
Zadetki iskanja

  • atraktíven attractive

    atraktívno deklè an attractive girl
  • aváns trgovina (predujem) advance

    dali so mu aváns they gave him an advance on account
  • avdícija glasba audition; trial hearing; ZDA pogovorno try-out; performance of a piece of music

    biti na avdíciji, podvreči (se) avdíciji to have an audition, to audition
  • avdiénca audience; hearing; (formal) interview

    prositi za avdiénco to request (ali to ask for) an audience
    sprejeti v avdiénco to grant an audience to, to receive in audience
    biti sprejet v avdiénco pri to be received in audience by, to be granted an audience by
  • ávto VB car, motor car; ZDA automobile, auto

    vlečni ávto breakdown lorry
    dvosedežni ávto two-seater
    športni dvosedežni ávto sports car, ZDA tudi sport car, zastarelo roadster
    star ávto pogovorno VB banger, ZDA jalopy
    reševalni ávto ambulance
    tovorni ávto lorry, ZDA truck, (zaprt, zlasti spediterski) van
    zaprt ávto limousine, sedan, coupé
    izlet z ávtom car trip, drive
    voziti ávto to drive (a car), to motor, ZDA tudi to auto
    ávto je odpovedal, je imel defekt the car broke down
    nabaviti si že rabljen ávto to purchase a car (an automobile) secondhand, to buy a secondhand car
    peljati se z ávtom to motor
    peljal sem se z ávtom na Reko I motored down to Rijeka
    vožnja v ávtou je prijetna v lepem vremenu motoring is pleasant in fine weather
    vzeti koga v (na) ávto to give someone a lift in one's car
  • avtoritatíven authoritative

    avtoritatívno mnenje an authoritative opinion
    to je edino avtoritatívno delo o tem vprašanju it is the only authoritative work on the question
    njegovo mnenje je avtoritatívno his opinion is regarded as conclusive
    avtoritativno prislov masterfully, without paying heed to protests
  • avtoritéta authority; power; government; (oseba) authority, expert

    on je avtoritéta v tej stvari, v tem predmetu he is an authority on that subject
    izgubiti mnogo svoje avtoritéte pri to lose much of one's authority with
    očetovska avtoritéta paternal authority
  • bél white; (čist) clean; (nezagorel) pale; (nepopisan) blank; (pobeljen) blanched; (bel in siv) hoary

    béla garda right-wing political movement in Slovenia before and during World War II, the White Guard
    pri bélem dnevu in broad daylight
    Bela Hiša the White House
    béla knjiga politika white paper, White Book
    béla kovina white metal, white alloy
    bél kruh white (ali wheaten) bread
    bélo krvno telesce white corpuscle
    béla (mlečna) kava white coffee
    béla lisa (na konjskem čelu) blaze
    béli medved polar bear
    bélo meso white meat
    béla obleka whites, white clothing
    béla nedelja Low Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter
    béla pločevina tinplate
    béli premog (figurativno) "white coal", hydroelectric power
    béli teden (prodajni) white sale
    bél kot sneg snow-white
    trgovina z bélimi dekleti white slave traffic
    bélo vino white wine
    béla vrana (figurativno) a rare thing, rarity, quite an exceptional person
    dati črno na bélem to put down in black and white
    imam to črno na bélem I have it in black and white
    napraviti bélo to make white
    bélo pobarvati to dye white
    pokazati kaj črno na bélem to show something in black and white
  • bilánca balance (of accounts); ZDA financial statement, statement of conditions; (papir) balancesheet

    aktivna (pasivna) trgovinska bilánca favourable (unfavourable) balance of trade, a credit (an adverse) balance
    letna, zaključna bilánca annual, final balance
    plačilna bilánca balance of payments
    surova bilánca rough (ali trial) balance
    napraviti bilánco to work out (ali to produce) a balance sheet
    znatno prizadeti plačilno bilánco to affect the balance of payments considerably
    analiza bilánce ZDA statement analysis
  • blamírati (koga) to compromise (someone); to expose someone to ridicule; to ridicule someone; to bring discredit upon someone; to disgrace someone; to make someone look a fool

    blamírati se to disgrace oneself, to make oneself ridiculous; to make a fool of oneself; (ne uspeti) to fail, to meet with failure; to make an ass of someone; to be confounded; to look foolish; to expose oneself to blame
    zelo se blamírati to make a prize fool (ali idiot) of oneself
    strašno sem se blamiral I made an awful fool of myself
    blamiran sem I feel foolish
    ne blamiraj me! pogovorno stop taking the mickey
  • bodóčnost the future; futurity; time to come

    v bližnji bodóčnosti in the near future
    v dogledni bodóčnosti in the foreseeable future
    mož bodóčnosti an up-and-coming man, a man with a future
    imeti veliko bodóčnost to have a great future
    napovedati, prerokovati bodóčnost to predict, to foretell, to prophesy the future
    sanje bodóčnosti (figurativno) dreams pl of the future, castles pl in the air
    načrti za bodóčnost plans pl for the future
    bodóčnost bo pokazala it remains to be seen
    videti v bodóčnost to look into the future
    kaj nam bo prinesla bodóčnost? what does the future hold in store for us?
  • bogát rich (z in, with); wealthy; well off; affluent, opulent; (obilen) abundant, copious

    zelo, neizmerno bogát enormously rich; as rich as Croesus
    bogáta izbira a wide selection
    bogáta pojedina a rich feast
    bogáta rima rich rhyme
    bogáta zemlja rich (ali fertile) soil
    bogáta žetev a rich harvest, heavy crop, bumper crop
    z zlatom bogáta ruda an ore rich in gold
    bogát z živino rich in cattle
    bogáto ilustriran profusely illustrated
    biti zelo bogát to be rolling in money, to be made of money
    biti bogát z to be rich in
    postati bogát to become rich
  • bojeváti se to fight, to struggle (z with, proti against); to combat, to battle; to contest; to contend (z with)

    bojeváti se za koga to fight for someone
    bojeváti se za kak ideal to fight for an ideal
    bojeváti se za svoje življenje to fight for one's life
    bojeváti se do konca, do odločitve to fight to a finish, to fight it out
    bojeváti se do kraja to fight to the bitter end
    bojeváti se na življenje in smrt to fight for dear life
    bojeváti se za vsako ped zemlje to contest every inch of ground
    bojeváti se na strani koga to fight on the side of someone
  • bolečína ache, pain, smart, ailment; (trganje) twinge, pang; (zbodljaj) stitch (v boku in the side); figurativno grief, distress

    duševna bolečína grief, pang(s pl)
    huda bolečína anguish
    nema bolečína silent grief
    skrajna bolečína extreme suffering, agony
    porodne bolečíne throes pl
    začetne (porodne) bolečíne (figurativno) teething troubles
    odškodnina za bolečíne compensation for pain or distress
    imeti bolečíne to be in pain
    imate bolečíne? (Vas boli?) do you feel any pain, does it hurt?
    imam bolečíne I've got a pain
    imam velike bolečíne I am in great pain, I have an awful pain
    zvijati se od bolečínin to wince
    trpeti, prenašati velike bolečíne to suffer great pain
    deljena bolečína je pol bolečína arhaično company in distress makes trouble less
  • bolézen illness, sickness; ill-health; (določena) disease; (organska) malady; (bolečine) ailment; (obolenje) affection; indisposition; (kronična) infirmity

    zaradi bolézni owing to illness
    angleška bolézen rachitis, rickets pl
    epidemična bolézen epidemic
    dolga bolézen prolonged (ali lingering) illness
    bolézen na jetrih liver complaint
    morska bolézen sea-sickness
    nalezljiva bolézen infectious ali catching ali (pri dotiku) contagious disease
    neznatna bolézen complaint, indisposition, trouble, disorder, distemper
    otroške bolézni (figurativno) teething troubles
    otroška bolézen disease of children
    poklicna bolézen occupational (industrial, trade) disease
    težka (lahka) bolézen a severe (a light) illness
    zahrbtna, nevarna bolézen malignant disease
    spalna bolézen sleeping sickness
    spolna bolézen venereal (disease) (krajšava: VD)
    zračna bolézen airsickness
    dopust zaradi bolézni sick leave
    izbruh (pojav, prenos, potek, žarišče) bolézni outbreak (manifestation, transmission, course, seat) of disease
    kal bolézni (disease) germ
    napad bolézni attack (ali bout) of illness
    nosilec bolézni carrier
    poročilo o bolézni bulletin, doctor's report
    preprečevanje bolézni prophylaxis, preventive health care
    simuliranje bolézni malingering
    znak, simptom bolézni sign, symptom
    bolézen gre na bolje (slabše) the illness has taken a turn for the better (worse)
    nakopati si bolézen to catch a disease, to contract a disease; to fall ill, to be taken ill
    ta bolézen ga je pobrala he was carried off by this illness
    preboleti (svojo) bolézen to get over one's illness
    prestati bolézen to go through an illness
    hliniti, simulirati bolézen to malinger, to pretend to be ill, zastarelo to affect an illness
    umreti za boléznijo to die of an illness
  • brég (rečni) bank, (morski) shore, (morski, peščeni) strand, beach; (strmina) slope, hill; (nagib) incline

    na breg, na bregu ashore
    reka je prestopila brégove the river has overflowed ali has burst its banks
    imeti nekaj za brégom (figurativno) to have an ulterior motive; to have something at the back of one's mind; to have some design, to harbour a design
    ne vem, kaj imaš za brégom I don't know what you're after ali what you're driving at
    kaj ima (on) za brégom? what is he up to?
  • brezvésten unscrupulous; unconscionable

    brezvésten lopov an unconscionable rascal
  • bŕk

    v bŕk (naravnost) (straight) from the shoulder
    v bŕk reči, povedati to tell someone to his (ali her) face, to tell someone openly (ali without reserve)
    v bŕk sem mu povedal I told him point-blank
    laže mi v bŕk he lies in my face (ali without batting an eyelid)
    smejati se komu v bŕk to laugh in someone's face
  • ceremoniózen ceremonious

    ne biti ceremoniózen do to treat someone in an informal (ali slabšalno off-hand) manner
    ne bodite tako ceremoniózni don't stand on ceremony!
  • césar emperor

    volitev césarja election of an emperor
    dati césarju, kar je cesarjevo to render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's