
Zadetki iskanja

  • sìt sated, satiated; fed; figurativno (naveličan) fed up with, sick of, tired of, weary of

    sìt življenja weary of life, tired of life
    do grla sem sìt I'm fed up to the teeth (with)
    najesti se do sìtega to appease one's hunger, to eat one's fill of...
    do sìtega sem se nagledal I have seen enough, pogovorno I've had an eyeful
    sìt sem ga (figurativno) I can't stand the fellow any longer
    sìt sem tega I've had enough of it, I'm fed up with it
    sìt je vsega he's fed up with everything
    sìt sem tega dela I'm sick of this work
    sìt sem čakanja I am tired of waiting
    čez glavo sem sìt I'm fed up to the back teeth (with)
    do sìtega se je najedel češenj he has eaten his fill of cherries
    ljudstvo je bilo sìto vojne the people were sick of war
    ne more biti volk sìt in koza cela (figurativno) you can't have it both ways
    od dobrih (lepih) želja še nihče ni bil sìt if wishes were horses beggars might ride
  • sítost satiety; fill; (prevelika) glut, surfeit

    najesti se do sítosti to eat one's fill
    nagledati se do sítosti to gaze one's fill, pogovorno to have a good look, to get an eyeful
  • situácija situation; (položaj) position; (okolnosti) circumstances pl; state of affairs

    biti kos, dorasel situáciji to be equal to the situation
    rešiti situácijo to save the situation
    situácija je videti brezupna things pl look desperate
    biti v zelo nerodni situáciji to be caught (ali landed) in a very uncomfortable (ali awkward, embarrassing, sticky) situation
    situácija se je poslabšala the situation has deteriorated
    obvlad(ov)ati situácijo to be master of the situation
    zadostiti zahtevam situácije to meet the demands of the situation
  • skísati to sour

    skísati se to sour; to go (ali to grow, to turn) sour
    mleko se je skisalo the milk has turned sour
  • skládati glasba to compose; (drva ipd.) to stack, to pile (up), to put in piles; (seno) to stack up, to put in rows

    skládati se z to agree with, to be consistent with, to correspond to, with; to tally with; to coincide with
  • sklánjati gramatika to decline

    ki se (ne) da sklánjati declinable (indeclinable)
    sklánjati se (skloniti se) to bend (nad mizo over the table), to bend down, to bow, to stoop
  • skloníti to bow, to bend

    skloníti se to bow down, to stoop
    skloníti se k otroku to stoop down to a child
  • skópati2 to bathe

    skópati se (doma) to take (ali to have) a bath, (na prostem) to bathe
  • skôraj almost, nearly; (za las) all but; well-nigh; next to; little short of

    skôraj isto much the same
    to je skôraj isto it is much the same thing
    skôraj nobeden, skôraj nihče next to none, hardly anybody
    skôraj nikjer hardly (ali scarcely) anywhere
    skôraj nikoli hardly ever, scarcely ever
    skôraj nič next to nothing, hardly anything
    skôraj mrtev all but dead, at death's door
    skôraj vsi practically everybody
    skôraj dovršen, perfekten verging on perfection
    skôraj nezaznaven all hut imperceptible
    to je skôraj nemogoče it is all but impossible
    skôraj nemogoče bo (reči) it will he next to impossible (to say)
    biti skôraj mrtev to be as good as dead
    nimamo skôraj nič časa we have little time if any
    delo je bilo skôraj končano the job was as good as done
    sta skôraj iste velikosti they are much of a size (ali pretty nearly the same size)
    skôraj sem padel I was very near falling, I nearly tumbled
    skôraj je umrla she was near death, she was at death's door
    skôraj je utonil he was all but drowned
    skôraj ubil se je he was within an ace of getting killed
  • skrájnost extreme; extremity; extreme degree; the limit

    do skrájnosti to the utmost, to the last degree, (do konca) to the very end, to an extreme, to extremes
    nagnjenje k skrájnosti extremism
    iti do skrájnosti to go to extremes
    (pre)iti v skrájnost to run to an extreme
    biti pripravljen na skrájnost (na najhujše) to be prepared for the worst
    tirati stvari v skrájnost to push matters to extremes, to carry (ali to go) to extremes
    tvegati skrájnost to stake one's all
    zapasti v drugo skrájnost to go to the other extreme
    skrájnosti se privlačijo extremes meet
  • skrbéti

    skrbéti za to care (for, about), to take care (of), to busy (ali to concern) oneself with (ali about); to be in charge (of something); to have (something) in one's care; to attend to, to see (ali to look) to (ali after); to mind (something); to provide for
    on skrbi samo zase he always looks after number one, he thinks only of himself
    skrbi (brigaj se) zase! mind your own business!
    ne skrbi za tuje posle! mind your own business!, don't meddle in other people's business!
    skrbi me I'm worried, I'm concerned about (something), it makes me uneasy, it causes me a lot of anxiety, it fills me with apprehension
    skrbi me njeno zdravje her state of health fills me with apprehension
    od 16. leta skrbim sam zase I have been on my own since I was (ali the age of) sixteen
    skrbéti sam zase to shift for oneself, to fend for oneself
    skrbel bom, da bo pravočasno dobil pismo I shall take care that he receives the letter in time
    skrbéti mora za svoje otroke he must provide for his children
    njihova usoda nas zelo skrbi we are deeply worried (ali pogovorno worried sick, worried stiff) about their fate
    skrbela bom, da se knjige pravočasno vrnejo I will see (to it) that the books are sent back in time
    ne skrbi! don't worry!
    vsakdo naj skrbi (gleda) zase! every one for himself!
  • skŕčiti to contract; to reduce; to retrench; (omejiti) to restrict, to curtail

    skŕčiti se (tkanina itd.) to shrink up; to contract; (nagubati se) to shrivel (up)
    moram skŕčiti izdatke I must cut down on (ali restrict, keep down) my expenses
    železniški promet je bil znatno skrčen the railway services have been considerably curtailed
    skŕčiti ulomek to reduce a fraction
  • skriti skrívati to hide (pred from), to conceal (pred from); to put out of sight

    skriti, skrívati resnico pred ljudmi to conceal the truth from the people
    on je častihlepen in tega ne skriva he is ambitious and makes no secret of it
    skriti, skrívati se to hide oneself (pred from), (uiti, zbežati) to abscond
    skriti, skrívati se od sramu to hide one's head
    poštenim ljudem se ni treba skrivati honest people do not need to practise concealment
    kača se skriva v travi there is a snake (lurking) in the grass
  • skriválnice spy

    igrati se skriválnice to play at hide-andseek
  • skrívati to hide (pred from); to conceal; (tajnost) not to reveal, to keep from, to keep secret, to keep dark

    skrívati se to hide, to abscond (from), to lie hidden; to be latent; to lurk in (under ipd.)
    skrívati se pred policijo to be in hiding; (igra) to play at hide-and-seek
  • skrivíti to bend, to curve; to crook; figurativno to distort, to deform; (les itd.) to warp

    vročina je skrivíla platnice knjige the heat has warped the covers of the book
    skrivíti se to warp
    les se je pri sušenju skrivíl the wood has warped in drying
    niso mu lasú skrivíili not a hair of his head has been touched (ali hurt)
    on ne bi lasú nikomur skrivíil (figurativno) he wouldn't hurt a fly
  • skrotovíčiti to ravel

    skrotovíčiti se to snarl
  • skúp skúpaj together; jointly, conjointly; collectively; in a body; (v družbi) in company with, accompanied by, in common with, united, associated; (vključno) including, inclusively, taken all in all; all told

    vse skúp, skúpaj all together
    vsega skúp, skúpaj totalling
    skúp, skúpaj z together with, in union with
    boriti se skúp, skúpaj z to make common cause with
    priti skúp, skúpaj to meet
    vse te knjige sem kupil skúp, skúpaj I have bought all these books at one go
    te barve gredo dobro skúp, skúpaj these colours go well together (ali are well-matched)
    kako gre to skupaj? how does it fit in?
  • skupína group; party; team; gang; (dreves) clump; (hiš) cluster

    razvrstiti, uvrstiti (se) v skupíne to group, to form groups
    bojna skupína vojska fighting unit
    krvna skupína blood group
    vodja skupíne squad leader, section leader
    politične skupíne political groups pl
    pridružili so se naši skupíni they joined our party
  • skúšati to try; to tempt

    skúšati koga prelisičiti (žargon) to try lt on someone
    skušal bom storiti vse, kar bo v moji moči I'll try my best (ali my hardest)
    skúšati usodo to tempt Providence
    skúšati odpreti vrata to try the door
    skúšati se s kom v rokoborbi to wrestle with someone