
Zadetki iskanja

  • pótni -a, -o travel, travelling

    pótni, -a, -o list passport
    pótni, -a, -o stroški travelling expenses pl, (službeno priznani) travelling allowance
    moj pótni, -a, -oi list je potekel pred enim mesecem my passport expired a month ago
    moj pótni, -a, -oi list je treba podaljšati my passport needs renewing
  • potrdílo (z besedami) confirmation; (pismeno) attestation; (spričevalo) certificate; (o prejemu) (written) receipt; voucher; (odobritev) approval, acknowledgment; (službeno) ratification, legalization

    potrdílo o cepljenju certificate of vaccination
  • poučiti

    poučiti koga o to inform someone of; to enlighten someone; (svetovati) to advise someone
    dati se poučiti (poslušati nasvet) to listen to reason
  • povédati to tell; to say

    povedali so mi tako I was told so
    nekaj ti bom povedal (izdal) I'll tell you what
    povédati svoje ime to give one's name
    ne povej nikomur o mojem prihodu! don't tell anyone I've come
    med nama povedano (pogovorno) between you and me (and the gatepost)
    česa (kaj) ne poveste! you don't say!, you can't be serious!
    komu to poveste (pravite)! you're telling me!
    povédati resnico to tell the truth
    povédati (reči) geslo to give the password
    povej to obzirno! (žargon) put it gently!
    to veliko pové that says a great deal, that tells its own tale
  • povsód everywhere; in every place; in all places; throughout; ZDA all over; on all sides

    o tem se govori povsód po mestu it is the talk of the town
    povsód navzoč omnipresent
    povsód srečujem prijatelje I meet friends everywhere
    povsód drugje everywhere else
    povsód, kamor grem everywhere I go, wherever I go
    od (vse)povsod from all sides, from everywhere, from all quarters
    povsód sem to iskal I have hunted for it high and low
    govorica se je povsód razširila the rumour has spread far and wide
  • poženíti to marry off (in turn)

    otroka sta poženila in zdaj sta spet sama they have married off their children and are now alone again
    poženíti se (o moških) to get married (in turn)
    sinovi so se poženili the sons got married
  • právi -a, -o right, the right one; proper; (neponarejen) natural, pure, genuine, unadulterated; perfect, quite a; (resnlčen) real, true, veritable, authentic, actual; (točen) accurate, correct; (zvest) true, true-blue; (iskren) sincere, felt

    právi, -a, -o brat full brother
    práva sestra full sister
    právi, -a, -o denar good money
    právo zlato pure gold, genuine (ali real) gold
    právi, -a, -o kot geometrija rectangle
    práva pot the right way
    právi, -a, -o mož (človek) the right man
    právi, -a, -o mož na pravem mestu (figurativno) a square peg in a square hole
    o právem času in due course, at the right time, in the nick of time
    na právem mestu in the proper place
    právi, -a, -o Francoz, ta možakar! a true Frenchman, that man!
    právi, -a, -o pravcati bedak a regular fool, a prize idiot
    právi, -a, -o pravcati lopov an arrant knave, a confirmed rascal
    právi, -a, -o pravcati detektiv a real, live detective
    to je právi, -a, -o mož this is a real man
    on je právi, -a, -o avtor te knjige he is the true author of this book
    on ni čisto pri právi, -a, -o (pameti) he is not quite in his senses
    on je práva ničla (figurativno) he is a mere cipher
    to je práva sreča it is a piece of real good luck
    to ne gre čisto po právem (figurativno) there is some skulduggery in it, I suspect foul play
    ni nobene práve razlike med njima there is no real difference between the two
    imeli smo právo poplavo doma we have had a real inundation at home
    naleteti na právega to meet one's match
    priti na právo mesto to come to the proper place
    urezal si se v prst, práva reč! you have cut your finger, what's that? (ali it's nothing to make a fuss about)
  • predávanje lecture

    urnik predávanj timetable
    imeti predávanje to give (ali to read, to hold, to deliver) a lecture (o on, komu to someone), to lecture (on a subject)
    obiskovati predávanja to attend lectures (ali a course of lectures)
    poslušati predávanje to attend a lecture
    prisostvovati predávanju to attend (ali to be present at) a lecture
    namenoma ne iti na (»špricati«) predávanje to skip, to cut a lecture
    z risbami na tabli spremljano predávanje chalktalk
  • predávati to lecture (o on, komu to someone); to give (ali to hold, to read, to deliver) a lecture

    on predava o grških napisih he lectures on Greek inscriptions
  • predložíti to propose, (dokaze) to produce, (ček, račun) to present, (v odobritev, presojo) to submit

    predložíti vprašanje sodišču to submit a question to the court
    predložíti komu v odobritev pogodbo to submit a contract (ali an agreement) for someone's approval
    predložíti potrdilo o prejemu to produce a receipt
  • preglèd examination; review; survey; vojska muster, review; (korektura) revision, revise; (zgoščen) summary, abstract

    carinski preglèd customs examination
    kontrolni preglèd control examination, checkup
    zdravniški preglèd medical examination (ali checkup)
    pri preglèdu naših knjig... in reviewing our books...
    dati preglèd o to give a survey of
    podvreči se zdravniškemu preglèdu to submit to medical examination
    izvesti preglèd čet to take the salute
  • premísliti to think, to think over, to reflect, to consider; to deliberate; to take thought; to ponder upon; to reconsider; to weigh the pros and cons; (figurativno) to chew the cud

    naj malo premislim! let me see!
    premislil bom o tem I'll think it (ali the matter) over
    dajte, da premislim! give me time to think!
    dobro kaj premísliti to think twice about something
    še enkrat stvar premísliti to give the matter second thoughts
    premisli preko noči! sleep on it!
    premislil je, preden je odgovoril he took thought before replying
    potem ko sem dobro premislil... on second thoughts...
    ko sem znova premislil, sem uvidel, da nimam prav after further thought I saw I was wrong
    premísliti si (se) to change one's mind, to alter one's mind, to think better of (it)
  • prêmog coal

    prêmog lignit lignite
    mehki prêmog soft coal
    trdi prêmog hard coal
    rjavi prêmog brown (ali vegetable) coal; (antracit) anthracite, hard coal
    smolnat, smolasti prêmog bituminous coal
    nesortiran prêmog ungraded coal
    kopanje, proizvodnja prêmoga coal-mining
    nahajališče prêmoga coalfield
    lopa za prêmog coal shed
    shramba za prêmog coalhole, coal store
    nakladač, nakladalec prêmoga coal-heaver
    ladja, vagon za prevoz prêmoga coaler
    poraba prêmoga consumption of coal, coal consumption
    posoda za prêmog coal scuttle
    parnik na prêmog coal-burner
    rudnik prêmoga coal mine
    skladišče prêmoga coal yard
    trgovec s prêmogom coal merchant
    zaboj za prêmog coal-bin
    naložiti prêmog na ogenj to put coal on the fire
    naložil bom še malo prêmoga I'll just put a bit more coal on
    vzeti, založiti se s prêmogom (o lokomotivi) to take on coal
  • premožênjski financial, means-

    dobre (slabe) premožênjske razmere easy (poor) pecuniary circumstances pl
    potrdilo o premožênjskem stanju means test
  • preneúmen too silly

    (to) je preneúmno, da bi sploh govoril o tem it's too silly for words
    preneúmno (je) (figurativno) it is too bad
  • prepírati se to quarrel; to have a row (s kom with someone); to dispute (o on, about); to wrangle; to have words (s kom with someone); to squabble (s kom o čem with someone about something); (pričkati se) to bicker

    prepírati se s kom za kaj to contend with someone for something
    prepírati se za prazen nič to argue about trifles
    o tem se ne bomo prepirali that admits of no argument
  • prepríčan persuaded (o of, da... that...); convinced (o of); satisfied (o of)

    prepríčan sem o njegovi poštenosti I am convinced of his honesty
    prepríčan sem, da... I feel sure that...
    biti prepríčan o to be convinced (ali persuaded), to feel confident (of)
    vedno bolj sem prepríčan I am feeling more and more convinced
  • prepríčati to persuade (o of), to convince (of); to prevail (koga on, upon someone)

    ki se da prepríčati open to persuasion
    težko ga je prepríčati he is hard to convince
    prepríčati nasprotnika to convince one's opponent
    prepríčati se to convince oneself, to assure oneself (of, that); to make sure (o of), to ascertain (da that)
    prepričal sem se na lastne oči I saw it with my own eyes
    prepríčati koga o čem (pogovorno) to bring something home to someone
  • pri at, by, beside; in; with

    tik pri close to (by), (blizu) near, at hand, about
    pri nas in our house, at our place
    pri meni (v žepu) on me, about me
    pri bogu! by the Lord!
    pri kozarcu vina over a glass of wine
    pri prvi priložnosti at the first oportunity
    pri dobrem zdravju in good health
    pri tem vremenu in this weather
    pri mojem stricu (doma) at my uncle's
    pri peku at the baker's
    pri roki at hand; (na pismu)
    pri Brown c/o Brown
    pri sveči by candle-light
    pri moji časti upon my honour
    pri večerji at dinner
    pri delu at work
    pri kom? with whom?, in whose house?
    pri moji duši upon my soul
    pri oknu at (ali near) the window
    pri tej priložnosti on this occasion
    pri kaminu by the fireplace
    pri mojem prihodu (moji vrnitvi) on my arrival (return)
    pri ugodnem vremenu if the weather permits
    pri vsem tem... for all that, notwithstanding
    zelo priljubljen pri very popular with
    bitka pri Verdunu the battle of Verdun
    to je navada pri Italijanih it is a habit with (ali among) the Italians
    pri vsem svojem bogastvu ni srečen despite all his riches he is not happy
    mati je pri dobrem zdravju Mother is in good health
    ne vem, pri čem sem I don't know what the matter is
    on ni pri pravi pameti he is not in his right senses
    imaš kaj denarja pri sebi? have you any money on you?
    nimam drobiža pri sebi I have no change on me
    naročiti pri to order from
    ostal bo pet dni pri nas he will stay five days with us
    deset dni smo preživeli pri njih we spent ten days with them
    pri kom služiš? in whose service are you?
    pri kom stanujete? where (ali with whom) are you staying?
    spati pri odprtem oknu to sleep with the window open
    pri kom se učite nemščine? with whom do you take German lessons?
    utonil je pri kopanju he was drowned while bathing
    vztrajati pri... to stick to...
  • príčati to bear witness, to appear as witness, to give evidence, to testify (za for, proti against)

    o tem dogodku pričajo zgodovinske knjige historical books bear witness to that event
    krivo príčati to perjure oneself, to commit perjury, to give false evidence