
Zadetki iskanja

  • čúden queer, uncommon, unusual; eccentric; strange; singular; odd; original; curious; VB žargon rum

    kako čúdno! what a curious thing!
    čúdna opazka a strange remark
    to je čúdno that is strange
    on je čúden patron he is a strange fellow
    nič čúdnega, če... no wonder if...
    na tem ni nič čúdnega there is nothing strange in (ali about) it
    čudno (presenetljivo, za čuda) curiously enough, strange to say
    čúdno se počutiti to feel strange
    čúdno, da tega niste (ne bi bili) slišali strange that you should not have heard it
    čúdno se sliši žargon it sounds rum
    kakor se utegne zdeti čúdno... strange as it may appear...
    zaklel je in nič čúdnega (če je) he swore and no wonder
  • čúdež miracle, wonder; prodigy

    gospodarski čúdež economic miracle
    delati čúdeže to work wonders (ali miracles); figurativno to produce rabbits out of a hat, to move mountains
    razen če se zgodi čúdež, bi se zdaj zdelo, da se ne da nič napraviti barring a miracle it would now seem as if nothing can be done
    čúdeži se utegnejo zgoditi (dogajati) (figurativno) pigs pl might fly
  • čúdo wonder; miracle; marvel; portent, prodigy

    za čúda for a wonder
    kratkotrajno čúdo nine days' wonder
    ni čúda, da... no wonder that...
    on je čúdo spretnosti he is a paragon of efficiency
    za čúda, držal je svojo besedo he kept his word, for a wonder
    delati čúda to work (ali to perform) miracles, to work wonders, figurativno to move mountains
    glej čúd! lo and behold!
  • čutíti to feel; to sense; to have the sensation; to be aware of

    čutíti se to feel
    čutíti bolečino to feel a pain
    čutíti mraz to feel cold
    ničesar ne čutíti to be insensible (ali unfeeling ali insusceptible ali apathetic)
    čutíti se užaljenega to feel hurt
    sonce se čuti the sun makes itself felt
    čutim, da to ni res, a ne morem tega dokazati I feel that it is not true but cannot prove it
  • čuváj keeper; guard; custodian; watchman, pl -men

    progovni čuváj lineman
    nočni čuváj night watchman
    gozdni čuváj forest guard, ranger
    železniški čuváj railway guard, signalman
    jetniški čuváj (prison) warder, prison guard, jailer
    lovski čuváj gamekeeper, game warden
    čuváj v parku park-keeper
    mestni čuváj zgodovina watchman, pl -men ali the watch
  • da (veznik) that (v predmetnih in osebkovih stavkih se često izpušča)

    z namenom, da bi (in order) that
    da ne bi lest, but
    da le, samó da (če le) provided (that)
    takó da so that, so as to + nedoločnik
    kakor da, kot da as though
    slišal sem, da je bolan I heard (that) he was ill
    mislim, da bo prišel I believe (that) he will come
    gotovo je, da je kriv it is certain (that) he is guilty
    res je, da ni bil tam it is true (that) he was not there
    recimo, da pride danes suppose (ali supposing) he comes today
    jémo, da bi mogli živeti we eat that we may live
    preberite to dvakrat, da ne pozabite! read it twice lest you forget it!
    ; ni še tako pozno, da naši sorodniki ne bi mogli še priti it is not too late for our relatives to come
    bila je tako prijazna, da mi je pisala pismo she was so kind as to write me a letter
    tu ni človeka, da ga jaz ne bi poznal po imenu there is no one here (whom) I could not name, there is no one here whose name I do not know
    nikoli ne pride, da si ne bi izposodil denarja od mene he never comes without borrowing money from me
    da on ni bil tako priseben, bi nas bilo razneslo vse na kosce but for his presence of mind, we might all have been blown to pieces
    nikoli ne dežuje, da ne bi lilo (= nesreča ne pride nikoli sama) it never rains but it pours
  • (pritrdilnica) yes; zastarelo yea, zastarelo pogovorno aye, ay; all right

    mislim dà I think so
    odgovoriti z dà ali ne to answer yea or nay
    ne rečem ne dà ne ne I say neither yes nor no
    reči véliki dà (poročiti se) to say I will; to get married
  • dáleč far (away, off); a long way off; widely, remotely, distantly

    dáleč od tu far from here
    dáleč naokoli far and wide
    dáleč narazen wide apart
    od dáleč from the distance, from afar
    kako dáleč how far, to what extent
    tako dáleč in ne dlje! thus far and no further ali farther
    bil sem dáleč od doma I was far from home
    kako dáleč je (to)? how far is it?
    stanuje dáleč od tu he lives far away from here
    dáleč boljši, dáleč najboljši better by far, by far the best
    dáleč proč (še dolgo ne) far from it, not by a long way (ali chalk)
    dáleč od tega far from it
    še dáleč ne tako zanimiv not nearly so interesting
    dáleč najboljša splošna zgodovina far and away the best general history
    kakor dáleč seže oko as far as the eye can reach
    lahkó tečeš tako dáleč? can you run as far as that?
    držati se dáleč (stran) od to keep (ali to stand) clear of
    kako dáleč si z angleščino? how far have you got with your English?
    počasi se dáleč pride he that goes softly, goes safely
  • dálje farther; figurativno further; forth

    od 1900 dálje from 1900 onwards
    od 10. aprila dálje from April 10th onwards
    od 16. stoletja dálje from the 16th century onwards
    odslej dálje from now on
    in tako dálje and so on, and so forth; and the like; etc.
    dálje prihodnjič (= se nadaljuje) to be continued
    govoril je dálje he continued (ali kept on) talking
  • dámski lady's, ladies'; ladylike

    dámski bicikel lady's (ali woman's) bicycle
    dámski dežnik lady's umbrella
    dámski frizerski salon ladies' hairdresser's; beauty salon; beauty parlour, ZDA parlor
    dámska konfekcija ladies' wear, ladies' ready-made clothes pl, ZDA ladies' ready-to-wear
    dámski klobuk lady's hat
    dámske nogavice ladies' stockings pl; nylons pl
    dámski krojač dresmaker, ladies' tailor
    dámski mesečni vložek medicina sanitary towel (ZDA napkin)
    dámske rokavice ladies' gloves pl
    dámska torbica lady's handbag
    dámsko sedlo sidesaddle
  • dán day; (dnevna svetloba, luč) daylight, daytime; (svetloba) light

    dober dán! (zjutraj) good morning!, (popoldne) good afternoon!, (splošno) how do you do!, pogovorno hallo!, hullo!, ZDA hello, (pri poslovitvi) good day!, pogovorno see you!, be seeing you!; see you later!
    deloven dán working day, weekday
    črn dán figurativno a black day, a dark day, an unfortunate day
    materinski dán Mother's Day
    novoletni dán New Year's Day
    beli dán broad daylight
    plačilni dán payday
    postni dán fast day
    prazničen dán holiday
    pasji dnevi dog days pl
    prosti dán day off, (brez pouka) day off school
    rojstni dán birthday
    srečen dán a red-letter day
    sodni dán the Last Day, Judgment Day, Day of Judgment, Doomsday
    davni dnevi bygone days, arhaično day of yore
    spominski dán Remembrance Day (11. november)
    z dne 3. maja dated May 3rd
    čez dán (podnevi) in the daytime; during the day, by daylight, by day
    dán za dnem day by day
    drugi (naslednji) dán next day, the day after
    do današnjega dne to the preent day
    od dneva do dneva from day to day
    čez nekaj dni in a day or two
    enega teh dni, te dni enkrat one of these days
    dvakrat na dán twice a day
    pri belem dnevu in broad daylight
    lepega dne one fine day
    oni dán (zadnjič) the other day
    še oni dán only the other day
    še isti dán that very day
    od tega dne dalje from this day forth
    par dni a couple of days
    ta ali oni dán one day or another
    svoj živi dán in all my born days, in my lifetime
    nekega dne one day, (za prihodnost) some day
    pred tremi dnevi three days ago
    dán poprej the day before, the day beforehand
    teden dni (7 dni) a week
    danes teden dni this day week, (pred tednom dni) a week ago
    14 dni (2 tedna) a fortnight, two weeks
    čez 14 dni in a fortnight
    vsak dán every day, daily
    vsak drugi dán every other (ali second) day
    vsakih pet dni every five days
    ves dán all day long, for the whole of the day
    ves ljubi božji dán the livelong day
    za nekaj dni for a few days
    prejšnji dán the previous (ali preceding) day
    ki traja ves dán daylong
    na dán z besedo! speak out!, out with it!
    to je jasno kot beli dán it's as clear as daylight, it's as plain as a pikestaff
    biti različen kot noč in dán to be as different as chalk and cheese
    béli dán je it is broad daylight
    dobiti prost dán to be allowed a day off
    ni še vseh dni konec we have not seen the last of it yet
    prinesti, spraviti na dán to bring to light
    prinesti stvar na dán to broach a matter
    sedaj prihaja na dán it now transpires
    priti na dán to come to light, to transpire, to leak out, to become known, ZDA to develop
    prinesti na dán svoje težave to air one's troubles
    ko napoči dán at daybreak, at dawn
    za vsakega pride njegov dán every dog has his day
    sanja se ti pri belem dnevu you're day-dreaming
    svoj živi dán nisem videl... I have never seen in all my born days (ali in my lifetime)...
    dnevi so mu šteti his days are numbered
    zagledati dán (luč sveta) to be born, to come to light, to come out
    določiti dán to fix a day
    voščiti dober dán to bid someone good day, zastarelo to give someone the time of day
    bil je 2 dni prepozen he was two days late
    delati noč in dán to work day and night
    ne hvali dneva pred nočjo do not praise the day before it is over; laugh before breakfast and you'll cry before supper
  • danášnji today's, of today; of this day; present; modern; actual; up-to-date; present-day

    z danášnjim as of today
    danášnja angleščina modern ali presentday English
    danášnji čas, danášnja doba the present time, the present age
    danášnja dekleta modern girls ali the girls of today
  • dánes today, this day

    do dánes to this day, till today, till this day, to date
    od dánes naprej from this day forward (ali forth), from this date
    še dánes this very day
    za dánes for this day
    že dánes this very day
    dánes dopoldne this morning, this forenoon
    dánes opoldne today at twelve noon ali twelve midday, at twelve noon today
    dánes popoldne this afternoon
    dánes ponoči tonight, (preteklo noč) last night
    dánes leto (dni) a year hence
    dánes teden this day week, today week
    dánes dva tedna, dánes 14 dni a fortnight today, today fortnight
    dánes zjutraj this morning
    dánes zvečer this evening, tonight
    katerega smo dánes? what's the date to-day?, what date is it today?; what day of the month is it?
    dánes meni jutri tebi my turn today, yours tomorrow
    dánes, dne 3. maja... (v dokumentih) this third day of May...
  • dáti dajáti to give; (podariti) to present with, to give away; (podati) to hand on, to present, to turn over; (dodeliti) to allot, to assign, to apportion; (vročiti) to hand (over), to deliver; (karte) to deal

    dáti, dajáti nazaj to give back, to restore; (podeliti) to grant, to accord, to award, ZDA to donate (to); gledališče to stage, to perform; (ponuditi) to offer; (dobaviti) to deliver, to furnish, to supply; (donašati) to yield, (sadove) to bear, to produce; (naslov) to bestow on, to confer something upon someone
    dáti, dajáti naprej to pass on
    ne (hoteti) dáti, dajáti to refuse, to withhold
    dana veličina a given magnitude
    če sta A in B dana, sledi, daje C... given A and B, C follows...
    v danem primeru (če je tako) in that case; should the need arise; if need be; if so
    dáti, dajáti duška (svoji jezi) to give vent (to one's anger)
    dáti, dajáti prav komu to agree with someone, to concede the point
    dáti, dajáti vsakemu svoje to give everyone his due
    daj mu, kar je njegovega! give him his due!
    ti bom že dal! I'll give it you!
    daj to na mizo! put it on the table!
    daj bog! God grant!
    ne daj bog! God forbid!
    kaj dajejo nocoj v gledališču? what's on at the theatre this evening?
    to (gledališko) igro so dajali tri mesece the play ran for three months
    dal sem mu roko I shook hands with him
    moram da(ja)ti dober zgled I must set a good example
    po čem dajete (koliko stane)...? what is your price for, what do you charge for...?
    nič se ne da napraviti there is nothing to be done
    dáti, dajáti na znanje komu to let someone know
    dáti, dajáti na svetlo to publish, to edit
    dáti, dajáti mnogo na to make much of, to think the world of
    mnogo da na svojo zunanjost he pays great attention to his personal appearance
    malo, nič ne dáti, dajáti na kaj to regard as worthless, not to give a brass farthing for
    on ne da nič na moj nasvet he sets no value upon my advice
    dal se je oslepariti, ogoljufati he let (ali allowed ali suffered) himself to be cheated
    dam si striči lase I have (ali I get) my hair cut
    kje si dajete delat obleke? where do you have your clothes made?
    dáti, dajáti svojo besedo to pledge one's word
    to mi daje misliti! that makes me wonder!
    na to ne dam pečenega groša (nič) I don't give a hoot about that
    dal sem si mnogo truda I took great pains
    dáti, dajáti od sebe (ton) to utter
    ne da se mi... I don't feel like, I am unwilling (ali loath ali disinclined) to...
    ne da se mi brati I don't feel like reading, I am loath (ali unwilling) to read
    (to) se ne da zanikati there's no denying (it)
    dáti, dajáti se spoznati, prepoznati to make oneself known
    dajati je lepše kot jemati it is better to give than to receive
    dáti, dajáti življenje za to sacrifice one's life for
    dvakrat da, kdor hitro da he gives twice who gives in a trice; arhaično while the grass grows the steed starves
  • dátum date

    pismo brez dátuma an undated letter
    pismo ima dátum 3. marec the letter bears the date of (ali is dated) March 3rd
    biti novejšega dátuma to belong to a more recent date
  • dávčen of taxes, pertaining to taxes; taxable; taxation; tax

    dávčna ocenitev tax assessment
    dávčni dodatek surtax, supertax
    dávčni dohodek tax receipts pl, inland (ZDA internal) revenue
    dávčna moč taxable capacity
    dávčna komisija board of assessment
    dávčne dajatve, dávčna obveznost taxation
    dávčna obremenitev tax load
    dávčna olajšava tax relief, tax abatement, tax reduction, allowance
    dávčna oprostitev tax exemption, exemption from taxation (ali taxes ali duty)
    dávčni pobiralec tax collector
    dávčna politika fiscal (ali tax) policy
    dávčni popust (znižanje) tax rebate, tax remission, remission of taxes
    dávčna reforma fiscal reform, tax reform
    dávčni svetovalec (stokovnjak) tax adviser (expert)
    dávčno povišanje increase in taxation
    dávčna prijava (income-) tax return
    dávčna stopnja tax bracket; tax rate
    dávčna osnova assessment (of taxes)
    dávčna uprava administration of taxes
    dávčni urad inland revenue office, ZDA tax office
    dávčni uradnik tax collector, ZDA revenue officer
    dávčna utaja tax avoidance, (fraudulent) tax evasion
    dávčni utajitelj tax dodger
    dávčni vijak taxation screw
    dávčni vir source of tax
    dávčni zavezanec taxpayer, ratepayer
    vložiti dávčno prijavo to file a return
    priviti dávčni vijak to tighten the taxation screw
  • dávek (državni) tax; (mestni, občinski) rate

    zvezni dávek federal levy; ZDA tax; (carinski, blagovni) duty; (prispevek, dajatev) contribution; zgodovina impost; levy
    dávek na tax on, duty on
    dávku podvržen, navezan taxable, ratable, assessable, liable to tax, excisable; subject to taxation, liable to pay taxes
    oproščen dávka exempt from tax, tax-exempt, taxfree, duty-free
    dodaten dávek additional tax, supplementary tax
    dávek na dohodek income tax
    dávek na dediščino legacy duty, succession duty, estate duty, death duty, pl -ies
    dávek na sol salt duty, salt tax
    dávek na tobak tobacco tax, duty on tobacco
    luksusni dávek luxury tax
    direkten, indirekten direct, indirect tax
    nabavni dávek purchase tax
    obrtni dávek trade tax, ZDA business tax
    prometni dávek sales tax, purchase tax
    pasji dávek dog tax
    katastrski, zemljiški dávek land tax, tax on land, ground rent
    patentni dávek patent tax
    samski dávek bachelor tax
    veselični, zabaviščni dávek entertainment tax, amusement tax, ZDA admission tax
    vojni dávek war tax; contribution
    zapuščinski dávek death duty, pl -ies
    pobiralec dávkov tax collector, taxman
    pobiranje dávkov tax collection, levying of taxes
    naložiti dávke to impose taxes, to tax; to establish duties
    pobirati dávke to exact taxes, to collect taxes, to levy taxes, to tax
    znižati dávek to cut a tax
    naložiti težak dávek to impose a heavy tax ali tax burden
    utajiti dávke to evade taxes
    plačati svoje dávke to pay one's taxes (ali rates)
    plačati svoj krvni dávek to pay one's blood-tax (the duty of fighting for one's country)
  • debáta debate; discussion

    odgoditi debáto (do) to adjourn a debate (till)
    spustiti se v debáto to enter into (ali upon) a discussion
    udeležiti se debáte to take part in a discussion
    zavlačevati debáto to protract a debate, (v parlamentu) to filibuster
    to vprašanje je še v debáti this question is under discussion
    zakonski osnutek bo prišel v debáto jutri the bill will come up (ali will be debated ali will be taken up) tomorrow
  • dêbel (oseba) fat, stout, thickset, corpulent, obese, portly, big; bulky; (zid ipd.) thick; (platno) coarse; (papir) stout, heavy; (glas) thick, deep; (laž) big

    dêbelo črevo large gut, rectum, pl -cta
    dêbela knjiga a big (voluminous) book
    dêbela laž a big (ali gross) lie; pogovorno a thumping great lie, ZDA pogovorno a whopper
    dêbel glas a deep voice
    dêbel mož(akar) a fat (ali stout) man
    dêbele ustnice blubber lips pl
    to je dêbela zgodba that's a tall story
    na dêbelo trgovina wholesale
    trgovec na dêbelo wholesale dealer, wholesale trader, merchant; wholesaler
    trgovina na dêbelo wholesale trade
    dêbelo gledati figurativno to stare, to stare in amazement, to goggle
    imeti dêbelo kožo figurativno to have a thick skin
    kupovati na dêbelo to buy wholesale
    kupec na dêbelo wholesale buyer
    prodajati na dêbelo to wholesale
    nakup, nabava na dêbelo wholesale purchase
  • dédič heir; inheritor; legatee; successor

    brez dédiča heirless
    nujni dédič heir in tail
    edini dédič the sole heir (ženski spol heiress)
    morebitni, domnevni dédič heir presumptive
    pravi dédič rightful heir
    dédič prestola heir (ali successor) to the throne
    dédič po stranski liniji heir collateral
    sodedič joint-heir
    zakoniti dédič heir-atlaw, heir apparent, heir general
    legitimni dédič krone the rightful heir to the crown
    določiti koga za svojega dédiča to appoint someone one's heir