srám shame
brez srámú shameless, devoid of shame
iz srámú pred for shame of
iz samega srámú for very shame
biti brez srámú to be without shame
srám bi me bilo storiti kaj takega I would be ashamed to do any such thing
srám me je I am (ali I feel) ashamed of myself
srám te bodi! shame on you!, (for) shame!
srám me je postalo I became ashamed of myself
izgubiti vsak čut srámú to lose all sense of shame
on ne pozna nobenega srámú he is quite without shame, he has no sense of shame
umreti od srámú (figurativno) to die of shame
zardeti od srámú to blush with shame
najrajši bi se bil v tla (v zemljo) udrl od srámú I could have died of shame, I wished the ground would open and swallow me up
srám me je reči I am ashamed to say
moralo bi te biti srám you ought to be ashamed
Zadetki iskanja
- srcé heart; figurativno (jedro) pith, core, marrow
od srca from one's heart
brez srca heartless, cruel, hardhearted, unfeeling
v srcu at heart
na dnu mojega srca in my heart of hearts
z grenkobo v srcu with bitterness in one's heart
s težkim (lahkim) srcem (figurativno) with a heavy (light) heart
iz vsega srca with all my heart and soul
dobrega srca kindhearted
drag mojemu srcu dear to my heart
bolan na srcu (figurativno) heartsick
srcé trgajoč heartbreaking, heartrending
srcé Jezusovo religija Sacred Heart
rdeče srcé (lesna bolezen) false heartwood
napaka na srcu heart disease
razširjenje srca dilatation of the heart
sredstvo za krepitev srca cordial, heart stimulant, ZDA cardiac
zlato srcé (figurativno) a generous (ali a kind) heart
bítje srcá heartbeat
trdega srca hardhearted
bolan na srcu ill with a heart condition
srcé bije, močno tolče the heart pulsates, throbs
srcé me boli I am heartsick (ali heartsore), I am sick at heart, my heart aches, it grieves my heart
srcé mi močno bíje my heart is pounding (ali is thumping)
lahkó mi je pri srcu I am light at heart
biti bolan na srcu to be heartsick
to mi je na srcu this is close to my heart
to mi ni pri srcu (figurativno) it does not appeal to me
imeti nekaj na srcu (figurativno) to have something on one's mind
nimam srca, da bi to napravil I haven't got the heart to do it
ne jemlji si tega preveč k srcu! don't take it too hard!, don't worry about it!
to gre človeku do srca (figurativno)
to človeku trga srcé this is heartrending
srcé mi krvavi (mi je krvavelo) my heart is bleeding (bled)
kar ima na srcu, ima na jeziku he wears his heart on his sleeve
srcé mi ne da, da bi to storil I do it with a bad grace, I cannot bring myself to do it
to mi je zelo pri srcu I have set my heart upon it
odvaliti komu kamen od srca (figurativno) to take a load off someone's mind
kamen se mi je odvalil od srca I feel a weight off my mind, a weight has been lifted from my mind
on osvaja ženska srca he is a ladykiller
omehčati najtrše srcé to touch the stoniest of hearts
srcé mi je padlo v hlače (figurativno) my heart sank into my shoes, I got cold feet, my heart failed me
položiti komu kaj na srcé to lay something to someone's heart
pomilujem vas iz dna srca I pity you from the bottom of my heart
olajšati si srcé to unbosom oneself
srcé bi mi póčilo I would die of a broken heart
srcé mi poskakuje od veselja ob tem it makes my heart thrill
to prija mojemu srcu it does my heart good
pridobiti si srca vseh to win the hearts of all
k srcu mu je prirasla (figurativno) he became very fond of her
razveseliti komu srcé to warm the cockles of someone's heart
od srca se smejati to laugh heartily
kolikor ti (le) srcé poželi! to your heart's content!
srcé se mi stiska I feel pangs (anguish)
iti komu k srcu to go to someone's heart, to make someone's heart thrill
srcé se mi trga it breaks my heart, I find it heartrending
človeku se srcé trga (ob tem) it's heartbreaking (ali heartrending)
vzeti si kaj k srcu to take something to heart
preveč si je to vzel k srcu he took it too much to heart
zelo sem si k srcu vzel njegovo smrt I was deeply affected by his death, I found his death a terrible blow
to mi teži srcé it presses (ali weighs heavily) upon my mind
strl ji je srcé (figurativno) he broke her heart
srcé mu je poskočilo (figurativno) his heart leapt
srcé me je zabolelo I was heartstricken
od vsega srca želeti kaj to set one's heart on something - sréča (notranja) happiness, felicity; (muhasta) fortune; (slučajna) (good) luck, good fortune, lucky chance
veliko sréče! good luck!
na sréčo, k sréči fortunately, luckily, by a lucky chance
na slepo sréčo at random, at haphazard, at a venture, in a happygo-lucky way
vso sréčo! may good luck go with you!
najboljšo sréčo! the best of luck (to you)!
kolo sréče Fortune's wheel, the ups and downs of life
v sréči ali nesreči in weal or woe, for good or ill, come weal or woe
opoteča sréča chequered fortune
sprememba sréče (na slabše) change for the worse, reversal of fortune
(še) sréča, da... it's a piece of luck that...
prava sréča, da ste slučajno bili tam it's a blessing you happened to be there
vojna sréča contingencies pl of war
to (pa) je sréča! that's what I call good luck!
bila bi velika sréča, če... it would be a great slice of luck if...
to je pač moja sréča! (imam pač tako sréčo!) that's just my luck!
lahko govorimo o sréči we can consider ourselves lucky
sréča je hotela, da... as luck would have it...
imam sréčo I am in luck, I am lucky
nimam sréče I have no luck, I am out of luck
to se pravi imeti sréčo! that's what I call good luck!
imeti veliko sréčo to have much good luck
imeti več sréče kot pameti to be more lucky than wise
marsikdo ima več sréče kot pameti fortune favours fools
imeti nepričakovano sréčo (pogovorno) to strike oil
imeti vražjo sréčo to be dead lucky
imeti vedno sréčo pri kartanju to be always lucky at cards
imel sem sréčo I had a stroke of luck
iskati sréčo to seek fortune
če bo šlo vse po sréči if everything goes well
poskusiti sréčo to try one's luck, to take one's chance, to chance one's luck, (žargon) to chance it
to ti bo prineslo sréčo it will bring you good luck
poskusiti kaj na slepo sréča to have a go
napraviti kaj na slepo sréčo (pogovorno) to chance one's arm
dal sem si prerokovati sréčo I had my fortune told
vedeževati komu sréčo to tell someone his fortune
vsakemu se sréča enkrat nasmeje every dog has his (ali its) day
skaliti sréčo to mar someone's happiness
voščiti, želeti komu sréčo pri... to wish someone joy of...
pot do sréče je trnova arhaično no joy without annoy
kadar sem imel največ sréče, sem zaslužil X SIT in my heyday I earned X tolars
sréča me zapušča my fortunes are at a low ebb
zibati se v sréči to walk (ali to tread) on air
bogastvo samo nam še ne more nuditi sréče wealth alone cannot procure us happiness
vse mu gre po sréči (se mu obrne v sréčo) everything in the garden's lovely, arhaično all things conspire to make him happy
vsak je svoje sréče kovač every man is the architect of his fortune - stár old; aged; advanced in years; (starodaven) ancient; (postaran) elderly; (staromoden) old-fashioned, (zastarel) antiquated, rusty; (beseda) archaic, obsolescent, obsolete; (obrabljen) used, worn, (ponošen) wornout, threadbare; (fraza) hackneyed, trite, timeworn; exploded; (že rabljen) secondhand (pohištvo furniture); (kruh, pivo, novica, šala) stale
stári vek ancient times, antiquity
stár dovtip, vic old joke
stáro železo scrap iron, scrap
stár grešnik inveterate sinner
stár (izkušen) mornar (figurativno) old salt
stár (odslužen) vojak veteran
stári Rimljani the ancient Romans pl
stára obleka worn-out (ali cast-off) clothes pl
na stára leta in one's old age
v stárih časih in ancient (ali in former) times
stári oče, stára mati grandfather, grandmother
stáro in mlado young and old
stára šara junk, lumber
stár kot zemlja as old as the hills
srednje stár middle-aged
stár kot Matuzalem as old as Methuselah
po stárem (načinu) in the old way
dobri stári časi the good old times pl
stára devica an old maid
diplomat stáre šole a diplomat of the old school
zgodba stára kot svet a story as old as the hills
stári jeziki ancient languages pl, classics pl (s konstr. v sg)
stára zgodovina ancient history
stára številka (časopisa) back number
iz stárih časov from days of yore
stára navada železna srajca habit is second nature
koliko ste stári? how old are you?, what age are you?, what is your age?
on je 15 let stár he is fifteen (years of age)
toliko je stár kot jaz he is my age, pogovorno he's the same age as me
stár sem več kot 30 let I am over thirty
on še ni (je blizu) 40 let stár he is on the right (ali on the sunny) side of forty
je že preko 40 let (star) he is on the wrong (ali on the shady) side of forty
ona še ni 20 let stára she is not yet out of her teens
to te dela stárega that makes you look old, pogovorno it puts years on you
on je kaki dve leti starejši od mene he is some two years my senior
on je (že) čez 70 let (star) he is seventy odd
ne bo delal stárih kosti he won't make old bones
stár postajati to grow old
vse gre po stárem everything's going on in the same old way
vse ostane pri stárem everything stays as it was (ali as before)
(zdravstveno) še nisem »stari« I am not my old self yet
kje so dobri stári časi? where are the good old days? - stárost age, old age, oldness; advanced years pl; declining age
na stárost in one's old age
v stárosti od at the age of
prezgodnja stárost premature decrepitude
mož srednje stárosti a man of middle age
visoka stárost extreme old age
doživel je visoko stárost he lived to a great age
umrl je v visoki stárosti (v stárosti 20 let) he died at a great age (at the age of twenty years)
doseči visoko stárost to reach a great age, (pogovorno) to make old bones
sem njegove stárosti I am his age
ne kaže svoje stárosti he doesn't look his age
v tem poklicu človek ne doživi stárosti in that occupation men never reach a great age
on je palica moje stárosti (figurativno) he is the staff of my old age
če bi mladost znala, če bi stárost mogla... if one had an old head on young shoulders... - storíti to do; to make; to commit; to perform, to execute; zoologija (povreči) to give birth to young, (o kravi) to calve
kaj storíti? what's to be done?
kaj naj storim? what am I to do?
storíti dobro (slabo) delo to do a good (a bad) deed
storíti svojo dolžnost to do one's duty
storíti uslugo komu to do a favour (ali a service) for someone
storíti slabo (dobro) uslugo komu to do someone a bad (a good) turn
storíti slabo uslugo komu to do someone a disservice, arhaično to disserve someone
storíti komu krivico to do someone a wrong, to be unfair (ali not to be fair) to someone
rad storíti to do willingly, to do with a good grace
nerad, prisiljeno storíti to do with a bad grace
storíti kaj iz lastne volje to do something of one's own free will
storíti, kot da... to make a show of..., to pretend...
storíti napako to make a mistake, to commit (ali to make) a blunder
tega ne storim rad I hate doing this
storite, kar hočete! do as you like (ali as you please)!
bomo videli, kaj se da storíti we shall see what can be done
to ti bo dobro storilo that will do you good
storil bom vse, kar bo le mogoče I'll do my best (ali my utmost)
vino mi ne stori dobro wine does not agree with me
ti bi (naj)bolje storil, če bi ostal doma you'd better (oziroma best) stay at home
on si ne stori nič iz tega (figurativno) he doesn't give a damn (ali a tinker's cuss) about it, he takes it easy
ne stori si nič iz tega! take it easy!
rečeno, storjeno no sooner said than done
to je laže rečeno kot storjeno that's easier said than done
kar je storjeno, je storjeno what's done can't be undone
mnogo je bilo storjenega much has been done - stráh fear; (velik) fright, dread, horror, dismay; awe; žargon funk; terror (pred of); (bojazen) apprehension
brez stráhu fearlessly
stráh pred smrtjo fear of death
stráh me je I am afraid (of)
v stráhu je za svoje življenje he goes in fear of his life
biti v stráhu to be in fear (of), to be afraid (of)
biti stráh in trepet za... to be the terror of..., to be the bugbear of...
navaditi s stráhom to overawe
imeti stráh pred to be scared of, pogovorno to funk (doing something)
biti trd od stráhú to be scared stiff, to be in a blue funk, to be frightened out of one's wits
iz stráhú pred for fear of, out of dread of
držati koga v stráhu to intimidate someone
pognati komu stráh v kosti to fill someone with terror, to terrify someone, to horrify someone, to scare someone stiff
biti v stráhu za kaj to be worried stiff about something
on ne pozna stráhú he is a stranger to fear
od stráhú so se mi naježili lasje my hair stood on end with fright
spraviti koga v stráh to inspire (ali to fill, to strike) someone with awe
pomiriti stráh to allay (someone's) fears
on je stráh vseh poštenih ljudi he is the terror of all honest people
stráh zbujajoč awe-inspiring
v velikem stráhu in a blue funk
stráh nas je we are frightened, we are in a funk, we have the jitters
tresti se od stráhú to tremble with fright - strásten passionate; (spolno) lustful, libidinous, voluptuous
strásten kadilec cigarette fiend, inveterate smoker, chain smoker
on je strásten zbiralec znamk he is a keen philatelist (ali stamp collector)
sem strásten prijatelj nogometa I am a keen football fan
njegov brat je strásten kvartopirec his brother is a card fiend - stúditi se
to se mi studi I am (ali I feel) disgusted with it, it makes me sick, I loathe it, I abhor it - súh (mršav) lean, slender, thin, meagre, ZDA meager; (ne moker) dry; (les) seasoned; (ovenel) withered, dried-up, shrivelled, pesniško sere, sear
súho grozdje dried grapes, raisins
súh kašelj dry cough
súh kruh dry bread
súho leto (brez dežja) dry (ali rainless, droughty) year
súho listje dry (ali pesniško sere, sear) leaves pl
súho sadje dried fruit, dehydrated fruits pl
súha sliva prune
súha roba wooden ware
súha veja dry branch, dry bough
súho vreme dry weather
sem súh (figurativno, brez denarja) I am short of cash, pogovorno I'm short of the ready
sem popolnoma súh (figurativno) I'm broke, I'm stony-broke, I'm stony
súh kot trska skinny
potegniti ladjo, čoln na súho to beach a boat - šála joke, fun, jest; sport; pleasantry; buffoonery
šále pl jokes
v šáli in jest, jestingly, in sport, for fun, jokingly
za šálo, zaradi šále for fun, by way of a joke
brez šále!, šálo na stran! joking (ali jesting) apart!
stara, obrabljena šála stale (ali ancient) joke, chestnut
nespodobna, obscena šála indecent (ali risqué, blue) joke, dirty (ali ribald, obscene) story
pisec šál za radio ali televizijo gag writer, ZDA gag man, žargon gagster
surova, neslana šála horseplay, practical joke
to ni šála (figurativno) this is no (ali not a) laughing matter
nisem razpoložen za šále I am not in the mood for trifling
on je predmet šál he is the butt (of ridicule)
z njim ni šále he is not to be trifled with
bila je samo šála it was only in (ali for) fun
govoriti v šáli to be jesting
to sem naredil za šálo I did it for a lark
on razume šálo he knows how to take a joke
on ne razume šále he can't take a joke, he's got no sense of humour
reči v šáli to say something in jest
pretiravati šálo to carry a joke too far
vzeti za šálo to treat as a joke
ni razloga za zbijanje šál there is no cause for laughter, this is no laughing matter
zbijati šále to crack jokes
zbijati šále s kom to poke fun at someone, to make merry with someone, to make sport of someone
šála leti nanj, na njegov račun the joke is on him - škandalizírati to scandalize; to shock
škandalizírati se to be scandalized (nad čim at something), to be shocked, to take offence (at something)
moram se škandalizírati nad teboj! I am shocked at you! - tá tá, tó pl
tí, té, tá this, pl these; that, pl those
tale this one, this here
vse to all this
to in ono this and that
g. Ta-in-Ta Mr. So-and-so
medtem, med tem časom in the meantime
pred tem before this
po tem after this
v tem primeru in that case
to jutro (davi) this morning
to pot (tokrat) edino this once
v tej (naši) deželi in this land (of ours)
kljub vsemu temu for all that
te dni enkrat one of these days
zlasti to, predvsem to this above all
to se pravi that is to say
ta tvoja knjiga this book of yours
vaše pismo od 13. t.m. your letter of 13th inst. (= instant)
ni mi za to I am not keen on this (ali that, it)
mnogo mi je na tem, da... I am particularly keen that...
tega ne vem I don't know that
to je moj brat this is my brother
to so moji otroci these are my children
govoriti o tem in onem, o vsem mogočem to talk about this, that and the other
od tega je minulo že 10 let 10 years have passed since that time
vzemi to knjigo, ne one! take this book, not that one! - tekóč running; flowing; fluent; streaming; current; liquid
tekóča (rutinska) dela routine work
tekóče leto current year
tekóči mesec current month
tekóča pravda pending suit
tekóči izdatki current expenses pl, ZDA operating costs pl
tekóči račun current account
tekóči posli, tekóče zadeve current business, pending affairs pl
tekóča številka serial number, consecutive number
tekóči trak conveyor belt
tekóča voda running water
v tekóčem letu during the current year
biti na tekóčem to be up-to-date
nisem na tekóčem (pogovorno) I am not in the swim
biti stalno na tekóčem to be constantly well-informed, to be well up (with things)
držati koga na tekóčem to keep someone posted (o on), to keep someone up-to-date (with the news)
ostati na tekóčem to keep up with, to keep oneself well-informed
tekóče govoriti angleško to speak English fluently
ne biti več na tekóčem o, gledé to be out of touch, to be out of the swim regarding - têsen tight; (ozek) narrow; close; strait, straitened
têsni čevlji tight shoes pl
na têsnem smo s prostorom we are cramped for space
na têsnem smo v tej pisarnici we are cramped tight in this little office
têsno je z denarjem (figurativno) money is tight
têsno mi je pri srcu I am sick at heart, I feel uneasy
têsno zapreti to shut tight
živeti na têsnem to have just about enough to live on; to be in straitened circumstances - težáva difficulty; hardship; trial; trouble; quandary; embarrassment; crisis; figurativno snag
v težávi (stiski) in trouble
denarne težáve embarrassments pl
biti v denarnih težávah to be in financial difficulties
delati težáve to raise difficulties, to make trouble
on skuša delati težáve he tries to make trouble
žal mi je, da vam delam take težáve (sitnosti) (I am) sorry to give you such trouble
imeti težáve s policijo to be in trouble with the police
sam (si) iskati težáve to ask (ali to go looking) for trouble
težáva je v tem, da... the trouble (ali the snag) is that...
naleteti na težávo to come up against a difficulty
na nepričakovano težávo to come up against a snag
nastopila je neka težáva a difficulty arose
izogniti se težávi to avoid (ali to evade) difficulty
biti v (hudih) težávah (figurativno) to be in deep water
premostiti težáve to get over (ali to overcome) the difficulties
premagati, prebroditi težávo to surmount a difficulty
povzročiti komu velike težáve to put someone to much trouble
prihraniti komu težáve to spare someone trouble
priti iz težáv to escape from difficulties, (figurativno) to be out of the wood
smelo se spoprijeti s težávami (figurativno) to take the bull by the horns
zabresti v težáve to get into trouble
trpeti zaradi prebavnih težáv to suffer from digestive troubles - tíkati (se)2 to concern, to have to do with, to be concerned with; to relate to; to regard
kar se tiče as to, as for, as regards, with regard to, in regard to, with respect to, concerning, touching
kar se mene tiče as for me, as to me; as far as I am concerned
kaj se to mene tiče? what's that to me!
to se te ne tiče that is no business of yours, that does not concern you, that is none of your business
vsi, ki se jih (to) tiče those concerned
v vednost tistim, ki se jih to tiče pravo to whom it may concern
kar se vašega pisma tiče as regards your letter
kar se mamil tiče on the subject of drugs - to this; that; it
to je (krajšava: t.j.) that is, namely, (krajšava: i.e.)
o tem about this
v tem (medtem) (in the) meanwhile
skozi to through this, on account of this, by it
razen tega besides, moreover, as well
kako to? how so?
(pa) kaj za to? what of that?
to je vse that's all
to je možno that may be
to so oni they are the ones, pogovorno that's them
ne to ne ono (= nekaj vmesnega, srednjega) neither one thing nor the other, betwixt and between
pri vsem tem, kljub vsemu temu for all that
tega je 10 let ten years ago
jaz sem za to I am for it, I agree to it
ni mi do tega I don't care for it
samó še to bi (se) manjkalo! that would be all we need!, (pogovorno) that would put the tin lid on it!
pustimo to, kakor je! (pogovorno) let it go at that!
to mi boš plačal! you'll pay for this!, you'll smart for this!
koga misliš s tem? whom have you (ali pogovorno who've you got) in mind?
si to mislil, si to hotel reči? is that what you meant?
to se pravi that is to say
iz tega sledi... hence it follows...
vsi vedó to every one knows that
poleg vsega tega, (on) še pije apart from all that, he drinks, too - tópel warm; (mlačen) lukewarm, tepid; figurativno (prisrčen, srčen) hearty
tópel vrelec, izvir thermal (ali hot) springs pl
tópla zahvala warm thanks pl
tópel sprejem, tópla dobrodošlica a warm welcome
tóplo mi je I am warm
postati, postajati tópel to get, to grow warm - tóžiti (se)2 to complain (o of, about); to lament (za, nad for, over)
toži se mi po domu I am homesick, I am longing for home