
Zadetki iskanja

  • stéhtati to weigh (na tehtnici on a scale)

    stéhtati (se) (džokej, pred dirko) to weigh out, (po dirki) to weigh in
  • stêpsti

    stêpsti s sebe to shake off
    stêpsti si prah s čevljev to shake the dust from one's feet
    stêpsti se to come to blows, to fight
  • stíska distress; need; pinch, scrape; straits pl; emergency; figurativno hot water

    v stíski za denar pogovorno strapped for cash, short of the ready, broke, stony-broke
    denarna stíska straitened circumstances pl
    v hudi stíski with one's back to the wall
    v stíski in an emergency, in a scrape
    biti v stíski to be in need, to be in a tough spot
    ona je v hudi stíski she is in great distress
    je v hudi stíski za denar he is hard pressed for money
    v stíski smo s časom we are pressed for time
    izvleči se iz stíske to get out of a scrape
    spraviti koga v stísko to put someone in a tight spot
    v hudi stíski so (pogovorno) they are hard up (ali in a tight spot); they are in hot water
    čutiti stísko to feel the pinch
    priti v stísko to get into a scrape
    pomagati prijatelju iz stíske (figurativno) to help a lame dog over a stile
    v stíski spoznaš prijatelja a friend in need is a friend indeed
  • stískati to press, to press hard, to compress; to squeeze

    stískati grozdje to press grapes
    stískati citrono to squeeze a citron
    stískati koga k sebi to fold someone in one's arms
    stískati z denarjem to be niggardly (ali stingy), to pinch
    stískati si roke to shake hands
    stískati se (drenjati se) to crowd, to press
  • stíšati to quiet, to calm; figurativno (ublažiti) to soft-pedal

    stíšati se to become quiet (ali calm)
  • stláčiti to compress; to press; to squeeze (v into), to cram (v into); to crowd together

    stláčiti se v avtobus to squeeze on to a bus
  • stòlp tower; (cerkveni) steeple, church tower

    babilonski stòlp biblija tower of Babel
    stražni stòlp watch tower
    razgledni stòlp outlook tower
    Eiffelov stòlp the Eiffel Tower
    poševni stòlp v Pisi the leaning Tower of Pisa; (pri šahu) rook, castle
    konica stòlpa spire, (top of) steeple
    kronan s stòlpom surmounted with a steeple, pesniško steepled, steeplecrowned
    opremljen s stòlpom (zgradba) steepled
    iti na stòlp to go up the tower
    kot stòlp se dvigati nad čem to tower over something
    vrtalni stòlp (na nafto) derrick
  • stopíti1 (razstopiti) to melt, to merge, to dissolve; to liquefy

    stopíti se to melt, to dissolve, to liquefy
    stopíti (fuzionirati) se v to merge in
    stopíti se v ustih to melt in one's mouth
  • stopnjeváti to graduate; to enhance

    stopnjeváti (se) to intensify, to increase; gramatika to compare
  • storíti to do; to make; to commit; to perform, to execute; zoologija (povreči) to give birth to young, (o kravi) to calve

    kaj storíti? what's to be done?
    kaj naj storim? what am I to do?
    storíti dobro (slabo) delo to do a good (a bad) deed
    storíti svojo dolžnost to do one's duty
    storíti uslugo komu to do a favour (ali a service) for someone
    storíti slabo (dobro) uslugo komu to do someone a bad (a good) turn
    storíti slabo uslugo komu to do someone a disservice, arhaično to disserve someone
    storíti komu krivico to do someone a wrong, to be unfair (ali not to be fair) to someone
    rad storíti to do willingly, to do with a good grace
    nerad, prisiljeno storíti to do with a bad grace
    storíti kaj iz lastne volje to do something of one's own free will
    storíti, kot da... to make a show of..., to pretend...
    storíti napako to make a mistake, to commit (ali to make) a blunder
    tega ne storim rad I hate doing this
    storite, kar hočete! do as you like (ali as you please)!
    bomo videli, kaj se da storíti we shall see what can be done
    to ti bo dobro storilo that will do you good
    storil bom vse, kar bo le mogoče I'll do my best (ali my utmost)
    vino mi ne stori dobro wine does not agree with me
    ti bi (naj)bolje storil, če bi ostal doma you'd better (oziroma best) stay at home
    on si ne stori nič iz tega (figurativno) he doesn't give a damn (ali a tinker's cuss) about it, he takes it easy
    ne stori si nič iz tega! take it easy!
    rečeno, storjeno no sooner said than done
    to je laže rečeno kot storjeno that's easier said than done
    kar je storjeno, je storjeno what's done can't be undone
    mnogo je bilo storjenega much has been done
  • stráh fear; (velik) fright, dread, horror, dismay; awe; žargon funk; terror (pred of); (bojazen) apprehension

    brez stráhu fearlessly
    stráh pred smrtjo fear of death
    stráh me je I am afraid (of)
    v stráhu je za svoje življenje he goes in fear of his life
    biti v stráhu to be in fear (of), to be afraid (of)
    biti stráh in trepet za... to be the terror of..., to be the bugbear of...
    navaditi s stráhom to overawe
    imeti stráh pred to be scared of, pogovorno to funk (doing something)
    biti trd od stráhú to be scared stiff, to be in a blue funk, to be frightened out of one's wits
    iz stráhú pred for fear of, out of dread of
    držati koga v stráhu to intimidate someone
    pognati komu stráh v kosti to fill someone with terror, to terrify someone, to horrify someone, to scare someone stiff
    biti v stráhu za kaj to be worried stiff about something
    on ne pozna stráhú he is a stranger to fear
    od stráhú so se mi naježili lasje my hair stood on end with fright
    spraviti koga v stráh to inspire (ali to fill, to strike) someone with awe
    pomiriti stráh to allay (someone's) fears
    on je stráh vseh poštenih ljudi he is the terror of all honest people
    stráh zbujajoč awe-inspiring
    v velikem stráhu in a blue funk
    stráh nas je we are frightened, we are in a funk, we have the jitters
    tresti se od stráhú to tremble with fright
  • strán1 side; (knjige ipd.) page; (bók) flank; (smer) direction

    na levi (desni) stráni on the left (right) side
    na obeh stráneh on either side
    na tej (oni) stráni on this (that) side
    na to (ono) strán to this (that) side, hither (thither), here (there)
    od vseh stráni from everywhere, from all sides, from all quarters
    od stráni (z boka) laterally
    z moje stráni for my part, as for me
    na eni stráni (figurativno) on the one hand
    na drugi stráni on the other hand
    na vse stráni in every direction
    z vseh stráni on all sides, from all parts
    s te (z one) stráni from this (that) side
    naslovna strán title page
    sprednja strán front, frontispiece
    notranja (zunanja) strán inner (outer) side (ali face), the inside (the outside)
    prava (neprava, narobe) strán right (wrong) side
    prava (neprava) strán kovanca obverse (reverse), pogovorno heads (tails)
    dobra (slaba) strán (figurativno) good (bad) point
    močna strán (figurativno) strong point, forte
    šibka strán (figurativno) weak point, foible, (senčna) drawback
    strán neba point of the compass, cardinal point
    svetla, sončna the bright, the sunny side (of something)
    senčna strán the dark side, (figurativno) drawback, the seamy side
    prva (oziroma zadnja) prazna strán flyleaf
    južna strán south (ali sunny) side
    prisojna strán sunny side
    vetrna strán weather side
    udarec od stráni side blow
    držati se ob stráni (figurativno) to remain neutral, not to take sides, (figurativno) to sit on the fence
    stati ob stráni (proč) to stand aloof from
    dajati na strán (varčevati) to put by (ali on one side), to save
    hodil je ob moji stráni he walked beside me
    šel je v to strán he went in that direction
    pet stráni manjka v knjigi there are five pages of the book missing
    gledati koga po stráni to look at someone askance
    napasti s stráni to attack on the flank
    stvar ima svoje dobre in svoje slabe stráni the thing has its good as well as its bad aspects
    pridobiti koga na svojo strán to win someone over, to bring someone to one's side
    pustiti ob stráni to lay aside
    preiti na drugo strán to change sides, (k drugi stranki) to go over to the other side
    premotriti vprašanje z vseh stráni to view a question from all sides
    preskočiti strán (pri branju) to skip a page
    prinesti kaj (v časopisu) na prvi stráni ZDA to front-page something
    postaviti se na strán koga (opredeliti se za koga) to take someone's side, to side with someone
    videti le lepo strán stvari to look on the sunny side of things
    na drugi stráni (lista)! (= obrni list!) (see) overleaf!
  • strán2 (proč) prislov away

    strán s teboj! (poberi se!) away with you!
    iti na strán (figurativno) to go to the toilet
    stopite malo na strán! step a little to one side
  • stránka politika party; faction; (odjemalec) client, customer

    delavska stránka VB Labour Party
    komunistična stránka Communist party
    poljska enotna delavska stránka polish United Workers' Party
    politične stránke political parties pl
    član stránke party member, party man
    včlaniti se v stránko to join (ali to become a member of) a party
    stránka pogodbenica contracting party, party to a contract
    liberalna stránka Liberal Party
    konservativna stránka Conservative party
    vodja stránke leader of a party
    tožeča stránka pravo plaintiff
    tožena stránka pravo defendant
    stalna (priložnostna) stránka trgovina regular (casual) customer
  • strást passion; vehement desire; violent impulse; (gorečnost) keenness; (spolna) sensuality, lust, libido

    brzdati svoje strásti to check (ali to temper) one's passions (ali appetites)
    vdajati se strástem to give way to one's passions
    kajenje (branje) je pri njem prava strást smoking (reading) is a passion with him
    izbruh strásti a burst of passion
    prevzet, obseden od strásti passion-ridden
    strást za igranje, igralska strást passion (ali craze, fondness) for games (ali gaming)
    njegova glavna strást his ruling passion
    ravnati, storiti v strásti to act impulsively
    soditi brez strásti to judge dispassionately
    on je suženj svojih strásti he is a slave to his passions
  • strašíti to frighten, to make afraid, to startle, to scare; to browbeat; to terrify, to appal, (z grožnjami) to bully; to intimidate, to cow

    strašíti se to take fright, to be scared; to be afraid (of), to be alarmed (ali cowed)
    v tej hiši straši this house is haunted
  • stréči to serve; to attend to, to wait on

    stréči bolniku to tend a sick person
    vam že kdo streže? (v trgovini) are you being attended to?, (pri mizi) is anyone serving you?
    stréči stroju to be in charge of (ali to mind) a machine
    stréči strastem to indulge one's passions, to be a slave to one's passions
    stréči topu vojska to serve a gun
    stréči pri mizi to serve at table, to wait at table
    stréči svojim osebnim interesom to look after one's private interests
    on ima rad, da se mu streže he likes to be waited on
    stréči po življenju komu to make an attempt on someone's life
    kakor se ji streže, tako kosa reže you get what you pay for
  • strésti to shake

    strésti se to shake, to tremble, to shudder, to shiver; to thrill; to vibrate
    strésti koga iz spanja to shake someone out of his sleep
    strésti koga za lase to pull someone by his hair
    strésti komu roko to shake someone by the hand
    strese me, če (samo) pomislim na to I shudder to think of it
    strese me, če ga pogledam it gives me the creeps to look at him
    hiša se je stresla od eksplozije the house shook with the explosion
    strésti se od groze to shudder with horror
    strésti se ob misli, kaj bi se bilo lahko zgodilo to tremble to think what might have happened
  • strézniti to sober (up), to make sober; figurativno to disillusion, to bring down to earth

    strézniti se to become sober, to sober up, to become disillusioned, to be disenchanted
    streznjen sobered
  • stŕgati to scrape; to grate; (raztrgati) to tear, to rend

    stŕgati na dvoje to tear in two
    stŕgati na kose to tear to pieces; to tear apart (ali in pieces, arhaično asunder)
    stŕgati si obleko na žeblju to tear one's dress on a nail
    stŕgati si srajco to tear one's shirt
    ta nit se ne bo strgala this thread will not break
    stŕgati dol objavo (z deske ipd.) to tear down a notice
    stŕgati komu krinko z obraza to unmask someone