
Zadetki iskanja

  • spečáti (prodati) to sell

    spečáti se to have sexual intercourse (z with)
  • speljáti (proč) to lead away, to draw off

    dati se speljáti (figurativno) to swallow the bait
    ne se dati speljáti (ne iti v past) not to let oneself be taken in (ali cheated), pogovorno to be up to someone's little game
    speljáti koga na led to take someone in, to lead someone up the garden path
  • spét again; anew; once more; repeatedly; a second time, another time; afresh

    spét in spét again and again
    spét pokriti to re-cover
    spét pojačiti to reinforce
    spét se pojaviti to reappear
  • splašíti to frighten, to startle; to alarm, to scare, to confuse; (ptice) to shoo (away); (divjačino, pri lovu, izslediti) to rouse, (race) to flush

    splašíti se to be frightened, to shy at (sth); to take fright; (konj) to bolt, to run away, to jib (at something)
  • spláv1 (na vodi) raft; moat

    most iz splávov floating bridge
    spláv lesá lumber raft
    spláv za reševanje life raft
    prevažati (se) na splávu to raft
  • splôšno as a rule, generally

    splôšno se govori it's common talk (med opazovalci among observers)
    splôšno rečeno generally speaking
    splôšno vzeto taken as a whole
  • spojíti to unite; to join; to connect; to combine; to couple; to amalgamate

    spojíti se to unite; to combine (z with); to amalgamate (with)
    glavno mesto spaja z morjem več železnic the capital is connected with the sea by several railways
  • spolníti to fulfil; to accomplish; to realize

    moje upanje se ni spolnilo my hopes have not been realized
    spolníti željo to gratify a desire
    vneto je spolnil svoje dolžnosti he was eager in the discharge of his duties ➞ izpolniti
  • spomínjati

    spomínjati na kaj to be reminiscent of something; to be redolent of something
    spomínjati koga na kaj to remind someone of something, to put something in someone's mind
    on me spominja na mojega brata he reminds me of my brother
    to nas spominja na dom this reminds us of home
    spomínjati se to recall to mind, to remember, to recollect (koga someone), arhaično to bethink oneself (da... that...)
    medlo, slabo se spomínjati to have a dim memory of
    če se prav spominjam if I remember right(ly), if my memory serves me right
    ne spominjam se, kaj smo videli I have no recollection of what we saw
    se ne spominjam, da bi bil o tem kaj slišal I do not recollect having heard anything about it, pogovorno I don't remember hearing anything about it
  • spómniti

    spómniti koga na kaj to remind someone of something, to put someone in mind of something
    naj vas spomnim na... let me remind you of...
    spomnite me, da oddam pismo na pošti! remind me to post the letter!
    spómniti se to remember, to recollect, to recall to mind, arhaično to bethink oneself (da that)
    se me ne spomnite? don't you remember me?
    spomni me na mojo obljubo! remind me of my promise!
    no, spomni se vendar! come on now, try to remember!
    kolikor se morem spómniti as far as I can remember (ali recollect)
    ne morem se spómniti vašega imena I can't recall your name
    zdaj se spomnim! now I remember!
    ne morem se spómniti, koga mislite I cannot remember the man you have in mind
    nisem se mogel spómniti (prave) besede I was stuck for a word
  • sposóben capable; apt; qualified; able; fit (za for)

    sposóben za delo fit for work; (nadarjen) gifted, clever; (pripraven za) proper, adapted for; (uspešen) competent, efficient
    sposóben človek a man of ability
    telesno sposóben able-bodied
    sposóben za plovbo (ladja) seaworthy
    ne čutim se sposóbnega za delo I don't feel up to work
    on ni sposóben za svojo službo (figurativno) he is a square peg in a round hole, he is a round peg in a square hole
  • spotákniti to trip (someone) up

    skušal me je spotákniti he tried to trip me up
    spotákniti se to stumble (ob against, čez over); to trip (ob, nad over); to make a false step; to catch one's foot; to falter
    spotákniti se ob kamen to trip over a stone
  • spovédati religija

    spovédati koga to hear someone's confession, to confess someone, arhaično to shrive someone
    spovédati se to confess, to confess one's sins, to go to confession; arhaično to shrive, to be shriven
    spovédati se svojih grehov to confess one's sins
  • spoznáti to recognize; to realize; to become aware; to get to know (London London), to come to know; to become (ali to be) alive (to something); to be aware (of); to perceive; (zavedati se) to become cognizant of

    spoznal sem, da sem se bil zmotil I was aware I had made a mistake
    spoznáti se s kom to make someone's acquaintance
    spoznal sem se z njim lani I made his acquaintance last year
    dobro se spoznáti v čem to be a good judge of something, (figurativno) to know the ropes, to know what's what
    ne se spoznáti iz česa to be at a loss to understand sth
    ne spoznam se v tem I don't know which is which
    ne spoznam se v tem kraju the place is unfamiliar to me
    ne spoznam se o njem I can make neither head nor tail of him
    moram ga spoznáti (se seznaniti z njim) I must get to know (ali acquainted with) with him
    spoznavam, da... I am becoming aware that...
  • správiti1 (shraniti) to store, to lay in; (žetev) to bring home, to get in

    správiti proč to remove, to get off
    spravi se proč! be off!, arhaično get you gone!
    to ga bo spravilo pod zemljo (figurativno) that will kill him, that will be the death of him, pogovorno that will see him off
    správiti koga v zadrego to embarrass someone
    správiti na dan to bring to light
  • správiti2 (pomiriti) to reconcile (koga s kom someone with someone), to conciliate

    správiti dva sovražnika to reconcile two enemies
    správiti se to make it up (s kom with someone); (sprijazniti se) to reconcile oneself (z to)
  • spreglédati (ne opaziti) to overlook; (odpustiti, oprostiti) to forgive, to condone, to pass over, to ignore, to take no notice (of); (prezreti) to overlook, (besedo) to omit, to overlook

    spreglédati komu napako to excuse someone's mistake
    spreglédati koga pogovorno to see through someone's (little) game, (žargon) to get someone's number
    spregledal sem njegovo hinavščino I saw through his hypocrisy
    spreglédati (spoznati) prevaro to sense deceit (ali a trick)
    spregledal je (figurativno, oči so se mu odprle) the scales fell from his eyes, he opened his eyes
  • sprehòd promenade; walk; (izletek) outing

    iti na sprehòd to go for a walk, to take a walk
    hočete se peljati z menoj na sprehòd? would you like me to take you for a drive?
    dnevni sprehòd daily walk, (pogovorno, za zdravje) constitutional
    moj najljubši sprehòd my favourite walk
    napraviti kratek sprehòd po parku to take a turn in the park
    vzeti, peljati koga na sprehòd to take someone for a walk
  • spremeníti to change; to alter; to modify; to convert; to vary

    to na stvari nič ne spremeni it doesn't make any difference to things, it does not alter the facts
    spremeníti barvo to change colour
    spremeníti svoje vedenje to change one's behaviour, (figurativno) one's approach
    prepisal sem to, ne da bi spremenil eno samo vrsto I copied it without altering a single line
    spremeníti se to change, to alter, to undergo a change
    spremeníti se na boljše (slabše) to change (ali to alter) for the better (for the worse)
    se ne da nič spremeníti (pomagati) it can't be helped
    s tem se položaj spremeni that changes the case
    časi so se zelo spremenili times have (ali are) greatly changed
    vreme se je nenadoma spremenilo a sudden change of weather has taken place
    spremeníti zakon to revise an act
  • spreobrníti to convert (k to)

    spreobrníti se to become converted (to)