lawsuit
    izgubíti nit svojega govora to lose the thread of one's discourse
    izgubíti igro, partijo to lose a game
    tudi hipa ne smemo izgubíti there is not one moment to lose
    zaradi tega bi (on) utegnil izgubíti svoje mesto that might lose him his place
    izgubíti pogum to lose courage, to lose heart, to be discouraged
    izgubíti na teži to lose weight, to lose flesh, to slim
    izgubíti tla pod nogami to lose one's footing
    izgubíti sled to lose the scent, to lose the trail
    izgubíti ugled to lose face, (pri kom) to sink in someone's estimation, to lose credit with someone
    izgubíti voljo za to lose one's zest for
    izgubíti vrednost to depreciate
    izgubíti upanje to lose (ali to give up) all hope, to despair (of)
    izgubil je pogum his heart (ali spirits) sank
    izgubíti iz vida, iz oči to lose sight of
    izgubíti zanimanje za to lose interest in
    izgubíti zaupanje to lose one's confidence
    izgubíti zavest to swoon, to faint away, to have a fainting fit
    izgubíti življenje (v bitki) to lose one's life (in battle)
    ne bomo izgubljali besed o tem we shall waste no words on that
    kakor (pri)dobljeno, tako izgubljeno easy come, easy go
  • izgubljênec figurativno a lost soul
  • izjalovíti se to come to nothing; arhaično to come to nought (ZDA naught); to prove (to be) a failure; to flop, to be a flop (ali washout); to end in (ali to meet with) failure; to turn out (to be) a failure; to prove abortive, to fall through, to miscarry; to fail; to go wrong; not to come off
  • izjáviti to declare; to state; to say; to make a declaration; to make an assertion; (pred sodiščem) to depose, to give evidence

    izjáviti pod prisego to depose (ali to attest) on oath
  • izlevítev casting off a skin; moult, moulting, (kače) sloughing
  • izmériti to measure (out); to take the measurements of, to measure by using a gauge; (sod) to gauge; (zemljo, teren) to survey; (težo) to weigh (out); (obseg drevesa itd.) to calliper (s šestilom)

    izmériti sobo to take the dimensions of a room
  • iznenáda suddenly; of a sudden; unexpectedly; by surprise; unawares
  • iznevériti se to fall away, to prove faithless (ali treacherous ali disloyal ali perfidious) to; to become a turncoat (ali renegade ali deserter ali apostate); politika (stranki) to defect, to change sides; (dani besedi) to fail to keep one's word, to go back on one's word; (zapustiti) to desert, to forsake (someone), (dekletu, fantu) to jilt, to betray; (pustiti na cedilu) to fail, to let down, to leave in the lurch

    iznevériti se svojim obveznostim to fail in one's obligations
    iznevériti se komu v (njegovi) sili to fail someone in his need
    iznevériti se možu to betray one's husband
    iznevériti se tovarišem pogovorno to rat on one's mates
  • izobráženec a cultivated person, an educated person