
Zadetki iskanja

  • všéč

    biti všéč to please
    to mi je všéč I am pleased with it
    všéč mi je... I like, I relish, I am pleased with, I am partial to, I am fond of, I love; it suits me, it is agreeable to (ali convenient for) me
    kakor ti je všéč as you please, as you like
    to mi ni všéč I don't like it, it displeases me, I am loath to..., I abhor..., I detest
    kako ti je všéč ta barva? how do you like this colour?
  • zádnji last; final; ultimate; rear; posterior, back; latter, lattermost

    zádnji del the hindpart, the backside, (ladje) stern
    zádnji del hiše the back of the house
    moj zádnji (najvišji) cilj my ultimate goal
    zádnja četa rearguard
    zádnji del telesa posterior
    zádnja (zadajšnja) luč (pri vozilu) rear light
    zádnje tri ure the last three hours
    te zádnje tri dni (for) these three days
    v zádnjem času latterly
    zádnje čase recently
    v zádnjih dneh julija in the latter days of July
    zádnja leta življenja the latter days of one's life
    v zádnjih izdihljajih at one's last gasp
    na vse zádnje after all, finally, at last
    (ta) zádnja leta, v (teh) zádnjih letih in recent years, arhaično of late years
    prav do zádnjega to the very last
    do zádnjega moža to the last man
    zádnje noge hind legs pl
    zádnji, a ne najmanj važen last but not least
    to je zádnje, kar se lahko zgodi this is the last thing one would expect to happen
    zádnja leta sem jo zelo redko videla I have seen very little of her these last (ali in recent) years
    prišel je (kot) zádnji he was the last to come
    upati do zádnjega to hope to the last
    to so zádnja poročila this is the latest news (ali stop-press news)
    ležati v zádnjih izdihljajih to be at the last gasp
    zabaviščni lokali so bili zasedeni do zádnjega prostora the places of entertainment were crowded to the doors
    izkazati komu zádnjo čast to attend someone's funeral
  • zagábiti se to disgust, to sicken

    mastna hrana se mi je zagabila rich food sickens me
    ta prizor se mi je zagabil this sight sickened me
    zagabilo se mi je delati vedno eno in isto I am sick of doing the same thing
    življenje se mu je zagabilo he is sick (ali weary) of life
    kruh se nam nikoli ne zagabi bread never turns the stomach
    zagabi se mi it makes me sick
  • zagnúsiti to disgust; to sicken

    zagnúsiti komu življenje to make someone sick of life
    to se mi je zagnusilo it disgusted me
    mastna hrana se mi je zagnusila rich food sickens me
    ta prizor se mi je zagnusil this sight sickened me
  • zapírati to close, to shut; to lock up; (v zapor) to imprison, to arrest; to incarcerate; to commit to prison, to take into custody

    zapírati se to shut, to close
    se ta vrata zapirajo s ključem? does this door lock?
    trgovina se zapira ob šestih the shop closes at six
    zapiramo! (v parku, muzeju ipd.) we're closing!, it's closing time!, all out!
  • zapŕt (vrata) shut; closed; (v zaporu) imprisoned, confined, arrested, in custody, locked up; medicina constipated

    pri zapŕtih vratih with closed doors
    cesta zapŕta! no thoroughfare!
    cesta zapŕta zaradi popravil! road closed for repairs!
    váse zapŕt selfcontained, taciturn, reserved
    ta kariera mu je bila odtlej zapŕta from then on that career was closed to him
    vrata so zapŕta the door is shut (ali is to)
    vrata so na pol zapŕta the door is ajar
  • zasejáti to sow with seed

    zasejan sown, sowed
    ta njiva je zasejana s pšenico this field is under wheat
  • zaslúžiti to earn, to gain (z delom by work); (kazen, pohvalo) to merit, to deserve, to be worthy (of), to be entitled (to), to have a right (to)

    zaslúžiti mnogo denarja to earn a lot of money
    zaslúžiti kazen to deserve punishment
    on zasluži pomoč he deserves helping
    zasluži, da zmaga he deserves to win
    upal je, da bo pri tem kaj zaslužil he hoped to make some profit by it
    ta denar sem (si) zaslužil s poštenim delom I earned this money by honest labour
    on je to popolnoma zaslužil he has fully deserved it
    dobiti, kar smo zaslužili to meet with one's deserts, to get one's deserts
  • zastónj gratis, gratuitously; for nothing, free, free of charge; (zaman) in vain, to no purpose

    skoraj zastónj sem to dobil I got it dirt cheap
    to se lahko zastónj dobi it can be had for the asking
    to sem kupil skoraj zastónj I bought it for a song
    zastónj se mučiti to labour in vain, (figurativno) to beat the air
    še zastónj tegá ne bi hotel imeti I would not have it as a gift
    vse moje prizadevanje je bilo zastónj all my efforts were in vain
    ta zdravnik zdravi reveže zastónj that doctor treats poor people free
  • zdélati

    1. (utruditi) to tire, to fatigue, to wear out

    to človeka zdela (pogovorno) it is a strain
    ta sprehod nas je res zdelal! that walk did take it out of us!

    2. (pri izpitu ipd.) to pass

    zdelal je svoj zadnji izpit he has passed his finals
    zdélati razred to be promoted (to a higher class), to pass, to get through
  • zdéti se to seem; to appear; to look (like); to have the air (of)

    zdi se mi it seems to me
    zdi se (kazno je, kaže) it seems, it would seem
    to se mi zdi zelo čudno I find that very strange
    naj se zdi še tako čudno, nenavadno strange as it may appear
    tako se zdi (tako je videti) so it seems
    kot se vse zdi as it seems, to all appearances
    kot se zdi (kot je videti) apparently, seemingly
    zdi se, da bo deževalo it looks like rain
    zdi se mi znan I think I know him
    zdi se, da je bolan he seems to be ill
    zdi se, da pomoč ni potrebna it seems there is no need of help
    ni se mi zdel posebno inteligenten he did not strike me as being particularly intelligent
    meni se zdi (= jaz mislim) I think, in my opinion
    kakor se ti zdi primerno as you think proper (ali fit)
    zdi se, da jaz (ti, mi... itd.) I (you, we... etc) seem to...
    zdi se, da to verjamete (verjamejo) you seem (they seem) to believe it
    zdi se, da tega ne more zanikati it seems that he cannot deny it
    zdi se, da jabolka tu ne rastejo apples do not seem to grow here
    ta vest se zdi resnična this news rings true
  • zràk air; atmosphere

    tekoči zràk liquid air
    neprepusten za zràk airtight
    dvigniti se v zràk to rise in the air
    iti na zràk to take an airing, to take the air
    izpostaviti zràku to air
    zràk je čist figurativno (nikogar ni) (žargon) the coast is clear
    ta plin je lažji kot zràk this gas is lighter than air
    nekaj leži v zràku (figurativno) there's something in the air
    pognati v zràk to blow up
    zleteti v zràk (figurativno) to be blown up
    ne pridem do zràka (figurativno) I can't breathe
    prinesti na zràk to air
    postaviti, vreči na zràk (figurativno) to throw out, to turn out
    iz zràka sneti (figurativno) to invent
    dve lovski letali sta trčili v zràku two fighter planes collided in mid-air
    viseti v zràku (figurativno) to be undecided yet
    sušiti na zràku to dry outdoors, ZDA to air-dry
  • zvitorépec cunning (ali foxy) fellow; artful dodger, sly fox; sly blade; a wily old bird; pogovorno, humoristično slyboots (s konstr. v sg)

    ta zvitorépec (lisjak) me je osleparil (žargon) that crafty fellow has done me in the eye
  • žáliti to give offence, to offend, to insult, to outrage; (močnó) to affront

    žáliti koga to give offence to someone, to hurt someone's feelings; (uho) to shock
    nisem imel namena vas žáliti I did not intend to offend you, I meant no offence
    ta barva žali oko this colour is an affront to the eyes, this colour hurts the eye
  • želódec stomach; pogovorno tummy; (prežvekovalcev) maw; (ptičji) gizzard

    bolan na želódcu dyspeptic
    pokvarjen želódec disordered (ali upset) stomach
    bolečine v želódcu stomachache
    občutljiv, izbirčen želódec delicate stomach, easily upset stomach
    rak na želódcu stomach cancer
    zdravilo za želódec stomachic
    na prazen želódec on an empty stomach
    kruljenje v želódcu rumbling in the stomach
    razširjanje želódca stomachic dilatation
    ima slab želódec he suffers from indigestion
    ona ima dober želódec (figurativno) she can stand (ali put up with) a good deal
    imeti koga v želódcu (figurativno) to be unable to stand someone
    hrana mi težko leži na želódcu food lies heavy on my stomach
    to mi leži v želódcu (tega ne morem prebaviti) (figurativno) it sticks in my gizzard
    želódec mi kruli my stomach (ali pogovorno tummy) is rumbling
    obračati komu želódec (figurativno) to turn someone's stomach
    želódec se mi obrača ob tem it's giving me the stomachache (ali vulgarno the bellyache)
    potešiti si želódec to stay one's stomach
    ta hrana ne prija mojemu želódcu this food disagrees with me
    želódec se mi vzdiguje (= slabo mi postaja) my stomach rises
Število zadetkov: 195