
Zadetki iskanja

  • šampánjec champagne; pogovorno fizz, bubbly

    naravni šampánjec still ch.
    peneči se šampánjec sparkling champagne
  • šelè only; not earlier than; as late as; not until, not till; only then, not before

    šelè ko... only when..., no sooner than...
    šelè danes only today
    šelè davi only this morning
    šelè včeraj not till yesterday, no earlier than yesterday, only yesterday
    šelè jutri not till tomorrow
    šelè leta 1951 as late as 1951
    šelè pred enim letom no more than a year ago
    šelè teden dni pozneje not until a week later
    prišel je šelè pred dvema dnevoma he arrived only (ali pogovorno only arrived) two days ago
    vrnil se je šelè, ko... he didn't return before...
    to je treba šelè dokazati that remains to be proved
    pridem domov šelè ob 11-ih I'll not be home till 11
    šelè ko so bili vsi odšli, sem odkril... it was not until (after) everyone had gone that I discovered...
    videl sem jo šelè včeraj I only saw her yesterday, I didn't see her before yesterday
    šelè predvčerajšnjim sem dobil tvoje pismo I didn't receive your letter until the day before yesterday
    poročila se je šelè pred kratkim she got married quite recently, she's only been married a short time
    kaj šelè... (= da ne rečem nič o...) to say nothing of..., let alone..., never mind...
    ni mogla narediti koraka, kaj šelè zbežati she could not move a step, never mind run away
  • šémast foolish, silly

    šémasto se obnašati to behave foolishly
  • šibíti to weaken

    šibíti se to bend
    šibíti se pod bremenom to weaken (ali to be weakening) under the load
  • šík (eleganten) smart, stylish, fashionable; žargon swell; (eleganca) style, fashionableness

    šík se oblačiti to dress fashionably
    ona nima šíka she has no style
  • šíriti to spread; (ideje) to propagate; (novice) to divulge; to circulate, to diffuse; to disseminate; to put into circulation; (razširiti) to extend, to broaden, to widen

    šíriti govorico to circulate (ali to spread, to divulge) a rumour
    njegovo ime širi strah his name spreads fear
    šíriti se to spread, to gain ground, to propagate, to be propagated
    novica se širi po mestu the news is spreading through the town
    govorica se je širila od ust do ust the rumour spread from mouth to mouth
    širi se glas, govorica, da... there is a widespread rumour, rumour is rife, (the) rumour has it that...
    njegova slava se širi daleč naokrog his fame spreads far and wide
  • škandál scandal

    povzročitelj škandála scandalizer
    škandál je, da... it is a scandal that...
    dogodil se je velik škandál a great scandal occurred
    napraviti, povzročiti škandál to raise (ali to give rise to), to cause a scandal
    škandalčki scandalous stories pl
    ali ni škandál, da... is it not a scandal (ali pogovorno isn't it scandalous) that...
  • škandalizírati to scandalize; to shock

    škandalizírati se to be scandalized (nad čim at something), to be shocked, to take offence (at something)
    moram se škandalizírati nad teboj! I am shocked at you!
  • škóda damage; harm, detriment, prejudice; injury; arhaično scathe; (izguba) loss

    v mojo škódo to my detriment
    v škódo, na škódo koga to the prejudice of someone; to the detriment of someone
    na škódo zdravja to the detriment of (one's) health
    kakšna škóda! what a pity!
    tisočkrat škóda it is a thousand pities!
    velika (majhna) škóda heavy (light) damage
    delna škóda partial damage
    popolna škóda total damage
    zanemarljiva škóda negligible damage
    več škóde kot koristi more harm than good
    ocenitev škóde assessment of damage
    vojna škóda war damage
    zavarovanje proti škódi insurance against damages
    povračilo škóde indemnification, indemnity
    škóda (je) zanj (= da smo ga izgubili) it is a pity that we have lost him, he is greatly missed
    škóda je it is a pity
    zelo škóda je it is a thousand pities
    prav škóda je, da... it is much to be regretted that...
    kako škóda, da tega niste rekli prej! what a pity you did not say so beforehand!
    škóda je je za to she is too good for that
    škóda, da niste mogli priti too bad (that) you couldn't come
    nobene škóde ni bilo there is no harm done
    biti obsojen na povrnitev škóde to have damages awarded against one
    ta škóda se mora popraviti this damage must be repaired
    popraviti škódo to make good a loss, to repair a loss
    povzročiti škódo to cause a loss
    jamčiti za škódo to guarantee against loss
    kriti škódo to cover a loss
    ugotoviti škódo to ascertain the damage
    prizadeti komu škódo to inflict damage on someone
    oceniti škódo to estimate the damage
    prodajati v svojo škódo to sell under prime cost, to sell at a loss
    utrpeti škódo, biti na škódi to suffer damage (ali injury, loss), to lose, to be a loser, to come off a loser
    zaradi malenkostne koristi utrpeti škódo to cut off one's nose to spite one's face
    oceniti (poprečno) škódo pri prometni nesreči to adjust an average
    škóda človeka izmodri you learn from your mistakes
  • šóla school; educational establishment; (stavba) schoolhouse, school; (poučevanje) schooling, teaching; (tečaj) course

    v šóli at school
    v šólo to school
    osnovna šóla elementary (ali primary) school
    srednja šóla secondary school, (zasebna) public school, (z internatom) boarding school
    klasična srednja šóla grammar school
    srednja šóla klasične smeri classical side (of a secondary school)
    srednja šóla realne smeri modern side (of a secondary school)
    deška (dekliška) šóla boys' (girls') school
    mešana šóla mixed school; coeducational school
    višja srednja šóla (5.-8. razred) ZDA high school
    glasbena šóla music school
    gospodinjska šóla school of domestic science
    jahalna šóla riding school, manege, manège
    konfesionalna šóla denominational school
    kmetijska šóla school of agriculture
    nadaljevalna šóla continuation school, extension college
    strokovna šóla vocational (ali professional) school
    šoferska šóla driving school, school of motoring
    tehniška šóla technical school
    trgovska šóla commercial school
    učiteljska šóla teachers' training college, ZDA normal college
    vojaška šóla military school, military academy
    večerna šóla evening (ali night) school, evening classes pl
    mala šóla nursery school, kindergarten, preschool
    dan brez šóle (pouka) day off (school), school holiday
    dorasel za šólo of school age
    danes ni šóle (pouka) there is no school today, there are no lessons today
    šóle (pouka) je konec school is over
    naša šóla se bo končala 30. junija in zopet začela 15. septembra our school breaks up (ali closes) on June 30th and will reopen (ali reassemble) on September 15th
    ti ne boš za šólo school is not for you
    hoditi v šólo to go to school, to be at school
    iti skozi trdo šólo (figurativno) to go through the mill
    končati, zapustiti šólo to leave school
    izključiti iz šóle to expel from school
    obiskovati šólo to attend (a) school
    zamuditi šólo (pouk) to be late for school
    neupravičeno izosta(ja)ti iz šóle (»špricati«) to play truant, to cut school, ZDA žargon to play hooky
    biti med najboljšimi v šóli to be near the top in school
    vsaka šóla nekaj stane (figurativno) we learn by experience
  • šólati to school, to teach; to send to school; to tutor; to train

    šólati se to school oneself, to attend school; to receive one's education
  • špekulácija ekonomija speculation, pogovorno spec

    nesrečna špekulácija unlucky speculation
    spuščati se v špekulácije to engage in (ali to embark on) speculations, to take part in speculations
    borzna špekulácija na padec (dvig) cen bear operation (bull operation)
  • špijonáža espionage; spying; secret service

    ukvarjati se s špijonážo to work as a secret agent
  • štipéndija scholarship; foundation; VB exhibition; bursary

    štipéndija za znanstveno delo research grant, fellowship, scholarship
    za 2 leti podeljena štipéndija a scholarship tenable for two years
    imeti štipéndijo to hold a scholarship
    potegovati se za štipéndijo to enter (ali to put in, to try) for a scholarship
  • štíri four

    po štíri in štíri four by four
    po vseh štírih on hands and knees
    med štírimi očmi in private, confidentially, (med nama) between ourselves, between you and me, this is for your private ear
    ura še ni štíri it isn't four (o'clock) yet
    biti štíri leta star to be four (years old)
    jesti za štíri to eat like a wolf
    piti za štíri to drink like a fish
    delati za štíri to work like a nigger
    lesti po vseh štíriih to creep (ali to go) on all fours
    upirati se z vsemi štírimi to oppose with might and main
  • tá, tó pl

    tí, té, tá this, pl these; that, pl those
    tale this one, this here
    vse to all this
    to in ono this and that
    g. Ta-in-Ta Mr. So-and-so
    medtem, med tem časom in the meantime
    pred tem before this
    po tem after this
    v tem primeru in that case
    to jutro (davi) this morning
    to pot (tokrat) edino this once
    v tej (naši) deželi in this land (of ours)
    kljub vsemu temu for all that
    te dni enkrat one of these days
    zlasti to, predvsem to this above all
    to se pravi that is to say
    ta tvoja knjiga this book of yours
    vaše pismo od 13. t.m. your letter of 13th inst. (= instant)
    ni mi za to I am not keen on this (ali that, it)
    mnogo mi je na tem, da... I am particularly keen that...
    tega ne vem I don't know that
    to je moj brat this is my brother
    to so moji otroci these are my children
    govoriti o tem in onem, o vsem mogočem to talk about this, that and the other
    od tega je minulo že 10 let 10 years have passed since that time
    vzemi to knjigo, ne one! take this book, not that one!
  • ták tákšen such (a); of such kind (ali sort, shape, manner, size, habits, characteritd.); suchlike; such as this; that sort of

    ták, tákšen, kakršen such as
    ták, tákšen in ták, tákšen such and such
    v ták, tákšenih primerih in such cases, in cases like these
    kot ták, tákšen as such
    nekaj ták, tákšenega something like this
    nič ták, tákšenega nothing of the sort, no such thing, nothing like it
    na ták, tákšen način in such a way
    kaj ták, tákšenega še nisem videl I have not seen the like before
    nimam časa za ták, tákšene, kot si ti I have no time for the likes of you
    ták, tákšene stvari se dogajajo such things do happen
    rekel je, da se je bil izgubil ali nekaj ták, tákšenega he said he had lost his way, or some such thing
    dejstva je treba videti taka, kot so one must (be prepared to) face the facts
    povej to le ták, tákšenim ljudem, ki jim lahko zaupaš tell it only to such people as you can trust
    prizor je bil ták, tákšen, da bi kogarkoli prestrašil the sight was such as to frighten any one
    kakršen oče, takšen sin like father, like son
    kakršen gospodar, takšen sluga like master, like man
  • takó prislov so, like this, like that, thus, in this way, in such a manner

    takó takó so-so, so so, fairly well, tolerably
    takó ali takó in one way or other, this way or that (way)
    prav takó likewise
    točno takó! just so!, quite so!
    zakaj takó? why so?
    kaj takega! of all things!
    ah, takó! oh, I see!, so that's it!
    ne takó kot not so... as
    takó da... so that...
    takó velik kot... as big as...
    takó malo? as little as that?
    takó imenovan so-called
    takó rekoč so to speak, so to say, as it were
    kakor ti meni, takó jaz tebi pogovorno if you play ball with me, I'll play ball with you
    in takó dalje and so on, etc (= et cetera, etcetera), and so forth
    nikoli poprej takó koristen kot sedaj never before as (ali so) useful as now
    takó bogat človek such a rich man, a man so rich
    takó je! (popolnoma točno!) exactly!, quite so!, just so!
    je to takó? (je to res?) is that so?
    takó mi bog pomagaj! so help me God!
    če je to takó if that be the case
    takó je na svetu so goes it
    bodite takó dobri in odprite okno! be so kind as to open the window!
    takó mi delamo that is our way of doing things
    stori takó kot jaz! do as I do!
    takó ne bo šlo! that won't do!
    takó se je končalo moje potovanje thus ended my journey
    nisem takó mislil I didn't mean that, that's not what I meant
    zadeva je takó rekoč urejena the matter is as good as settled
    dolgočasil nas je takó, da ga nismo nikoli več povabili he annoyed us so much (that) we never asked him again
    kakor si boš postlal, takó boš spal as you make your bed, so you must lie!
  • takóle like this

    pismo se glasi takóle the letter reads as follows
  • táksi taxi; taxicab, cab; ZDA pogovorno hack

    táksi letalo taxiplane
    poklicati táksi to hail a taxi
    peljati se s táksijem to take a taxi, to ride in a taxicab
    postajališče táksijev taxi rank, cab-rank, cabstand