
Zadetki iskanja

  • zdrávstvo health service, health care; medical service; sanitation; sanitary measures pl; hygiene

    nauk o zdrávstvu hygiene, hygienics pl (s konstr. v sg)
  • zdrážba quarrel, dissension, warfare; strife; variance

    biti v zdrážbi z to be in bitter conflict with
    živeti v zdrážbi z to be constantly feuding (ali warring) with someone, to be at daggers drawn with someone
  • zdrúžen associated; joint; united

    zdrúženno delo associated labour
    zdrúženna kontrola joint control
    zdrúženno podjetje joint enterprise
    zdrúženni delavci associated workers pl
    zdrúženni proizvajalci associated producers pl
    zdrúženno upravljanje joint management
    zdrúženni v delu associated in labour
    zdrúženne zavezniške sile the united forces pl of the allies
    Združeni narodi United Nations pl
    Združene države Amerike (ZDA) the United States of America (the U.S.A., USA)
    Združeni tisk ZDA United Press
    osnovna organizacija zdrúžennega dela basic organization of associated labour
  • zélnik cabbage patch, cabbage plot, cabbage field

    hoditi komu v zélnik (v škodo) (figurativno) to trespass on someone's preserves, to encroach on someone's domain
    to ni zraslo na njegovem zélniku (figurativno) it is not flour from his mill
  • zêmlja (planet) earth, Earth, (terrestrial) globe; (svet) world; (dežela) land, (tla) soil, ground

    na zêmlji on earth
    nad zêmljo above ground, overground
    pod zêmljo underground
    vse stvari na zêmlji all things on earth
    izčrpana zêmlja poor soil, impoverished (ali exhausted) soil
    mastna zêmlja fat earth
    rodovitna zêmlja rich soil, fertile soil
    slaba zêmlja poor soil
    kopna zêmlja land, (celina, kopno) mainland
    žgana zêmlja terra cotta
    Sveta zêmlja religija the Holy Land
    Ognjena zêmlja Tierra del Fuego
    zêmlja! (na vidiku!) land ho!
    sadovi zêmlje the fruits of the earth
    naša zêmlja je lepa our country is beautiful
    ležati na zêmlji to lie on the ground
    obdelovati zêmljo to cultivate, to till the soil
    pasti na zêmljo to fall to the ground
    pogrezniti se v zêmljo to sink into the ground
    spati na goli zêmlji (na tleh) to sleep on the bare ground
    Zemlja se vrti okoli Sonca the earth revolves around the sun
    zravnati z zêmljo to level (ali to lay level) with the ground, to raze (ali to rase) with the ground
    zvezati z zêmljo VB to earth (ZDA to ground)
  • zglèd example

    dober (slab) good (poor) example
    svetel zglèd shining example
    svarilen zglèd warning example
    zastrašujoč zglèd deterrent example
    po zglèdu mojega učitelja following my teacher's example
    to naj ti bo v (svarilen) zglèd! let this be a lesson to you!
    dajati koga za zglèd to quote (ali to cite) someone as an example
    dajati komu za zglèd to hold up as an example for (ali to) someone
    dati dober zglèd to give (ali to set) a good example (komu to someone)
    kaznovati koga (drugim) za zglèd to make an example of someone
    vzemi si brata za zglèd follow your brother's example!
    vzeti si zglèd po... to follow the example of..., to take... as one's model
  • zgníti to rot; to putrefy; to corrupt

    zgníti v ječi (figurativno) to rot in gaol
  • zgodovína history; historical science

    literarna zgodovína literary history, history of literature
    svetovna zgodovína world history
    zgodovína umetnosti history of art
    zgodovína starega (srednjega, novega) veka ancient (mediaeval oziroma medieval, modern) history
    priti v zgodovíno to become (ali to make) history
    sodobna zgodovína contemporary history
    vse je to že zgodovína (figurativno) that is all history now
    zapisati v zgodovíno to historicize
  • zgoréti to burn down (ali away, up), to be burnt down; to be destroyed (ali consumed) by fire

    zgoréti v pepel to burn to ashes
    zgoréti do tal to burn to the ground
    njihova hiša je zgorela their house has burnt down (ali has been burnt down)
  • zgórnji upper, above

    zgórnji del upper part
    zgórnje nadstropje the upper storey
    stanujejo v zgórnjem nadstropju they live on the floor above
    Zgornji (Lordski) dom upper house, VB the House of Lords
    zgórnji Ren the upper Rhine
    zgórnji tek Temze the headwaters (ali the upper reaches) of the Thames
    zgórnja ustnica upper lip
    zgornjih deset tisoč (figurativno) the upper ten (thousand)
  • zíbati to swing, to rock; (zibelko) to cradle

    zíbati se to rock, to swing
    zíbati zibelko to rock the cradle
    zíbati na kolenih to dandle
    zíbati v naročju to cradle in one's arms
    zíbati se na (gugalnem) stolu to rock in a (rocking) chair
    zíbati se sem in tja to swing to and fro
    drevesa so se zibala v vetru the trees were swaying in the wind
    zíbati se v upanju, da... to comfort oneself with (ali to find comfort in) the hope that...
  • zíd wall

    zíd hiše outer wall
    podporni zíd retaining wall
    slep zíd (brez oken) blind wall
    ločilni, vmesni zíd partition wall
    zvočni zíd sound (ali sonic) barrier
    pok pri prebitju zvočnega zídu sonic boom
    zíd žalovanja (Židov v Jeruzalemu) Wailing Wall
    ločiti z zídom od... to wall off from...
    ograditi vrt z zídom to wall in a garden
    porušiti zíd to raze a wall to (ali to level a wall with) the ground
    slikati vraga na zíd (figurativno) to paint the devil on the wall
    biti pritisnjen ob zíd (figurativno) to have one's back to the wall
    z glavo riniti, siliti skozi zíd (figurativno) to run one's head against a brick wall, to kick against the pricks
    hoteti z glavo zkozi zíd (figurativno) to be rash (ali reckless), to attempt impossibilities
    udarjati z glavo v zíd to butt (ali to batter) one's head against a brick wall
    postaviti ob zíd to place against the wall
    postaviti koga ob zíd in ga ustreliti to stand someone against a wall and shoot him
    pritisniti koga ob zíd (figurativno) to drive someone into a corner
    človek bi se z glavo zaletel v zíd it's enough to make you knock your brains out
  • zíma winter, wintertime

    blaga, mila zíma mild winter
    huda, ostra zíma hard (ali severe) winter
    sredi zíme, v najhujši zími in the depth of winter
    zíma brez snega green winter
    starka Zima Old Man Winter
    zíma je pred vrati winter is upon us
    krmiti živino čez zímo s senom to winter one's stock on hay
    prespati zímo to hibernate
    preživeti zímo to winter
    pripraviti za porabo v zími ZDA to winterize
  • zlató gold

    lov za zlatom gold rush
    kopač (kopanje) zlata gold-digger (gold digging)
    rudnik zlata gold mine
    zlató v palicah bar gold, bullion, ingot gold
    kepica, zrno zlata gold nugget
    zlata žila medicina piles pl
    žila zlata vein of gold
    izpiralec (izpiranje) zlata gold-washer (gold-washing)
    odtok zlata outflow (ali drain) of gold
    zaloga zlata nahajališče zlata goldfield
    plačila se morajo izvršiti v zlatu (the) payments are to be made in gold
    on se valja v zlatu (figurativno) he is rolling in gold
    biti plačan v zlatu to be paid in gold
    biti zlata vreden (figurativno) to be worth one's weight in gold
    to se ne da plačati z zlatom (figurativno) this is beyond price
    govoriti je srebro, molčati pa zlató speech is silver (arhaično silvern), silence is golden
    ni vse zlató, kar se sveti all that glitters is not gold, appearances are deceptive
  • zlésti to creep

    zlésti dol to get down, to creep down, to climb down
    zlésti kvišku to climb
    zlésti na drevo to climb (ali to go up) a tree
    zlésti noter to creep in; (v šoli, zdelati) to get (ali scrape) through
    zlésti pri izpitu to scrape through an examination
  • zletéti to fly up; to take off; to rise in the air

    zletéti v zrak (eksplodirati) to be blown up, to explode
  • zlíti

    zlíti v to pour into; (kovino) to alloy
    zlito jeklo alloy steel
  • zlòg syllable

    po, v zlògih in syllables
    poudarjen (nepoudarjen) zlòg stressed ali accented (atonic ali unstressed) syllable
    izgovarjati (besedo) zlòg za zlògom to syllable (a word)
    merjenje zlògov prosody
  • zmága victory (nad over), conquest; triumph

    zmága na morju, pomorska zmág naval victory
    moralna zmága moral victory
    Pirova zmága Pyrrhic victory
    sijajna zmága swingeing victory
    lahka zmága (pogovorno) walkover, walkaway
    odločilna zmága šport clean sweep, whitewash
    boginja Zmage Victory
    nagrada za zmágo reward for victory
    dan zmáge victory day; (8. V. 1945) VE Day
    zaupajoč v zmágo, prepričan o zmági confident of victory
    pijan zmáge intoxicated (ali elated, flushed) with victory
    znak zmáge trophy, (v 2. svetovni vojni) V-sign
    doseči zmágo to gain (ali to win) a victory (nad over), to win (ali to carry) the day, (pogovorno) to bring home the bacon
    doseči odločilno zmágo to win a decisive victory
    voditi čete k zmági to lead one's troops to victory
    zmága nad samim seboj to win a victory over oneself
    Dan Zmage zaveznikov nad Japonsko v 2. svetovni vojni VJ-day
  • zmašíti (zbasati) to stuff (v into); to cram; (na hitro narediti) to botch, to cobble up, to tinker

    zmašíti ljudi v avtobus to cram people into a bus