smrčánje snore, snoring
zbuditi koga s svojim smrčánjem to wake someone up with one's snoring
zbuditi se od svojega smrčánja to wake oneself with one's snoring
od smrčánja ga je začela tlačiti môra he snored himself into a nightmare
Zadetki iskanja
- smŕt death; decease; (vladarja) demise; departure (from life)
smŕt na grmadi death at the stake, the stake
smŕt na morišču death on the scaffold
smŕt od utopitve death by drowning
smŕt od zadušitve death by asphyxiation (ali suffocation, smothering, strangling)
smŕt s strelom v glavo death from a bullet in the head
navidezna smŕt suspended animation
črna smŕt (kuga) Black Death
Smrt s svojo koso Death with his scythe
na smŕt bolan fatally ill, dangerously ill
do smŕti utrujen tired to death, tired out, dead beat; (od dela) done in, worn out, vulgarno buggered, knackered
konjska smŕt (= konjederec) flayer, VB knacker
smŕt na vešalih hanging
kamenjan do smŕti stoned to death
rojen po očetovi smŕti posthumous
junaška smŕt a hero's death
do svoje smŕti to one's dying day
obletnica smŕti anniversary of someone's death
letnica, leto smŕti year of someone's death
preziranje smŕti contempt for death
uradna proglasitev smŕti official declaration of death
boj za življenje ali smŕt life-and-death struggle
smŕt izdajalcu! death to the traitor!
smŕt fašizmu - svobodo narodu! Death to Fascism - Liberty to the People!
biti na pragu smŕti to be (lying) at death's door
to bo moja smŕt this will be the death of me
boriti se s smŕtjo to be at one's last gasp (ali breath), to breathe one's last, to be at death's door, to be on one's deathbed
gre za življenje ali smŕt (za biti ali ne biti) it is a matter (ali case) of life and death
iti v smŕt za... to give one's life for...
drveti v zanesljivo (gotovo) smŕt to rush headlong to certain death
na smŕt se dolgočasiti to be bored to death
do smŕti izkrvaveti to bleed to death
pogledati smŕti v oči to look death in the face
obsoditi na smŕt to sentence (ali to condemn) to death
imeti (storiti) lepo smŕt to die a happy death
umreti junaške smŕti to meet a hero's death
umreti naravne smŕti to die a natural death
umreti nasilne smŕti to die a violent death, (zlasti biti obešen) to die in one's shoes
povzročiti smŕt kake osebe to be the death of someone
uiti smŕti to escape death
umreti lahke smŕti to die an easy death
umreti bedne smŕti to die a dog's death
sam si zadati smŕt to make away with oneself, to take one's own life, to commit suicide
biti obsojen na smŕt (figurativno) to earn the wages of sin - snég snow
brez snéga snowless
kosmič snéga snowflake
snég iz jajc whipped eggs pl
snég iz stepene smetane whipped cream
večni snég everlasting (ali perpetual) snow
meja večnega snéga snow line
kot snég bel snow-white, white as snow
kot snég beli lasje snowy hair
slep od (bleščečega se) snega snowblind
krplje za snég snowshoes pl
zametèn od snéga snowbound
zatrpan s snégom snowed up, snowbound
pokrit s snégom covered with snow, snowclad, snowcapped
odrezan zaradi snéga snowbound
biti zasut s snégom to be snowed in (ali up), to be under snow
s snégom bogata zima a snowy winter
toliko mi je za to kot za lanski snég, to mi je lanski snég I couldn't care less (about it)
snég pada it snows (ozir. it is snowing)
snég me je zametel I was snowed in
vlak je obtičal v snégu the train was snowed under - snémanje taking down, reaching down; (s kljuke) unhooking; fotografija taking photographs (ali snapshots, pogovorno snaps), film shooting, filming
začne se snémanje filma shooting has begun, they have started to shoot (the film)
snémanje filma je v teku they are (now) shooting (the film)
snémanje s križa religija the Deposition (ali Descent) from the Cross - sôba room; arhaično chamber
sôba za eno osebo single room
sôba za dve osebi double room
družabna sôba (salon) drawing room
sôba za kajenje smoking room
sôba za oblačenje dressing room
otroška sôba nursery
spalna sôba bedroom
sôba za knjige library
sôba za goste guest room, spare room
dnevna sôba living roam, sitting room
študijska sôba study
sôba jedilnica dining room
šolska sôba (učilnica) schoolroom
učiteljska sôba staff room
sprejemna sôba drawing room, reception room, parlour
sôba spalnica (v zavodih itd.) dormitory
sosedna sôba adjoining room
podstrešna, mansardna sôba attic, garret
sôba za služinčad servants' room
sôba v zidu (brez okna) alcove
sôba v bolnišnici ward
majhna sôba little room, closet
prazna sôba vacant room
opremljena sôba furnished room, apartment
stanovanje z dvema sôbma a two-roomed flat
vrsta, niz sôb suite of rooms
sôba s pogledom na ulico (na dvorišče) front room (back room)
sôba gleda, ima pogled na vrt the room overlooks the garden
najeti sôbo to rent a room
oddati sôbo to let a room
odda se sôba room to let
oddajamo sôbe rooms to let
deliti sôbo s (kom) (pogovorno) to room with
pospraviti, urediti sôbo to do one's room
ostati v sôbi, ne iti iz sôbe to keep to one's room
bolniška sôba sick room - sócij sócius sedež (na motorju) pillion, pillion-seat
oseba na sócij, sóciusu pillion rider
peljati se na sócij, sóciusu to ride pillion - sódba sentence, judg(e)ment; (porotnikov) verdict; condemnation; (razsodba) arbitrament, arbitration; (mnenje) judgment, opinion, estimation, thinking
poslednja sódba religija Judgment Day, Doomsday, the Last Judgment
božja sódba judgment of God, zgodovina ordeal
napačna sódba error of judgment, wrong verdict
oprostilna sódba porotnikov verdict of not guilty
smrtna sódba death sentence, (listina) death warrant
po moji sódbi in my opinion (ali judgment)
sódba v korist tožnika verdict for the plaintiff
izvršitev sódbe execution of a sentence
pravnomočna sódba final judgment
izvršiti sódbo to carry out (ali to execute) a sentence
izreči sódbo to give (ali to pass, to deliver, to pronounce) sentence (nad on)
razveljaviti sódbo to quash a sentence
spodbijati sódbo to impugn a judgment
spremeniti sódbo to commute a sentence
sprejeti sódbo to submit to a sentence
napraviti, ustvariti si sódbo to form an opinion (ali judgment)
vzdržati se vsake sódbe o neki zadevi to abstain from giving any opinion on a matter - sodíšče court of justice (ali of law), law court, court of judicature, tribunal; (poslopje) court house
sodíšče za mladoletne juvenile court
ljudsko sodíšče people's court
vojaško sodíšče court-martial
preiskovalno sodíšče court of inquiry
cerkveno sodíšče ecclesiastical court, consistory
arbitražno sodíšče arbitration tribunal
kasacijsko sodíšče (v nekaterih deželah) Court of Cassation, supreme court of appeal
apelacijsko sodíšče court of appeal, appellate court
porotno sodíšče court of assizes, assize court
gospodarsko sodíšče court of claims
tajno sodíšče secret court
konkurzno sodíšče bankruptcy court
višje sodíšče high court (of justice)
najvišje, vrhovno sodíšče supreme court
civilno sodíšče civil court
neupoštevanje poziva sodíšča contempt of court
postopek na sodíšču legal proceedings pl
pristojnost sodíšča competence of court
zasliševanje na sodíšču hearing, judicial examination
zasedanje sodíšča session of court
sodíšče združenega dela court of associated labour
ustavno sodíšče constitutional court
zvezno sodíšče federal court
na sodíšču in court
iti tožit na sodíšče to go to law
pod prisego izjaviti na sodíšču to make a statement on oath in court
ne se odzvati sodíšču to fail to appear in court
predati sodíšču to commit for trial
postaviti pred vojaško sodíšče to court-martial
predložiti zadevo sodíšču to take a case to court
priti pred sodíšče to appear in court
vložiti priziv proti sklepu sodíšča to appeal against a decision of the court
odbiti priziv sodíšču to dismiss an appeal
ugoditi priziv sodíšču to allow an appeal
predati, postaviti pred sodíšče to send for trial - solíti to salt, to add salt; to sprinkle with salt; (nasoliti) to corn (meso meat)
pojdi se solit! go to the deuce!
pojdi se solit s tem! bother it!, devil take it! - sólza tear
v sólzah in tears
grenka sólza bitter tear
sólze kesanja tears pl of remorse
sólze veselja tears of joy
krokodilove sólze crocodile tears pl
do sólz ganjen moved to tears
do sólz until the tears run
grenke sólze salt tears pl
biti ves v sólzah to be in tears
hitro je ganjen do sólz he is easily moved to tears
biti na robu sólz (figurativno) to be on the brink of tears
to niso mačkine sólze (figurativno) this is not to be sneezed at
sólze je imela v očeh tears stood in her eyes
jokati sólze veselja to weep tears of joy
planiti v sólze to burst into tears
pretakati sólze to shed tears
potočiti sólzo to shed a tear
točiti krokodilove sólze to shed crocodile tears
točiti bridke sólze to shed (ali to weep) bitter tears
topiti se v sólzah to melt into tears
do sólz se smejati to laugh till the tears come, to laugh till one cries (ali till the tears come into one's eyes)
sólze mi pridejo, stopijo v oči tears come into my eyes
smehljati se skozi sólze to smile through one's tears
ni se mogla vzdržati sólz she could not restrain her tears
sólze so ji zalile oči her eyes brimmed with tears, she burst into tears
sólze so ji privrele v oči tears welled up in her eyes - sónce sun; sunshine
na sóncu in the sun
brez sónca sunless
pod sóncem under the sun, in the world
ožgan od sónca sunburnt, suntanned
posušen na sóncu sun-dried
polnočno sónce (na severu) the midnight sun
višinsko sónce alpine sun, (umetno) sunlamp; sun rays pl
čaščenje sónca sun worship
mit sónca solar myth
vzhod sónca sunrise, sunup
zahod sónca sunset, sundown
kult sónca sun cult
na sóncu posušeno meso sun-dried meat
zaslepljen od sónca sun-blind
sónce sije the sun shines (ali is shining)
sónce vzhaja (zahaja) na vzhodu (na zahodu) the sun rises (sets) in the east (in the west)
sónce žge it is boiling (ali scorching) hot
greti se na sóncu, sprehajati se po sóncu to take the sun
sedeti na sóncu to sit in the sun
ležati na sóncu (sončiti se) to sunbathe, to bask in the sun
sónce je vzšlo (zašlo) the sun is up (is down)
imeti svoj prostor na sóncu to have one's place in the sun
meriti višino sónca nad obzorjem pomorstvo to shoot the sun, to take a sun sight
pod sóncem ni nič novega there is nothing new under the sun
vsta(ja)ti s sóncem (= zgodaj) to rise with the sun
za dežjem pride sónce sunshine follows rain, after the storm comes the calm - sónčiti to sun, to expose to the sun
sónčiti se to sun oneself, to sunbathe; to bask in the sun; to take the sun
oseba, ki se sonči sunbather - sovozáč (na motorju) pillion rider, pillion passenger
sovozáčev sedež pillion seat
peljati se kot sovozáč to ride pillion - sovražíti to hate (koga someone), to abhor, to detest, to dislike, to loathe
sovražíti se to be at daggers drawn
iz dna duše sovražíti to be a good hater
celó svojci, njegova lastna družina ga sovraži he has incurred the hatred even of his own family
smrtno koga sovražíti to have a deadly hatred for someone - spáčiti to deform; to misshape
spáčiti se to grimace, to make a grimace - spametováti to make wiser; to bring someone to his senses; to make someone see sense; to teach someone a lesson
to me je spametovalo that was a (real) lesson for me
spametováti se to grow wiser, to cut one's wisdom teeth (ali eyeteeth), to profit by an unpleasant experience, to come to one's senses
nikoli se ne bo spametoval he will never grow wiser
moram ga spametováti I must bring him to his senses, I must make him see reason - spánec sleep; slumber; somnolence
spánec se me loteva I am getting sleepy, I am feeling drowsy
premagal me je spánec I was overcome by sleep - spánje sleep; (mirno) slumber
v spánju in one's sleep
kratko spánje brief sleep, nap, snooze, pogovorno forty winks
nemirno spánje restless sleep, broken (ali troubled) sleep
moteno, prekinjeno spánje broken sleep
rahlo (trdno, globoko, zdravo) spánje light (sound) sleep
globoko spánje deep sleep
prvo, osvežujoče spánje (pred polnočjo) beauty sleep
peturno spánje five hours' sleep
večno spánje the last sleep, the sleep that knows no waking
zimsko spánje winter sleep, hibernation
pomanjkanje spánja lack (ali want) of sleep
noč brez spánja sleepless night
spánje pravičnega the sleep of the just
govoriti v spánju to talk in one's sleep
hoditi v spánju to walk in one's sleep, to sleepwalk
imeti rahlo spánje to be a light sleeper
imeti trdno, dobro, zdravo spánje to be a good, a sound sleeper
hliniti spánje to pretend to be asleep
pasti v globoko spánje to fall into a profound sleep
pogrezniti se v mirno spánje to fall into a peaceful slumber
planiti iz spánja to start out of one's sleep, to wake up with a start
prebiti noč brez spánja to have a sleepless (ali a wakeful) night
spati v globokem spánju to be fast asleep, (pogovorno) to sleep like a log
spati svoje poslednje spánje to sleep one's last sleep - spáriti2 (spraviti v par) to pair; to couple; to match with; to mate
spáriti se to copulate - specializírati to specialize
specializírati se to become a specialist, to specialize (v in)
specializírati se v zgodovini to specialize in history, ZDA to major in history