
Zadetki iskanja

  • vídeti to see; to get sight of; to notice; (opaziti) to become aware, to perceive

    dobro (slabo) vídeti to have good (bad) sight, to have good (bad) eyes
    bežno vídeti to get a fleeting glimpse of
    nič ni vídeti there is nothing to be seen
    na prvi pogled, mižé vídeti (žargon) to see with half an eye
    vídeti je zdrav he looks well
    vídeti je, da... it seems that...
    vídeti v prihodnost to see into the future
    vídeti vse zvezde (figurativno, od udarca) to see stars
    če prav vidim if my eyes do not deceive me
    iz tega se vidi hence it appears
    jasno se vidi it is clear
    na prvi pogled se vidi you can see at a glance, it is self-evident
    vreden, da se vidi worth seeing
    sam lahko vidiš you can see it for yourself
    malo se vidiva we see little of each other
    sam sem to videl I saw it myself
    nič ga ni vídeti he is nowhere to be seen
    konca vojne še ni vídeti the end of the war is not yet in sight
    videl sem smrt od blizu I looked death in the face
    mesto se vidi od daleč the town can be seen from far away
    videl je že lepše čase he has seen better times
    si že kdaj videl kaj takega? did you ever see the like of it?; pogovorno can you beat it?
    naj vidim, da vidim! (naj pomislim) let me see!
    naj te več ne vidim! don't let me see you again!
    rajši vidim, da ne prideš you had better not come
    ne vidiš péd pred nosom! you can see no further than the end of your nose
    vaš prijatelj je, kot je vídeti (kot vidim) starejši od vas your friend, I find, is older than you
    videl sem, kako je padel I saw him fall
    bomo videli! we shall see!, wait and see!
    bomo že videli we'll see, time will tell
    to bomo še (šele) videli that remains to be seen
    rad bi to videl! I'd like to see that!
    videl bo, kdor bo živel live and learn
  • bárva colour, ZDA color; (obraza) complexion, (tisk) ink; (znanstveno) chroma; (barvarska) dye, dyestuff; (plesk) paint; (tinktura) tincture; (za les, steklo) stain; (barvilo) pigment; (prevladujoča) hue; (temen ton, odtenek) shade; (svetel ton) tint; (glasu) timbre

    bárve (blaga) colours pl, dyes pl, paints pl; (kartanje) suit
    kričeče, prežive bárve gaudy colours, glaring colours
    lokalna bárva local colour
    mrtva bárva dull colour
    mavričnih bárv rainbow-coloured, iridescent
    nestalna, neobstojna bárva fugitive colour, fading colour
    obstojna bárva fast colour
    pisanih bárv variegated, piebald, mottled
    svetla (temna) bárva light (dark) colour
    živa bárva vivid (ali gay, bright) colour
    preživa bárva dazzling colour
    oljnata bárva oil colour, oil paint
    vodne bárve water-colours
    osnovna (komplementarna, mešalna) bárva primary (complementary, secondary) colour
    spreminjasta bárva (v blagu) shot colour
    tiskarska bárva printer's ink
    občutljiv za bárve colour sensitive, fotografija orthochromatic
    slep za bárve colour-blind
    mešanje bárv colour mixing
    bogastvo bárv richness in colour
    igra bárv, prelivanje bárv play of colours, iridescence
    škatla za bárve paintbox, colour box
    trgovec z bárvami, z oljnatimi bárvami dealer in paints, paint dealer
    trakovi jagodne bárve strawberry-coloured ribbons
    veda o bárvah science of colour, chromatics pl (s konstr. v sg)
    bárva obledi the dye fades
    opisovati kaj v živih bárvah to give a glowing description of something
    mešati bárve to mix colours
    pokazati svojo pravo bárvo to show one's true colours, to show one's colours, to come out in one's true colours
    priti z bárvo na dan (figurativno) to let the cat out of the bag, to speak one's mind
    puščati bárvo to lose one's colour
    spremeniti bárvo (v obrazu) to change colour
    slikati v svetlih (temnih) bárvah to paint in bright (dark) colours
    te bárve se ne ujemajo dobro these colours do not go well together
    videti vse v rožnatih bárvah to see everything through rose-coloured spectacles
    ta bárva pušča pri pranju this colour runs in the wash
  • bodóčnost the future; futurity; time to come

    v bližnji bodóčnosti in the near future
    v dogledni bodóčnosti in the foreseeable future
    mož bodóčnosti an up-and-coming man, a man with a future
    imeti veliko bodóčnost to have a great future
    napovedati, prerokovati bodóčnost to predict, to foretell, to prophesy the future
    sanje bodóčnosti (figurativno) dreams pl of the future, castles pl in the air
    načrti za bodóčnost plans pl for the future
    bodóčnost bo pokazala it remains to be seen
    videti v bodóčnost to look into the future
    kaj nam bo prinesla bodóčnost? what does the future hold in store for us?
  • deprimíran depressed; downcast

    biti deprimíran to be in poor (ali low) spirits; to feel sorry for oneself
    bil je videti skrajno deprimíran he looked utterly depressed
  • dúša soul; (duh) spirit; ghost; figurativno mind

    600 dúš (prebivalcev) 600 souls
    dobra dúša a good soul, a good fellow
    pokojna dúša departed soul
    sorodna dúša congenial soul, kindred spirit
    neumrljivost dúše religija immortality of the soul
    rešitev dúše religija salvation of the soul
    preseljevanje dúš transmigration of souls, metempsychosis
    z dúšo in telesom with all one's heart and soul, wholeheartedly
    iz vse dúše, z vso dúšo with all one's heart
    (vseh) vernih dúš dan religija All Souls' Day
    iz globine moje dúše from the depths of my soul
    pri moji dúši! (up)on my soul!, by my soul
    iz (do) dna svoje dúše from (to) the bottom of one's heart
    v globini moje dúše in my heart of hearts
    dúša in srcé česa the life and soul of something
    v dnu svoje dúše in one's innermost soul
    biti eno srce in ena dúša to be of one heart and mind
    on je plemenita dúša he is a generous soul, he is a noble-minded person
    biti komu vdan z dúšo in telesom to be devoted body and soul to someone
    on je prava dúša podjetja he is the very soul of the enterprise
    žive dúše ni bilo tam not a living soul was there
    žive dúše ni na ulici there is not a soul in the street
    on je dobra dúša he is a good old soul
    dúša me boli it grieves me to the very heart
    nekaj imam, nekaj mi leži na dúši something preys upon my mind
    izdihniti dúšo to give up, to yield up the ghost, to draw one's last breath
    sramovati se v dno svoje dúše to be deeply ashamed (of)
    to mi teži dúšo that weighs heavily upon me
    vso svojo dúšo vložiti v delo to put one's whole heart into one's work
    žive dúše ne vidim I do not see a single soul
    žive dúše ni bilo videti there wasn't a soul to be seen
    povedati, kar nam leži na dúši pogovorno to say one's piece
  • dvójen double; twofold

    dvójna postelja double bed
    dvójni program (v kinu) double bill, double feature
    dvójna vsota double the sum
    dvójno število double the number
    dvójni znesek double the amount
    dvójni tir double track
    soba z dvójno (zakonsko) posteljo a double-bedded room
    dvójno knjigovodstvo double-entry bookkeeping
    dvójno delujoč double acting
    igrati dvójno igro to play a double game
    plačati dvójno ceno za to pay double (the price) for
    dvójno videti to see double
  • elegánten elegant; (po modi) stylish, fashionable, smart; well-dressed

    elegántna družba the smart set
    elegántno je oblečena she is smartly dressed
    videti je zelo elegántna she looks very smart
  • húd bad; evil; (čas, doba) hard; (rana) bad, (občutljiva) sore; (jezen) angry; ZDA sore, mad

    húda bolezen serious illness
    húda bolečina great pain
    húdi časi hard times pl
    húd kašelj a bad cough
    húd mraz a very severe frost
    húd veter sharp wind
    húda vročica (mrzlica) a virulent fever
    húda vročina intense heat
    húda ura thunderstorm
    nič húdega sluteč unsuspecting
    ta je pa že prehuda! this is outrageous!
    delati húdo kri figurativno to create ill-feeling
    nič húdega ti ne delam I do you no harm
    nič húdega ne mislim (nočem) I don't mean any harm
    nič húdega ni v tem there is no harm in it
    ne bom ti naredil nič húdega I shall not hurt you
    ona ima húd jezik she has a wicked (ali spiteful, malevolent) tongue
    nič húdega ne nameravati (misliti) to mean no harm
    nič húdega ne vidim v tem I don't see anything bad in it
    biti húd na koga to be angry with someone, to be cross with someone, to be furious (ali mad) with someone
    húd je name ZDA he is mad with me, VB he is angry with me
    v najhujšem primeru at the worst; in the worst case
    če pride do najhujšega if the worst comes to the worst
    če bi se zgodilo najhujše if it comes to the worst
    najhujše še pride the worst is yet to come
    húdo (prislov) badly
    toliko hujše! all the worse!; so much the worse
    vedno hujše worse and worse
    bodi pripravljen na najhujše! be prepared for the worst!
    húdo se motiš there you are greatly mistaken
    húdo mi je, da (ker) ne morem priti I feel sorry that I cannot come
    ni tako húdo, kot je videti (figurativno) his bark is worse than his bite
    húdo je z njim he is badly off, he is in a bad way, he is unwell
    húdo (trda) je za denar money is scarce
    saj ni tako húdo! it is not so bad (as you think)
    mnogo húdega prestati (figurativno) to go through hell, to have a rough time
  • izglédati to look; to seem; to appear; to look like

    izgleda bolan he looks ill
    dobro izglédati to look well
    izgleda (videti je), da bo dež it looks like rain
  • izhód exit; way out; egress; outlet; egression; opening; figurativno (možnost) resort

    izhód v sili emergency exit
    kot zadnji izhód (figurativno) in the last resort
    izhód na morje outlet (ali egress) to the sea
    ni drugega izhóda (figurativno) there is no other way (ali no choice)
    napraviti izhód za dim to provide a vent (ali a vent-hole) for the smoke
    videti izhód (figurativno možnost) to see a way out
    ne vidim nobenega izhóda (figurativno) I am at my wit's end
    to je položaj brez izhóda it is a deadlock (ali stalemate), pogovorno we're in a cleft stick, we're up a gum tree
    sprejmem to le kot zadnji izhód I accept it only as a last resort
  • kákšen what; what kind of, what sort of

    kákšne knjige potrebuješ? what kind of books do you require (ali want)?
    kákšen je on? what is he like?
    kákšen je videti? what does he look like?
    kákšen človek pa je on? what kind of a man is he?
    kákšno lepo vreme! what fine weather!
    kákšen norec! what a fool!
    kákšne uporabnosti je to? what use is this?
  • kárta (zemljevid) map, (pomorska) chart, (iz zraka) air survey map, aerophotogrammetric map; (vstopnica) ticket (of admission)

    Atlantska Karta Atlantic Charter
    kárta cest road map
    avtomobilska kárta motoring map
    igralne kárte playing cards pl
    mesečna kárta (vozovnica) monthly season ticket, ZDA commutation ticket
    krušne (živilske) kárte bread (food) ration cards pl
    vremenska kárta weather map (ali chart)
    hiša iz kart (figurativno) castle in the air
    imena kart so: srce karo, pik, križ (tref) the names of the cards are: hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs
    kup kart a pack of cards
    kárte v roki hand
    visoka (nizka) kárta high (low) card
    kárta s figuro court card, face card
    vedeževalka iz kart fortune-teller
    trik s kártami card-trick
    igrati kárte to play (at) cards
    igrati z odkritimi kártami to lay one's cards on the table, to show one's hand
    igrati svojo zadnjo kárto to play one's last card
    pokazati, odkriti svoje kárte to show one's cards, to reveal one's intentions
    mešati kárte to shuffle the cards
    polagati kárte (za vedeževanje) to tell fortunes by the cards
    (raz)deliti, dati kárte to deal (the cards)
    privzdigniti kárte to cut (the cards)
    skriti, skrivati svoje kárte to hide one's cards
    staviti na napačno kárto (figurativno) to back the wrong horse
    staviti svoje premoženje, svoje vse na eno kárto to stake one's fortune, everything on the turn of a card
    ne stavi vsega na eno kárto! (figurativno) don't put all your eggs in one basket!
    vedeževati iz kart to tell someone's fortune from the cards
    videti komu v kárte (figurativno) to discover someone's plan
    vreči, igrati kárto to discard, to throw out a card, to play a card
    kruh ni več na kárte bread is off the ration
  • kompeténten competent (to do something, in something); qualified; able, efficient, skilled

    kompeténtna sodba a competent judgment
    ni videti zelo kompeténten he does not seem up to his work
    nisi kompeténten za kritiko te knjige you are not competent to criticize this book
  • kônec end; finish; termination; completion, conclusion, close; (iztek) expiration; (prenehanje) cessation; (razpust) break-up; (posledica) issue, result

    brez kônca endless
    na kôncu finally, in the end, at the end
    do kônca to the end, to the last
    do kônca 19. stol. up to the end of the 19th century
    proti kôncu towards the end
    do samega kônca (= do smrti) up to the bitter end, to the very end
    konec koncev finally, at long last, in the long run
    kônec tega meseca at the end of the present month
    kônec svetá the end of the world
    na drugem kônu at the far end
    biti pri, na kônu to be at an end
    z njim je kônec (izgubljen je) he is done for, it is all over (ali up) with him, arhaično he is undone
    imeti slab kônec to come to a bad end
    vsega je enkrat kônec there is an end to every thing
    njegovi nevednosti ni kônca there is no end to his ignorance
    bližati se kôncu to draw to an end (ali to a close)
    poslušaj me do kônca! hear me out!
    priti do kônca to come to an end
    privesti do kônca to bring to an end
    napraviti kônec s kom (pokončati ga) to make an end of someone
    imeti na kôncu jezika (figurativno) to have (something) on the tip of one's tongue
    temu boš moral napraviti kônec (pogovorno) you will have to put your foot down on that
    napraviti čemu kônec to put an end to something
    to pride konec koncev na isto it comes to the same thing in the end
    ni še videti kônca the end is not yet in sight
    začeti na napačnem kôncu pogovorno to get hold of the wrong end of the stick
    kônec dober, vse dobro all's well that ends well
  • mêgla (gosta) fog; mist; (redka) haze; astronomija nebula

    gosta mêgla thick mist
    pas goste mêgle (nad morjem) fog-bank
    zelo gosta mêgla pea-souper
    zadržan zaradi mêgle (o ladji) fogbound
    z dimom mešana mêgla smog
    signal v gosti mêgli (železnica) fogger, fog signal, (zvočni) foghorn
    umetna mêgla smoke screen
    bila je gosta mêgla it was foggy
    mêgla se dviga fog is rising
    mêgla se spušča, pada fog is coming down
    opoldne se je mêgla dvignila at noon the mist lifted
    postaviti signale (petarde) zaradi goste mêgle to set fog warning signals (detonators)
    videti stvari v mêgli to see things in a mist
    zaviti v mêglo to mist
  • melanhóličen melancholy, sad, dejected; gloomy, despondent

    melanhólično prislov melancholically, dejectedly, sadly, despondently
    videti je zelo melanhóličen he looks depressed (ali dejected, dismal, downcast, down in the dumps)
  • míš zoologija mouse, pl mice

    poljska míš field mouse
    gorska míš (egiptovski skakač) jerboa
    vodna míš shrew mouse
    slepe míši (igra) blind man's buff
    ne ptič ne míš neither fish, flesh nor fowl
    moker sem kot míš (figurativno) I am soaking wet
    bil je moker kot míš he was soaked to the skin
    reven kot cerkvena míš as poor as a church mouse
    igrati se slepe míši to play blind man's buff
    loviti míši to catch mice, (maček) to mouse
    prežati kot mačka na míš to watch like a cat watching a mouse
    videti bele míši (imeti delirium tremens) (žargon) to see pink elephants
    kadar mačke ni doma, míši plešejo when the cat's away the mice will play
    tresla se gora, rodila se míš (figurativno) the mountain has laboured, the mountain has brought forth a mouse
  • mižé

    mižé videti (pogovorno) to see with half an eye
  • mlád young; youthful; adolescent, juvenile

    od mládega, od mládih nog since one was a child, from childhood
    v mojih mládih letih in my early years, in my youth
    še mlád youngish
    mládi in stari young and old
    mláda kri youthful blood
    mláda luna new moon
    mlád krompir new potatoes pl
    mládo vino new wine
    Mladi Turki, mladoturki the young Turks
    moj mlajši brat my younger brother
    Grad mlajši Grad Junior (krajšava: Jr.)
    ona ni več tako mláda she is no chicken
    samó enkrat si mlád! you're only young once!
    postati zopet mlád to grow young again
    ko sem bil mlád in my early life, in my youth
    mláda ljubezen young love, first love, early loveaffair
    ona je bila njegova mláda ljubezen she was his old sweetheart
    ostal je mlád od zadnjega he retained the spirit of youth to the last
    videti je mlajša, kot je v resnici she does not look her age
    tri leta je mlajši kot jaz he is three years younger than I, (ali pogovorno than me), he is my junior by three years
    povreči, imeti, dobiti mláde (o živalih) to bring forth young, to litter, (o psici) to have pups, to whelp, (o medvedki) to cub
  • mlájši younger; junior; minor

    mlájši družabnik junior partner
    Grad mlájši Grad Junior (krajšava: Jr.)
    moj mlájši brat my younger brother
    leto je mlájši od mene he is my junior by a year, he is one year younger than I
    videti si mlájši, kot v resnici you do not look your age